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Chris has also demonstrated problems with hallucinations. His mind has showed a tendency to simply conjure up visions and voices of characters - whether his own creations or not - seemingly out of nothing. During a 2004 confrontation with [[Mary Lee Walsh]], for instance, [[Chris and psychology|Chris began to converse with thin air, pretending that Sonichu was in the office with him]].<ref>[[Jackie Chat 5|Jackie Chat #5]]</ref><ref name="Jackie e 16">[[Jackie_E-mails_16]]</ref> At one point, Chris began to pretend that he ''was'' Sonichu and started giving a speech that he claimed "Sonichu" wanted to give to Mary. He concluded the lecture with a [[curse-ye-ha-me-ha]], as of course he believes he has magic powers. Unsurprisingly, Mary ordered him to see a psychiatrist. Additional evidence for this can be seen before Chris crashes into slumber, when he pretends to converse with Sonichu and Rosechu. At one point, he claimed that the pair offered him relationship advice.<ref name="Jackie e 16" /> He has also claimed to have conversed with [[Megagi La Skunk]], particularly regarding how she has allegedly told him that she ([[Megan]], but by extension Megagi) should never have been born.<ref>[[October 2013 Facebook Posts#Megagi La Skunk agrees that you should have never been born]]</ref> Furthermore, Chris believes that he has overheard conversations held by [[Night Star]] and other random ponies.<ref>[[August_2017_Facebook_posts#MLP_theory.2C_based_on_listening_to_Night_Star]]</ref> In 2017, Chris has used his Night Star account on Twitter to talk to himself, even after revealing that Night Star was a sockpuppet of his<ref>[[NightStar2891 tweets#Lonely and conversing with himself]]</ref>.
Chris has also demonstrated problems with hallucinations. His mind has showed a tendency to simply conjure up visions and voices of characters - whether his own creations or not - seemingly out of nothing. During a 2004 confrontation with [[Mary Lee Walsh]], for instance, [[Chris and psychology|Chris began to converse with thin air, pretending that Sonichu was in the office with him]].<ref>[[Jackie Chat 5|Jackie Chat #5]]</ref><ref name="Jackie e 16">[[Jackie_E-mails_16]]</ref> At one point, Chris began to pretend that he ''was'' Sonichu and started giving a speech that he claimed "Sonichu" wanted to give to Mary. He concluded the lecture with a [[curse-ye-ha-me-ha]], as of course he believes he has magic powers. Unsurprisingly, Mary ordered him to see a psychiatrist. Additional evidence for this can be seen before Chris crashes into slumber, when he pretends to converse with Sonichu and Rosechu. At one point, he claimed that the pair offered him relationship advice.<ref name="Jackie e 16" /> He has also claimed to have conversed with [[Megagi La Skunk]], particularly regarding how she has allegedly told him that she ([[Megan]], but by extension Megagi) should never have been born.<ref>[[October 2013 Facebook Posts#Megagi La Skunk agrees that you should have never been born]]</ref> Furthermore, Chris believes that he has overheard conversations held by [[Night Star]] and other random ponies.<ref>[[August_2017_Facebook_posts#MLP_theory.2C_based_on_listening_to_Night_Star]]</ref> In 2017, Chris has used his Night Star account on Twitter to talk to himself, even after revealing that Night Star was a sockpuppet of his<ref>[[NightStar2891 tweets#Lonely and conversing with himself]]</ref>.
===Chris the Goddess===
{{quote|When it said it happened at HOME, it literally means HERE, in this Reality, this World, Right Here with me!|Chris, losing it.<ref>https://sonichu.com/cwcki/November_2017_Facebook_posts#Sharing_my_body_with_a_video_game_character</ref>}}
[[File:Chris depicts reality and fiction blending.jpg|thumb|200px|Chris depicting how he came to share his body with a video game goddess.]]
In November 2017, Chris became obsessed with [[Hyperdimension Neptunia]], a video game/anime series. He has stated a belief in body-sharing with a goddess character (who represents the Sega Dreamcast in the series) by consulting with [[Magi-Chan]], then [[Chris and money|leaving his Dreamcast console powered on for 24 hours]] in order to focus his own psychic power onto it and pull the goddess into his body.
{{quote|Yes, she is able to control my body when she has control, and speak through my lips in her voice.}}

==Sister dimensions==
==Sister dimensions==

Revision as of 14:32, 13 June 2019

I don't have to Justify Sonichu and Rosechu; they can take of that themselves.
Chris, being completely delusional in IRC (20 January 2009).
And One Day, Very Soon, my family and I will be able to show ourselves to you all, then you will be taking back your own “scizzo” labels. Harrumph!
Chris, nine years later.[1]
This is what Chris actually believes.

