Rejected Mailbag

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The Rejected Mailbag is where emails Chris considers offensive go to die. It is unclear why Chris keeps them--it is assumed he would just take every slanderous email and blast it to the moon--but given that everything Chris does in public is centered around his need for constant pity and sympathy, it is possible he keeps them around to show his fanbase what he has to put up with in his inbox every day.

It should be understood that Chris does not actually place all the e-mails he deletes in the rejected mailbox. As of this writing, many of the messages Chris has deleted have not been recorded on this page..

Rejected emails

Added 21 November

From: Howard Winslow <>

A friend of mine wrote some excellent fan stories I thought you'd like:


Howard Winslow

From: Bernard Stephens <>

OMG!!!111 Love the comic!! Me and my boyfriend Mark listen to the audiobooks all the time! LUVS IT BABE!!

Have a safe day, and STAY STRAIG- er, I mean, STAY FABULOUS!!!

Xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Bernard and everyone else here at Gay4Sonichu

love it!!!!!

From: Steven Clark <>

I love your brown shirt and guitar skills you are so dreamy. keep up the good work! sonichu is the best DONT LET THAT IAN BRANDON ANDERSON GET YOU DOWN


Good to see you making the comics again! I hope you make to to keep them out of the hands of that naive fat bastard Ian Brandon Anderson so he won't slander your good name! P.S. I hope you and Kacey are living happily married lives.

From: Thorgnzorrg Jenkins <>

I love Sonichu but as a gay, black atheist, I'm in somewhat of a minority. All of the black characters in Sonichu are either goofy or antagonistic, gay characters aren't shown in a good light, and as far as I can tell everyone in CWCville is a devout Christian. I love your comics and audiobooks, but they loose their appeal when I can't relate to any of the characters. Please consider including a gay, black, or atheist character in your comic.

Thank you.

Added 25 November


Dear Chris-chan,

I just discovered Sonichu a few days ago, and I've got to say, I'm a little disappointed to see you've completely ripped off Static the Pikachu (found at ; Sonichu is a poor man's Static, too. The comic, quite frankly, looks like it's drawn by a retard using Crayola markers, and the writing is no better. Sonichu, unlike Static, has no personality. He's just the same as all the other characters, and has a personality as deep as kiddie pool.

And now I read you've gone and lied to the government, claiming you've invented Sonichu? What a load. It's bigshots like you who steal from the little guy and screw him over by defrauding the government, abusing the laws for their own gain (like people who collect welfare when they could just go get a job and serve a function to the society outside being a leech) who really get to me.

I suppose you can just ignore this letter, delete this comments, but ignoring it and ignoring me won't make me or my ideas just disappear. We'll reveal you for the fake you are, "Christian" (that's not even your God given name! Your real name was Christopher until you stole Christian from the Conductor Bear!).

You're a phony! Your a big fat phony!


Mark, from Missouri

Added 26 November

From: David Crass <>

Dear Chris Why is Rosechu so useless? It's like she's some sort of classical feminine trope. The only time she has ever actually done anything was when she sexually assaulted Jason Kendrick Howell. I don't know how you see it, but as far as I can tell, Rosechu is little more than a sex object. I mean, all she seems to do through most of the comic is hang on Sonichu, take nude pictures of herself, and get kidnapped. Care to explain how exactly it is that you preach women's rights while at the same time falling back on classic female caricatures?

Sincerly, David Crass

PS: Your plots seem to be getting more and more convoluted and unnessarily complicated, with nothing ever tying together and a myriad of new characters being introduced and retconned, only to play no real role within the overall plot.

From: almighty truth <>

Dear Christian Weston Chandler,

My name is Zechariah Edwardo Nillson, I am a HUGE fan of sonichu. I am also a sufferer of Aspergers, I like you comics because I find your struggles in life similar to mine and can relate to them. So I was wondering why does it "grind your gears" to have high functioning autism and aspergers compared? They are infat very similar, if you go to the following site, they directly cmpare the two and state that they are very similar.

To qoute the page:

"High-functioning autism is at one end of the ASD spectrum. Signs and symptoms are less severe than with other forms of autism. In fact, a person with high-functioning autism usually has average or above average intelligence. The differences from other forms of autism have led many psychiatrists to consider high-functioning autism as similar to or the same as Asperger's syndrome.

Whether it's labeled high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome, coping with this condition presents daily challenges -- for those who have it and for their family and friends."

Im very glad that you are making comics so regularly and I hope that youl please rethink your stance on Aspergers syndrome.


From: Thorgnzorrg Jenkins <>

Yes Christian, you are ignoring the questions and comments in your "Rejected Mailbag". By not responding to them, you're ignoring them. It doesn't matter whether or not you would "care to respond to them". For someone who loves to dish out homophobia, racism, and religious bigotry you seem to have a hard time taking the heat when somone questions it. Do you know what that makes you? A coward. You're nothing but a naive, arrogant, selfish coward, and you wonder why you have such bad luck with women? Cowardice isn't a respectable trait, women don't find it attractive. People like you make me sick. I can't believe I spent so much time reading your comics when they were nothing more than venues to express your hatred and bigotry.

Good day, coward.

From: Mark Reynolds <>

Is there any way you would let anyone help you not to be a pathetic loser? I want to help you out. If you ever finally decide to actually live life and not be stuck as you are let me know.

See also

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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Rejected Mailbag
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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Rejected Mailbag