Mailbag 17

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Mailbag 17 was uploaded on 10 December 2009.

Awaiting Answers

From: Jorge Rodriguez <>


Much like you, I am a straight male, but everybody thinks I am a homosexual. They told me the only way to prove I am straight is to make a video of myself making out with a man, then say it was disgusting. Should I make the video to prove I'm straight? What's the best way to prove I AM STRAIGHT?

Yours in the bear,

Jorge Rodriguez P.S. You mentioned that when you see a dick, you get disgusted and look away, but what will you do if you're changing your son's diaper? How can you change his diaper while not looking at him? Will you cover his dick with your Sonichu medallion so you can't see it?

Good, godly, STRAIGHT fun
From: Alec Benson Leary


First of all, I wish to say how sorry I am. I have nothing but the greatist respect for you and your artistic talent, I only meant to show you how awesome I think Sonichu is. I NEVER meant to suggest that Sonichu was a despicable HOMOGAY.

I only wanted to show ASPERCHU and his brother Sonichu having good, godly, STRAIGHT fun together as friends and brothers. So to make up for my previous error, I have created a completely NEW image to show how they are both manly men enjoying the joys of brotherhood.

Your friend and protege,

Alec Benson Leary


What kind of hair products have you tried? I noticed in some of your newer videos that your hair is thinning and you are going bald so I was wondering what products you tried so far. Have you tried Rogaine? - Joe Romans

From: Sean Watley <>


I absolutely will not "stop the presses." This isn't CWCville where you can tell everyone what to do. Furthermore, you gave the go-ahead to this in your November 25th blog. Part of obtaining a copyright for a product or idea is that you retain creative control over what merchandise gets produced. Now you've relinquished that control to anyone who wants to create their own Sonichu merchandise or comics.

Since Sonichu is a comic with a large homosexual following, I'm simply catering to consumer demand by having your male characters engage in explicit gay sex at every opportunity.

Also I couldn't help but notice you didn't comment on "Sonichu is Dead," where all your characters are killed off one by one. Are you implying that death is preferable to being gay? Maybe I'm reading too much into this.

Have a nice day,

Sean August Watley (P.S. When the Gay Sonichu sex toys roll off the assembly line sometime in 2010, I'll be sure you get free samples.)

From: Johnny Winter <>

Hi Chris!

I recently read your spoilers regarding your return from the time void and it left me with one question:

1) When you briefly visited the future and recieved the shot of the straight gene to cure you, why didn't you think to ask them for the cure for being slow in the mind as well? Thanks and I can't wait for issue number 10!

From: Super Woyzeck <>

Dear Christain

I have some issues I would like clarification upon:

1. This may seem like an odd question, but how in Sonichu canon do you expect Sonichu and Rosechu to die? Feel free to not answer the question if it is relevent to a future plot point, but if not, it would be interesting to know what the life expectancy of the Sonichus is.

2. Do Rosechus go through the menopause?

3. Are Sonichus and Rosechus different species? If not, what is the collective term for the species?

4. Do Sonichus and Rosechus base physical attraction on colour? There appears to be little or no physical difference between Sonichus other than their colour which is confusing enough, but they all have identical beliefs and similar personalities. Are all Sonichus and Rosechus sexually attracted to one another? If not, how do they pair up?

5. What do Sonichus eat? Do they hunt animals or do they eat grass?

6. Do all Sonichus have the same "job" - protecting CWCville - or are some of them in other industries? I imagine one Sonichu could probably power the whole of CWCville constantly. Is it possible for Sonichus to "tap into" their powers to use their natural electicity as a source of cheap power?

7. If Sonichus create electricity, does that mean that they have to eat more frequently than Sonic? Do they give off heat or any other natural by-product of power production? How eco-friendly is a Sonichu?

8. When a Sonichu's penis is flaccid and retracted into their abdomen, are they identical to Rosechus? Surely all they must have visible on the outside is a little slit. Do Sonichus ever mistake each other for Rosechus?

By the way, I liked the ending of Sonichu 9. It was very moving. From Woyzeck (a big fucking fan).

From: Bret Kinney <>

What would you do if you DID get married?