Reality is the universe from which Chris is quite detached, more than likely because he rarely leaves his room. Quite a bit of his sketchy worldview can be attributed to his autism, as autistic people generally have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy, and therefore have a harder time with being critical towards and distancing themselves from events and ideas depicted in any fictional media, be it books, films, cartoons or video games. Because of these difficulties, autistics are also easier to manipulate and deceive, especially by sources they trust, and are as a result very impressionable when it comes to commercials and conspiracy theories.

Another probable cause of his detachment from reality is the behavior of his parents, who are (or were, in Bob's case) themselves not securely anchored to reality. Their habit of feeding Chris conciliatory platitudes about how he was being mistreated out of jealousy and about special rules applying to him has resulted in Chris's all-pervasive sense of entitlement and warped perception of anybody or anything that antagonizes him.

Chris is quick to deny indisputable notions, or outright facts, and will quickly retreat into his realm of fantasy, often to avoid stress when faced with the realization that he has been defeated, cheated or outwitted, as these instances are usually a result of his own stupidity or stubbornness, flaws which Chris will never admit to possessing.

As time has gone on, it has become evident from his emails and posts on Facebook and Twitter that Chris's already-tenuous grasp of reality has continued to slacken further and further – getting to the point that it has alienated even his closest supporters.

Around 2017, Chris has increasingly invested more hope into magical beliefs, multiple dimensions (or Reality Cartoons, as Chris calls them) and the belief that he can converse with figments of his imagination.

In the real world

Chris, being unaware that most cars weigh two or three tons.[2]

Chris has a tendency to hugely exaggerate estimates of length, weight, and strength in his favor, as evidenced in his description of a 12-pack of canned lemonade as being fifty pounds (22.7 kg). This behavior is symptomatic of dyscalculia, a common symptom of autism, which leaves the sufferer with poor comprehension of time, measurement, or spatial reasoning. However, Chris does not really display any other symptoms of it, suggesting this behavior isn't mere ignorance, but rather Chris telling childish lies to try to impress people with his physical strength.

Chris automatically assumes his lies will be believed, even if they contradict existing information. This is copiously evidenced in his constant lies during the Father Call, wherein Chris fibs incessantly about his health (among other things), frequently denying things or changing his story whenever he gets caught out. His habit of lying and lying about his lies is likely inherited from his mother, whom his brother described as a pathological liar. When asked by Evan to remove Simonla from his comics, Chris decided that he could have created her without the inspiration of Evan's character Simonchu and, thus, effectively had.[3] The fact that he demonstrably could not have done this did not factor into his reasoning. Chris "corrected" Simonla's CWCipedia entry with a "retraction" denying that Simonla had ever been inspired by Simonchu. Chris expected that this revised version of the truth would be happily accepted by all concerned parties.

Chris considers people with Asperger's syndrome to be "fakers" who are taking "the Shine and Limelight" away from genuine autistic people such as himself.[4] Although Chris has admitted that this "fact" is only his "own idea," he still believes that to think otherwise is to "conform to blasphem[y]."[5] As with many other things which antagonize him, Chris simply assumes Aspergers to be significant of a conspiracy targeting himself.

The Sonic Boom Protests further revealed Chris's delusions about his power and influence in the world and showed he was willing to physically assault somebody to defend the honor of a fictitious character whose arms were recolored.

Unsurprisingly, Chris can come across as highly delusional when he expects to be taken seriously. For example, on 28 April 2012, he made an empty threat to the Kiwi Farms about hunting down each of its members; he claimed to know where each of them lives in an attempt to intimidate the trolls. Even if one were to gloss over the fact that he wouldn't even cough up $800 to travel to Redmond to see his dreams come true (and it should be noted that there are trolls all over America, and indeed the world), there's a high chance that there will only be one outcome of Chris actively pursuing his trolls with the purpose of doing them harm. All things considered, Chris ended up making himself even more of a laughing stock in the process.

