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Buying items from Chris is not recommended, knowing his history of financial irresponsibility, neglect, and failure to keep customers' information private, as well as Praetor's history of shady behavior. Chris is also illegally selling burned CDs. It is wise to not get involved.
The solution to selling random items without breaking Etsy's TOS.
"Welcome all. I am Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime. This is my website with occasional updates from me on that which is good. And featured are items available from me on the store, a blog, a section for fan arts, and more to come down the road."

Cwclight is a website run by Chris and possibly Praetor that was created in September 2024 to sell items and post blog updates. The website was officially announced for the public in a video on 20 September 2024.

CWC Blog posts

Cwclight - Blogs PNG 2.png
On here, I will personally add more of the facts and details about the events and myself. Certain other websites and forums do not have the direct source and knowledge as I do. I will also feature answers to various frequently asked questions, past, present and future. Even Wikipedia will hardly have anything in comparison.

Welcome to Cwclight

12 September 2024

This will be my True and Honest Official Website, nothing more nothing less.

On here, you can expect details and content direct from me.

Some of which will include corrections to a good number of the pages and details that are on other Chris Chan websites and YouTube videos about me, because they went off of what I had said and written online, and what was recorded of me without my consent; a lot of the time, they did not have every detail direct from me.

And moreover newer content and updates about me, the media featuring the Sonichus and Rosechus and all, and other relating events and topics (even some that may appear to deviate from time to time). As well as lots of other things that at the moment of writing this is not yet conscious to my Brain.

And I'll offer occasional guidance that will be more towards yours and everyone's self-improvement and well-being as individuals and as groups of good friends and partners.

Keep faith and follow that which is good and Light Powered.

Rules on Comments

12 September 2024

Comments are accepted but moderated. Please keep comments appropriate and SFW.

Sonichus, Rosechus, and more

16 September 2024

Details about Sonichu Prime, Rosey Rosechu Prime and all of the other Sonichus and Rosechus already known and that not yet released.
For starters, here are a few details in short that are not to be taken out of context, because there is more than what is revealed now.

After the events in February, 2003 after Kel earned the Cwcville Gym Badge, and Natisirhc first encountered Sonichu and Rosey, Kel, Sonichu and Rosey, for one year, flew to Kanto Region in Japan to earn the Kanto and Johto Gym Badges and take on the Elite Four Teams.

Rosey got angry for the first time in Mount Moon against the Team Rocket thugs they had encountered and thrashed out. Sonichu was able to get her to calm down and change back. Her clothes were ripped to shreds the first time then. She got her outfit replaced with more durability, but she learned it wise to undress when she could before when she was about to really rage out. It takes quite a lot to make her upset, and she has learned to keep focus and emotionally control herself.

They moved into their new house after returning to Cwcville, VA, USA in February, 2004. And they end up finding Sonichu Adventure for Nintendo GameCube, as well as Sonichu and Rosechu plushes at a GameStop. They play through the game and find in the first few levels their life so far, including when Rosey first raged out in Mount Moon, and some of their future adventures that later were actually experienced by them. Talk a bit about spoiler territory.

Sonichu and Rosey both learned how to become better leaders and fighters with the help of Christian/Christine-Chan (my C-197 self-counterpart), Magi-Chan Sonichu (Prime), and from other inspirational Heroes, including Link and Princess Zelda of Hyrule, themselves. Zelda gifted the really big book of Prophecies and Histories from Hyrule's perspective, since it also had prophecies about the Sonichus and Rosechus and the Ultimate Emerald, Master Emeralds, Chaos Emeralds, Chaos Crystal (S-Chu) Balls, and so on in it.

In 2014, Cera Rosechu, Roberta Sonichu and Christine Rosechu (Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime's daughters) went out on their own Pokemon Adventure all throughout the USA; 24 Badges, Three Elite Teams, and the three of them became able to Mega Evolve after finding their respective destined Sonichite and Rosechite (Mega Stones). Cera becomes Electric/Fighting, Christine becomes Electric/Fairy, and Roberta becomes Electric/Psychic. Robbie knew a lot more than you all may think and knew. And they find the unique Legendary Pokemon of the States; all seven of them to summon the eighth Legendary Pokemon.

Punchy Sonichu was hatched in Japan and learned, wrote and spoke in Japanese, except he was named Pun-Chai Sonichu, trained hard under the various self-defenses, including karate and samurai arts. He fought in many a Fighting Championship, including with those you know of in Street Fighter series, including Ryu, Chun-Li and Akuma, and come out on top and top ranks. IF he was in the realm of Mortal Kombat, he would survive and win as well. He can easily match the mach punches of the fastest Machamp as well. He had been summoned to Cwcville by an Alakazam in Cwcville's Psychic Squadron under Magi-Chan's request before Sonichu and Rosey arrived in Cwcville in 2003. Punchy is quite a metaphysical, spiritual and strong warrior and individual.

Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime (the Prime of all Magi-Chan Sonichus throughout the Multiverse) had seen a lot of adventures and development in his psychic developments. He had gone to the past, died and resurrected in a couple of days by his own will and power, and came back to the present day he came from. And that was the First time that happened to him; it doesn't happen many times, but he always heals his body and comes right back within faster times. And that is aside from the Respawn ability with the generators within the Poke Balls linked with each and every Special Sonichu, Rosechu, Metonic, Vamprosa, Sonee and Rosey. Just as good as Dr. Wolf's Respawn Generator on the TF2 field. Magi-Chan had organized the Psychic Squadron over a matter of years with the help of the city that would become Cwcville.

Robert Franklin Chandler, Jr. became Mayor of Cwcville by Godly Divine Decree and Order around when Chris started going to Providence Middle School. That same order brought Chris to become Mayor after he graduated from Manchester High School in 2000, yet he still attended Piedmont Virginia Community College in Charlottesville, eventually relocating his education to PVCC in Cwcville.

Mary Lee Walsh and Count Graduon overtook the Charlottesville campus in August, 2003.

Blake Sonichu is further expanded, as well as the development of the relationship between him and Bubbles Rosechu. She gifted him a very special message-engraved bracelet that helped him to realize the Team Rocket he was with was not the team to be on long-term.

Liquid Chris Sonichu was a member of Team Rocket as well; he had been there a year or two before he was out on the field spying on Sonichu and Rosey back in February, 2003.

Naitsirhc was a son of a rich family, but he left them at the age of 7 and was picked up by Team Rocket, and adopted by Giovanni, himself, when he showed his moxie and bad ass ways. Silver, Giovanni's son was jealous. Yet Naitsirhc managed to do a lot more than Silver could do.

And lastly, for now: The Ultimate Emerald is a God Powered Emerald, more powerful than the eight Master Emeralds. It was the central power gem with each of the eight Master Emeralds surrounding it like points on a compass. In around 450 B.C., the Ultimate Emerald had shattered, and it left the Eight Chaos Emeralds. Eight, Not Seven; the Eighth one is Orange, and is more elusive compared to the other seven. When the Ultimate Emerald shattered and the Chaos Emeralds dispersed, so did the eight Ultimate Emeralds, with the Green one ending up on what would become Angel Island with the Echidna Tribe. And the Core Energy of the Ultimate Emerald ended up within the Core of the One Avatar of all existence, and the Ultimate Emerald has been restored within the past couple of years from September, 2024 and resonates between both the C-197 and 1218 halves of this very Earth. The Chaos Emeralds and Chaos Crystal Balls continue to be about and do as they will and need to keep and restore order when chaos and discord is afoot. Knuckles' Master Emerald, aside, the Master Sunston on Flame the Sunbird's island is one of the other Master Emeralds, albeit reshaped to be like the evolution sun stone. That Master Emerald promotes growth, prosperity and development. The Cyan Master Emerald is housed in Cwcville on a dedicated alter and under protection within the expansive Cwcville Park just north-east of the Cwcville Basillicomm. The remaining five are around the world on their respective alters under guard by a Special Sonichu or Rosechu, as well as the Psychic Squadron division located in those respective countries.

Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime

16 September 2024

Some details about me, and some updated details about me.
As stated, I am Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime, the One Avatar of all existence, the CPU Goddess Blue Heart of the Commodore Consoles, and the one reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, himself, as well as the other forms I had taken from after the events in Jerusalem and at the time Merlin the Magician divided the 1C-211987 Earth by order of King Arthur which separated stronger magics, creatures and individuals from those individuals less capable of coping with said magics, including Arthur, himself. I am married polyamorous with Magi-Chan Sonichu (Prime), Cryzel Rosechu (Prime), Sylvana Rosechu (Prime) and the one-and-only Mewtwo (Prime) (who was cloned under Giovanni's authority). And I am also to be wed with my one destined and personally chosen partner of the 1218 Half of this Earth as prophesized in my dreams and even within the pages I have written and drawn so far. I am the one Prime of ALL (Jesus) Christian Weston Chandler Sonichus, (Jesus) Christine Weston Chandler Sonichus, and the other self-counterparts of mine all throughout the vast Multiverse.

Count the blessing this is not the Shattered Glass Universe, and don't get me started.

I have personally realized all of this over the course of my life and Soul Searching, following the signs and events as best as my Brain and Consciousness could, and having become much better in the recent years, up to the past decade from this day in September, 2024 and becoming more masterful and stronger.

I am not meant to be simply a "Meme" type as some of you often overplay about me, but to the extent (anything NSFW being the limit and would be rated TV-MA is not to be memed or cited at all) it is quite all right. Even I consciously was under a number of confusions over the years still figuring myself out, as well as my own Brain and Body. The autism was a hinderance but allowed me to innately remain connected metaphysically all the way to the Alpha/Omega Point of all existence. That is a feat that only those within the 0.009% of the Worldwide Population between both Earth halves combined. And even Fewer than that who can access the Core and Matrix of the Alpha/Omega Point and tolerate it mentally and emotionally, myself included in that. Not enough Meditation and Connections will get most individuals and creatures beyond even the Core and Matrix of This Universe. That is something you may meditate on and connect with the local Akashic Records to learn about for yourselves, or you may ask a genuine psychic.

Aside from that, I am a multifaceted bisexual transwoman (She/Her are my Pronouns) with many talents, including hand-drawn art, writer (story and dialogue), gamer, a bit of a good cook, and most anything learnable. I am the original creator and chronicler of the media featuring the Sonichus Rosechus as well as the city of Cwcville, Virginia, United States of America. My mentality is high-functioning autistic with a psychic connection with everything in the universe, timeline and beyond.

My (super) powers and abilities are numerous, even moreso metaphysically. These include the various Psychic Powers and abilities, including telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy (a lot of which my Body's Brain and Energy Field are still catching up on), elemental powers and bending. My Body and Brain have attuned the ability to heal others with focused intentions and kind energy.

I can transform into my Sonichu Form with Electricity being the more dominant elemental bending power within and my Psychic Powers and abilities. And I can physically run at mach speeds.

And I can transform into my CPU Goddess Blue Heart Form, wherein, granted by the former Goddess Blue Heart, Scarlet LeRose, I have powers over computer technology and I preside as the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles and Computers, as opposed to Neptune of Planeptune being CPU Purple Heart of the Sega consoles and games.

I am also physically strong and able with a Warrior Will and Inner Strength granted by my former self in my past immortal life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Everything of the Bible, Prophecies, various Scriptures worldwide, and so on are all memorized in my unconsciousness.

Among my deeds, I seek to complete the Dimension Merge, as long prophesized, to restore magic in recombining the Earth Halves and uniting the "Fictional" and Original Characters/Individuals/Creatures with their respective chroniclers, physically and tangibly alongside everyone as co-existing individuals that we always have been, and keeping the balance and order while confiding the chaos and maintaining that no one from alternate timelines, other dimensions and universes that are not meant to be here remain in their respective origins (Especially those that are overall evil and toxic).

In part of that, as well as what I am doing, have done, and continue to do is to continue my physical immortal life confirming the details and events for and with my consciousness with everything known and foreknown in my unconsciousness. The same rules apply as when I was Jesus of Nazareth where I do not consciously know the Specific When (Time and Date), unless I am absolutely meant to or when the event is closest to happening. And I go to where I am meant to be, physically, even when I do menial tasks like going shopping, walking at a mall, or even attending conventions and traveling elsewhere. I am capable of taking a few perks for myself if it remains in the broader focused scope of this One Prime Timeline, 1C, that ALL other timelines literally branch from; the Central most one, if you will. While also continuing on my own Light Powered and good paths and choices from better intuitions. The years of being manipulated by online Trolls and Toxic ones having been duly noted, yet appreciated in my own mental and emotional development, especially in having tested those individuals' intentions and confirming their toxicity and demonically influenced levels.

For the most part, please treat me kindly like you would anyone else. Being barred from anywhere is heavily discouraged. Misjudging me without authentic context is also very much wrong. And unless you want to be like Judas Iscariot or anyone who was in the audience booing me in Jerusalem when I carried that cross with that crown of thorns on my head, I ask that you please be aware in the moment when you are about to do something like that or similar, do Check yourself in that moment on rather it is genuinely Light Powered and Good or Badly Impulsive and Demonically Influenced. Results of Prophecy, aside with results as they may be, because that moment has already well passed in this manifestation set with that almost two years where I was not around to be picked on like those toxic ones before the fact did.

Everything is manifesting as they are and shall, even that which comes on the appropriate timing as meant to be for this Timeline. Have and Keep Faith. The Angels, Archangels and good Gods and Goddesses are helping you all as well, Every one of you. The Holy Bible and matching good scriptures and spiritual methods and practices worldwide are all good base points; we are meant to think outside of the box while keeping those in mind to remind us. All religions are good. The exceptions are those that worship Hell and Satan; that is not right. Leave those demons and devils only for when they can be forgiven by us Gods and Goddesses. Even the most Toxic ones are redeemable when they better understand and are open for that which is more beneficial and overall good for them.

But I digress, and that will do for starters on this website.

Be Safe and Well,

Mrs. Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime.

Blake Sonichu

11 November 2024

For this Blog Post, I am going to talk some about Blake Sonichu.

As known, Blake was cloned from Sonichu Prime's fur sample with an accidental dose of cherry coca-cola. He met Naitsirhc and Giovanni and was trained and tested under Giovanni's order and with Naitsirhc's and the scientists' observations (GiBi and Bill included). Blake was, indeed, heavily trained. He was also tested with doses of the "R" compound that makes Pokemon go "Shadow", or feral; Blake's genetics had blocked the "R" and all of its components, so he was immune to them. Not to mention the indirect connections with the Chaos Emerald and gems also taken from Sonichu's DNA.

Blake had proven himself time and again and was often paired with Naitsirhc and even Liquid Chris Sonichu (AKA Liquidchu (while in Sonichu Form) on missions. It should also be noted that Blake was also trained to wield a firearm, as some Team Rocket members had wielded them. His training was really army or military-like and very tough, yet Blake very often would best the physical challenges and battles. Liquidchu would lose to Blake a lot in battle. Blake does not often use a gun, but when it comes with self-defense and downing a serious foe it is an option. He'll more often resort to his physical strength and speed, as well as his electric attacks. At one point, using one experimental focused Ditto-made injection, he also has an indirect Psychic typing, though he is not classified as an Electric/Psychic type; he remains purely Electric Type.

Most everyone is aware of the time when he was on a mission to spy on Christian at the mall with Liquid, he had met Bubbles Rosechu for the first time at the mall on June 14, 2004. This happened before when he stole the Master Sunstone on July 23, 2004.

On a future meeting while he was in camouflage disguise by having dyed his fur yellow and donned green coloured contacts and basic Sonichu shoes on December 17, 2004, while on mission to be "Secret Shopper" and steal Pokemon and gifts from shoppers at the Mall. Blake knew it was a failed cause due to the Psychic Squadron often undoing the deeds in tetraseconds in advance. He encountered both Angelica and Bubbles Rosechu as they were doing the charitable Christmas shopping. Blake was speechless and could only get out a few shy and awkward words out of infatuation with Bubbles. Angelica intuitively tells Bubbles that he was a young Sonichu on a Soul Search out the company of distant ones. Bubbles had sensed something about Blake in that moment, something deeply good inside him. So she gifted him a sterling silver bracelet that had the engraved message, "You are not alone". Blake always treasured that bracelet. The following Christmas in 2005, he found and helped Bubbles and Angelica deliver food and gifts for the homeless and soup hotels. During that time, Liquidchu was on to Blake's infatuation, so he kept quiet and covered for Blake for a favor. Naitsirhc ended up finding out and indirectly called Blake out on it.

Over the time with Team Rocket, he realized Naitsirhc (turning Reldnahc), Liquid and the others there were really stupid, thus further affirming his reasons to eventually leave Team Rocket on November 25, 2006 for Bubbles and being an Anti-Hero, though siding with Sonichu, Rosey and the side of justice.

