Mailbag 41

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Mailbag 41 was uploaded to the CWCipedia on 15 January 2010. Several of the letters included within are from a CWCki project to write letters about everybody's favorite comic, Asperchu. Given the increasingly unhinged responses about Asperchu in earlier mailbags, as well as the video Chris uploaded earlier that evening, it's reasonable to assume most of these letters will be deleted.

Awaiting Answers

From: Augustus Hill <>

Yo Chris,

Why is all Sonichu fanart better than your original Sonichu art?



Hey Chris!

i love Alec Benson Leary! can you ask him for me if he is taken? because i like him WAY better than you.

-Nobuyoshi Shigeta, New York

From: Hamsty the Hamster <>

Yo Chris, seriously when I mean stop losing fans. I meant it. Like dude, the Asperpedia is gonna wipe you out in approximately 5 weeks. Seriously. I'm not joking. Also, you should make 5 pages a day.

From: Jazz Hoyt <>

Hey Chris,

Are you worried that if whites and people of colour continue to have children together, the entire white race will be wiped out? We'll be nothing more than a race of coffee coloured people.

I am part of a group that fights against this. I'm not racist - I just don't want to see whites become extinct.

Will you join us?

Your friend, Jazz.

From: Annie Miss <>

You were asked if you were against interracial marriages.

Your response was, and I quote, "No I do not mean that. I mean Old Fashioned as in the Classic white-marry-white type of thing."



Hey Chris.

You say you've watched the 40-Year-Old Virgin a grand number of times. Well remember the part in the film where his friends are trying to help him get laid and they get him to move all of the toys out of his house? How come you don't get rid of your toys? Women don't like manchildren, dude.


I think Alec Benson Leary is hot. Could you hook us up?




Hey Chris, My girlfriend thinks Asperchu is cute.



From: Elisa Embleton <>

Alec Benson Leary is by far the most interesting guy I've heard about this year. And Asperchu is great because it's like Sonichu, except it takes out all of your terrible ideas and replaces them with Alec Benson Leary's great ideas.

From: David Price <>

Hey Chris,

Do you think you could put me in contact with Alec Benson Leary? I know that you and he must have fairly lose ties, since he let you write that Sonichu comic about one of his minor characters. (Not sure I appreciate the way you mess with Asperchu canon by making Sonichu a gay-hating straight though.)

Anyway, please put me in touch with him, because I want to offer him a major publishing and distribution deal for his comics.



Why have you been wearing the same shirt for multiple days in a row? This represents a very poor concept of hygiene. The shirt must smell awful and the smell could easily make people sick. Try teaching our children better values like washing your clothes every once in a while. You do this far too often.

You disgust me,


From: Richard Allonger <>


I noticed in that Mr. Plow video that you recently made that the shirt you've worn for the past 3 days says "RUGBY" on the back, and that you seem to love wearing rugby shirts for some reason. The sport of rugby is quite popular in various gay communities in America. Isn't that interesting? Your favorite type of shirt comes from a sport that gay people love! Here's the website of the biggest league:

Richard Allonger

From: Tasha Honey <>

You say you know where Alec lives. Can you give me his address? I want to be his sweetheart-from-the-ground-up soooooo bad!! Sorry Chris, but I just can't stand balding men with anger issues.


From: Milton Bradley <>

Dear Chris

So I've been reading these Asperchu comics, and I really like them! Especially the character Sonichu!

When I found out you had a drawn a fan-comic about Sonichu, I looked you up. Needless to say, I was pretty disappointed. Not only is your Art sub-par compared to Alec Leary's masterful work, but you got Sonichu's character all wrong! In the real comics he's a man who's deeply unhappy about his marriage. He deals with this sorrow by avoiding his wife as much as he can, spending most of his time with his friends. Your take on Sonichu robs him of all character and personality. His subtle pain and deep wit is jarringly replaced with an idiotic grin and a foolish demeanor. I have to say, I really hate what you've done to Alec's Brilliant Character.

Then there's your portrayal of Sonichu's wife. She hasnt' appeared in the Real Asperchu series yet, so you just drew your own version of her? And that version is basically Amy Rose with a Tail and some useless spines on her back? That's just depressing man, I would have hoped you could be more creative.

Please stop it with these foolish changes to Alec's Magnum Opus!


From: The Prinny of Doom <>

Chris, I think it was very kind of you to give Sonichu and the Chaotic Combo over to Alec Leary to use. I hope you two cooperate more in the future.

Lots of love,


From: William McKinley <>

Alec Benson Leary is the greatest American I have met this year. Yes, it's only January, but still.

From: Neil Gaiman <>

Dear Chris,

I love Asperchu! It's such a great story with excellent artwork! I was wondering, can you tell me who your favorite Asperchu character is? I like Jivin the best!



From: Kathryn Janeway <>

Hey Chris! I just wanted to say that I love that you're adverising this "Asperchu". He's so adorable! I kind of like him more than Sonichu. But it's good that you're supporting parodies like that. :)

- Kathryn

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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Mailbag 41