Chris has no idea on how the billions of people on the planet think. He thinks that all men would happily wear bras and skirts (It must be noted that Chris thought these ideas so that he and he alone would feel more comfortable crossdressing), and that every Sonic fan on the planet would support him in his Sonic Boom Protests. When somebody informs him that they have a differing opinion to him, he throws a tantrum and denounces that person as a troll.

Chris also seems completely unaware of what current technology is and is not capable of. In his Sonichu article on the CWCipedia, he suggests that Nintendo pour their resources into developing a Poké Ball peripheral that would have slots for every generation of Pokémon games, including a slot for the GameCube memory card. He expects users of this peripheral to be able to read party data from the inserted game/memory card, display a holographic image of the Pokémon in play, and challenge people in real life who own the same peripheral (in a manner much like on Yu-Gi-Oh!). In addition, Chris has no idea how everyday machines such as cars work, evidenced in how he claimed that a 1997 Cadillac with a cracked engine block was a great "fixer upper." Normally, any serious physical damage to a car's engine can only be repaired by a very skilled mechanic, or cannot be repaired at all and one must buy a new engine (both of which are not cheap, but that's an entirely different problem).

Chris has also been shown to be completely ignorant of basic human anatomy. In the autumn of 2014, Chris received a piercing to his perineum in an effort to make it resemble a china, such that he could become a full-fledged tomgirl. Despite becoming infected in December 2014, he simply had it pierced again. While Chris was persuaded to have this piercing removed too, he remained deeply interested in becoming a woman by unorthodox means, much to the worry of onlookers. Eventually, he removed the piercing, and the wound healed, but Chris was not to be fazed: two years later, using a knife, he created an open wound on his groin, which he believed to be a pair of female genitals, growing thanks to all the hypnosis videos he had watched in the past few months - the same ones he believes cured his autism. Despite the wound posing a serious, even fatal risk to Chris's health, he did not seek any treatment for it until he was coaxed by concerned trolls to do so.

Fantasy and fiction

You think that comic character wouldn't have its own thoughts and feelings?
Chris's question to Alec Benson Leary.
Alec's response.
You are naïve.
Chris's response to Alec.[6]
The chances of this happening are staggering

CWCville is what Chris calls his imaginary, idyllic fantasy world. It is his preferred means of escape from a world that does not give Chris what he feels reasonably entitled to. Above all else, CWCville is built around Chris's comfort and convenience. As its Mayor, Chris enjoys as much power and as little responsibility as he wants.

All of Chris's characters are aware that Chris is the creator of their reality. Sonichu and Rosechu both refer to him as "father", in much the same way a Christian might consider God to be his or her Creator (it is unknown if the comic exists in the universe of CWCville). Chris believes his characters possess the free will to make their own decisions, and that he is not responsible for their actions. This is how various events, both major and minor, such as Sonichu and Rosechu's wedding, the birth of their children,[7] Kel's romance with Naitsirhc,[8] and even Bubbles and Blake's wedding[9] are said to actually happen "off-screen", instead of just being a spur-of-the-moment throwaway plot elements that Chris is too lazy to depict. Without prior explanation, Chris made a "spoiler" in his own comic that Magi-Chan will eventually get together with Silvana, implying that, in Chris's head, this has already "happened".[10] It is Slaweel Ryam, not Chris, who apologizes for slandering Mary Lee Walsh.[11] Chris once justified his refusal to write Simonla out of the comic by saying that she would not want to leave CWCville, and that she and Wild would fight for her right to stay.[12]

Chris considers everything drawn, written, or even said about CWCville to be canonical if he's the one stating it (regardless of contradictions) and feels it necessary to explain away undesirable changes to CWCville made as a result of outside influences (e.g. BILLY MAYS, as Mayor). The fact that he needs to explain this in his comic pages shows that he assumes everyone else shares this belief as well. Despite considering his own judgement infallible as applied to his own work, he forces others to accept the "corrections" he has made to theirs.

When the Asperpedia Four used systematic trolling to make Chris kill off the character Simonla, Chris viewed it as a deliberate attack on his fantasy world. CWCville, which had always been Chris's way of retreat from the real world, had been infiltrated by outside forces and was no longer impenetrable, so this is likely why Chris put the comic on hiatus; to stop outside forces from causing any more damage.

On July 23, 2017, Chris responded to his True and Loyal Fanbase, who wondered why Chris wouldn't reboot his comics. As a response, Chris explained that if he were to reboot his comics, that would mean that history in the canon would have to start all over again, and all of the characters would have to start over from their original origins. Essentially, he thinks that if he pulls the plug on his Sonichu franchise and reboots it, that would mean that all of his characters would die, and they would somehow reincarnate into their newer upgraded versions.

