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(It's possible that I have been hallucinating. I need to do more research.)
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'''deviantART''' is a large website where people can post their <del>magnificent artwork</del> MS Paint scribbles, dodge/burn tool abuses and traced anime screenshots, and where art fans can gather to <del>provide insightful art critique to the artists</del> post "omg nice" or have their comment hidden by the owner.
{{quote|This account will mainly be used to get in touch with [[Good Fan Art|choice Fan Artists]].|~ Cwcipedia dA Journal, on why the comments are disabled in all of Chris's pictures.}}

Chris has sporadically been a member of deviantART, under these accounts:
'''deviantART''' is a large online art community where artists can host their artwork, and receive comments and critique from fellow artists and art appreciators. Being one of the most popular amateur art websites in the world, deviantART attracts the best and the worst of us. Especially the worst. In the [[Troll|trolling]] world, deviantART is notorious as a den for ''[[Sonic]]'' [[Electric Hedgehog Pokémon|recolors]] and [[Sonichu and Rosechu's Luv Shack|poorly drawn porn]], so it's no surprise that [[Chris]] became a member.

<!-- * Presumably one earlier account, but name escapes this idiotic cwckian at the moment (help please?) -->
== Chris's deviantART accounts ==
* <del>[http://sonichusite.deviantart.com/ SonichuSite]</del> banned for a kinda nebulously defined failure
* [http://cwcipedia.deviantart.com/ Cwcipedia], mostly re-launched due to [[CWCipedia]]'s downtime, likely to be banned due to ban evasion once dA staff gets around to do it - not that it matters, because Chris is likely to abandon it, now that CWCipedia is back up.
Established 28 December [[2005]] and banned in early September 2008, presumably for pornographic artwork.

{{quote|This account will mainly be used to get in touch with choice Fan Artists.|Cwcipedia journal, on why the comments are disabled in all of Chris's pictures}}
Established 19 September [[2008]]. Permabanned for a kinda nebulously defined failure, likely the blatant pornography from [[Sonichu 7|''Sonichu'' #7]]. In his next account's Journal, Chris said he [[Naive|has no idea]] [[Chris and remorse|why he was banned]]. Reading comprehension is apparently not part of [[Honor Roll|the most prestigious reaches of American education]].

Chris's greeting for this account (available via WaybackMachine):
{{quotebox|'''Mood:'''  Joy<br>
'''Listening to:''' [[Chris and music|Lite Rock, Z-95.1]]<br>
'''Reading:''' My [[Sonichu (comic)|comics]] as I draw them, or feeling [[Chris and English|Nestolgic]].<br>
'''Watching:''' [[Sonic the Hedgehog]], [[Family Guy]], [[Anime]], etc.<br>
'''Playing:''' [[Guitar Hero]] and Sonic on [[Playstation 3]]<br>
'''Eating:''' [[Chris and health|Healthy Choice TV Entres]]<br>
'''Drinking:''' Pepsi Cola (Similar Formula found in [[CWC Cola]])<br>
Greetings, my Loayal [[Sonichu]] & [[Rosechu]] [[Fans]]. Christian Weston Chandler is the Official Owner of this page, and I am here to tell you the news of this page.

