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Chris has been on the '''Internet''' mostly to complain about shit.
The '''Internet''' is a specialized computer programming that allows the transmission of data through long distances through a massive collection of networks connected all over the world. The Internet has grown since its first real conception in the 1980s as a means for universities to communicate with each other. It is said that nearly 2 billion people are connected to the Internet.
One of those is [[Christian Weston Chandler|a fat, homophobic, whiny manchild.]]

Revision as of 15:27, 3 June 2010

The Internet is a specialized computer programming that allows the transmission of data through long distances through a massive collection of networks connected all over the world. The Internet has grown since its first real conception in the 1980s as a means for universities to communicate with each other. It is said that nearly 2 billion people are connected to the Internet.

One of those is a fat, homophobic, whiny manchild.

Some examples of his bitching:




Chris seems to be aware that the internet is a place where, once you put something up, anyone with access to a computer could see it. However, due to a combination of his ego and his general inability to understand others, Chris has come to the conclusion that if he puts anything on the Internet, everyone will see it. Chris has in the past attempted to address videos to specific people--most telling is his 8 May 2010 rant, which was addressed to anyone who served on the Green County School Board in the early 1990's.

Despite this, Chris doesn't seem to realise that giving one's real address and telephone number out on the Internet is generally a bad idea, especially when one is being trolled relentlessly by people obsessed with one's every move. He also doesn't seem to realise that dropping other people's dox is also a bad idea.

Forums and Bans

As with many places in real life, Chris has found himself banned from the few places he frequents online.

Chris does not normally participate in forum discussions, either due to a dislike of reading or simple egotism. When he does, he always signs his message — be it a comment on Youtube, a rant on the Adult Swim boards, or a complaint about something in LBP. He never follows up on these posts either, nor does he read the comments left by other users.

The irony is that Internet forums are havens for socially retarded, thirtysomething manchildren who still live with Mommy and Daddy. By simply choosing a handle that has nothing to do with Sonichu, and participating even a little in forum discussions, Chris could shed (for a while) his lolcow status and form online friendships with other sad bastards like himself.

Due to his relative inactivity concerning internet forums, he's banned from fewer places online than expected. He was banned from DeviantArt in the summer of 2009 for posting the uncensored version of Sonichu 9 without an NSFW tag, though he doesn't understand why--comments left on his talk page suggest that he is under the impression that his DA account simply vanished into cyberspace for no reason. As well, despite bouncing from one account to the next, Chris has only been banned once from YouTube. However, unlike DA, Chris has constantly made new accounts after one was taken down.

Attempts to leave the Internet

As the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. However, in Chris's case, he takes this and butchers it - when trolls descend on him and torture him, he ups and leaves. For many trolls, this would be a great victory. However, Chris just can't stand to get away from the Internet.

His first attempt to abandon the Internet was in the aftermath of the Julie incident; tired of Clyde Cash's trolling, Chris proclaimed that he was leaving the Internet. Instead of doing that, he disappeared for all of two weeks, before creating a new account on YouTube. His second, third, and fourth attempts all seemed to have been directed by an outside force. Of course, Chris being Chris, he never made good on his word to stay off the internet. After he made his second announcement of leaving the internet, he made a rant about the Cleveland Show a mere 36 hours later. He also made his fourth announcement of leaving the internet just four days after making his third announcement, saying that the trolls have scared him from the internet, that he is literally afraid of the internet. Needless to say, he will probably be back in a few days. The strange thing about these attempts is that there was no major troll or Saga going on at the time. This also once again shows that Chris is a pathetic liar, as he normally brags about being brave and unstoppable.

What Chris doesn't seem to realize is that the PSN he loves so dearly is technically a part of the internet, as it consists of a network of computers all interconnected with each other. So when he says that he will be leaving the internet, he is clearly full of shit, as he just hops right onto his PSN.

Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: ContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games