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(Rumors about the people who played Lainchu (but most especially Anaxis) got prorogated thanks to WCT's role as the character.)
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{{incomplete|Summaries of misinfo on people.}}
This article will act as a namespace for the misinformation variant of the [[Template:Unreliable|"Unreliable"]] template and the [[Template:Misinfo|"Misinfo"]] template, explaining what kind of misinformation, misconceptions, or unproven claims are commonly believed about the article's subject.

This article will act as a namespace for the misinformation variant of the [[Template:Unreliable|"Unreliable"]] template, explaining what kind of misinformation, misconceptions, or unproven claims are commonly believed about the article's subject.
==[[Affair with Mother]]==
*Many have come to believe that Chris had sexually assaulted his own mother when the news came out that he has had an incestuous affair with her following the leak of the infamous [[Incest Call]]. This notion would be perpetuated by several YouTubers and news panels, sometimes indirectly by claiming that Barb has dementia. Despite this, Chris has only ever been charged with "INCEST W/ OWN CHILD OR GRANDCHILD"<ref group = note>This charge appears to be used for all instances of parent-child and grandparent-grandchild incest at the jail Chris was sent to, probably due to character limits in the charge descriptions, as well as the fact that the text was likely generated from the numeric code for the offense.</ref> after this affair, and was never officially charged for rape or sexual assault.  

==[[Affair with Mother]]==
Along with that, claims that Barbara had dementia had primarily came from begging videos where she could be playing up her frailty to elicit pity for money. (See: [[CWCki:Gossip#Barbara Chandler|Barbara Chandler]]). Therefore, whether or not this affair was entirely consensual is inconclusive.
*Many have come to believe that Chris had sexually assaulted his own mother when the news came out that he has had an incestous affair with her following the leak of the infamous [[Incest Call]]. This notion would be perpetuated by several YouTubers and news panels, sometimes indirectly by claiming that Barb has dementia. Despite this, Chris has only ever been charged with "INCEST W/ OWN CHILD OR GRANDCHILD"<ref group = note>This charge appears to be used for all instances of incest at the jail Chris was sent to, so Chris was given this charge.</ref> after this affair, and was never officially charged for rape or sexual assault. Along with that, claims that Barbara had dementia had primarily came from begging videos where she could be playing up her fraility to ellicit pity for money. (See: [[CWCki:Gossip#Barbara Chandler|Barbara Chandler]]). Therefore, whether or not this affair was entirely consensual is inconclusive.
<!--==[[Attraction Sign]]==-->
*It is common for observers to attempt to diagnose Chris as having "more than just autism", speculating what other types of disabilities or disorders he may have.
**It is also common to suggest that Chris couldn't possibly be autistic because of his sex drive, or conversely that the Love Quest is his way of overcompensating for the lack thereof. While asexuality (a lack of attraction to other people sexually, which isn't necessarily the same as a low sex drive, since asexuals can masturbate to pure sensation) is more common among autistic people, it is far from universal.
**Chris's lack of singing ability has been occasionally attributed to his autism. While a lack of control of inflections, or standard presentation thereof, is a common trait of autistic ''speech'', autistic people are actually more likely to excel in analyzing, hearing, imagining ("audiation"), and producing exact pitches, and are more likely to have perfect pitch.
**Some people claim that Chris was self-diagnosed. His [[Autism papers]] differ.
**Many also view mild autism as being synonymous with mild intellectual disability. However, autistics are often of normal or high intelligence. Chris's IQ is unknown.
**Chris has occasionally been accused of having a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. Such a condition has neither been confirmed or denied. While Chris has occasionally hinted at believing cartoon characters to be real, he does clearly separate that "reality" from the actual reality by acknowledging them as existing in a separate dimension. While him seeing the characters might sound like Chris hallucinating, further analysis reveals that Chris is simply imagining them.
***While Chris post-jail has exhibited what some have identified as side-effects of ''anti''psychotics (such as mild sedation, rapid weight gain after losing most of it in prison, twitches that can't be explained as stims, etc.), those drugs are often prescribed as mere tranquilizers to people for a variety of reasons, including as an elective treatment for autistic irritability,  and Chris never confirmed or denied taking them anyway.  

==[[Barbara Chandler]]==
==[[Barbara Chandler]]==
*It is often speculated by Christorians and observers that Barbara may have some degenerative brain disease, most often dementia. However, any official diagnosis of Barb's mental state is yet to be seen.
*It is often speculated by Christorians and observers that Barbara may have some degenerative brain disease, most often dementia. However, any official diagnosis of Barb's mental state is yet to be seen.
**It's worth noting that [[Guard Dogs|trusted sources]] have claimed to have talked to Barb, and have stated that she's pretending to be senile in order to get money<ref>[[Kiwi Farms posts (The Captain)]]</ref>. While many of Chris and Barb's "begging" videos do show traits such as delayed speech or an apparent lapse of memory, other videos show Barb to be quite lucid, such as the few surviving clips of [[Chris Chan VS. The Internet]]. However, it is worth noting that dementia is a condition where people may have "good" and "bad" days, or show more lucidity from time to time.

