Catherine E-mails

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The following are e-mails sent by Chris to Catherine which are leaked on the CWCki Forums on 15 December 2014.

The E-mails

And Furthermore

And Furthermore

4:33 PM I am Most Certainly Entitled to the True, Honest, Loving and Good Relationship, because I Have been In and Out of more than Ten Faulty Relationships, Real And Theoretical, Long Before You. And I had been Forced to get used to feeling in a Constant Depressed State for Years, aside from the times when I was In Love that got me Best Out of that Slump! No Single Person Should Ever Have To be Used to Feeling Depressed for So Damn Long A Time, even With medications that Try and Fail to get them Out Of That Depression!!!

**pant. pant. pant...**

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Learn from Care Bears or Something

Learn from Care Bears or Something

6:25 PM Well, I am still feeling heartache and low, so I am not sure at the moment. And I am going to try to catch up on a bunch of sleep I've lost more recently, due to this depression.

I mean, I had done a LOT for our relationship, look at the second DVD, I cited my own vows for you, and That was a Most Recent recording. I poured out my Heart and Soul for you in most of everything I had done for you. And I Have Learned from that overreaction of mine with Colin. I did ALL of that And the Bonus Round (interpret that how you will). I withheld being clingy and touchy for the most part. And then you up right and end it. Left me spiraling AGAIN.

My mother even theorized, from her experiences and observations of manipulative and bad people, you went out with me in attempt of a free house to crash in. I personally prefer to see the good in people! Yet the trolls have terrified and frightened me to a great point of paranoia.

And my mother is Not going to be around forever, and I still have difficulty meeting other people by myself, especially when I am Depressed. And this type of depression, sadly, is an emotional state I had gotten used to since after moving back to Ruckersville, and in and out between past relationships, Theoretical And Real.

Alone, I am constantly LOST in mind and path, even after trying religion. I Needed You, Catherine. You Had filled in the void that allowed me to feel at my Better to Best more often, on the better path.

Killing the relationship, it Killed Me and My Heart and Soul ALL OVER AGAIN after countless times of them both being Broken, Beaten and Scarred beyond belief and back from Hell.

Then again, how do I know better? I am 32 years old and some wise and educated. My mind is drifting away slowly with age. I guess YOU have More Answers to Life, Love, Health and Self-Happiness and Esteem than I could ever have.

I don't know anymore. My heart aches bad to allow me to think better.

My feelings and emotions might be better understood if instead of learning about the tortures of King Henry Tudor VIII, learned was the Caring, Compassion and Empathy from the classic Care Bears (shows).

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

It IS Your Fault!

It IS Your Fault!

3:04 PM The way you're talking right now, it's sounding like you're trying to clear your conscious; it does not work that easy. You can't rationalize or disillusion yourself like Daffy Duck did. YOU were the one who made the statement of Not Wanting to be in a Relationship With Me. We HAD Been in the Open Relationship since we had established that mutual Love and Understanding early in our communications with each other! "I appreciate your being depressed"? That is a Dumb, Oxymoronic Statement to make. Like Lucy Van Pelt telling Schroeder, "I'm returning all of the gifts I was going to give you". And she realized "That didn't even make sense"! You may be Book Smart, but that does Not make you All-Knowing or Wise. Yes, we could be Gal Pals, but you Have to also realize that I still have the Ugly Growth that if we were in bed, you could enjoy this near seven incher damn cock! Relationships Work Best when both partners take it seriously. I HAVE Been Serious about it; You are showing that you've been very Lackadaisical and Ignorant for a while now. What we had, because you took the Biggest Part that was keeping at least ONE of us feeling Better and More Secure than EVER, the Relationship and Removal of Your Love and Emotions for me, it is like emptying a book of EVERYTHING but the Table of Lack of Contents. And I do think I Am Entitled in a True, Valid Relationship with a woman very much like you, because I Need The Love, and not only that, but I Am Of Royalty in the Weston Bloodline.

Right now, I am feeling tired, headachy, more depressed and sick of the blatant sarcasm in the ignorance you are showing along with your bitchy ass.

And my mother is not fond of you right now either. She called you Common in your "Not Wanting to be in a Relationship With Me." Stew In All Of That For A Long While.

Stay Safe with Peace,

Christian W. Chandler

(sent from my iPod)

Thanks a lump

Thanks a lump

I am seriously feeling like since "not in a relationship" was said about five PM, I was dangling at the end of a rope. And afterwards, slowly falling into a fiery depth, my heart melting and drifting back into sadness, much like the melting Lego pieces in that fire last January. Now, I am at the ice cold bottom, and the melted heart is now a depressed hard lump of melted loss in being dumped.

I feel like I should not speak with you for a while; I am depressed and my heart aches bad. You lack appreciation for the hard work and effort I had put into US!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Re: Well, that's nypical

Note: 2 e-mails after he posted how he's entitled in a true, valid relationship with a woman like Catherine, he later e-mailed that he never claimed such thing.

Re: Well, that's nypical

What the hell is wrong with you, Catherine? I suggested that you try to see things from my perspective. And then you reply like as if I'm some sort of overbearing individual who speaks "Wah Wah" like in the Charlie Brown cartoons?

I never said anything like as if I was 'entitled' to be in a relationship with some woman. If anything, I stated reasonably that I Need that one special woman to be with me, help me, and keep me from possibly going into some form of crazy insane, in the longer run. I had thought you understood me, and I had thought you were the one special woman out of a million common ones.

Your response leaves me with a feeling like I might not know you anymore. What the hell?

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler


The Gal Pals Weren't the First Time Bob Hired Friends for Chris

CHRIS: I had a crush on her, Natasha Turner, she was a very pretty teen. Then, one day, after getting dropped off at home on the bus, she met up with her girl friends and Smoked with them. That was It for me right there. Anyway, I remembered that my father was Paying her to walk with me and protect me to and back from the bus stop.

CATIE: Really?

CHRIS: It was a major shock to me remembering that. Made me think my friendships might have been a lie. I laid in bed and slept with the shock. Stuck in my dreams; reluctant to really open my eyes to awake.

CATIE: How did you find out about this?

CHRIS: I remember my Father giving me money and asking me to give it to Natasha as payment for her Friendship and Attention. I didn't know why, at that time, but I Know Now.

CATIE: So he just... Gave you the money to give to her? Did he tell you what it was for or anything?

CHRIS: I don't remember exactly, but I believe he was direct about it: telling me it was like Babysitter money, or something like that.