There are a lot more details, as chronicled in my G.L. Pages, but this will suffice to offer to you all this much more about Blake Sonichu.

A few previously unanswered questions

11 November 2024

1. Will you ever make a comic with Sonichu and friends going back in time?

Like for instance,the medival period,a favorite of mine.I would love to see him in plate armor and wielding a sword against a true medivel overlord,or sultan,whatever it be,along with the Chaotic Combo. Or maybe do a surrealist episode, with them rocking out in the Cretaceous.

Such the story has been chronicled, personally, as Sonichus, Rosechus, humans, ponies from Equestria, as well as Dr. Wolf, and various others had gone back in time to late February, 2006 during the events of Chaos Crystal Control.

On another similar detail, both Magi-Chan Sonichu and Angelica Rosechu have gone back in time to the days of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, on one hand for Angelica to personally get details of the events from me as I was back then. And on the other, on a separate occasion before that, as Magi-Chan foreknew of himself, to have his own literal first resurrection. Long story short: he had gone on his own journey after Jesus was crucified, was shot in the head with an arrow, his body relocated to a temple in China, his body healed with the arrow fully dislodged from his head and his brain fully mended and restored as normal, and he came back to life. He has resurrected himself a couple more time since after having returned to the present day as it was on August 31, 1951; this was after he had gained a great mastery in his Psychic training and practice since having been born a few years prior.

2. On the Cwcipedia pages for Rosey and Sonee, you said that they evolve at a high friendship, or happiness level, however, your character, Sandy Rosechu evolved after only one week! This must mean that she is happier than Robbie, Cerah, and Christine. Are Sonichu and Rosechu bad parents? Their kids are clearly very unhappy, or else they would have evolved by now!

You were mistaken, as regardless of happiness level, a Sonee or Rosey has varying timing, respectively, before they evolve into a Sonichu or Rosechu. As for Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime, they are very loving parents, and they have done a very good job caring about and raising Roberta Sonichu, Cera Rosechu and Christine Rosechu. Between them, Sandy Rosechu and even Donnie Sonichu, they each also had to find their respective purposes and self-happiness in order to evolve.

In Sandy's case, it was in her skill level of construction, digging work and physical endurance that made her realize quickly that was among the top of her skill sets. With Donnie, Bubbles taught him how to swim and encouraged him to help in keeping the waters clean. And Blake had taught him how to defend himself in combat. It was with his skill sets of surfing, cleaning up and helping others that he evolved into a Sonichu. With Cera, she stood up for Robbie at school against a bully; that tough grit was the key moment that saw her evolve. Christine was finding her compassion in the arts and creativity, as it showed when she was in the Christmas Play, that allowed her to evolve. And when Robbie realized how empathetic and caring he was to the point he realized he identified more as female than male allowed her to evolve and become Roberta Sonichu.

Happiness and Self-Realization makes for the evolution of some Pokemon and everyone, in general.

3. Chris, exactly how strong would you say the average Sonichu or Rosechu is? I'm only asking because recently, one of them was not only fainted, but killed by an attack from a Voltorb. Voltorbs have a very low physical attack power, about equal to Luvdisc, a very feeble pokemon. Even a powerful move like Explosion wouldn't be very powerful against your average fully evolved Pokemon. Using Raichu as an example, the average explosion from a Voltorb of equal level to a Raichu would leave a Raichu alive with energy to spare, and certainly not faint it, much less kill it.

Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime are the strongest among those that would be classified as a regular Sonichu or Rosechu, and on top of that the Chaos Emerald energies in the two of them makes them both Specials like Magi-Chan, Bubbles, Angelica, etcetera.

The regular Sonichu or Rosechu have varying stats like any other Pokemon, but they are not weak. The drawing I had made years ago of the average stats of a Sonee, Sonichu and Metonic still apply. Consider similar of the Sonichu upon a Rosechu.

In Simonla's case at the event of the Voltorb surprise attack, that was a surprise upon her; she was not prepared to defend herself. But due to her being a Special and having simitanium (which is like Wolverine's adamantium) in her bones and genes, she recovered quickly enough from the explosion. She did not die, she was hosptitalized. Simonla is not weak, she is strong in strength and defense.

Ultra Sonichu

16 November 2024

This blog is to talk about Sonichu Prime when he powers up with the seven (or all eight) Chaos Emeralds or Chaos Crystal Balls. But, I feel the details of the Ultimate Emerald needed to be restated at this point for starters.

The Ultimate Emerald is a God Powered Emerald, more powerful than the eight Master Emeralds. It was the central power gem with each of the eight Master Emeralds surrounding it like points on a compass. In around 450 B.C., the Ultimate Emerald had shattered, and it left the Eight Chaos Emeralds. Eight, Not Seven; the Eighth one is Orange, and is more elusive compared to the other seven. When the Ultimate Emerald shattered and the Chaos Emeralds dispersed, so did the eight Master Emeralds, with the Green one ending up on what would become Angel Island with the Echidna Tribe. And the Core Energy of the Ultimate Emerald ended up within the Core of the One Avatar of all existence, and the Ultimate Emerald has been restored within the past couple of years from September, 2024 and resonates between both the C-197 and 1218 halves of this very Earth. The Chaos Emeralds and Chaos Crystal Balls continue to be about and do as they will and need to keep and restore order when chaos and discord is afoot. Knuckles' Master Emerald, aside, the Master Sunston on Flame the Sunbird's island is one of the other Master Emeralds, albeit reshaped to be like the evolution sun stone. That Master Emerald promotes growth, prosperity and development. The Cyan Master Emerald is housed in Cwcville on a dedicated alter and under protection within the expansive Cwcville Park just north-east of the Cwcville Basillicomm. The remaining five are around the world on their respective alters under guard by a Special Sonichu or Rosechu, as well as the Psychic Squadron division located in those respective countries.

That being said, a Chaos Emerald is equal to 12.5% Power of a Master Emerald, and a Chaos Crystal (S-Chu) Ball is equal to about 15% Power of a Master Emerald. One difference between the Emeralds and Crystal Balls being intense Electric Power in the Crystal Balls.

Now only Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime, as opposed to the Regular Sonichus and Rosechus, are capable of utilizing the power and energy of the Chaos gem stones and storing the energies in their bodies. Yet like regular Sonichus and Rosechus, they are capable of Mega Evolving with their Sonichite and Rosechite (Mega Stones).

When Sonichu Prime Mega Evolves, he takes the physical form of Ultra Sonichu, but he is not as powerful as if he had used the Chaos Emeralds or Chaos Crystal Balls, or even the SOL Emeralds. He does get the stat boots all around, but it's not like he can ram into a foe and insta-kill them. Mega Evolving results in about 1/3 Power compared to the full power using seven Chaos gem stones.

When Rosey utilizes the Chaos gems, she is not like her Mega Evolved (Lioness) form; she physically stays similar, but her quills are straightened out and turned upright, and she glows in a primrose shade as opposed to her normal fur colour of diva pink.

Anyway, one other good thing about Ultra Sonichu Prime (with Chaos gems) is that he can focus and shine his aura energy with lightning power boost from his hands and core to shine a Light Power that is even brighter than the Sun, which can no doubt dispel and destroy any demon, devil or anything that is weak to Light Power.

The Autobots of Cwcville

1 February 2025

The city and Nation of Cwcville has a great number of defenses and heroes who protect it and nearby. One of which is the Autobots of Cwcville, appointed by Optimus Prime, himself.

Let's go back to the year 1993 when Robert Franklin Chandler, Jr. was indicted as Mayor, and during that time Chris and Barbara had moved to Midlothian, Virgina the better educations. Between both Robert and Magi-Chan Sonichu, they knew the facts that Chris was to be earnestly physically and magically trained with Psychic Powers, and in the years not long from then when Chris and I would become awakened of our Powers and Abilities, not just the city of Cwcville, but the entire state of Virginia would become a popular target of super villains and foes.