The Main Reason I am uploading the Sonichu & Rosechu Fanart, more than my Original and Official stuff, is because this DeviantART account is to be the Official Sonichu & Rosechu FanArt Section for Sonichu.net.
I am thinking of backing up my Comic Book Pages, as well as More Original Art on here in the future. But For Now, this is Basically For FanArt. So enjoy the other people's work I have been mostly delighted to find and have received.
Just a reminder that if you'd like to offer a submission to the FanArt Secion of your own, you may create your own deviantART account and upload it or them, or you may e-mail me your FanArt at ChrisChanSonichu@aol.com.
Peace to all my Loyal Sonichu & Rosechu Fans.
Christian W. Chandler.}}
Used while the [[CWCipedia]] was down. The account was opened 9 [[August 2009]] and closed on the 28th for evasion of the previous ban and posting erotic artwork featuring underage characters (which is to say, [[Rosechu]]'s washing machine pic from [[Sonichu 9|Episode #20]] – it was actually deleted before the account was banned completely).
Chris's greeting for this account (available via WaybackMachine):
{{quotebox|I am Christian Weston Chandler; born on February 24, 1982 as Christopher, then [[Christopher's name change|changed my first name]] in 1989.
I am the True, Original Creator of Sonichu and Rosechu, the Electric-Hedgehog Pok'emon (I created him on March 17, 2000 with MY Copyrights on EVERY Image, as well as FULL Comic Books); Accept NO Substitute.
I had an array of CWC Sites before; [[CWC's Pokésite 2|CWC's Pok'eSite 2]], [[CWC's Pokésite 2#Now in Spanish|El Pok'eSite de RWC]], and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the ORIGNIAL Sonichu Site known as [[CWC's Sonichu Site!|CWC's Sonichu Site]], which was a spin-off from CWC's Pok'eSite 2.
I had to take the websites down June, 2009, because my Internet Bullies/Trolls hacked into my Webmaster accounts. But I am Back In The Saddle with [[Cwcipedia]]; the NEW, Official CWC's Sonichu & Rosechu Site.
I will put up a sampling of THE Original Sonichu and Rosechu Drawings from myself onto this account, but I have opened this new account up, because...
-My past SonichuSite account was permanently Banned; I forgot why.
-This account will mainly be used to get in touch with choice Fan Artists.}}
Chris used the account to like fanart. In [[September 2017]], Chris announced on Twitter that he wished to find the name of the artist who had drawn a fan comic he had referenced in ''[[Sonichu 12]]'', also mentioning that he had been searching DeviantART for it.<ref>[[September 2017 tweets#Chris hunts for the artist of fanart he plagarized]]</ref> [[The Sergeant at Arms]] sent a DM to the NightStarRosechu2891 account, informing about the comic.<ref>[[:File:The Sergeant at Arms DM - 23 September 2017.png]]</ref> Chris then announced on Twitter that he had an answer.
The "About" profile reads:
{{quotebox|Artist  //  Professional  //  Varied
Birthday Feb 24
United States
[[Transgender|She / Her]]
Favourite Movies
[[Mary Poppins]], Meet Me In St. Louis
Favourite TV Shows
[[My Little Pony]], [[Sonic the Hedgehog]], [[Pokemon]]
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
[[Britney Spears]], Daniel Ingram}}
On 20 September 2019, Chris commented on a piece of fanart:<ref>https://www.deviantart.com/hyperflannel/art/Annperior-and-Galvantuflare-800636740</ref>
{{quotebox|Love how the Galvantaflare was caught in an S-Chu Ball. 😊}}
{{Protip|Chris, like previously stated in this article, doesn't consider DeviantArt to be a "social" platform. He will not respond to your comments.}}
On 23 [[August 2023]], Chris dumped a large amount of artwork, including two new drawings, previously unreleased art drawn during his stay at [[Central Virginia Regional Jail]], many of his old custom [[Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder]] cards, and several newly-colored ''[[Sonichu 15]]'' (renamed to ''[[Sonichu 0 HD]]'') comic pages, onto NightStarRosechu2891, an account he had held for five years without announcement.<ref>https://www.deviantart.com/nightstarrosechu2891/gallery</ref>
Below is a gallery of newly-released artwork. Some versions of the art had been previously released from the [[Praetor Jail Art]]. "[[Sonichu 82|Sonichu Book 82]] Cover" has a date of [[April 2023]], after his release from jail.
File:Chris chan and hedgehog zaps at royal albert hall by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6oftf-pre.jpg|"Chris Chan and Hedgehog Zaps at Royal Albert Hall"
File:Christ chan prime with the ultimate emerald core by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ocv2-414w-2x.jpg|"Christ Chan Prime with the Ultimate Emerald Core"
File:Christ chan and god emmanuel at the universe core by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6octc-pre.jpg|"Christ Chan and God Emmanuel at the Universe Core"
File:Cpu goddess blue heart keep faith and no doubt by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ocqe-414w-2x.jpg|"CPU Goddess Blue Heart - Keep Faith and No Doubt"
File:Cryzel rosechu and sylvana rosechu by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ofao-pre.jpg|"Cryzel Rosechu and Sylvana Rosechu"
File:D and d dimension cs 89 blake sonidemaru by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ofkm-414w-2x.jpg|"D and D Dimension CS-89 Blake Sonidemaru"
File:Dancing at the flashzap by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6of6d-414w-2x.jpg|"Dancing at the flashzap"
File:Goddess at work by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6od9g-414w-2x.jpg|"Goddess At Work"
File:Grand elder magi chan sonichu by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ofhx-414w-2x.jpg|"Grand Elder Magi-Chan Sonichu"
File:Holy jesus christ chan sonichu prime by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6od4d-414w-2x.jpg|"Holy Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime"
File:Lady magic sonichu magi chan self counterpart by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ofh3-414w-2x.jpg|"Lady Magic Sonichu - Magi-Chan Self-Counterpart"
File:Image_(9).png|"Magi-Chan and I around 1218 neurotypical sheeple"
File:Magi chan welcomes me by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6of9q-414w-2x.jpg|"Magi-Chan Welcomes Me"
File:Meditative angelica rosechu by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ofbw-414w-2x.jpg|"Meditative Angelica Rosechu"
File:Meditative jesus christ chan sonichu prime by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ocrn-414w-2x.jpg|"Meditative Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime"
File:Neo spiritual christianity crucifix cutie mark by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6of8c-414w-2x.jpg|"Neo Spiritual Christianity Crucifix Cutie Mark"
File:Sonicha sonichu the 1st and rossen rosechu the 1st by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ofe5-414w-2x.jpg|"Sonicha Sonichu the 1st and Rossen Rosechu the 1st"
File:1692903194063.jpeg|"Sonichu Book 82 cover"
File:Sonichu and rosey at cwcville cyan master emerald by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6od25-pre.jpg|"Sonichu and Rosey at Cwcville Cyan Master Emerald"
File:Sonichu prime and rosey rosechu prime by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6ocwi-pre.jpg|"Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime"
File:Sonichu temple of ruckersville in cwcville va by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6od5t-pre.jpg|"Sonichu Temple of Ruckersville in Cwcville, VA"
Chris also released colorized versions of several [[Sonichu 15]] pages, also retitling the issue to #0 HD.
File:Sonichu book 0 hd cover by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o1j5-pre.jpg
File:Sonichu book 0 hd page 14 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o2cw-pre.jpg
File:Sonichu book 0 hd page 16 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o2hd-pre.jpg
File:Sonichu book 0 hd page 17 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o2kg-pre.jpg ‎
File:Sonichu book 0 hd page 18 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o2mr-pre.jpg ‎
File:Sonichu book 0 hd page 24 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o2r9-pre.jpg ‎
File:Sonichu book 0 hd page 35 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o2uo-pre.jpg ‎
File:Sonichu book 0 hd page 49 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o2x8-pre.jpg ‎
File:Sonichu book0 hd page 52 by nightstarrosechu2891 dg6o30d-pre.jpg ‎
He also posted some photos of existing comic pages.
File:Sonichu Book 12-9 cover (photo).jpg
These were Chris's first social media posts since his [[arrest]].
In late August, Chris subscribed to the Core program on DeviantART.<ref>[[:File:NightStarRosechu2891 Core.png]]</ref>
== Chris's use of deviantART ==
As in the case of [[YouTube]] and [[Wikipedia]], Chris really doesn't understand the point of the website, and all of the finer community aspects of the website flew right over his head. He regarded deviantART as a place to dump his images into, disabled comments, and completely disregarded all comments he received through his userpage. His stated goal was to "get in touch with choice Fan Artists," but with his usual attitude of "I post images, others listen," we have no idea how this would have worked. In other words, Chris operated just like many other ''Sonic'' recolorists who ended up on [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]], only that he didn't even allow ''praising'' comments to be posted.
== True and Honest Fans ==
In CWCipedia's "Communities" page, Chris listed "SonichuFanclub" as an officially sanctioned ''[[Sonichu]]'' dA community.
==External links==
*[http://sonichu.deviantart.com/ Sonichu]: Chris's first account – '''DOWN'''
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20090203144307/http://sonichusite.deviantart.com/ SonichuSite]: Chris's second account
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20090824171342/http://cwcipedia.deviantart.com/ Cwcipedia]: Chris's third account
*[https://www.deviantart.com/nightstarrosechu2891 NightStarRosechu2891]: Chris's fourth and current account
*[http://sonichufanclub.deviantart.com/ SonichuFanclub]: "Official" fanart
{{The Internet}}
[[Category:Chris's websites]]
[[Category:Chris's websites]]