==[[Christian Weston Chandler]]==
==[[Bob Chandler]]==
*It is common for observers to attempt to diagnose Chris as having "more than just autism", speculating what other types of disabilities or disorders he may have.
*Bob's rather complicated relationship with Chris is often times simplified into either being entirely good or entirely bad.
*It is commonly believed that the primary reason for Chris's transition to a [[Tomgirl]] was so that he can hook up with lesbians. This seemed to have come from a series of e-mails.
**It is sometimes stated that Bob had stopped caring about Chris at some point in his life, and only showed concern for his involvement with trolls for his own purposes. Such instances of this include supposedly paying Chris's high school gal-pals for their time with Chris, as well as his [[THAT IS MY HOUSE|intervention with Chris]] when trolls leaked their address online. These are based on speculation, however.
==[[Caden Peck]]==
*It was believed for some time that Caden Peck had approved of Larry Vaughn's plan to send Chris to Florida, though this came from Vaughn reiterating what [[Bella]], who has been known to betray her associates (in this case Praetor) told him.
*It is often stated that Caden had staged some of the [[Sightings|Post-Jail sightings]] in order to promote sales towards Praetor, usually attributing accounts that post their photos to him posting them through the use of throwaway and sock puppet accounts on websites such as [[Reddit]] and [[Kiwi Farms]]. However, such claims come down to conjecture, and there are so far no confirmed cases of this.

==[[Clyde Cash]]==
==[[Clyde Cash]]==

*It is believed by some that the Clyde Cash persona was played by multiple people taken on by one identity. While several people would go under the name "Clyde Cash", mostly for completely unrealated plans, the original persona most associated with Christory was played by a single troll. This same troll would play as other characters in Christory, including Vivan Gee, Gregg Mays, and Mao Ling.
*It is believed by some that the Clyde Cash persona was played by multiple people taken on by one identity. While several people would go under the name "Clyde Cash", mostly for completely unrelated plans, the original persona most associated with Christory was played by a single troll. This same troll would play as other characters in Christory, including [[Vivian Gee]], Gregg Mays, and [[Mao Ling]].
To some, Fiona, aka the Suitress, is a much more sympathetic Christorical figure than most, especially [[Jessica Quinn|when]] [[Idea Guys|compared]] [[Larry Vaughn|to]] [[Teen Troon Squad|others]] [[Jacob Sockness|in]] [[Ben Saint|more]] [[Watchmen|recent]] [[Bella|years]]. This is in part due to Bella's attempt to frame her as being responsible for Chris's affair, The WCT having partially revealed her identity, and the Christuber [[GiBi]] accidentally revealing her phone number during these accusations. As a result of this, as well as her previously being a well-known Chris fan, great pains were made in the CWCSphere to conceal her identity, including on this website. Ironically, these attempts to conceal her identity led to the unintended result of having her true involvement with Chris very hazy.
*It was a commonly held belief that Fiona wanted to be Chris's sweetheart. While she had admitted to having an actual crush on him, she had never actually stated to have a desire to be a sweetheart of his, or to be in a long-term relationship with him. She would claim in texts, however, that she was "fine with the friends with benefits thing" and that Chris considers her his "first real sweetheart".<ref>[[Incest fallout chat leaks#Discussion of Incest]]</ref>
*Along with the first point, it is often speculated by observers why Chris supposedly didn't pursue a relationship with Fiona, and chose Barbara over her. In reality, Chris seemed to have held a rather conflicting standpoint towards her attraction towards him, claiming in chats and calls that he didn't see the relationship lasting long, forseeing that she'd meet a long-term sweetheart in college. However, Chris would also promise to her in a recording regarding Everfree Northwest not to be enraged at the G5 merchandise that may show up, and state that he "loved" her. He would also claim in a text that having sex with her would be the right step for her to take both for her "emotional and mental development". Fiona would also claim in a conversation with Bella that Chris was "embarressed and nervous" at the thought of his first real sweetheart. Chris would also refer to her by a pet name, "Fifi", that he had given to her in a [[Jail Letter - 4 July 2022|jail letter]]. Along with all of that, Chris had been having his affair with his mother since late June, roughly a month before he ever met Fiona.
*It was initially written that Fiona had been recruited into Bella's [[Chess Club]] Discord server. She had actually been invited into a separate server, [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]]. This error was based on mislabeled folders of  Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft Fiona and CWC", however the actual content was [[Chess Club]] and [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]] chatlogs.
*It is sometimes stated that Fiona was a victim of sexual abuse, explaining certain factors such as her crush towards Chris. Though this isn't entirely out of the realm of possibilities, this hasn't been fully confirmed. Additionally, since her account was deleted prior, some of the evidence for this came from Kiwi Farms users trying to attribute her to posts from deleted accounts on the CWCki's Discord server being referred to as "Snoo", her screenname on said server. This search for her posts also didn't account for the fact that she used a second account, which used an entirely different name, "ScootalooSister", after being banned from the server the first time.<ref group = note>[[User:Anaxis/The Lainchu Manifesto#The Suitress and Associates|According to Anaxis]], who has known Fiona, Fiona wasn't aware she got banned prior to making the second account, and believed that people on there naturally "missed her".</ref>
After Chris was released from Jail, he was spotted many times with an unnamed gal-pal, usually referred to as "Flutter". Often deemed as being one of the most mysterious aspects of Christory, several rumors surrounding her and her relations to Chris had naturally arisen afterwards.
*Some believe that Flutter was a recruit from [[Praetor]], though actual proof of this has yet to surface.
*It is sometimes speculated that Flutter is of Finnish descent, thanks to the fact that Chris went to Finland with her three times and had learned Finnish on [[Duolingo]] for no particular reason. However, these factors cannot be classified as hard proof, as Chris could have just as much used the app for when they traveled there. Some sources also give contradictory evidence of this, saying that Flutter either had no accent or that she sounded like an "anime girl".
*It is sometimes stated that Flutter might be mentally handicapped. While this isn't entirely out of the realm of possibilities, most of this comes down to conjecture than anything substantiated. This appears to be based on Chris's encounters with [[Fiona]], which had occurred under similar circumstances. One of the people who spotted Flutter with Chris claimed that she wasn't "noticeably" handicapped.
*It was once written on Flutter's page by the ween [[Xela]] that when she wore a facemask and sunglasses both to the airport and at a convention, she did this as a means to avoid attention from weens. Several other similar rumors about Flutter's face being obscured in photos would soon follow, even accusing those who shared their photos of being in cahoots with people like [[Caden Peck]].<ref group=note>There are a few photos of Flutter that do show her face, such as the image used in her infobox, so this is demonstrably false.</ref> Once again, while it is not entirely impossible that Flutter is trying to conceal her identity, almost all signs of this are circumstantial at best.
*Also on Flutter's page, it was written that there was a possibility that Flutter showed reciprocity for Chris when he allegedly "hugged" her at a CVS, stating that her body language "didn't indicate" reciprocity,<ref group = note>Specifically wording it like this not only assumes that it is known for a fact that Chris did advance on her, but also implies that because it hasn't been disproven, one could assume she expressed feelings back towards him.</ref> though this was based on a very blurry photo of them where not all of the details can be made out. This means it would be impossible to make out either of their body languages. While the person who took the photos had claimed that Flutter was uncomfortable with Chris's supposed advances, their claims have yet to be fully verified.
*Xela also knowingly spread a rumor that Chris and Flutter were going to have a baby some time in the summer of 2025 for the sole purpose of stirring up drama. He based this rumor on a misheard clip of a livestream. This rumor got promoted by several sources, including Null himself, so much so that it even made it onto tabloid media such as the ''Daily Mail''. In actuality, Chris had never discussed any such plans of having a child with Flutter, and was in fact speaking hypothetically of such a scenario.
==[[Gal pal]]==
*It is often asserted that Chris's high school "[[gal pal]]s" were paid by [[Bob]] to hang out with him during school hours and look out for him. Conversations between trolls and the former "friends" indicate that they had some kind of informal arrangement with Bob and the school principal, but there is no indication that they were ever paid for their services. When Chris was in middle school, however, Bob did pay a girl named Natasha to walk with him to and from the bus stop, with Chris handing her the money himself.<ref>[[Catherine E-mails#Natasha]]</ref>
*Chris himself now believes that his supposed friends were paid to hang out with him, causing him to disparage them as "hired help". This is based on a conversation he had with a troll who was posing as one of the friends in question. After he was told they had been paid, he asked [[Barbara]] if that was true and she told him it was. However, it is likely that Barb was never familiar with the details of the arrangement and may have had them confused with Natasha.<ref>[[Kiwi Farms posts (Thetan)#Gal Pals]]</ref>
*People sometimes cite fake quotes from the troll [[Thetan]], who impersonated Chris' High School gal-pals, as evidence for them supposedly loathing Chris or regretting their friendships with him. It is also entirely unlikely that these gal-pals would have expressed any feelings about Chris' online presence, as they have long since moved on with their lives and have families.

[[File:GiBi discusses Bella and the Suitress screenshot.png|thumb|200px|GiBi did not redact a phone number when showing screenshots (under red censor bar; screenshot was uncensored in his video). The number allegedly belonged to the Suitress. This was the basis for much speculation.]]
[[File:GiBi discusses Bella and the Suitress screenshot.png|thumb|200px|GiBi did not redact a phone number when showing screenshots (under red censor bar; screenshot was uncensored in his video). The number allegedly belonged to the Suitress. This was the basis for much speculation.]]

GiBi, a semi-popular Christuber would attempt to make a daily series regarding the [[Affair with Mother|Incest Saga]] of Christory. He would consult several conflicting sources for information regarding the act, one of which was Bella, who was already framing [[the Suitress]] as being the voice in the [[incest call]]. Bella would try to convince him that she wasn't "Kelly Osborn", which GiBi kept arguing for, while also leaking the Suitress's phone number in a video. While talking to Bella, he would also attempt to make several comments regarding his findings and get more information on the matter in a megathread about Bela on the Kiwi Farms, reacting to many opossing comments on his findings rather unprofessionally. This predictibly would get him under scrutiny by the Farms.
GiBi, a semi-popular Christuber would attempt to make a daily series regarding the [[Affair with Mother|Incest Saga]] of Christory. He would consult several conflicting sources for information regarding the act, one of which was Bella, who was already framing [[Fiona]] as being the voice in the [[incest call]]. Bella would try to convince him that she wasn't "Kelly Osborn", which GiBi kept arguing for, while also leaking Fionas's phone number in a video. While talking to Bella, he would also attempt to make several comments regarding his findings and get more information on the matter in a megathread about Bella on the Kiwi Farms, reacting to many opposing comments on his findings rather unprofessionally. This predictably would get him under scrutiny by the Farms.

