LoveYouLongTime E-mails, 2010

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This page contains e-mails between Chris and the various Gal Pals played by Emily, from 2010.

Relationship with the Wallflower

In this email, Chris -- ever mindful of a woman's right to choose -- considers telling the Wallflower to "put out or shut up."

Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 12:17 AM

I was thinking (probably dangerous) further about telling [REDACTED] about splitting the bill or putting out and all. She REALLY is a sweet woman, and telling her something like "put out or shut up", or inferring sex like that, may hurt her feelings or confuse and upset her. I would not want to ruin a good friendship, yet I do want to progress the relationship. Although, there is a chance she may know of sex without love,or sex with like (between friends)... Aaugh! I feel so confused.

Please reply with straightforward advice.

Stay Safe, Christian C.

Or you can suggest it to her subtly... "headache"

A-logging Tito

Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 9:44 PM

I don't think I'll be able to answer your call tonight. I hit the hay at during the 1 AM hour last night, awoke at 9 this morning, and I am feeling sleepy now. Please e-mail me back anything new from you, including any details of new Boy Toy, BTW, a headshot photo of him would be good for the information pool.

My heart still aches; the only thing that's making me even crack a smile is a TV comedy, like "Seinfeld"; I also liked the parody they did in the new "Family Guy" where they played a transition riff from "Seinfeld". Also, I haven't watched it yet, but PSN is offering the Pilot of "Sons of Tucson" for Free (Limited Time). I'm still disappointed that the "Hired Father" is not Jack Black; this guy looks and sounds a LOT like J.B.

Also, I pick up my copy of the Ultimate Edition of God of War III tomorrow; I am fully paid on the item, and I have been looking forward to it for months. It all comes in a hand-crafted replica of Pandora's Box.

I'II TTYTomorrow, or I'll send you another e-mail.

Stay Safe, and please keep me updated on [REDACTED]'s safety, being and all, as well as the building info on the B.T. I'm planning on Snail-Mailing an invitation to your birthday party next month, along with this pen I bought for her (with a built-in laser pointer and flashlight) with hand-painted [REDACTED] name and "TAPS" Logo within the next few days.


Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 10:49PM

I talked with [REDACTED] and that email she sent you is real.

Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 6:25 AM

I see, so my adversary IS Tito. How about the photo Tito sent me last Tuesday (supposedly of Him and [REDACTED]); is that him for real too? (On a personal thought) And if it really is Tito in that picture, [REDACTED] could have done a LOT BETTER than that Son of a Bitch; he has a belly SOO big, it actually LOOK LIKES HE COULD BE PREGNANT, he is also a really Ugly Sucka.

Good job, and thank you, on that e-mail confirmation. I await further developments on the info collection of that Trollin' Stupid Jackass.

Here's a thought of what I WOULD do to Tito, I would knock him down to the ground, landing on his back, then I would stand on his gut, and make like a log-roller and roll the fat up to his head, and make that fat burst his skull open. I told him that, and the bastard laughed at me in his e-mail reply. What's this world coming to when the GOOD women would leave the Nice Man gets dumped and left behind for the Obnoxious, Pug-Ugly Brutes commonly found in the Low-Rent Districts? Please continue encouraging her to DUMP his Sorry, Fat-Gutted Ass.

I'II TTYL, Stay Safe,


Socializing at TGI Friday's

Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 6:13 PM

Hey, [REDACTED]. I apologize for not picking up or e-mailing the past couple of days/nights; I went out to Fridays for a drink Thursday evening; made two new friends; a 22-year old pretty woman who's going through a divorce currently (lucky) and her best male friend. I also made a friendship with the owner of Fridays; I got a bit loud in the main drunk part, but she was a nice woman. Friday I went to FriAft5; I lured out a Troll who took a photo of me in front of me with a warning of "Sorry, Dude, but I gotta take this". I should have gone after him, but my only plan was to snap his picture back with my DSi camera, and I did not have a pursuit plan in my head. I later thought one up, putting aside the Snapping the Troll plan; next time, I WILL pursue, stare him down and make the S.O.B. delete the photo. No doubt the photo is on the Cwcki now, but I'm not going to give them their sick pleasure of attention. I did the sign again, but I added, "Friendly and Naughty", onto it. It worked better; I actually got the attention of a pretty woman with no ring on her hand; she seemed spanish to me. Anyway, between BOTH nights, I felt really sleepy and crashed early.

