Mailbag 44

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Mailbag 44 was uploaded onto the CWCipedia on 20 and 21 January 2009.

Anticipate more deletion, short replies, and tard rage. Business as usual.

Awaiting Answers

From: Hamsty the Hamster <>

Hypocrite is not an adjective. Seriously, couldn't you even do basic research before making yourself look like a total idiot?

hypocrite –noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. 2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

I mean, are you humoring me? I mean, I link you to an interesting article on autism about how autism manifests itself more violently as adults, and you obviously ignore it.

I tell you to go after people who wrong you (Gay4Sonichu) but you haven't done anything about that but you'll go after Alec.

I tell you to stop losing fans for a reason. Because you're losing fans. Look at that poll. It was posted on YOUR site, not the Asperpedia. Wouldn't you think a majority would vote for Sonichu unless YOU WERE LOSING FANS? THINK ABOUT IT!!

Finally, I tell you to make more pages. You have currently missed at least 14 days of uploading comics. That's a terrible track record.

You've had Sonichu for 10 years and you haven't gotten anywhere. Maybe you should try harder.

From: Max Cady <>

Hi Chris!

I'll bet your collection of toys and video games are worth a lot of money. Just out of curiosity, does your house have a burglar alarm or other security measures? What's the average police response time in Ruckersville? If a professional burglar were to burgle your house, what do you think would be his odds of getting away with it?


- Max

From: From Trevor McFur <>

Chris, I have been reading the comic and, well, let me just tell you that "Collossal Chan" is not a very good idea. The design looks ridiculous, the powers are ridiculous, and the whole thing couldn't be any gayer.

However, this Mitch Sonichu character has some potential. I think you should focus more on him.




Considering you're playing daft asshole, let me answer YOUR question with ANOTHER question. How come you're such a faggot? You completely ignored the fucking question because you know that your shitty toys are worth more to you then the love any woman can ever provide. I don't horde thousands of toys from the late 80's in my room, Chris; because I'm actually an adult who gets sex. See how simple it is? No toys equals lots of sex. Duhhh.

From: Mao Ling <>

Would you like to join the Asperpedia? I'm sure we could use your minor fanbase as a profit booster of like 5%. I guess. Or something.

From: Nothingness

Chris, you have to let it be and live in piece from now on. All your characters decided to move to my city of Eternityhausen and then killed themselves or became gay. I AM THE GREATEST DIRECTOR!


By my calculations, you have lost anywhere from 75 to 90% of your fanbase in about a month's time. Why do you think this is, and how do you plan to solve this problem?

From: Sheldon Lee <>

Dear Chris,

Just a few questions:

1) You are a Christian, correct? Well, how can YOU, a so-called CHRISTIAN, justify a GOD-LIKE figure BREAKING INTO SOMEBODY'S PLACE, and DESTROYING EVERY SINGLE THING?

2) How can YOU possibly call anybody in your comic a HERO if all they do is KILL, BREAK IN, and INVADE PRIVACY?

3) Who the fuck do YOU think you are to say what somebody CAN and CAN'T do in PARODIES?

4) How can YOU justify CENSORSHIP when you ALWAYS claim that you are TRUE and HONEST? Do you have something to hide?

5) Who the fuck are YOU to tell people HOW to live, just because YOU don't like it?

Seriously Chris, if you fail to answer these questions, then you are not being TRUE and HONEST.

Signed, Shelltoon

From: Hamsty the Hamster <>

And a followup.

Look Chris, the audience you're targeting can't even use the internet. So how are they supposed to find you? You lost all your older fans to the more mature Asperchu.

Also that makeover bullshit you pulled makes you look gay. Seriously, don't you know only gay men give makeovers? You seem to be aware of Queer Eye for the Straight sayin'

From: Sean Watley <>

Hi Chris,

I'm killing off Simonla Rosechu in an upcoming Moon-Pals strip. She will be beaten over the head with a mace and shot into the sun. After her death, please remove Simonla from your comics to avoid confusing any readers.


Sean Watley

From: Evang7 <>

First you steal Alec's Asperchu and MISINTERPRET HIM AS A HOMO with his "Extreme Electric Makeover", but NOW you've gone and taken Simonchu...

For the LAST TIME, I don't want your "Brother/Sister Plan". I want NONE of my characters in your comic, not TWO mockeries of my character. You're a sick, depraved troll.

I want Simonla dead as a doorknob. Remove Simonchu from the Haiti image and kill Simonla, or my lawyers will have to have a word with the Sysop. This is your last warning.

Secondly, it's pronounced "ee-cee-gee-ville".

Oh, and by the way, since I see you're stealing Simonchu now: you do realize that by putting him in the Haiti image, you've included the first bisexual character into Sonichu? That's right, Simonchu is BISEXUAL.

Do you really want a partially gay character in your comics? Or a character ripping off a partially gay character? I think this is more incentive than ever to kill Simonla.



Hi Chris!

I saw that Wild, Punchy, and Angelica got killed off! Wow! Really brings the mortality of the Sonichus home, doesn't it? That's so daring, and it gives the characters such amazing pathos to work with, I'm really excited to see what'll happen next! For a long while there it didn't seem like you had a full grasp on the idea of using profound, deeply personal loss to further character development, but with this twist, my doubts are gone. Of course, like the rest of the fanbase, I'll be assuming that any appearances by Wild, Punchy, or Angelica in your comic from now on are grief-induced hallucinations.

I've heard some people saying that you might even be thinking of the hugest step yet... after all, characters need pathos, and what would give Asperchu the most pathos of all? I barely even want to say it, but killing his bestest joy-boy, Sonichu, would be so beautifully tortuous for Asperchu, it would transform the comic from entertainment to utter art. Are you thinking about this? I just want you to know that the fanbase is behind you all the way!

Kindest regards,


From: Sanae Fujita <>

Dear Chris,

Could you make a video wearing your Ash Ketchum costume? I'm sure you'll fit into it, what with you no longer being overweight.

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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Mailbag 44