Incest Arrest

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Chris accepting the inevitable.

Incest Arrest refers to footage of Chris being arrested for incest on his mother.

At approximately past midnight on 30 July 2021, the Incest Call was posted on YouTube, in which Chris confessed to having sex with Barbara Chandler, his mother. Hundreds across the world called the police, leading to Chris being evicted from his home, taking $750 from his mother to stay at Regency Inn Richmond, a motel on the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia, until he was finally arrested by officers of the Henrico County Police Department on 1 August 2021.

The arrest was filmed and livestreamed by internet personality Ethan Ralph and his crew. Additionally, footage of the arrest was captured on the bodycams worn by police officers, and the footage was later acquired by YouTube channel EWU Bodycam.

Ethan Ralph's video


I am Chris-Chan Sonichu, your Goddess Blue Heart, and I continue to stand strong, and I maintain everything with CWCVille and my Sonichus and Rosechus and everybody. I keep in good faith that everything is going to work out.
Chris, while being arrested.[1]
Ethan Ralph, who recorded Chris's arrest while cosplaying as him.

On the evening of 31 July, Reddit user Chrisisaman located Son-Chu at the Regency Inn Richmond, confirming that Chris was in the city and that he would be spending time in a motel.[2] The next day, a number of people attempted to observe or contact Chris there. Observers noticed police cars stationed at the motel, but because the place was known to have a seedy reputation, it was not obvious if they were there for Chris or for some other reason. These cop cars eventually left without arresting Chris.

The most significant of the observers was YouTuber Ethan Ralph who livestreamed himself and his friends driving to the motel to meet Chris. The group ordered a pizza in the hopes of luring him out, but this was unsuccessful. They then went about knocking on every door on the second floor (Chris had previously been filmed walking along the second floor balcony, suggesting that was where he was staying), but this was fruitless as well, and only led to the menagerie being ordered to leave by a motel employee.[3]

Not giving up, the group went to the Regency Mall (of 'the bear' fame) across the street, following (incorrect) speculation that Chris might be there since he was not in his room. While livestreaming at the mall they had an encounter with a police officer, who would happen to be one of the officers who arrested Chris a few hours later (as Ethan acknowledges during the arrest).

Later that afternoon, Ralph was tipped off that four Henrico County police cars had shown up at the motel. At around 6:00 PM, he got back just in time to film two officers perp-walking Chris down from his room, streaming the whole debacle for a live audience of over 3,000 viewers. While the police talked to Chris, Ralph sporadically yelled questions and comments, to which Chris occasionally responded. Despite trying to turn Chris against Null, who Ralph had a grudge against, Chris did not respond to these questions, nor did he respond to Ralph's offers to have him appear on the Killstream after his release.

Unlike Chris's previous run-ins with the law, he remained mostly calm and compliant during the arrest (possibly due to The WCT having advised him the previous day to cooperate with the police during his arrest),[4] though he rambled about the Dimensional Merge to both the police and Ralph's crew, promising that the Merge was in fact happening right at that moment. The police then loaded Chris into a squad car and left without answering Ralph's questions.[1] An additional POV shot filmed by an anonymous onlooker showed Chris climbing directly into the cop car.


Full Stream
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail
Direct Message to Hasbro: MLPG5 Is Cancelled.
Return of the living Chrischan

The Arrest
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail
Direct Message to Hasbro: MLPG5 Is Cancelled.
Return of the living Chrischan


[The song "Save Your Tears" by the Weeknd plays in the background]

May: They're bringing her out! They're bringing her out.

Ralph: Oh, shit! Oh shit--

[The camera pans to a neighboring car, and a woman coming out with her phone to also film the events]

May: Oh my god!

Ralph: They're arresting her!

[Ralph gets out of the car and walks toward the fence. The woman from earlier is now kneeling with her phone pointing at the motel. Ralph walks past her.]

Ralph: Sorry.

[Camera zooms in on the motel, focusing on the second floor, where the police officers are walking Chris]

May in background: Oh my god!

Ralph: Yeah, they're arresting Chris-Chan here at the hotel.

Chris: (yelling) Yeah, those are trolls! They are following me from the Internet! Do not record this!