From the signage experience yesterday, I have later thought of what I have learned from the new trial; the sign worked better with Adjectives of Myself. Then on the way home, I hear on the John Tesh Radio Show ways of bettering the Online Dating Profile. Instead of stating what you want in your partner, TALK ABOUT YOURSELF in Selling Yourself like a New Car. I have a new idea now, instead of a sign stating of the "Single Man Zone" or "I Need a Woman", it will consist of Positive Adjectives of myself, THEN women who read it will have a chance to learn about me from the adjectives, and a better probable chance of getting them to hang out with me and converse.

In another note, I searched for Extra Kratos MNR Codes from the Gamestops around town; obviously most of them did not have any, but the one in Fashion Square HAD a FULL set of them leftover. The Mystery Mods with All of them though were All Gophers, so I am looking to trade them for the remaining two Mystery Mods need, the Cowboy and the Mouse. They Mystery Mod can be learned without Full Redemption of the code by entering the code, then the M.M. comes up, press Circle to back up all the way, and the code is Still Valid. Sadly, the Preorder Codes all expire tomorrow, so I have some Work to do.

I have just tried directly over the PSN in the ModSpot; no takers, just a bunch of youngsters playing around. So, I'm now going to try the GameFAQs MNR Board to offer the Trade. If you can find me any leads, I would appreciate it.

I'll TTYL. Y'all stay safe and cool,


Chris, the Relationship Counselor

Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 8:19 PM

I'll be frank about it. [REDACTED] and I are no longer together. He did the unthinkable and I caught him last night in the bedroom with some Korean hookers. [REDACTED] was there too. I just don't know what to do...I'm just torn right now. I need somebody to talk to right now. I've just been sitting around with a bottle of Jack and Jose Cuervo.

You know what, fuck it all. I'm still going to go to Otakon and I'm going to have a blast. Who knows, maybe I'll have a little extra fun while I'm there.

Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 4:57 AM

Damn! I am soo sorry for you; I wish I was up earlier to pick up, but crashed early. The best thing to do at a time like this is to remain calm and sort out the details for yourself to make a sound perception for yourself, followed by a solution.

Let's begin with you filling me in, in your own words, on what perspired. Has anything recently given cause for [REDACTED] to do what he did? Perhaps there was a lack of sexual or lovey-dovey energy between you two mutually; [REDACTED] may have felt a loss of that "Spark". He may have had a hard time getting it up for you, so he sought outside influence to make himself ready for you. I don't know; I'm not [REDACTED].

From my perspective so far, you have had your good feelings for [REDACTED] you felt heavy shock and despair when you found him in the act.

But digress, I have yet for you to fill me in on your perspective.

I do not want you to go to the Otakon feeling very sad and down; I want you to be able to go with a neutral to pleasant feeling. I am concerned of what may happen if you go the way you are feeling; I do not want to see you more hurt or worse.

Also, I recommend counting your blessings; you still have your good health, your family, me as a friend, and you can hang with [REDACTED]. If you wish, I may be able to go with you in his place, with mutual friendship level understanding (no sex or that sort); considering he has already preregistered for the Otakon.

Dearest take your time and tell me your thoughts.

Stay Safe,


MHS Reunion

Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:17 PM

I'm sorry. It was a short day for me yesterday; I got up real late in the day, and I did not have much to talk about. :( I felt bad, and ashamed of myself.

Anyway, I just got back from Church; it was good. I suddenly felt the inspiration to get in contact with Mr. Koste (Principal) of Manchester High, so right now I am looking for his e­mail address. I REALLY want this Reunion to Happen. I still have my dreams of being back at M.H.S. taking classes again, and hanging out in my Newberry Towne Home, plus recently I created new mods: Two M.H.S. Basketball Players, a Varsity Cheerleader (all nameless; the Cheerleader's face was based from old friend Laura Dorazio), myself from 1996 (when both of my eyes were blue) complete with M.H.S. Sweatshirt and my "M.G.R." and Honor Roll Star Pins in the center of my embroided "M"s, a Mod with the M.H.S. Sweatshirt and "M"s (No Pins), and Bionic the Hedgehog. And I created a Manchester High School (Party) Bus, with my initials on the upper back, and underneath a message, "Class of 2000 Reunion Required Now!!!".