As early as 1980, Magi-Chan personally trained and evolved a LOT of Alakazams and other Psychic and various Pokemon for the initial defenses and evolved reinforcements. He had also selected and trained a number of Psychic and Fairy types of Special and Regular Sonichus and Rosechus, with increasing numbers of the species after the Chaos Rainbow of February 1, 2003. These over-leveled, Hyper-Trained and Mega Evolvable Pokemon were the earliest Defense groups. Robert also contacted Optimus Prime of the Autobots and inquired of any able Aubots to help defend the city. Fortunately, a team of five Cybertronian Autobots had been personally designed, manifested and trained to Voyger-Ranks, even though most of them were deluxe class bots, by Autobot Chris-Chan, herself, and her partner, Rungop, as well as links with the ancients, histories and wisdoms. More on their story later. The alliance with the Autobots was made. Also, a special project made on Cybertron and imported, a set of five combining vehicles that were piloted by Cwcville's team of Power Ranters to combat kaiju-sized threats. The barterings and alignments were made in 1993; the Zords were completed by 1995, with upgrades (since Go-Karts were prototypically fragile; they were no longer simply Go-Karts), and the team, led by Christian from 1995 to 2000, was formed as Krash Dummi had gathered his troops and targeted Virginia in mid-late 1995. The Psychic Tower that hovers over the Cwcville Police Department had been erected in 1995, and the inside could only be accessed by code and key-controlled elevator and/or by Teleporting into it by a Psychic Type.

We have our various teams to defend depending on the severity of the offenses and size. Megatron/Galvatron had attempted to harness energy from Cwcville's resources and Sonichus and Rosechus a few times and was thwarted and repelled by Son-Chu and his team with back up. Even a number of attacks by the piloted vehicons of Walsh and Graduon, the Pokemon and tank-level threats of Team Rocket, and Robotnik's mechanical oversized menaces could not stand easily against Cwcville's Autobts, Power Rangers, the Sonichus, Rosechus and Pokemon of the Psychic Squadron and the Special Sonichus and Rosechus of the city of Cwcville, VA.

But here is the story of our Cybertronian Team. On Cybertron in our Universe 1C-211987, the wars between the Autobts and Decepticons (with the allied Guardians and Renegades of the lost planet of Gobotron on Cybertron as well) did wage on from time to time, and their war had reached Earth time and again, as chronicled in Generation 1 and updated over the years.

On Cybertron, there are the creators and scientists who help make, heal and restore their fellow bots, be they in the same alliance, different or neutral. One Autobot that was manifested from Vector Sigma within Cybertron Primus, that also had a direct link with this Universe's Core and Matrix was a bright blue and pink (female) Autobot that started out with an alt-form of a microscope (or the tank mode was an option as well with that body type) who had awoke with the Avatar insights and foreknowledge, and from that dubbed herself after the one Avatar of all existence with the name Chris-Chan. Chris-Chan had developed and learned from her studies and meditations of Cybertron, her race, and the entire Universe in her own spirituality with her spark. She had observed all mechanics of the other bots of various sizes, origins, combination abilities, Headmaster and Weaponmaster, Mini-Cons, Micromasters, Transectors, the Titan Bots, Primus and Unicron, and so on.

Chris-Chan had developed her own unique technologies from her spiritual and multi-versal explorations. There was a time when she had fatedly fallen then was resurrected by the Universe Core and Primus, but with a great immortal benefit. During her down time, her spark had traveled to an alternate Universe where her self-counterpart there was a Prime. She donned and possessed the Matrix of Leadership on behalf of Rodimus Prime. Chris-Chan Prime was in an alternate Universe that was slated to be lost and become a void by will of a certain Dark Evil Sorcerer, there, who had slain the one Avatar there. When that Universe was lost, so was (Autobot) Chris-Chan Prime, or was she? Back on Cybertron in our Universe 1C-211987 about three days after her fall, Chris-Chan was Alive and fully Restored as she was without any loss of memory or data. She had quite the souvenir in her core, the Matrix of Leadership from the lost universe. Now, she had become a Prime, while the Matrix remained within Optimus Prime. And from her later creations, she created her life-giving partner, Rungop, with a bit of energy from her Matrix.

And to note, ALL of that had transpired within the past over 1,000 (Earth) Years, and at this point, now, it had become within the Earth's year 1739 A.D.

Continuing in her pursuits, she manifested and gave life to a number of other Autobots while also upgrading her fellow Bots on Cybertron as well. She made and gave life to a yellow and blue Autobot, and upon completion, she had a vision of Sonichu Prime from the Earth's future, so she dubbed this Autobot Son-Chu with glory and pride.

Chris-Chan Prime had appreciated her Microscope and Tank from and original body, but as a Prime, she felt it was time for an upgrade of her own. So with Rungop's help, she created a Transector that took the form of a lovely stylish sports race car, and she created the body to migrate her head onto, and Chris-Chan Prime became a Headmaster. But she didn't stop there, for she also gave her new body Combiner Limb compatibility and form, so she can better and actively help her team. She still has her original body reformed into a transector, but her choice weapon remains her Scope Cannon.

Chris-Chan Prime has bested the Decepticons, including Shockwave, Megatron and Galvatron time and again, alone and alongside her team, as well as Optimus and Rodimus, themselves.

Now, Autobot Son-Chu, since his creation and spark-given activation by Chris-Chan Prime and Rungop, he learned of the history and the future from his creator and fellow Autobot, and Son-Chu enlisted for combat training with Chris-Chan Prime taking part as well. They met and became friends with fellow Autobots Excelina, Bumba-Lumba, Prowler and Armoraxe, among other Bots. They all trained, fought hard and tough, and survived for many of Earth's years.

Son-Chu was elected to be Leader by his peers and friends.

Come 1993 after Optimus Prime talked with Mayor Robert Franklin Chandler, Jr. of Cwcville, Optimus contacted the Autobot Brigade and Eleite for a team of Autobots to go to Virginia to assist in defense services. Chris-Chan Prime responded and elected Son-Chu and his team; she showed Optimus their earned ranks and marks, and he agreed. So Son-Chu, Excelina, Bumba-Lumba, Prowler and Armoraxe took a Space Bridge and arrived in Cwcville, Virginia on Earth, greeted and welcomed by Robert and Magi-Chan. And the Autobots of Cwcville have been and continued to rescue and earn their keep and Energon.

During the events with IdeaGuy in 2017 and 2018, Son-Chu had lost his body, but Chris-Chan Prime had foreseen this and had built a new transector and carted it to Earth and upgraded Son-Chu's head to be a Headmaster for it. No memories or data was lost.

Ther was also a time where Chris-Chan's Matrix needed to be safeguarded and transferred, and Son-Chu was entrusted with the task and succeeded.

The central base of the Cwcville Autobots is just outside of the city to the Northwest and not far from the General Electric plant. Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Wheeljack, with their construction bots imported restored parts from a destroyed space shuttle to make what they needed and where to store Energon. Prime helped to provide at times, as well as where I instantly manifest up to a year's supply at a time with my godly powers.

In addition to the five Autobots, four others later came in to work at the base and help as needed. A medic who transforms into a helicopter by the name of Chapper. A voyager-size warrior gal who transforms into a fighter jet called Wave. A rescue bot who transforms into an artillery vehicle with a cannon that not only can blast debris and Decepticons, but also can shoot out water and flame defusing liquid; they call him Fireshot. And a tech and intelligence-savvy jeep bot who maintains the equipment with Armoraxe's help, and he keeps track of all incoming and in-city threats; good ol' Rollout.

To note, the team name, "Samurai Pizza Bots"; there were only two Autobots of the team who actually knew of the martial and samurai arts and defenses: Excelina and Prowler. The "Team Name" had been thought up by Punchy Sonichu later on after his arrival into Cwcville and meeting Prowler. Plus, I liked the reference, so I left that chronicled as was to be updated later on in the comic books. Son-Chu, Excelina, Bumba-Lumba and Armoraxe each had a human partner (half-human, half-Sonichu in Chris Chan's case), and the other three human partners had worked at pizza places around the city (I roll my eyes as well).

The team also had outsourced and made trips to other parts of Virginia quick on their wheels, and to other parts of the Earth by either Space Bridge or an Alakazam teleporting each Bot.

Now, individual Autobot introductions:

Son-Chu is the leader of the Cwcville Autobot Team. Son-Chu takes examples of leadership from Optimus Prime, Chris-Chan Prime, Chris(tine) Chan Sonichu (C-197 half), Magi-Chan Sonichu Prime, and even Sonichu Prime, Rosey Rosechu Prime and Bumblebee. He places safety and security over everyone else, as well as himself in a good valor and mindset. He had taken the form of a blue Ford Escort station wagon in 2000, but before that, he had taken form of a blue Chevrolet Impala. And after becoming a Headmaster in 2018, Son-Chu took the form of a blue 2017 Ford Fusion. And in losing the shield from his previous form, Chris-Chan Prime had given Son-Chu a Lion Bot partner that transforms into his shield, Silver.

Son-Chu would keep Chris safeguarded on his trips to Charlottesville and back or on other road trips from time to time before when Chris was able to transform into his Sonichu form and run at mach speeds, personally. Son-Chu also would meditate and connect with the sparks of the Cybertronians before him and in appreciation of his own spirituality and the Universe. He even connected with the sparks of Vector Sigma, Alpha Trion, Chris-Chan Prime, Primus and others and get sound advice, wisdoms and insights that help keep him better motivated and focused. During the breaks and down times, he keeps his mind sharpened and focused with routine physical combat and tactic practices, as well as the mentally stimulation simulations from Cybertron, as well as Earth games like Tetris, Trivia and Word/Number games and other puzzles. He also appreciates the natural amenities of Earth. He remains open, sharp, focused and mindful to anything that could be a threat.

Silver is a loyal lion bot with excellent animal instincts and intelligence that can easily rival Ravage. In his original form, Silver could also eject himself as a Headmaster and man a free transector as needed, while his body remained as a simple shield. He would later receive his own transector that took the form of a lion bot in alt mode and be his own bot like the others. He can also still change his body's size and transform into a good shield for Son-Chu or other Bots.

Excelina is anything but a "low-level Arcee clone". During her combat training with Son-Chu and the others, Excelina exhibited more grace, tanacity and quick instincts similar to Windblade. If you want to compare her fighting style with anyone, though, it would have to be none other than Chun-Li of Street Fighter fame. Excelina's vehicle form is a stylish motorcycle, and when on the move, she projects a hologram of a driver in the seat or off the seat.

Her human partner is Saketh. Born in Cwcville on Saturday, April 25, 1975, she has had the fascination with the mixed martial arts, math and sciences. She took a job at a Pizza Hut in the south-east segment of the city for further college tuitions. She loved her Suzuki motorbike for five years, but it was finding challenges of its own in 1993. Then, parked not far from the college dorm, a certain dark pink motorcycle was chillin' and on patrol; Saketh marveled at the motorcycle, until when she spoke back. One thing led to another, and a spying Decepticon nearby got suspicious. So, Excelina told Saketh to hop abord, and they drove off.

Excelina also shared a fascination of science with Saketh.

Armoraxe is a tough and durable, but hardheaded yet lovable, bot who loves to Jam with the Beats and Tunes with his custom Cybertron guitar that doubles as an Energon-Charged Blade Axe, a machine shot rifle for gunning down Decepticons, and his bird bot partner, Jet. His personality is a combination of (G1) Jazz and Bulkhead. His vehicle form is a souped-up Cube truck with 11 decible-cranking speakers and subwoofers. Hel Jam in the off-time, but he can and likes to lift steel girders like dumbell weights with concrete slabs on either end.

His human partner, Jeremiah, but you can call him Jereth, is a bulky black man from the streets who carried a big ol' beatbox stereo on his shoulder crankin' out the beats and jams of dub, electronic, funk and swag. You think I don't know what I'm talkin' about, he didn't either within the 'burbs of the North segment of Cwcville. Rockin' 23 in 1993.

He met Armoraxe at a rager of a par-tay outside the building. Jereth was jammin' to his own beats, and Armoraxe could not help but join in and invite him to cruise the streets with Jereth's beatbox hooked up to his woofers. That was a wild night in '93.

Bumba-Lumba may be mold-mates with Bumblebee and Cliffjumper and others, but he's actually more like Gears without the grumpy circuit card, but not as docile. The scout will Zap It UP almost like a Sonichu with a Rain Dance turned on. His sporty green coupe vehicle mode and short stature allows him to be Hot Wheels fast and stealthy when it comes to in-person or distant spy and recon on an enemy and their hard drives. He spies well on missions upon Decepticons, Team Rocket, Robotnik, and so on. His Ten K Volt Stingers and Blaster will disable a heavy enough mechanical foe.

His partner, Raven LoMique is a major spy-lover and active espionage type with a punk style and a caring, loving heart and soul. He heralds from within the suburbs of Cwcville. She found Bumba's lime green sheen glistening on break at the Cwcville Shopping Mall. He was spying on the spies spying on Mayor Robert Chandler. Raven helped Bumba confirm and bust the spies that day. Raven was 19 in '93.

Prowler is a solo act with high-spark spirituality and a mastery of the samurai and martial arts, but he still worked well with his teammates. I am not saying he's a copy/paste of (Animated) Prowl, mold-mate aside, his personality was more like Drift from his spotlight comic book with a dash of G1 Prowl. He prefers his motorcycle with side-car alt mode in disguise. Bludgeon really had to contend with Prowler at times, yet Bludgeon always lost.

When things started to heat up in 1995 with Krash Dummi on the prowl against the Power Rangers of Cwcville, a few more Autobots had to be sent to help with the rescues of the citizens and defenses. That's when Chapper, Wave, Fireshot and Rollout were called in from the Autobot Brigade on Cybertron.

The medic-bot, Chapper, always saw to the aid and rescues of the civilians and his fellow bots. He can be compared to First Aid in personality, but with the expertise and knowledge like Ratcht. On the move, he swoops in as a helicopter.

The mildly hot-headed, yet level-headed warrior, the lovely Wave will fly in and take down all of the Decepticlones, Cons and large foes in her wake with as much caution as possible. She is always on-target and with precision. A few times, as a 70-plus story building was falling down like a tree, Wave swooped in, transformed and held the falling structure in place until the civilians were cleared away. Her mach-speed jet form can't out pace most Sonichus or Rosechus, but you can always count on her to save the day and hit the mark.

Fireshot takes a page in personality from (G1) Inferno, but on the battlefield, he's more like (Armada) Hot Shot. The extending cannon of his can almost rival Megatron's, but it is used to help civilians trapped in fire with the powered flow of water or retardent foam. And his cannon can extend to very high stories like a ladder to climb down and up on. His armored vehicle mode may seem spacey, but it is Tough like Ironhide on steroids.

The technician and intelligence data bot, Rollout maintains the equipment at the base, but with Chapper also creates a number of technological marvels that even Wheeljack would applaud. He can also emit holograms for camouflage on spy and battlefield work. His ATV Jeep form suits him well.

Before leaving Cybertron, Chris-Chan Prime upgraded Armoraxe and Excelina so they can also serve as combiner limbs as needed. And Wave, Chapper, Fireshot and Rollout are 4/5 of a full Combiner Team. And when Chris-Chan Prime is with them, her ability to become a God-Level Right Hand with a Sword gives any Autobot Combiner Team a Real Edge against the Kaiju-Size foes.

With Wave at the center, the combiner team merges to become Medatron.

FAQ, questions frequently asked of me.

Who am I
I am Mrs. Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime, CPU Goddess Blue Heart and the One Avatar of all existence. In short, I am a multifaceted bisexual transwoman (She/Her are my Pronouns) with many talents, including hand-drawn art, writer (story and dialogue), gamer, a bit of a cook, and most anything learnable. I am the original creator and chronicler of the media featuring the Sonichus Rosechus as well as the city of Cwcville, Virginia, United States of America. My mentality is high-functioning autistic with a psychic connection with everything in the universe, timeline and beyond.
Dimensional Merge
The Dimension Merge that at the moment of writing this on September 14, 2024 is coming upon completion, is simply the recombination of this very Earth that was magically divided in the days of King Auther. This consists of this half, as you may (neuro)typically know and aware of, to an extent, and the other half that houses the typical and greater magic and magicks and the Original, "Fictional" Characters and Individuals from most various media that you have read and watched this entire time.
Dimensions C-197 and 1218
As mentioned in the Dimension Merge question above, the C-197 and 1218 "Dimensions" are the two halves of this very Earth that was divided hundreds of years ago. Whole and undivided, this is Earth 1C-211987; divided, the halves are known as C-197 and 1218.

The 1218 half is this that you walk upon and typically know at surface level that you live and breathe on. Those on the C-197 half also walk on this very Earth.

The C-197, that in part you also do physically walk on, is the half that houses those from the various media (TV shows, Manga, Comics, Movies, etcetera) that you are aware of reside and exist physically. Essentially, those that reside and live present, including those that are immortal (Exceptions being those that reside in Post-Apocalyptic timelines and dimensions, and those that lived centuries in the past that are not immortal, and those classified as residing in other various timelines, dimensions and universes) You Name It, they are there.