Ralph: (yelling) CHRIS-CHAN, WHAT'S UP?! Killstream, baby! When you get out, let's do the Killstream! Look me up!

Guy in background: Let the charges drop! It's all about Joshua Conner Moon!

Ralph: Tell 'em all about Josh Moon, that's who they want!

[Bystanders start yelling]

May in background: Give it up, Chris-Chan!

Guy in background: Give him up... save yourself, girl!

Another guy in background: Magi-Chan will help you!

Guy in background: You're beautiful!

Ralph: Look up Ethan Ralph, Killstream! I live here in Richmond, buddy!

Woman in background: Go to church!

Ralph: No, come to... come to the Killstream first!

[As the cops walk Chris down the stairs, there is more yelling]


Ralph: YEEEAH! What kind of shit is this? Holy shit! Oh my god, thank you!

[The cops are now walking Chris past the motel entrance]

Guy in background: Got a (indistinct) here!

May in background: Christian Weston Chandler, right here being...

[Camera turns past a nearby building as Ralph runs toward the motel parking lot]

Ralph: Oh, shit, oh! You better hurry Jesse, you're missing out! Hehe.

[The camera now zooms in on Chris and three police officers, now standing next to two waiting police cruisers]

Police officer:...oh no, (indistinct) transport in the front...

[One of the officers says something to Chris that cannot be heard, presumably asking for his name]

Chris: ...Chris-Chan, or Sonichu, as they know...

[Stream freezes for a couple seconds]

Woman in background:...Chris. (indistinct) Bring 'em...

[A fourth officer gets out of one of the police cars]

Ralph: Hey, officers, how's it going?

Police officer: How you doing? I just saw you.

Ralph: Yeah, that's right! That's you, oh my god!

Person in background: Sorry about that, guys.

Ralph: I told you!

Chris: I'm going, I'm complying...

May in background: (To Ralph) Is the car unlocked?

Chris: I'm complying, I am good like this!

Guy in background: (To Chris) You are, you absolutely are!

May in background: (To Ralph) Is the car unlocked?

Ralph: (To May) Yeah, I think so.

Ralph: (To Chris) Yeah, you appear to be complying.

Chris: I am Chris-Chan Sonichu, your Goddess Blue Heart, and I continue to stand strong, and I maintain everything with CWCVille and my Sonichus and Rosechus and everybody.

Ralph: Yeah, you're live to about 3,000 people right now, Christian!

Guy in background: How do you plead?

Ralph: Well don''re taking everything in stride, you said you're doing good?

Chris : Yeah. I keep a good faith everything is going to work out.

Ralph: Doing good, feeling good?

Chris : Yep.

Ralph: How's the last few days been? I know it's been pretty stressful.

Chris : Bit stressful, but... I've taken it one moment at a time and...I've got my...I've got my loves.

Ralph: Well that's good.

Guy in background: Do you, like, Josh Moon, like, did you dirty?

[An officer begins frisking Chris, and apparently finds something on his waistband]

Chris: (To officer) Oh, well, that's just the one thing, that's a pin. Feel free, just go ahead and take it out, it's a picture of Muffins from My Little Pony.

Guy in background: Your Love Quest is over, Chris!

Chris: (To officer) I promise like...I was not (indistinct) to fall... it fell off my bag, I did not want to lose it. And please, I would like that in my collection. (indistinct)

Jesse: Hey, Ethan!

Ralph: What's up, Jesse?

Jesse: How you doing?

Ralph: Boy we almost missed it, huh?

[Ralph and Jesse laugh]

Jesse: I was wandering around the mall.

[The officer starts searching Chris's left side]

Chris: Well, heh. He's not offering me any options there...

Officer: I'm just letting you know I'm... (indistinct)

May in background: I literally ran out to get that (chuckles). This is nuts.

[Someone makes a noise in the background]

Jesse: Christine, this man does want to help you.

Ralph: Yeah, we were trying to get you on the show, but...look, when you get out, look me up, Killstream. I don't know if you know who I am or not.

May in background: We're here to help you!

[Indistinct yelling in background]

Ralph: We saw what Josh was doing to you, so we wanted to come try to talk to you.

[The cop finishes his search]

Police officer: (To Chris) Do you have anything else on you?