*Before the uploading of the infamous video by him where he leaks the Suitress's phone number, GiBi would mention on the Kiwi Farms about getting information on the leaks from a "friend" of his, alongside Bella. The "friend" that GiBi was talking to was presumed to be [[The WCT]]. In actuality, the friend was a CCCC user that went under the username "LavenderBonez" on that server, who seemed to be supportive of the Suitress leaking a chunk of the incest call, even going as far as calling her a "hero".<ref>[[Incest fallout chat leaks#CCCC Incest Call Leak]]</ref>
*Before the uploading of the infamous video by him where he leaks Fiona's phone number, GiBi would mention on the Kiwi Farms about getting information on the leaks from a "friend" of his, alongside Bella. The "friend" that GiBi was talking to was presumed to be [[The WCT]]. In actuality, the friend was a CCCC user that went under the username "LavenderBonez" on that server, who seemed to be supportive of Fiona leaking a chunk of the incest call, even going as far as calling her a "hero".<ref>[[Incest fallout chat leaks#CCCC Incest Call Leak]]</ref>
*In its earliest form, [[GiBi]] had a section of the [[Orbiter Wave]] page, which initially covered people that were prominent during the [[Affair with Mother|Incest Saga]]. In it, his leaking of Fiona's number was characterized as intentional from being prompted by Bella's disinformation. The section originally stated that ''Immediately accepting Bella's story that the entire scandal was the fault of Fiona, he then leaked Fiona's phone number in one of his videos for thousands to see.'' It appears to be speculation that there was a link between the phone number leak and Bella's story. The section was also revised to clarify that the leak was in the form of screenshots of text messages between Bella and Fiona in which a phone number was not redacted.
==[[Honor Roll]]==
*Whether Chris made the Honor Roll, or exactly what such a feat entailed around the time of his graduation, is unknown.
==[[Incest Call]]==
A key aspect regarding the drama that followed from Chris's affair had primarily come from how clips of this call had been leaked. So far, only four clips of varying lengths of this call had ever been leaked, all with various amounts of context. Because of this, many unproven claims regarding the people involved in the [[Incest]], [[Watchmen]], and [[Lainchu]] sagas have been heavily propagated.

*The [[GiBi]] section of the [[Orbiter Wave]] page initially characterized his leaking of the Suitress's number as intentional from being prompted by Bella's disinformation. The section originally stated that ''Immediately accepting Bella's story that the entire scandal was the fault of the Suitress, he then leaked the Suitress's phone number in one of his videos for thousands to see.'' It appears to be speculation that there was a link between the phone number leak and Bella's story. The section was also revised to clarify that the leak was in the form of screenshots of text messsages between Bella and the Suitress in which a phone number was not redacted.
*The date of the Call is unclear, which in turn has lead to gossip on what [[Bella]] wanted to do with the call. Evidence points to either 27 July 2021 or 28 July 2021 as the call date, however much of the evidence was from Bella's screenshots, and she has a history of creating [[Fabricated BDSM texts|fabricated texts at least once.]]