I believe in the alternate dimensions where each set or all of our animated characters reside and live their lives, and continue growing long after their series is finished (or stay kids; whatever).
Chris to Doopie.[13]

Chris has also demonstrated problems with hallucinations. His mind has showed a tendency to simply conjure up visions and voices of characters - whether his own creations or not - seemingly out of nothing. During a 2004 confrontation with Mary Lee Walsh, for instance, Chris began to converse with thin air, pretending that Sonichu was in the office with him.[14][15] At one point, Chris began to pretend that he was Sonichu and started giving a speech that he claimed "Sonichu" wanted to give to Mary. He concluded the lecture with a curse-ye-ha-me-ha, as of course he believes he has magic powers. Unsurprisingly, Mary ordered him to see a psychiatrist. Additional evidence for this can be seen before Chris crashes into slumber, when he pretends to converse with Sonichu and Rosechu. At one point, he claimed that the pair offered him relationship advice.[15] He has also claimed to have conversed with Megagi La Skunk, particularly regarding how she has allegedly told him that she (Megan, but by extension Megagi) should never have been born.[16] Furthermore, Chris believes that he has overheard conversations held by Night Star and other random ponies.[17] In 2017, Chris has used his Night Star account on Twitter to talk to himself, even after revealing that Night Star was a sockpuppet of his[18].

Sister dimensions

One of the most enduring questions to arise from science, one that is beyond its explanatory reach, is: Why is the universe so special? The universe started in an extremely simple way. Following the big bang it was just an expanding ball of energy. Now, after 13.7 billion years, it is rich and complex, the home of carbon-based life.[19] Every atom of carbon in our bodies was once inside a star—everyone is literally made of stardust. The process by which this happens is delicate, and if the laws of nuclear physics were even a little different, the production of carbon would be impossible; life as we know it could not exist.[20] Such a remarkable fact surely deserves an adequate explanation. In order to explain why the laws of physics are the way they are, some scientists have suggested that there are trillions of different universes, all different and all separate from one another.[21] If there were such a vast multiverse, then maybe one of those universes might by chance have physical laws which are suitable for carbon-based life—and that, of course, would be our universe since we are carbon-based life.[22] It’s important to note that such a prodigal suggestion is not science, since we have no knowledge of, or access to, any universe other than our own. The multiverse theory is simply a metaphysical guess.[23]

Chris however, has readily accepted the multiverse theory as objective fact and uses it as a vehicle to justify his belief that cartoons are real. He was likely exposed to it for the first time in an episode of Family Guy, "Road to the Multiverse".[24] It's important to point out that the infamous second call between Chris and Alec, which took place on 28 January 2010, occurred only four months after the original air date of this episode,[25] meaning the idea was still fresh in Chris's mind.

In recent years, Chris has become much more vocal about his belief in multiple universes. He invoked the existence of an alternative reality when expressing his disapproval of President Trump.[26] Unpromptedly, he confirmed his belief in alternative dimensions in the Doopie E-mails.[27] He confidently asserted the actual existence of CWCville in his interview with Count Dankula.[28] He wanted to discuss the nature of other realities with a writer of Marvel Comics after learning about "Earth 1218", (which is our reality) in the comics.[29] He did not back down even after said writer stated that it was all fiction. It's also notable to mention that Chris was so easily manipulated by the Idea Guy in part because he had invoked the multiverse theory;[30] which immediately garnered Chris's attention.

Chris’s belief in alternative dimensions allows him to disconnect from the poor and mundane life he currently resides in. It probably gives him solace to believe that he, or other versions of himself, exist in other places where he is content, successful, and surrounded by characters and people who love him.

Dimensional Merge

Main article: Dimensional Merge

After Chris was rescued from the Idea Guys in May 2018, he continued to hold onto the beliefs they had programmed into him. Although he was encouraged to seek therapy, Chris balked at the idea and instead sought out more people to feed his delusional thinking - and got his wish in the form of the Teen Troon Squad; around October of that same year, for the second time in 2018, Chris was trolled by people claiming to be his own fictional characters.

Lukas, a member of the Squad, claimed that the Dimensional Merge was an invention of the Idea Guys, but added, "we discouraged the idea at first,"[31] implying that they later began encouraging Chris to believe in the merge.