Chris: I have nothing else on me.

[The police officer says something to Chris]

Chris: I understand. I have no weed, I have no drugs on (indistinct)... like I said, frisk me, there you go! (chuckles)

Ralph: (Chuckles)

Chris: That felt good!

Ralph: (Laughs loudly)

Chris: Thank you.

Police officer: Alright, let's have a seat.

Jesse: Christine, is the merge coming?

Ralph: Aight...

Chris: It's happening now, we're on the very last thread!

Ralph: (talking over Chris) The Merge, it's happening right now, isn't it?

May in background: It's happening right now, it is.

Chris: We're living it!

[Chris turns to the officers.]

Chris: (indistinct) ...Batman into a hero.

[Chris sits down as one of the officers points into the back of the police car]

May in background: It's happening right now.

Guy in background: Merge the dimensions, Chris!

Ralph: Farewell, Chris Chan!

May in background: (indistinct) The Dimensional Merge is happening right now, August 1, 2021.

[Chris disappears into the back of the police car]

Ralph: Well there goes Chris Chan into the Henrico County... deputy's car here.

Guy in background: Don't let the boulder hit you!

Ralph: I don't think they've had an... arrest like this.

Alternate angles

Despite the Ethan Ralph footage being the most popular one, there have been multiple other people who have filmed the event of Chris's arrest.

Alternative Angle 1
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style ComedyComedy Comedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail

Alternative Angle 2
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail

Bodycam video

Edited YouTube video

On 17 August 2024, the YouTube channel EWU Bodycam posted bodycam footage of the arrest. However, the full footage is not publicly available yet.

Cops Realize Suspect Charged with Horrifying Crime is Internet Famous
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail

Twitter clips

On 20 August, EWU Bodycam posted three additional clips to Twitter.[5][6][7]

Chris Chan Regency Inn Richmond 1
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail

Chris Chan Regency Inn Richmond 2
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail

Chris Chan Regency Inn Richmond 3
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1 August 2021
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IncestIncest Incest JailJail Jail


Throughout the video footage, the police are unaware of Chris or his infamy, expressing confusion about it at several points. In stark contrast to most of Chris's orbiters, the officers show little interest in humouring Chris's delusions, instead simply doing whatever it takes to keep the situation civil.

As Chris is being arrested, a police officer points a taser at him and warns that if he fights he will be tased. Chris then says he will comply.

Chris reveals that he uses two cellphones, one to deal with trolls, and one for friends; he refers to the Kevin Gates song "2 Phones."

As he's sitting handcuffed, Chris farts and says, "pardon my flatulence."

The police ask if Chris would like to remove his "necklaces" (which includes the medallion) as the jail will require them to be removed later anyway. When the police inform that the jail makes exceptions for religious crosses, Chris claims that his medallion is a "cross" protecting him. The policeman responds that he doesn't think the jail staff will go for that.

While the officers double-check the arrest warrant, Chris tells them that his husband Magi-Chan is giving them a "gentle punch" across dimensions. Chris tries to elicit a reaction from the police, but one simply replies that he did not feel anything. Chris then encourages Magi-Chan to “punch him harder, hubby.”

When Ethan Ralph and a bunch of other observers in the area talk to Chris, the officers repeatedly suggest that Chris shouldn't respond to them. Chris responds to them anyway.

While riding in the police car, Chris starts telling the officer about the Dimensional Merge and asks the officer who his favorite superhero is. When the cop replies, "Probably Spider-Man," Chris excitedly informs him that he'll be able to meet Spider-Man in person.

Chris's response

In MINECRAFT Cubepy Build Part 4, while building in Minecraft, Chris decides to mention the bodycam footage.

Oh, um, you know what, well... at this time recent, the, uh, bodycam footage... I mean, okay, that's a thing, but you know what? That was so three years ago now! So, why are we bothering with that? LOL... because it's a thing you wanna talk about or whatever. It's just like (scoff) whatever! It's not present. So why're y'all... making it present?


IncestSagaIcon.png Incest Saga IncestSagaIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisBarbara ChandlerIsabella JankeFionaNullThe WCTEthan RalphEllDudeRocksDillin Thomas

The Games
Chats: The Affair:

Coinciding Sagas