==[[Isabella Loretta Janke]]==
==[[Isabella Loretta Janke]]==
Isabella Loretta Janke is most known for her involvement in a call where Chris describes incestuous acts he's performed towards his mother. Before this, Bella had been in touch with Chris for almost a year, acting nice around him, while also showing many instances of A-logging or wishing harm towards him in Discord chats, sometimes outright claiming to want to make him harm himself. She would also roleplay as prior gal-pals like Kellie Andes and an employee for the Curiosity Stream, and has been known to encourage the verbal harassment and bullying of other students at her university. This edgy behavior would lead to many instances of misinformation or unproven claims resulting from the chaos around the [[Incest Call]], gossip on [[Kiwi Farms]] being taken at face value, and Bella's alleged plots towards Chris.
Isabella Loretta Janke is most known for her involvement in a call where Chris describes incestuous acts he's performed towards his mother. Before this, Bella had been in touch with Chris for almost a year, acting nice around him, while also showing many instances of A-logging or wishing harm towards him in Discord chats, sometimes outright claiming to want to make him harm himself. She would also roleplay as prior [[gal pal]]s like Kellie Andes and an employee for the Curiosity Stream, and has been known to encourage the verbal harassment and bullying of other students at her university. This edgy behavior would lead to many instances of misinformation or unproven claims resulting from the chaos around the [[Incest Call]], gossip on [[Kiwi Farms]] being taken at face value, and Bella's alleged plots towards Chris.
<!--*ranging from to outright getting Chris to kill himself.-->
<!--*ranging from to outright getting Chris to kill himself.-->
*It was initially written that Bella had a suicide plot towards Chris dating back to 25 April 2020. This was based on a Discord user, ZorgothTDK, who alleged that DMs between him and Bella, in which a Deleted User states "That's what we're trying to do with Chris [...] Get him be suicidal [...] Bc he's retarded", were Bella discussing Chris Chan. However, Bella knew of two other people named Chris - her cousin and another Discord user - making it unclear if she was referring to Chris Chan. Though ZorgothTDK claims that Bella was referring to Chris Chan, the full log of his conversation with the Deleted User makes no indication that Chris Chan was being discussed.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/bella-janke-allegedly-planning-cwc-suicide-since-april-2020.97773/</ref> In addition, communication between Bella and Chris Chan has not been established for the timeframe of April 2020 - [[Bella chats#Curiosity Stream|the earliest known message from Bella to Chris Chan occurred in October 2020]]. The exact time at which Bella had actually started interacting with Chris is not known, but she has claimed in one instance to have started trolling Chris for almost a year to one of her Chess Club associates in a July 2021 Discord message.<ref>[https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/servers-zip.2416454/ Zip file of Chess Club Discord leaks hosted at Kiwi Farms]. See "Chess club - chess" at 19-Jul-21 11:29 AM timestamp</ref> However, in two other instances, Bella would claim to a friend that she did have a plan to get Chris to kill himself in one instance,<ref>[[Chess Club Chats#Suicide Plan Claims]]</ref> and claim that she wanted Praetor members to convince him to cut off his penis in another, and hoping that he would die from a gender reassignment surgery accident.<ref name=animation>{{cite farms|thread=79414|post=8539683|title=YT 11/13/20 - Chris Chan Sonichu Intro animation}}</ref>
*It is often stated that Bella had convinced Chris to commit incest on his mother. In actuality, Bella was in a call with him, where Chris had discussed the matter openly with her. Chris had told her multiple times of instances of having an affair with a "sweetheart over 50", and had even admitted to having a wet dream of his mother in one other instance.
*It was initially written that Bella had a blackmail plot involving the [[Incest Call]]. Usually this claim is in conjunction with the claim that Bella wanted to record Chris having sex with the Suitress. While Bella had intended to leak the call after an unspecified point, and had created fake texts where Chris states he performed BDSM-style sex with Barb in the meantime, it is not known for sure if this would have involved blackmailing Chris.
*It was initially written that Bella had a suicide plot towards Chris dating back to 25 April 2020. This was based on a Discord user, ZorgothTDK, who alleged that DMs between him and Bella, in which a Deleted User states "That's what we're trying to do with Chris [...] Get him be suicidal [...] Bc he's retarded", were Bella discussing Chris Chan. However, Bella knew of two other people named Chris - her cousin and another Discord user - making it unclear if she was referring to Chris Chan. Though ZorgothTDK claims that Bella was referring to Chris Chan, the full log of his conversation with the Deleted User makes no indication that Chris Chan was being discussed.<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/bella-janke-allegedly-planning-cwc-suicide-since-april-2020.97773/</ref> In addition, communication between Bella and Chris Chan has not been established for the time frame of April 2020 - [[Bella chats#Curiosity Stream|the earliest known message from Bella to Chris Chan occurred in October 2020]]. The exact time at which Bella had actually started interacting with Chris is not known, but she has claimed in one instance to have started trolling Chris for almost a year to one of her Chess Club associates in a July 2021 Discord message.<ref>[https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/servers-zip.2416454/ Zip file of Chess Club Discord leaks hosted at Kiwi Farms]. See "Chess club - chess" at 19-Jul-21 11:29 AM timestamp</ref> However, in two other instances, Bella would claim to a friend that she did have a plan to get Chris to kill himself in one instance,<ref>[[Chess Club Chats#Suicide Plan Claims]]</ref> and claim that she wanted Praetor members to convince him to cut off his penis in another, and hoping that he would die from a gender reassignment surgery accident.<ref name=animation>{{cite farms|thread=79414|post=8539683|title=YT 11/13/20 - Chris Chan Sonichu Intro animation}}</ref>
*It was initially written that Bella wanted to film Chris having sex with an autistic woman for blackmail purposes. This appears to be a rumor loosely based on two excerpts from the [[Incest Call]], the first in which Bella discusses her friend [[the Suitress]] (who held a crush on Chris) and tries to encourage Chris to pursue a relationship with her; and the second in which Bella said she would create a slideshow of romantic stuff between Chris and the Suitress during the [[Everfree Northwest]] convention festivities. Bella does not seem to actually state wanting to put any sexual content into the presentation. Adding onto that, Chris already seemed to discuss with Bella about the planned sexual intercourse he'd have with the Suitress before she made the call.  
*It was initially written that Bella had a blackmail plot involving the [[Incest Call]]. Usually this claim is in conjunction with the claim that Bella wanted to record Chris having sex with Fiona. While Bella had intended to leak the call after an unspecified point, and had created fake texts where Chris states he performed BDSM-style sex with Barb in the meantime, it is not known for sure if this would have involved blackmailing Chris.
*It was initially written that Bella wanted to film Chris having sex with Fiona for blackmail purposes. This appears to be a rumor loosely based on two excerpts from the [[Incest Call]], the first in which Bella discusses her friend [[Fiona]] (who held a crush on Chris) and tries to encourage Chris to pursue a relationship with her; and the second in which Bella said she would create a slideshow of romantic stuff between Chris and Fiona during the [[Everfree Northwest]] convention festivities. Bella does not seem to actually state wanting to put any sexual content into the presentation. Adding onto that, Chris already discussed with Bella about the planned sexual intercourse he'd have with Fiona before she made the call.  
*It was initially written that Bella self-assigned her bodyguard role for [[Everfree Northwest]], however Chris had assigned her the role.<ref>[[Bella chats#The Selected Few]]</ref>
*It was initially written that Bella self-assigned her bodyguard role for [[Everfree Northwest]], however Chris had assigned her the role.<ref>[[Bella chats#The Selected Few]]</ref>
*It is believed by some that Bella had an incest fetish, part of the reason for her call with Chris. This would even be wrtten a few times in articles that mention her. However, whether or not Bella was actually into incest is unclear. This in part seems to come from an incest fanfiction that she had allegedly created under the account '''narutoisgay77897''', which involves a father-son relationship between Naruto characters. However, the link between this account and Bella is unclear, and the account itself has "Im into engineering and electromagnetism and shit but u wont find any of that shit here, only gay hentai bitches." as its description, suggesting that it could be a troll account, if created by her. The account therefore cannot be used to prove this, as its legitimacy is questionable. A user by the name of '''Gungann''' would also continuously question Bella on this point, citing part of a transcription of her call with Chris which claims that she talked to Chris while aroused, though he doesn't give the source for this particular transcript, or where he was reading it from.
*It is believed by some that Bella had an incest fetish, part of the reason for her call with Chris. This would even be written a few times in articles that mention her. However, whether or not Bella was actually into incest is unclear. This in part seems to come from an incest fanfiction that she had allegedly created under the account '''narutoisgay77897''', which involves a father-son relationship between Naruto characters. However, the link between this account and Bella is unclear, and the account itself has "Im into engineering and electromagnetism and shit but u wont find any of that shit here, only gay hentai bitches." as its description, suggesting that it could be a troll account, if created by her. The account therefore cannot be used to prove this, as its legitimacy is questionable. A user by the name of '''Gungann''' would also continuously question Bella on this point, citing part of a transcription of her call with Chris which claims that she talked to Chris while aroused, though he doesn't give the source for this particular transcript, or where he was reading it from.
*It was once written on the [[Discord]] page that Bella was a member of the [[Discord#Official CWCki Server|Official CWCki Server]] before the call. This was loosely based off a policy on the server where mentioning or talking about her is prohibited, as moderators on the server were notified about harassment on the server, and were concerned of the possiblity that either she or her friends would report the server if they found out that anyone was discussing her.
*It was once written on the [[Discord]] page that Bella was a member of the [[Discord#Official CWCki Server|Official CWCki Server]] before the call. This was loosely based off a policy on the server where mentioning or talking about her is prohibited, as moderators on the server were notified about harassment on the server, and were concerned of the possibility that either she or her friends would report the server if they found out that anyone was discussing her.
==[[Jail Saga]]==