The Dimensional Merge itself is a phenomenon which Chris describes as the process of the sister dimensions 1218 and C-197 unifying to incorporate characteristics of both dimensions in one universe. The dimension "1218" (sometimes referred to as "Earth 1218") is the universe which all of humanity inhabits. The dimension "C-197" is a creation of Chris' imagination which contains all of the fictional characters and original creations featured in comic books, animated television shows, movies, and video games. In addition, the dimension C-197 includes a mirror version of Earth that hosts all of the fictional locations which the OCs of C-197 reside, including Gotham City and Equestria.[32] The merge was originally scheduled to complete by the end of 2018 leaving behind a universe known as 1C-211987 with elements of both sister dimensions.

"Whoever said math is applicable in real life, that person was Very Correct. ⚡️💙⚡️ I did the math in my head." -Chris

On 14 November 2018, Chris made a tweet explaining the survival rates for the inhabitants of the sister dimensions during the merge. Chris explains the population math as follows; 61.25% of the population of dimension C-197 is identical to that of Earth in dimension 1218, the remaining 38.75% of the population of C-197 are OCs which are unique to C-197, all of the OCs of C-197 are guaranteed to survive the merge, at least 51% of the human population of the Earths in both sister dimensions will survive the merge and at least 41% will not with an uncertainty of 8%, the best outcome of the merge would leave 59% of the population of 1218 alive and all of the 38.75% of the OCs of C-197 plus 11.25% of the human population of C-197 in the dimension 1218C197, the dimension 1C-211987 would be left with 109% of 1218's current population leaving approximately 8.365 billion humans and OCs in the new universe.[33]

Damn Dimension 1218’s “Reality” Limits and Shit!!!
Chris, upset that the Dimensional Merge did not happen as planned

TL;DR version: Chris creates fantasy world in which he is an all-powerful goddess where he can control everything and have everything he wants, in stark contrast to his current situation. As time went on Chris becomes desperate to convince everyone and especially himself that such fantasy world really exists.


Chris believes he has psychic powers that can inflict harm on his enemies.
What Chris thinks his curses are capable of.

Through Chris's perception of God as an instrument of his will comes the delusion that he has magical powers that will permit him to eventually succeed over the enemies that he is unable to dispatch by any more conventional means.

The most notorious example is the curse-ye-ha-me-ha, a power that supposedly bestows terrible fortune upon the recipient. Chris has performed this curse on innumerable occasions, both over the Internet and in public. He has even retracted the curse (albeit reluctantly) on at least three occasions[34][35][36] with a "Forgiveness Blessing" which further cements Chris's belief in its efficacy.

He also thinks that he has the power to brainwash people into following his commands, among other latent powers that he may discover when the opportunity presents itself.[37] All of this magic is supposedly powered by his preferred personal relic du jour - either the medallion or the Amnyfest Ring. How these items came to be imbued with magical properties has not been addressed.

Chris also appears to believe that he can, to an extent, talk to the deceased. He told Sarah May that when he touched his dead Aunt Corrina's hand, he could hear her spirit, along with the spirits of his grandparents and great-grandparents. He also claimed that GodJesus told him to "make the trip and go to Julie". Additionally, Chris believes that he can harness the spirits of the dead to do his bidding, notably when he threatened Megan with revenge by him and his father's ghost, and when he warned Alec Benson Leary that his dead dog would have his soul for dinner and haunt his nightmares.

It's unclear at this point whether these visions are the result of his mental problems or just an excuse for him to do what he wants to do by justifying his actions as the result of supernatural phenomena. He may have gotten the notion of hearing supernatural voices from psychics (in real life or more likely in the media), who claim to converse with the spirits of the dead. During his time masquerading as JenkinsJinkies on Trollin Train, Chris hoped to dissuade trolls by claiming that his house was haunted, describing an alleged encounter with the vengeful ghosts of Patti and his younger self. Chris apparently believed that trolls would heed this threat.

When asked by a fan how he came to learn of his powers, Chris replied they were evidenced by Mary Lee Walsh's reputation going "DOWN":

I have learned about the Curses actually working firstly when I cursed the real-life Mary Lee Walsh; then I later heard that her reputation at PVCC went DOWN (yes, mostly due to my references in the pages), but then things got worse for her, and even though I forgave her for her misdeed on interrupting my Sweetheart Search, I feel she definitely got what she deserved for her misdeed. Later, I cursed one specific Troll (I forget who); shortly later, I learn that troll came down with a life-threatening ailment.
Chris, Mailbag 18

This is textbook magical thinking. This gives Chris a belief of some degree of power over his own life, no matter how illusory. This use of fantasy is considered by the psychological community to be an immature defense mechanism.

Since 2016, Chris has watched a myriad of Subliminal Frequency Hypnosis videos on YouTube, and believes that the marketed effects of the binaural beats he listens to will actually occur. These videos promise bizarre results, such as attracting love, becoming a hermaphrodite, and learning telekinesis.

It was further revealed in the Doopie emails that Chris believes the binaural beats are awakening latent psychic powers within him.

I also believe in psychic powers, have been developing some for myself with binaural beats. I am Literally Bending Paper with my mind waves, and I can only get better with daily practice. I would use my powers for good, including the possibility of levitating myself to Fly.
Chris, Doopie emails

Belief in popular superstitions

While most of Chris's superstitions are his own, he also takes part in popular superstitions as well. Autistic people in general tend to be predisposed to wishful and magical thinking, finding superstitions to be comforting.

Chris dislikes the number 13, because he thinks it is an unlucky number: Triskaidekaphobia (the fear of 13) is already a common American superstition, with Microsoft Office notably skipping version 13 during the development of Office 2010.[38] However, Chris’s fear of the number 13 had an unusual effect on the numbering of the Sonichu comics, where Sonichu #13 was numbered as "Sonichu 12-9" (showing his incompetency with either logic or math),[39] On Twitter, when going into multi-tweet rants, Chris numbers the tweets. For Twitter messages which exceed 12 tweets, Chris either replaces the number 13 with a repeated 12 or with 12-9[40][41] [42]

Chris has also shown belief in astrology. He included his and Sarah Hammer's zodiac signs in the Life shares. In his OkCupid profile, he wrote that his sign is "Pisces, and it's fun to think about." He wrote to Jessica Quinn, "I am emotion-prone, and I tend to do as I feel and life flows, like the Pisces I was born under."[43] One of the quotes on his first Facebook was "I was born under the Sign of PISCES, the sign of the PROVIDER. I am fully capable of providing the necessities, and then some, for the Lucky Woman who loves me for me, and becomes my True Sweetheart." His belief in star signs may explain why he holds such a high significance to his birthday.

Chris places significance on his birthstone, which he calls "amnyfest". He believes the class ring with the stone is what gives him power, and even pointed it out to Emily on their date. More recently, he has attached an amethyst quartz crystal to his medallion.

Chris also obsesses over popular "rules" about relationships. He's held onto the idea that sex should be given on the third date, as well as other overly generic dating advice.

Conspiracy theories

Among the many issues faced by Chris in his perception of reality, his tendency towards conspiracy theorism is the one that has caused him the most trouble. Chris views the fact of his own life through the lens of his huge, cloying ego, and as such believes that anyone who prevents him from getting what he wants is only interested in being mean to him for its own sake, something to which neither he nor his parents take kindly.

As stated, Chris believes that he was intentionally infected with autism by his doctor. Anyone who hinders Chris's Love Quest is part of an effort to "make true love illegal", either in Virginia or nationwide.[44][45] This choice of words suggests that Chris believes that he is entitled to a girlfriend, and that people are attempting to take legal action to deprive him of this alleged right.

When no culprit responsible for his unhappiness is visible, Chris prefers to accuse unseen hands of plotting against him. Chris blamed his inability to find guests to a sporting event on efforts by the Greene County school board to deprive him of friends; including conspiracy with realtors to keep him in Ruckersville and with Michael Snyder to keep him out of his favorite hangout.[46]

Chris's tendencies towards these sorts of thoughts may spiral back to two people: Robert and Barbara Chandler. A phone call between his parents and a GAMe PLACe employee revealed a number of things; most importantly, it illustrated that they believe Chris's entire trolling began as a conspiracy between Michael Snyder, Megan Schroeder, and a number of potential homosexuals to "terrorize", "torment", and "persecute" Chris for being autistic, going so far as to believe they broke into Chris's credit card account and tried to ruin his credit. Considering how readily and fervently these beliefs were held by his parents, it is sadly little wonder that Chris thinks the same way.