Latest revision as of 00:47, 13 December 2023

The contents of this page have been bought with taxpayer money!
Social Security Administration seal.png

This account will mainly be used to get in touch with choice Fan Artists.
~ Cwcipedia dA Journal, on why the comments are disabled in all of Chris's pictures.

deviantART is a large online art community where artists can host their artwork, and receive comments and critique from fellow artists and art appreciators. Being one of the most popular amateur art websites in the world, deviantART attracts the best and the worst of us. Especially the worst. In the trolling world, deviantART is notorious as a den for Sonic recolors and poorly drawn porn, so it's no surprise that Chris became a member.

Chris's deviantART accounts


Established 28 December 2005 and banned in early September 2008, presumably for pornographic artwork.


Established 19 September 2008. Permabanned for a kinda nebulously defined failure, likely the blatant pornography from Sonichu #7. In his next account's Journal, Chris said he has no idea why he was banned. Reading comprehension is apparently not part of the most prestigious reaches of American education.

Chris's greeting for this account (available via WaybackMachine):

Mood: Joy

Listening to: Lite Rock, Z-95.1
Reading: My comics as I draw them, or feeling Nestolgic.
Watching: Sonic the Hedgehog, Family Guy, Anime, etc.
Playing: Guitar Hero and Sonic on Playstation 3
Eating: Healthy Choice TV Entres
Drinking: Pepsi Cola (Similar Formula found in CWC Cola)
Greetings, my Loayal Sonichu & Rosechu Fans. Christian Weston Chandler is the Official Owner of this page, and I am here to tell you the news of this page.