==[[Incest Call]]==
*The letters that Chris had written in jail could not be used as evidence against him in court, as they were strictly his word.
*The date of the Call is unclear, which in turn has lead to gossip on what [[Bella]] wanted to do with the call. Evidence points to either 27 July 2021 or 28 July 2021 as the call date, however much of the evidence was from Bella's screenshots, and she has a history of creating [[Fabricated BDSM texts|fabricated texts at least once.]]
<!--==[[Joseph Draft]]==-->
*It was once written on [[The WCT]]'s page that he was the primary Lainchu, though this is despite the fact that he rejected the role when requested by Chris.
==[[Liquid Chris]]==
*It is often stated that Liquid Chris was a single person. In actuality, Liquid was played by a set of twins, Christopher and Jon Duckworth. While Christopher played as Chris in Youtube videos and PVCC chats, Jon played Liquid during the Sing-Star Challenge.
*While [[The Miscreants]] (group of trolls including the one behind Clyde Cash) would claim Liquid Chris, the brothers and girlfriend behind Liquid Chris and Kacey alike appear to have started their trolling independently, after Christopher Duckworth began comically impersonating Chris Chan.
*Liquid Chris started impersonating Chris a month before the [[Rollin' and Trollin']] video, and was barely influenced by this video.

==[[Jail Saga]]==
==[[Megan Schroeder]]==

==[[Joseph Draft]]==
*It later surfaced that Chris did not shred the physical copy of [[SheCameForCWC.jpg]] before placing it in the [[Crumple-Lope]], but neatly cut it into squares.
<!--==[[Liquid Chris]]==-->
<!--==[[Megan Schroeder]]==-->

==[[The Suitress]]==
==[[Michael Snyder]]==

To many, the Suitress is a much more sympathetic Christorical figure than most, especially [[Jessica Quinn|when]] [[Idea Guys|compared]] [[Larry Vaughn|to]] [[Teen Troon Squad|others]] [[Jacob Sockness|in]] [[Ben Saint|more]] [[Watchmen|recent]] [[Bella|years]]. This is in part due to Bella's attempt to frame her as being responsible for Chris's affair, The WCT having partially revealed her identity, the Christuber [[GiBi]] accidentally revealing her phone number during these accusations, as well as being the first to reveal that Chris was having such an affair in the first place. As a result of this, as well as her previously being a well-known Chris fan, great pains were made in the CWCSphere to conceal her identity, including on this website. Ironically, these attempts to conceal her identity, as well as the general need in the community to protect her had led to the unintended result of having her true involvement with Chris very hazy, which led to her motives becoming very difficult to make out.
*There is no evidence that Michael is Jewish, either by faith or ethnicity. This came from Chris believing him to be such due to his last name.

*It was a commonly held belief that the Suitress wanted to be Chris's sweetheart. While she had admitted to having an actual crush on him, the Suitress had never actually stated to have a desire to be a sweetheart of his, or to be in a long-term relationship with him. She would claim in texts, however, that she was "fine with the friends with benefits thing" and that Chris considers her his "first real sweetheart".<ref>[[Incest fallout chat leaks#Discussion of Incest]]</ref>
*Chris had never said the word "nigger" outside of troll interference. He also never said the phrase "no darkies". This came from a piece of fan art parodying his attraction sign.

*Along with the first point, it is often speculated by observers why Chris supposedly didn't pursue a relationship with the Suitress, and chose Barbara over her. In reality, Chris seemed to have held a rather conflicting standpoint towards her attraction towards him, claiming in chats and calls that he didn't see the relationship lasting long, forseeing that she'd meet a long-term sweetheart in college. However, Chris would also promise to her in a recording regarding Everfree Northwest to not be enraged at the G5 merchandise that may show up, and state that he "loved" her. He would also claim in a text that having sex with her would be the right step for her to take both for her "emotional and mental development". The Suitress would also claim in a conversation with Bella that Chris was "embarressed and nervous" at the thought of his first real sweetheart. Along with all of that, Chris had been having his affair with his mother since late June, roughly a month before he ever met the Suitress.
*It is often said that Chris only makes 7% off of the sales from OfficialCWCMart. However, this estimate conflates his royalty from the Praetor-made medallions with the stuff that he makes himself. It is currently unknown how much of the content sold on the Etsy was from Chris collaborating with Praetor.

*It was initially written that the Suitress had been recruited into Bella's [[Chess Club]] Discord server. She had actually been invited into a separate server, [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]]. This error was based on mislabeled folders of Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft [the Suitress] and CWC", however the actual content was [[Chess Club]] and [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]] chatlogs.  
*[[Larry Vaughn]]'s claims about Praetor were once written on their article. However, he based these claims off of things that were said verbatim by [[Bella]], a known habitual liar who has on several occasions betrayed her own associates. A few such claims include:
**Praetor were a group of trolls akin to the [[Idea Guys]] or the [[Teen Troon Squad]]
**They produced a lot of their merchandise in a "nasty basement".
**Larry's plan to send Chris to Florida was approved by Caden.
**Chris roleplayed as Sonichu at all times.
**Chris was still going after his high school gal-pals to the point of people needing to change their profiles.
**Chris was tazing himself out of fear that the Dimensional Merge wasn't going to happen.

*Claims have been made that the Suitress was "institutionalized" or brought to a "mental hospital" following the events of the Incest Call leaks. No official documents have come out to confirm this, however. This rumor seemed to originate sometime after the revelations. This is an overexaggeration of a statement a Kiwi Farms user made regarding an alleged interview he had with Physical-Floor, one of the Suitress's best friends, where he claimed that her parents were thinking of putting her in "inpatient psychiatric care", around the time when her internet privledges were supposedly revoked following the leaks.<ref>[[:File:MentalHealthClaim.png]]</ref>
==[[Rocky Shoemaker]]==
*It was once written on Rocky's article that she had used BlueSky, and that Chris had blocked her account. In actuality this was an imposter account that was created with the intent on trolling Chris.

*It is believed by some that the Suitress is a trans woman, a reason some give for Chris's conflicted views on her attraction, as a result of her appearance. However, voice recordings that she's in show her voice to be feminine, and leaked childhood photos of her also have a more feminine apperance.
*It is believed by some that Praetor wanted to get Chris to tase himself. In actuality, Chris had discussed plans with Watchmen members [[Naught]] and [[Kyle]] about plans to shock his [[Gate Crystal]] and [[Celestial Key]] quartz crystals in order to open up a portal to another dimension, citing a Gaia article about ancient civilizations using piezoelectricity to open up portals. Chris wanted to borrow a taser from Praetor to tase the crystals. Praetor was initially willing to allow him to use it under their supervision. The rumor that they wanted to get him to tase himself was first started by the Watchmen leader [[Naught]], who had posted out-of-context clips of Watchmen members talking to the founder and leader of Praetor, [[Caden Peck]], and alleging that "Caden and cwc as Sonichu prime discuss the tazer and who will be tazed". Naught had also left out a clip where the Watchman Val Valentino brought up the subject, and is asking if Chris would tase himself, and Caden Peck discussing how he felt it would be a bad idea. Interestingly, [[Isabella Janke]], a minor member of Praetor, had also spread a rumor that she had tried convincing Praetor members to get Chris to harm himself by getting him to cut his penis off, while claiming she was only "recruited".