The Sonichus and Rosechus, the many Pok'emon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Smurfs, Yogi Bear, Doug Funny, Kim Possible, (Human) Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and so on, as well as Sunset Shimmer, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Superman, Iron Man, Hulk, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Leader-1, Cy-Kill, Kusuo Saiki, Sailor Moon, Moomins, Bob Belcher, (universe C-137 origin) Rick Sanchez, Peter Griffin, Homer Simpsons, Stan Smith, Frylock, Gumball Waterson, and so on. And on the planet Equestria in the pocket dimension accessable from the portal on the C-197 half, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, Dr. Wolf, Lightning Bliss, Mad Munchkin, Mary Sue, Gary Stu, Silver Quill, Flufflepuff, and so on. Even those in Outer Space like Captain Kirk on the Enterprise, Ashoka [sic] and the Jedi, Fox McCloud and the Star Fox crew, and so on.

They all walk among us physically; the only reason why a lot can't see them is due to the thinning veil between the C-197 and 1218 halves of this Earth. One can see through the veil and appreciate are those that are open-minded, creative, and mentally connected to be better able. Everyone has the ability to see and interact for themselves without external devices. What you call "Imagination" is one tool that can be used to see through the veil. All Original "Fictional" Characters and Individuals begin on the C-197 half, then upon further discovery branch into the other timelines, universes and dimensions that end up becoming chronicled one way or another.

My (super) powers and abilities are numerous, even moreso metaphysically. These include the various Psychic Powers and abilities, including telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy (a lot of which my Body's Brain and Energy Field are still catching up on), elemental powers and bending. My Body and Brain have attuned the ability to heal others with focused intentions and kind energy.

I can transform into my Sonichu Form with Electricity being the more dominant elemental bending power within and my Psychic Powers and abilities. And I can physically run at mach speeds.

And I can transform into my CPU Goddess Blue Heart Form, wherein, granted by the former Goddess Blue Heart, Scarlet LeRose, I have powers over computer technology and I preside as the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles and Computers, as opposed to Neptune of Planeptune being CPU Purple Heart of the Sega consoles and games.

I am also physically strong and able with a Warrior Will and Inner Strength granted by my former self in my past immortal life as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Everything of the Bible, Prophecies, various Scriptures worldwide, and so on are all memorized in my unconsciousness.

Past Happenings
The various events in my life is a lot to simply list. But to offer a summary: I was born on Wednesday February 24, 1982. Reared and cared for by my parents, Robert and Barbara Chandler. I grew up well-educated, with plenty of in-person friendships that didn't last as long as I would have liked (not counting the numerous acquaintances and online acquaintances and friendships with those who were not authentic about themselves with me).

Past tense, I went with the flow to confirm various intentions and events, yet at times letting myself be taken advantage of out of my being emotionally and mentally naive at those respective times.

Present tense and in recent years, I know better. And while I continue to go with the flow at times, and confirming various respective intentions and events, I have a greater appreciation of my super power of empathy and aura reading of others, so I have better ability to consciously choose that which is Light Powered and Good, and discern those individuals and paths that are Dark and potentially Toxic to avoid them.

I have Soul Searched and found myself, and I am in a very good place now with intentions of manifesting for the greater good of everyone and encouraging others to be guided on that which is Good and Light Powered for themselves. And presently, do my part in completing the Dimension Merge.

The Cwcki, which was originally created without my prior consent, is a Wikipedia style website about me and my life details to the extent of what I've shared, personally, online and in writing, and even what the "Christorians", Weens and Internet Trolls paparazzied of me without my consent or conscious knowledge at those respective times.

Personally, I applaud the website on archiving all that of me, and on the other hand, I feel really disappointed of it, due to the bunch of innacurate details and NSFW and hate speak spewed throughout in places. The people who put that website up and wrote all of that have taken a lot of my details and content (including content recorded of me without my consent prior, or falsely blackmailed or manipulated of me) out of context and do not fully appreciate or understand the circumstances, respectively.

Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime
Sonichu Prime and Rosey Rosechu Prime are the very first Sonichu and Rosechu in all of existence in this timeline and universe. Despite them being visually similar with most regular Sonichus and Rosechus, Sonichu Prime and Rosey Prime are a (very) Special Sonichu and Rosechu with the strongest abilities and powers in comparison with the regular ones. And separate from the other various Special Sonichus, Rosechus, Metonics, Vamprosas, Sonees and Roseys worldwide and local.
Past Question: Who is CPU Blue Heart?
The original CPU Blue Heart, the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles, including the Commodore 64, Amiga, Leo and so on was Scarlet LaRose (her last name pronounced "La Roe). She was a woman who lived in the late 1800s who, in her late teens, would be summoned to what would become the country of Gamindustri, which presently is located as a large island between Canada and Europe.

Scarlet was trained to lead as the Goddess of the Commodore Consoles and her people in her Nation of Comma, which was south of Tari and West of Planeptune. She led her people kind and good with everyone in mind.

She used to be friends with Rei Ryghts, the former Goddess of Tari and Atari consoles until when Rei became power corrupt and betrayed her people.

Scarlet was also prophetic, as it had been made clear in her prep work of retro rockets on the underside of her Nation for the eventual fall of Tari and Comma from the remainder of Gamindustri in the early 1980s. As well as the journals she had kept and the one protypical Commodore 64 game cartridge which was a simple kind of 3D game (in regards to the programming available for the consoles and games at the time in the late 70s and early 80s).

Comma fell at the same time as Tari, as the country of Gamindustry was literally in the sky high above the water space between Canada and Europe. Tari crashed hard somewhere in northern America, while Comma, with the guided rockets on the land's underside, landed into a pre-dug crater in West Virginia. The peoples and buildings, including the Basilicomm, remained safe, alive and well.

Over the time, as the people of Comma became more aware of the United Stated that they were not occupying and the other religious views, some spanned out from Comma, and the beliefs in the Goddesshood was dwindling. Scarlet fell from immortality with the dwindling support from her peoples and died in 1992. Her soul, power and energy transferred into one specific Commodore 64 motherboard on the console, P01352371; the one I ended up with.

And during the events of Johnson Wile's interference, I found and absorbed the powers, soul and energy of Scarlet into myself, making me the new CPU Goddess Blue Heart.

Since then, I had relocated the original Basilicomm of Scarlet's into Cwcville, VA, right across the street from my Basilicomm that was built in 2014 on premonition and good divine order.

Meanwhile, Comma, West Virginia and its people continue on and prosper like most other cities in the United States.

Past Question: Who were the 80s characters...
Who were the characters from the 80s that you liked the best?

I refer to the individuals who were featured in the media that debuted in the 1980s.

Jake Kong, Jr., alongside Eddie Spencer, Jr. and Tracy, of the original Ghostbusters. To this day, I still feel they are the real, original Ghostbusters, aside from Egon, Peter, Ray and Winston, and despite the fact that they both work in New York City. I also give props to Ghost Buggy.

Bumblebee of the Autobots, as orginally portrayed and then upgraded and developed over the years.

I also like the Guardian, now Autobot, Scooter; he was youthful and cowardly, but still resourceful with his camouflage and technological knowledge. He has toughened up over the years. I also like Pathfinder.

And, of course, despite his one movie being with some cringe, Robert Rabbit, the American Rabbit. That movie can be rebooted and easily be better. As my first Hero before meeting Sonic the Hedgehog, Robert Rabbit did a lot of good.

Past Question: Sonichu book 12-9 confusion.
Could you explain a bit more on the scene from Sonichu 12-9 where Nightstar Sonichu meets "Christine Night Weston Star Chandler"? What took place in that scene, and what is their backstory?

To best answer this question, I refer to what I wrote about them in the Goddess Log pages on 11232022, and I quote.

As for that part in Book 12-9 when Nightstar gave a "Chris Chan" the updated Cutie Mark and guided her to her next friend who could have been a sweetheart, but ultimately bombed. Initially, (when I wrote and drew that), that was to play off updating the (former) Equestria Girls Minis custom figure of myself, but something similar did happen in this timeline as Nightstar gave (human) Pinkie Pie the S-Chu Ball and the ingredients to Sunset Shimmer in that trip.

In Equestria, not at all related to I, Christine Chan or Nightstar as a self-counterpart, is a yellow Earth pony with the bright blue mane and tail that were not curled, with both eyes blue and a the mirror image of two bridged eighth notes for her Cutie Mark. She's a guitar player in a famous band. Her name is Cricha. Her other hobbies include cooking and reading various literature. She also does solo acts with her own written songs.