When Chris was active on the Tomboys and Tomgirls of Virginia forum, he revealed that he shares his parents' insane beliefs about the GAMe PLACe's position in troll hierarchy. Most notably, he claimed that Michael Snyder was hiding a criminal scandal because the owner of the Place (as well as three other associated hobby stores) is a convicted sex offender. He also tried to argue that the store itself is in violation of the law, simply because it is close to a public school and owned by a sex offender who is never actually there. Ironically enough, acting like a sex offender is one of the many things that got Chris banned from the store in the first place. Chris would eventually accuse Michael Snyder himself of being a child molester, going as far as to accuse him of molesting his own daughter. In case you've forgotten, Snyder once chased Chris down after he (unintentionally) took candid photographs of the same daughter Chris accused him of molesting.

The most telling evidence of Chris's belief that anyone who doesn't agree with him is a 'damn dirty troll' is the case of his white knights. Despite their attempts to offer constructive critique on his art, warn Chris of potential trolling attempts and even plead with him to seek help, they have all fallen on deaf ears. There have even been cases where trolls themselves would respectfully point out what Chris is doing wrong in life. However, as is the rule with Chris, these people were not telling him what he wanted to hear and were therefore ignored.

Fan videos

Chris Chan and Reality / CWCki Discussion
Stardate 2 January 2019
Made By Dillin Thomas
Subject Matter CWCki
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos


  1. https://tweetsave.com/cwcsonichu/status/999998606034784256
  2. Mailbag 9
  3. Mailbag 44#I want to see Simonla die so very badly
  4. Aspergers (CWCipedia article)
  5. Autism Awareness E-mails
  6. Alec Benson Leary Phone Call 2
  7. http://archive.sonichu.com/cwcipedia/index.php?title=Sonichu#Sonichu_and_Rosechu_from_1998_to_Today Sonichu Page on CWCipedia
  8. http://archive.sonichu.com/cwcipedia/index.php?title=Sonichu#First_Encounter_with_Naitsirhc
  9. I_Am_The_TRUE,_Original_CCWC#A_history_.286:02_to_9:34.29 I Am The TRUE, ORIGINAL CCWC
  10. http://archive.sonichu.com/cwcipedia/index.php?title=Issue_10/Page_37 Issue 10 Page 37
  11. Mary Lee Walsh#Possible reconciliation
  12. Mailbag 43#...well, this is disturbing!
  13. Doopie E-mails#Hey, Danielle
  14. Jackie Chat #5
  15. 15.0 15.1 Jackie_E-mails_16
  16. October 2013 Facebook Posts#Megagi La Skunk agrees that you should have never been born
  17. August_2017_Facebook_posts#MLP_theory.2C_based_on_listening_to_Night_Star
  18. NightStar2891 tweets#Lonely and conversing with himself
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon#Formation_in_stars
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse#Anthropic_principle
  23. https://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/12/opinion/a-brief-history-of-the-multiverse.html?pagewanted=all
  24. Kacey Call 22
  25. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_to_the_Multiverse
  26. Pmurt#Open Letter to Pmurt on the LGBT
  27. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Doopie_E-mails#Hey.2C_Danielle_.E2.80.94_30_July_2017
  28. Count Dankula
  29. July 2018 social media posts#Earth 1218
  30. https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Idea_Guy_Q%26A#Gullibility
  31. https://kiwifarms.net/posts/4149788/
  32. https://kiwifarms.net/threads/dimensional-merge-tweets-megathread.49414/
  33. https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/1062688325130219521
  34. Curse-ye-ha-me-ha Retraction
  35. One Blessing, and One Curse
  36. I am Alive
  37. Mailbag 20#Chris still thinks he can actually curse people
  38. Flynn, David, ‘Microsoft to skip "unlucky" Office 13’, Australian Personal Computer (APC), 29 March 2007 (accessed 6 May 2019).
  39. Captain’s Log, 14 August 2017 (More Positive Content).
  40. https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/1023969772168511488
  41. https://twitter.com/CWCSonichu/status/1006915844016869377
  42. It should be noted that there are more sensible ways for avoiding the use of the number 13, even if it is necessary to maintain the consistency of numbering. They include:
    • Renumbering 13 as 12A, 12½ or 12.5;
    • Renumbering 13 as 12B, and renumber 12 as 12A.
  43. November 2016 Facebook posts
  44. Sonichu #4
  45. CWC Blog#10 March 2010
  46. 100 2178
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