The Main Reason I am uploading the Sonichu & Rosechu Fanart, more than my Original and Official stuff, is because this DeviantART account is to be the Official Sonichu & Rosechu FanArt Section for Sonichu.net.

I am thinking of backing up my Comic Book Pages, as well as More Original Art on here in the future. But For Now, this is Basically For FanArt. So enjoy the other people's work I have been mostly delighted to find and have received.

Just a reminder that if you'd like to offer a submission to the FanArt Secion of your own, you may create your own deviantART account and upload it or them, or you may e-mail me your FanArt at ChrisChanSonichu@aol.com.

Peace to all my Loyal Sonichu & Rosechu Fans. Christian W. Chandler.


Used while the CWCipedia was down. The account was opened 9 August 2009 and closed on the 28th for evasion of the previous ban and posting erotic artwork featuring underage characters (which is to say, Rosechu's washing machine pic from Episode #20 – it was actually deleted before the account was banned completely).

Chris's greeting for this account (available via WaybackMachine):

I am Christian Weston Chandler; born on February 24, 1982 as Christopher, then changed my first name in 1989.

I am the True, Original Creator of Sonichu and Rosechu, the Electric-Hedgehog Pok'emon (I created him on March 17, 2000 with MY Copyrights on EVERY Image, as well as FULL Comic Books); Accept NO Substitute.

I had an array of CWC Sites before; CWC's Pok'eSite 2, El Pok'eSite de RWC, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the ORIGNIAL Sonichu Site known as CWC's Sonichu Site, which was a spin-off from CWC's Pok'eSite 2.

I had to take the websites down June, 2009, because my Internet Bullies/Trolls hacked into my Webmaster accounts. But I am Back In The Saddle with Cwcipedia; the NEW, Official CWC's Sonichu & Rosechu Site.


I will put up a sampling of THE Original Sonichu and Rosechu Drawings from myself onto this account, but I have opened this new account up, because...

-My past SonichuSite account was permanently Banned; I forgot why.

-This account will mainly be used to get in touch with choice Fan Artists.


Chris used the account to like fanart. In September 2017, Chris announced on Twitter that he wished to find the name of the artist who had drawn a fan comic he had referenced in Sonichu 12, also mentioning that he had been searching DeviantART for it.[1] The Sergeant at Arms sent a DM to the NightStarRosechu2891 account, informing about the comic.[2] Chris then announced on Twitter that he had an answer.

The "About" profile reads:

Artist // Professional // Varied

Birthday Feb 24

United States

She / Her

Favourite Movies

Mary Poppins, Meet Me In St. Louis

Favourite TV Shows

My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists

Britney Spears, Daniel Ingram

On 20 September 2019, Chris commented on a piece of fanart:[3]

Love how the Galvantaflare was caught in an S-Chu Ball. 😊



Chris, like previously stated in this article, doesn't consider DeviantArt to be a "social" platform. He will not respond to your comments.

On 23 August 2023, Chris dumped a large amount of artwork, including two new drawings, previously unreleased art drawn during his stay at Central Virginia Regional Jail, many of his old custom Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder cards, and several newly-colored Sonichu 15 (renamed to Sonichu 0 HD) comic pages, onto NightStarRosechu2891, an account he had held for five years without announcement.[4]

Below is a gallery of newly-released artwork. Some versions of the art had been previously released from the Praetor Jail Art. "Sonichu Book 82 Cover" has a date of April 2023, after his release from jail.

Chris also released colorized versions of several Sonichu 15 pages, also retitling the issue to #0 HD.

He also posted some photos of existing comic pages.

These were Chris's first social media posts since his arrest.

In late August, Chris subscribed to the Core program on DeviantART.[5]

Chris's use of deviantART

As in the case of YouTube and Wikipedia, Chris really doesn't understand the point of the website, and all of the finer community aspects of the website flew right over his head. He regarded deviantART as a place to dump his images into, disabled comments, and completely disregarded all comments he received through his userpage. His stated goal was to "get in touch with choice Fan Artists," but with his usual attitude of "I post images, others listen," we have no idea how this would have worked. In other words, Chris operated just like many other Sonic recolorists who ended up on Encyclopedia Dramatica, only that he didn't even allow praising comments to be posted.

True and Honest Fans

In CWCipedia's "Communities" page, Chris listed "SonichuFanclub" as an officially sanctioned Sonichu dA community.

External links


PostJail2.png Third Exile PostJail2.png
Places: Gateway HomesBig Island HouseMal-WartBattlegrounds Game ShopChesterfield Towne CenterEarthbound Trading Co.Modern Table Top GamingWilliamsburg Premium OutletsDragon Fire Games14 Branchland Court
Platforms: RedditTwitter4chanDiscord

The Players: The Prizes: