Mailbag 50

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Revision as of 15:23, 30 January 2010 by Inkmonkey (talk | contribs)
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On 30 January 2010, Chris uploaded Mailbag 50, containing questions picked out by himself. It is the first mailbag not uploaded by the Sysop. Oddly, none of the "letters" are actually emails, with Chris simply responding to a forum conversation a group of users have had on a Sonichu fan forum. As such Chris doesn't so much respond to individual letters, so much as lines of conversation. Although these letters are all cherry-picked by Chris to focus on how awesome Chris is or to support his war with Asperchu, there are still plenty of letters that sarcastically mock him, with Chris none the wiser. The funniest is probably Dr. Cthulhu, who outright mocks Chris's entire life, but in such a way as to stroke Chris's ego enough for Chris to thank him for his input. Chris also bolds parts of most of the letters to put focus on specific points, or to downplay the negative things people say about him (or positive things they say about Asperchu). The note at the top implies that Chris has deliberately chosen a few harsh letters so he won't seem like such a pussy.

Special Note

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Asperchu Causes Homosexuality

From: Dr. Cthulhu I try not to be a homophobe, but I myself have struggled with homosexuality, and the gay ads on CWCipedia are NOT helping. They're gone for now, thanks to Alec Benson Leary (probably the only good thing he's ever done), but it's kind of worse. The other day out of curiosity I clicked and read some Asperchu and Simonchu. Terrible comic, but the homosexuality in it aroused me, brought back old feelings and I couldn't help it to myself. If Chris doesn't make Alec take them down I may have to stop reading Sonichu forever!

Especially in Children

From: zap2daxtreme Yeah those ads were terrible. As a devout Christian, I try to be accepting and understanding but those ads were very explicit. I thought about writing Chris a letter in protest for letting those ads be placed on CWCkipedia. One day, my little brother almost saw them. He could have turned into a homosexual just by looking at them!

The Beauty of Dickless Ads

um, i kno this is gonna make me real unpopular around here, but i've actually started goin to the asperpedia when the ads on cwcipedia are bad

asperpedia ISN'T AS GOOD AS CWCIPEDIA, the big CWC will always own my heart lol! but at least their ads are under control and they don't have all like dicks and stuff.

Straight Girls Hate Dicks

From: carissamae

Ughhhhhh! I agree so much! I feel bad because it seems like Christian C. isn't able to get rid of any of these ads and they are ruining his site! He really needs to get rid of those ads because straight girls like me get grossed out when they have to see so many horrible ads like that.

Did you see the ads that had so many penises in them? Oh my godddd!

Retarded Chimpanzee Colors

{{From: valentina Yeah the Asperpedia isn't as good because it's not about Sonichu, but it's got a ton more articles and it looks a lot better...I hate the colors Chris chose for the CWCIPEDIA, it looks like something a color-blind retarded chimpanzee picked out of a crayon box.

Though I really don't care much about Asperchu, it does seem that Alec gives a lot of effort to his fans, he uploads a lot of content every day and is very polite when replying to fan mail. So I think he should be respected for that.}}

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Chris the humble

From: foofs Alec wishes he was as popular as Big CWC but he does upload alot of content all the time and is very polite so kudos to him, but he's still got nothing on CWC.

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The "Chris's Art Sucks on Purpose" Emails

From: zap2daxtreme

Ok, I know a lot of you might not agree with this, but I'm kind of disappointed about Chris's mailbag behavior. I mean, I know he must get a lot of mail from people trying to troll him and it stresses him out, but that's no reason to be so rude with HONEST fans! For most of us Sonichu fans, if not all, that is our only means of communication with the CWC himself. I've wanted to send letters but I'm kind of worried he might misunderstand and yell at me.

Anyone else?

From: Dr. Cthulhu

Chris has NOT gone mad with power! He's a very sensitive and disturbed genius and you can't expect him to act like a bland normal person! He's avant garde, he does strange things that don't make sense with some purpose in mind. His entire life is his art, and as he says, his art speaks for him. The seemingly crude childish style of Sonichu is done, not because he can't draw, but to make a statement. Some of the "questionable" videos he made, like where he does the naughty with with the naughty doll, or drinks know...are done because he strives to break down boundaries of "normalcy" and "morality" and "common sense", because these ideas are a lie constructed by the corporate elite to keep us down and make us normal.

His terse, unpleasant cwcipedia responses are his attempt to redefine the relationship between the master and the followers. So we aren't forced to rely on him, but on ourselves!

From: xxros3ychuxx i think the purpose behind the use of a child-like artistic style is to invoke the feel of childhood imagination. who didnt used to scribble funny doodles about their favorite cartoon characters when they were little? for me sonichu reminds me of being a little kid and not having to worry about grown up stuff like college and money and my stupid dead-end job. thats why i like it so much.
From: lucywatson Me too! My little brother, whom suffers from Down's Syndrome, draws in the same exact style, and it's nice to see someone draw like him! My little brother gets so much inspiration from Chris because his art is just like the popular Sonichu! I think that's why Chris draws in such a childish, and in some ways slow in the mind way. He wishes to be an inspiration to mentally handicapped children everywhere!
From: Dr. Cthulhu

Chris challenges you to change your ideas about what constitutes "art". He's very post modern, always pushing the envelope of what we perceive of as "quality".

Are yo brave enough to make yourself stupider to follow him into the creative world he wishes to lead us? I, for one, AM!

Seriously, it takes a lot of talent to draw in such an intentionally crude and childish manner.

From: Politails

I kind of wish he'd buy a drawing tablet for his computer and learn to draw digitally just so we could get comic pages faster. Coloring in a full page in marker takes forever.

In photoshop, all you have to do is make a layer under your outlines, pick your color, use the paintbrush to close any gaps in the outline, and use the paintbucket tool (click a few times so it bleeds under the inside edge of the outline) with "use all layers" selected and BAM! you've filled a whole shape with flat color in two seconds. There's more advanced ways, but this is what I usually do and it's really quick.

You guys are right though, the childlike-style is part of the charm and it wouldn't be Sonichu without it.

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Good Writing Sucks

dunno if this is exactly the right forum for this topic but it had to be mentioned eventually lol! what do you guys think of all the sonichu spin-off comics (or fanfiction comics, if you prefer) that are around these days?

personally i sometimes read asperchu but after the chaotic combo got killed off i was so sad i just couldnt stand it anymore!!

it was really poignant and dramatic but it was so sad (and not to mention so gross-looking!!!) that i just felt too stressed to read it anymore! at least when people die horribly violent deaths in Chris's comic you just hear about it, never see it (like Ivy *shudders*)!!!!!

Yay, Max!

From: valentina

I don't care much about Asperchu just because some of the things he does seem to be mean to Chris, like we all know that Sonichu hates pickles but he wrote them into the story anyway. But other things are really fun, like I looooove Max, he's so cute! I also think the scenes where Asperchu and Sonichu spend some time together are really cute. I love how they call each other "Joy-boys"!

I wish Christian incorporated more of that male bonding / friendship aspect in his stories. I don't know about you girls, but seeing guys acting affectionate and tender really turns me on.

Obviously they didn't notice Inos

{{Email|From: carissamae I think sometimes Asperchu is mean to Christian W. Chandler like when Asperchu called him Ian Brandon Anderson! That was not very nice. But I think Asperchu teaches some really good lessons and Jivin is such a good character. I wish Christian C. would have some black characters in his comics but he doesn't.

And in closing...

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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Mailbag 50