At the time in Equestria, Cricha had a total developmental growth and went punk, lookin' for some luv from her fans. She also coloured her fur pink.

At Canterlot High School, Cricha had felt lost, because her parents had got diverced, she had went with her mom and was feeling heavily uncertain with hardly any guidance.

Nightstar had also talked with Cricha, both of them, a number of times. The recent talk with (human) Cricha involved Fluttershy also lending kindness and a listening ear with Nightstar there. Nightstar meditated on Cricha's situation and looked at ALL possibilities and outcomes. When Nightstar next approached Cricha, after mentioning her run back to Cwcville prior, she handed Cricha a flyer for an LGBTQ club in Maryland, looking for musicians and artists to entertain; that changed her Cutie Mark on the skirt and turned her yellow skin pink with a new direction. The Cutie Mark became an "A"-shaped guitar. And (human) Diamon Melody was the best choice, because she lasted the longest in that relationship and devloped Cricha's emotions better than the others. A "Live and Learn" situation.


These are the items we have to offer on my store. Please, do read the descriptions and have faith in that they are as they are described and personally blessed.

Sonichu Medallions

Official Christ Chan Sonichu Medallion


I have returned to the world to bring you these True and Authentic medallions.

I have stated a mission of spreading Light Power and good to as many people as possible, with these mass produced medallions being a method of delivery. Handcrafted to my specifications and with my blessing, these are made in Virginia on an assembly line hired and run by myself. If you are searching for the medallions handmade by me please check the two alternate medallion listings.

The below message endorses these as having been touched by my personal blessings, aura, Light Power and magics, and was recorded while incarcerated.

[Posts link to Google drive file.]

Gods, Goddesses and Warriors of Light Power be with you.


Sonichu Medallion, Handmade by JCWCSP


A handmade and autographed medallion by I, Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime.

None more authentic, none more True and Honest. Produced by I, Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime, who have personally molded, painted and signed these select Sonichu Medallions even more personally blessed with Light Power, Righteousness and energies from the Core and Matrix of everything that exists in this Timeline and all of the other Timelines inspired and manifested from it. Feel the Divine and all powers with the share of energies I physically put into these. Also, to mention, all of the other Medallions that have been made and sold on this store have been personally blessed and authorized by I as well. You just get more than a bit more with these particular ones.

A recorded endorsement has also been provided. [Posts link to Google drive file.]

Sonichu Megastone Medallion - Handmade by CWC

Handmade Handpainted Sonichu Medallion by me, Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime. Includes polished quartz Megastone, just the same as the very medallion I wear, except not as old.

None more authentic, none more True and Honest. Produced by I, Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime, who have personally molded, painted and signed these select Sonichu Medallions even more personally blessed with Light Power, Righteousness and energies from the Core and Matrix of everything that exists in this Timeline and all of the other Timelines inspired and manifested from it. Feel the Divine and all powers with the share of energies I physically put into these. Also, to mention, all of the other Medallions that have been made and sold on this store have been personally blessed and authorized by I as well. You just get more than a bit more with these particular ones.

Every medallion is signed and comes with authentication certificate.

NEW Official Rosechu Medallion, Handmade by CWC

By popular request, here is the Rosechu Medallion, and updated with the yellow cheeks that Rosey always had but has become prominent in recent years.

The story of the lost OG (hand-crafted) Rosechu Medallion was that it was meant to be for my future sweetheart to-be, but then the past theoretical ex, Blanca Weiss, conned me out of it. But the energy of it still resonates in the actual sweetheart-to-be along with the innate alternate Sonichu form inside her to be revealed.

It was clear that back then the intentions and goals were not as clear to me as they are now, and I was clouded with my share of desire for authentic mutual compassion, companionship and appreciation of each other. And thus why the loss of those OG hand-made medallions was evident and not meant to be long-term, unlike the Sonichu Medallion I continue to wear today.

So, enjoy this medallion as a compliment with the offered Sonichu Medallions to connect you with your partner, regardless of physical gender and gender identity. Fortunately, there are male Rosechus and female Sonichus in the species. These medallions are equally blessed by me and my energy. All are handmade and autographed on the back with an Authenticity Certificate as well.

The Comic Series

The first four books and a Combo Deal

COMBO DEAL: Sonichu Vol. 0, 1, 2, and 3 (Autographed)

A True and Honest Deal: First 4 Sonichu comics, personally autographed by me, Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime.

- Sonichu Vol. 0, 48pg
- Sonichu Vol. 1, 50pg
- Sonichu Vol. 2, 48pg
- Sonichu Vol. 3, 48pg

SONICHU vol 0: Autographed Print Comic

The original first book that introduces Sonichu, Rosechu and the city of Cwcville. 48 Pages.

Personally autographed and signed.

-Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime

SONICHU vol 1: Autographed Print Comic

Sonichu encounters a clone that was made of his DNA from his encounter with Naitsirhc. 50 Pages.

Personally autographed and signed.

-Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime

SONICHU vol 2: Autographed Print Comic

Christian Chandler of Cwcville, an old friend, and her ex-boyfriend, end up finding out they're half-Sonichu. 48 Pages.

Personally autographed and signed.

-Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime

SONICHU vol 3: Autographed Print Comic

The fateful meeting and getting together of the Wild Sonichu, Bubbles Rosechu, Angelica Rosechu, Punchy Sonichu and Magi-Chan Sonichu, out of the many Special Sonichus and Rosechus, worldwide, who make up the Chaotic Combo. 48 Pages.

Personally autographed and signed.

-Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime

Other Goods and Blessings

Other items made and sold.

Christ Chan Spiritual Talismans, LIMITED STOCK

These pieces are framed talismans I have personally created, blessed, and have hang around my home and rooms. They ward off negative vibrations and promote positive vibrations, bringing in good beings and energy.

These are made of paper and foam. All of the foam cup bottoms came from the jail, as I had periodically mailed in when I was previously incarcerated.

Ward off evil and invite Light Power and Divine energy into your life. Each additionally comes with a real signed authentication certificate by me, JCWCSP, personally.

Sonic Totem Minis - Handpainted + Authenticity Certificate

3D printed, personally hand-painted and blessed, these little Sonic Totems are based off the original art piece made from paper mache and a big tube. Each painted one is a unique piece that will make you feel content in appreciating that all are and can be good and light powered, even if visibly different. Each comes also with a signed authentication certificate. -Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime.

Sonichu Amiibo ( Handpainted by CWC )

Sonichu Amiibo inspired by my personal Sonichu Amiibo figure, personally blessed, painted and signed by Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime. This figure does not have Amiibo functionality.

- one printed painted and signed resin figure
- one authentication certificate

Temple of Sonichu Sacred Rocks

SThese canvas sacks contain rocks and gravel hand-picked by me from the old Sonichu Temple's driveway.

Each bag also holds 1-2 crystals/rocks from my collection for maximum blessing, as well as miscellaneous polished rocks and gravel.

Each includes a signed certificate from me authenticating the bag as filled with not just driveway or flowerbed gravel, but with my love and power.

Website Exclusives

Exclusively only available on this website. These are unique items from my collection that I no longer need, so I'm offering them for the collectors out there. More will be offered in future months as things are searched, found and cleaned. These come currently from the Ruckersville Sonichu Temple as I clear items out.

Dating for Dummies 3rd Edition 2011 - Autographed Guide

I have actually purchased this book, once upon a time, about a couple of decades ago. I only had read the tips that I felt I needed; I did not read the entire book. Yet a lot of the advice in this book is still very much Common Sense applicable to today's standards, In Person and Friendship First and Foremost when developing a deep, authentic mutual relationship with your chosen, or more encouraged destined partner as you have seen them in your dreams at a younger age and over the years. And I add, be sure to know and love yourself with soul searching, so you can manifest the same from your partner. Also, write a list of the ideal characteristics you'd like in your partner; doing so is essentially making a sincere prayer to manifest them before you eventually. Patience and awareness is worth it. If you find many Dej'a Vu moments with them, then You Deeply, Authentically Know it was meant to be and to pursue keeping the relationship strong and alive as best as you can without letting them go to someone else. Let Light Power and better Intuition guide you on this.