From: Hamsty the Hamster <>

How do you feel about Barack Obama's stance on health care?

Do you feel the stimulus has done its part to strengthen America or has it worsened the economy? Why or why not?

Do you believe Joe Biden is doing a good enough job? Why? Do you believe in global warming? Why?


Hey Chris, sweety, it's me!

I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed our sex-time together in the toilet of that Gay Club we went to. You're so sexy! I can't wait to see you again next week ;-)

So I'll pick you up at the airport at 5:30pm, okay? See you then, sweety!

Love and kisses, Tom

P.S. Wear that cute brown stripey shirt again, okay? P.P.S. Have you told that told that prissy little girlfriend of yours that it's over yet? It gives me so much stress thinking of all the time you spend making sex-time with her when you should be with me! *sigh*


Hello Chris

My name is Robert Schneider and I'm a social worker.

I am writing to you to express my deep concern as regards to your family's well-being and more importantly the living conditions you live in. Having seen the tour of your house on youtube and knowing of your parents age I have to ask why have you not cleaned the property?

As a 28 year old seemingly healthy individual, the responsibility to clean up that household really does rest on your shoulders as most social care professionals would deem your mother and father incapable of doing it themselves due to their age and health.

As a friendly piece of advice Christian, I would clean that place out quickly or your parents could well face being put in a care home for the sake of their own good health. Not only this but given your Autism you could well be force to live in an environment more suited to your needs, depending on reassessment.

Please get back to me as this is a serious matter. Rob.


My son was recently suspended from his school for a day for "kicking [another student] in the genitalia." When I asked him where he learned that shit, he told me "from Sonichu." Having no clue about this Pokeman shit (I'm not a ten year old kid), I looked it up as well as your Sonichu drawings.

While I support people standing up for themselves, what kind of pussy resorts to dirty fighting and hitting a man in the balls? Not a real man, I'll tell you that. What are you, Chris? 12 years old? I'd think so, judging by how you "fight" and all those fucking toys and your baby ass drawings. Take my advice: grow up, grow a pair, get a fucking job, and move out of your mom's house. You're a burden on your goddamn parents, and not because you're handicap, but just because you're a fucking lazy slob who never grew up.


If you woke up one morning to find you were a female, what would you do?

From: Gay & Lesbian Leadership SmartBrief <>

As lead editor, I'd like to thank you for subscribing to Gay & Lesbian Leadership SmartBrief, a summary of the most important industry news delivered to your inbox 2x/week. You'll receive your first newsletter shortly.

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I am so pleased to welcome you to our community and look forward to having you as a subscriber. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me at

Best, Robert DiGiacomo Lead Editor

From: John <>

"Autism is Not Genetic; it comes from a shot the doctor's optionally give to the child after birth. --ChrisChanSonichu 05:48, 10 December 2009 (CET)" - You said you got your "Autism" from your babysitter, and now you're saying doctors give Autism shots!? Are you lying to your true and honest fans like you have lied to Megan, Kacey, and a whole bunch of other people in your life let alone serious about this statement!? I am insulted by this, as it made my decision to not only abandon supporting your comic, but also give you the cash you need to get rid of those ads, Mr. Chandler. Congratulations on isolating another Sonichu fan.

From: Chris Hutchinson <>

Hello again Chris!

You just proclaimed in your latest comic that you went to the future and had awesome sex with your future wife! Congratulations! Now my question is, do we get to find out who your future wife is soon? We're all dying to find out! And secondly will your future wife ever find out that a past version of her husband came to the future to rape her? Thanks again Chris, keeps those awesome comics coming!

From: Sacha <>

Salutations Christian,

Consider this hypothetical scenario; say that your Adult Chronicles game idea were to be instead adapted into a Live-Action movie (like Dragon Ball Zs recent Transition to the Big Screen) and by some strange, Twist of Fate, you weren't able to star in the movie as yourself, who would you choose to Fill Your Role?

Which actor do you think possesses your Likeness the most?

Who would play Sonichu and Rosechu?

Who would you get to direct?

Much Regards, Sacha

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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Mailbag 17