So, currently, I am going to PUSH for the Reunion by insisting I talk to Mr. Koste, having him find the C.O.2000 student who put together the Seinor Prom, and getting him/her to put together the Reunion (Hopefully it can be arranged to be held in the M.H.S. Gym).

I'll likely hit the hay early tonight, so I'll TTYTomorrow.

Stay Safe. Love and Peace, Christian.

Modnations game

Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 7:18 PM

Hey. I'm okay. I was just reading another delightful email from Jackie. Plus I was just reading a bit of interesting info on the Forum; one of them possibly getting a job at the local BK, and recognizing the women with Pink Shirts, Long Hair and Pickle Earrings (also the password of "Do you think I'm Fat?" **"Chris is Fat" and tuck hair behind an ear to reveal earring).

I had another late night; woke up late again. This morning, though, I created a new track; Cwcville 5/5 Beach; it is Awesome; first you're driving through a crowded beach with tents and umbrellas, then fighting a bit of street traffic; a dash through the mall, drift around the Lighthouse and off the cliff and into the Ocean (but not too deep; I have to have the track kept up to a certain level versus the water; otherwise the drivers would drown). You're dodging the other Boats puttering about as you drive through the twists and turns; there's an optional shortcut through the pirate ship wreck. It is Wild, Wet fun on the open seas.

I also put together another track I got from a dream; going uphill a central mountain with ModNation Castle on it with the city surrounding it, and a scenic only view of the ModSpot across from. It's okay; I let the computer autopopulate the track with the gameplay; item pods, devestators, etc.

And I created two Troll Mods (one male and one female), based on the flying little devils which infested my Tripod Site Warehouse in my 10th Book. In the details of each Troll, I added a word of advice in Internet Safety and Prevention of getting Trolled.

And I created a "TrollBusters" Truck; "We're here to Bust the CyberBullying/Trolling Terror around the world." I souped up a garbage truck with radar, foglight and such, and I wrote a message on the back, "CyberBullying is Not Cool!!!" And in the license plate, "Troll And Die." And the TrollBusters name and Logo are on both sides of the truck.

I'll be going out to eat with my family in a bit.

I want to be good back at you, so take tonight and tomorrow night off; don't worry about calling me. You go out to somewhere like the Corner and have some good, safe fun. :) Any new thoughts I have before Saturday, I'll email them to you.

Love and Peace to you. Stay Safe, Christian.

Waiting for $9001

Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 4:40 PM

Hey, [REDACTED] I just got back home after an outing with my father; we had lunch at Kroger then got some cat food for less at Food Lion. I'll be watching the news in half an hour.

I just got this e-mail from Tito; thank god my PC's monitor blocked the lower half of the photo, or I would have been more offended than I already am of it.

I am usually very watchful and careful of any suspicious people, so I will be on the lookout for anyone who may approach me.

On that note, when I was at Fashion Square the past Tuesday waiting for their female "Agent" for the big money, I noticed a young Asian woman sitting nearby. She had long, black hair, and wore an orange t-shirt. She sat in her location for a good while during the time I was there. And she also walked around my location. I later saw on the Cwcki the video of me waiting at the mall that day; I think this orange-shirted asian woman was the one who took the video, possibly with her camera phone. |:( I felt like I should have done something, but I was preoccupied with waiting for the Pickle-Tattooed-Breasted Woman.

Anyhoo, I was also thinking after I've completed the pilot comic, maybe I can get references from Elizabeth of someone who can help me print the TrollBusters Pilot Comic as a Public Service to make the public more aware of the cyber bullies and trolls and tips on how everyone can protect themselves.

I'm assuming you're talking of the Starbucks in Fashion Square; please verify that for me when we talk tonight. And 3:00 is good. I look forward to seeing you again and hanging, even though it'll be only for 20 minutes. I can treat you to a coffee if you want.

I would also like to remind you that I really appreciate your friendship deeply; it means soo much to me that I have one friend in this smuggy town. Thank you sooooooo much, :)

I'll TTYL. Stay Safe,


So many excuses

File:Galpal 100921 - So many excuses.jpg File:Galpal 100921 - So many excuses2.jpg

Trollin Stupid Pickle-Suited Woman Thief

File:Galpal 101115 - Trollin Stupid Pickle-Suited Woman Thief.jpg