First Sonic the Hedgehog drawing by JCWCSP

I drew this lovely simple piece back in mid to late 1991 shortly after Sonic inspired me from a Sega Genesis demo unit at the Sears in Fashion Square Shopping Center. I had not signed it when I drew it, but I channeled my past self and signed it, albeit with the earlier name, as opposed to my present name of Christian at the time. This drawing had been preserved in a plastic picture frame all of this time. I realize and appreciate the irony of the arm colour used at the time when this was drawn. Sonic's arms are, and always have been, tan in colour, regardless.

I reiterate that this was drawn in 1991 after I had turned 9 years old and after feeling the resonance after playing Sonic the Hedgehog for the very first time at the Sears in Fashion Square Shopping Center. Comes with drawing and authenticity certificate.

G3 My Little Pony - 2014 Housefire

I do not recall this G3 pony's name, but she was one that survived the house fire of Janurary 10, 2014. Now with a more unique mane and tail that sets her apart as a pony with greater character.

Comes with Authenticity Certificate.

This charred figurine is a G3 Fantastical February doll, complete with an amnyfest birthstone.[2]

Lego Department Store - 2014 Housefire

I had the LEGO modular Department Store build; it also melted quite a bit in the House Fire of 2014. I believe this was either the second or top floor of the building. I had replaced the set and rebuilt it since. Regardless, this still makes a great piece of art to display.

Comes with building as pictured with Authenticity Certificate. Most pieces are permanently fused together.

Melted School Third Floor - 2014 Housefire

I had built the stud-to-stud replica of Heartlake High School, dedicated it to Manchester High School with internals and details inspired by M.H.S. The top floor of the building melted in the housefire of January 10, 2014. This was the third floor of the original building. There are more melted pieces that will be identified and offered soon enough. But it does make for a good art display piece, regardless.

Since the event, the school, with the first floor being salvageable, was reconstructed with new parts, bricks and pieces acquired with the help of State Farm Insurance and the good LEGO people. Comes with Authenticity Certificate. Most pieces are now fused together permanently.

Melted Werewolf on House Top - 2014 Housefire

I had the Haunted House set from the LEGO Monsters line; the original I had melted some in the housefire of 2014, along with the perching werewolf on top. I had replaced the set since. Regardless, this still makes for a good display of art.

Comes with Authenticity Certificate, most pieces are permanently and forever stuck together.

Uncharted Melted Nathan - 2014 Housefire

I had the Uncharted 2 Limited Edition, complete with this figure; the figure melted some in the house fire of January 10, 2014. It still makes for a good display art piece. Comes with figure and Authentication Certificate.
Music CDs, burned from 2000s-2010s
Handmade by JCWCSP, Comes with Certificate
Backstreet 3-in-1 - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
Years ago, Burger King had sold three CDs featuring songs from the Backstreet Boys; this disc should have all of the tracks from the three CDs, but checking online through Google, that may or may not have been the case. There may have been repeated tracks between the discs which would have been omitted. I also had the VHS; I may still have it, but that's to be confirmed.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Beauty and the Beast OST - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Chipmunks Christmas - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I am a fan of Alvin, Simon and Theodore, and I felt want to burn this CD for myself about a couple of decades ago.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Destiny's Child - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I burned this CD about a couple of decades ago, since I liked some of Destiny's Child's songs.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Easy Listening Music Choices - Original DVD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
More in the recent years prior to mid-2020, on Xfinity Cable, I found and enjoyed the Music Choice channels, and I liked having the Easy Listening channel play in the background while I slept, and sometimes during other works. So I burned a DVD of a few hours of those tracks. Couple of personal favourites from that channel were "That Happy Feeling" from Bert Kaempfert, and this one song where I remember the tune and one lyric, "Time is now; you got to let it go. dun, dun-dun-dun, dun, dun, dun"; something like that.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Great Moments of Opera - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Hallmark Fallen Angel - Original DVD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I believe I recorded this movie for Mister C. and Barbara back about a couple of decades ago.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Hallmark's The Christmas Carol - Original DVD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I believed I recorded this movie for Mister C. and Barbara about a couple decades ago.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

In the Pink - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Judy Garland Christmas Album - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such. And who doesn't love Judy Garland and her singing chops ("Wizard of Oz", "Meet Me in St. Louis" and so on).

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Linda Ronstadt (En Espanol) - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such. Linda Ronstadt was quite the singer, as everyone may know from her guest starring time in the "Mr. Plow" episode of the Simpsons; she has more in her repertoire than that.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Mandy Moore, I Wanna be With You - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I burned this CD, since I liked some of Mandy Moore's songs.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Mardi Gras - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: A Rock Adventure - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I had the original Audio Cassette tape of this album; couldn't find the CD, so I burned it to disc from tape about a couple of decades ago. They lost me when during "Power Rangers Lost In Space", they killed Zordon after finding him again. I tried to get into the next season as it aired, but an episode or two in, it just couldn't vibe or resonate with me. Lots of appreciation and respect for Jason David Frank; a great inspirational individual, despite what circumstances he had. He contributed a lot.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Movie Gallery's Singles Hits - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I believe I had got the music from this CD from a Movie Gallery (video rental store) over two decades ago, picking the tracks that I liked from them.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Pokémon Trading Card Game - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I personally designed/printed the inserts and label and burned this CD with choice music for playing the Pokemon Trading Card Game, or just to enjoy in general.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Radio Classics - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I was given a bunch of audio cassette tapes with various old broadcasted radio shows on them. I burned one tape onto this CD, which included a bit of Red Skelton on it.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Sing-A-Longs For Madeline - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
Madeline is a cousin of mine, last heard living with her family either in Red Oak or Chesterfield, VA. She was younger than me. I burned the CD for her as a present with sing-a-long classics. This was my copy of the CD with personally printed inserts and label.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Songs 4 Kellie - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I burned a CD for Kelly, which I gave her a copy of. This was my copy of the disc with personally printed inserts and label.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Songs Between Friends, A CD for Christian + Sarah - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I had designed and printed the inserts and label for this personally burned CD. I gave a copy to Sarah. This was my copy. She and I have long lost touch with each other.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Sonic Adventure Soundtrack - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I burned this CD with songs from Sonic Adventure, recorded from the Sega Dreamcast game, designing the label and insert, personally.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Sonic, The Hedgehog Classics Album - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I burned this CD with music straight from the Sega Genesis game cartridge in Genesis/32X/CD, designing the label and insert, personally.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Space Jam Soundtrack - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I burned this copy of the songs of Space Jam after having lost or misplaced the original CD I had.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Spike Jones and the City Slickers - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I like Spike Jones and his zany music that used jugs, kazoos and washboards for instruments, designing the label and inserts, personally.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Spike Jones and the City Slickers ALT DISC - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
I like Spike Jones and his zany music that used jugs, kazoos and washboards for instruments, designing the label, personally; somehow forgot to print the label for this one.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Music CDs, Multiple Discs
Combos for larger albums
Christian's Anime World 2 Disc Album - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
Definitely Mix Tape selections between these two discs, as these contain various songs from Anime that I watched and liked. Some of which I have completely watched the series, or at least a lot of in regards to Pokemon. I compiled and printed the inserts and labels, personally.

Includes two personally made discs and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, discs may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Glen Miller + 2 disc Album - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such. Also, I am a fan of Mister Glen Miller and his band; they made classic greats and covers that were part of what I grew up with.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.

Songs of the Century, 8 Disc 5 Volume Pack - Original CD Burned and Decorated by JCWCSP
For a little while, Mister C., my father, wanted more music for his collection that was spanned through records, 8-Track, audio cassettes, VHS tapes and some CDs. For Personal and Private use, he asked me to borrow a few audio media from the library, since I figured out how to burn CDs and DVDs back about almost two decades ago or so. This disc was one of which. This is still considered Mix Tape media as such. Also, I am a fan of Mister Glen Miller and his band; they made classic greats and covers that were part of what I grew up with.

Includes personally made disc and authenticity certificate. Case may be cracked or discolored, disc may occasionally skip/pause. Most in this collection were made around late 90's, early to mid 2000's.


Archived and Present Fan Arts

This page features Fan Art from among my flock and followers who are good, as well as some images from the reviews of the products offered on my store. See bottom of page for submissions.

Submit your art

Keep it Safe For Work, non offensive and filled with heart, soul and love as best as you are able to. Photography is also acceptable. Hand-Drawn by pen in hand on paper or digitally drawn by hand is highly encouraged. I'd love to repost and honor good art here.


Messages will be sent to my dedicated email address. Art submissions are to be sent to, since this webpage does not support image uploads.


External links