==[[The WCT]]==
==[[The WCT]]==
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*It was initially written that The WCT wanted Chris to kill himself. This originated from a rumor spread by [[MKRNightVee]], his former associate in the Watchmen Discord server [[The Place]]. In June 2021, the [[Watchmen]] clique was infighting over [[Naught]] posting The WCT's dox onto Kiwi Farms. WCT responded by informing Chris, who left The Place. Angry over this development, MKR took to Twitter to spread a rumor that WCT "probably wants Chris to kill himself".<ref>https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1410103600932548609 (archive: https://archive.md/UKGom)</ref> A month later, the rumor was further spurred by Kiwi Farms forum posters, who assumed from both MKR's rumor and WCT's interactions with Bella (who had claimed on at least two occasions to want to get Chris to harm himself or commit suicide) that WCT was in on Bella's supposed plots. Despite this, no evidence has surfaced that WCT knew of Bella's claimed plots.
*It was initially written that The WCT wanted Chris to kill himself. This originated from a rumor spread by [[MKRNightVee]], his former associate in the Watchmen Discord server [[The Place]]. In June 2021, the [[Watchmen]] clique was infighting over [[Naught]] posting The WCT's dox onto Kiwi Farms. WCT responded by informing Chris, who left The Place. Angry over this development, MKR took to Twitter to spread a rumor that WCT "probably wants Chris to kill himself".<ref>https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1410103600932548609 (archive: https://archive.md/UKGom)</ref> A month later, the rumor was further spurred by Kiwi Farms forum posters, who assumed from both MKR's rumor and WCT's interactions with Bella (who had claimed on at least two occasions to want to get Chris to harm himself or commit suicide) that WCT was in on Bella's supposed plots. Despite this, no evidence has surfaced that WCT knew of Bella's claimed plots.
*It was initially written in a few articles that Chris had directly contributed to the mass doxing of [[the Suitress]] by sharing one of her pictures with the WCT. Chris, although posting her photograph to him, would also refer to her by her penname, "Fifi Vixenhart". The WCT wouldn't have become aware of her real name, or actually dox her, until later, when Bella had told him in the [[Regarding Chris]] chats that the Suitress was the sole provider of texts where Chris states he's done BDSM on Barb while she was doxing her on multiple websites. The WCT would post one of the Suitress's videos and use her first name, partially revealing her identity and bringing attention from trolls onto her.
*It was initially written in a few articles that Chris had directly contributed to the mass doxing of Fiona by sharing one of her pictures with the WCT. Chris, although posting her photograph to him, would also refer to her by her pen name, "Fifi Vixenhart". The WCT wouldn't have become aware of her real name, or actually dox her, until later, when Bella had told him in the [[Regarding Chris]] chats that Fiona was the sole provider of fabricated texts where Chris states he's done BDSM on Barb while she was doxing her on multiple websites. The WCT would post one of Fiona's videos and use her first name, partially revealing her identity and bringing attention from trolls onto her.
*It was initially written that The WCT had been recruited into Bella's [[Chess Club]] Discord server. He had actually been invited into a separate server, [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]]. This error was based on mislabeled folders of Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft [the Suitress] and CWC", however the actual content was [[Chess Club]] and [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]] chatlogs.
*It was initially written that The WCT had been recruited into Bella's [[Chess Club]] Discord server. He had actually been invited into a separate server, [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]]. This error was based on mislabeled folders of Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft Fiona and CWC", however the actual content was [[Chess Club]] and [[Chess Group 15|chess group #15]] chatlogs.
*The WCT is often misquoted as proclaiming himself as being "the final protagonist of Christory", which was often used as evidence for knowing that Chris was going to commit suicide. In actuality, in his boasting, he proclaimed himself as "'''one of the final''' protagonists", proclaiming that his work will be held in high regard in Geno's documentary, and be compared to figures such as [[Null]]. Additionally, he said this in reference to the Watchmen's belief that Barb's death would be the end of Christory, a belief that WCT had held strongly.
**Likewise, it was also believed that when he titled his pre-jail interview with Chris as the "Final Pre-Jail interview", he also meant this as knowing Chris was going to commit suicide, ignoring the fact that this was indeed the last interview he had with Chris before he went to jail.
Chris' shift in gender identity and subsequent identification as a lesbian/bisexual transwoman has been a subject of intense debate and scrutiny within and outside of LGBT+ circles, with some believing that it is yet another act designed to enable him to shack up with lesbian women, and still others claiming that Chris openly admitted that this was the case. While the possibility of the former cannot be entirely discounted, no known admission of this nature has ever been made by Chris personally, and none of the assorted chat logs and correspondences leaked since Chris began his transition suggest this either.
*It is often stated that Chris admitted to adopting a [[transgender]] identity solely so that he could hook up with lesbians. While this claim is not outside the realm of possibility, no direct confession from Chris has ever been shared or leaked.
*Many suggest that "Christine" is a fake name. It is in fact his legal first name as of 2016. The CWCki, however, still uses "Chris" and (to a lesser extent) "Christian" for consistency.
*The Watchmen are often misleadingly referred to as an organization of enablers. In reality, the "Watchmen" were a clique of Chris's most prominent enablers and white knights, who had used several different Discord servers. The clique was given the unofficial name "Watchmen" by one of the members in 2020 as a nod to the DC comic mini-series.


Latest revision as of 10:43, 13 March 2025

This article will act as a namespace for the misinformation variant of the "Unreliable" template and the "Misinfo" template, explaining what kind of misinformation, misconceptions, or unproven claims are commonly believed about the article's subject.

Affair with Mother

  • Many have come to believe that Chris had sexually assaulted his own mother when the news came out that he has had an incestuous affair with her following the leak of the infamous Incest Call. This notion would be perpetuated by several YouTubers and news panels, sometimes indirectly by claiming that Barb has dementia. Despite this, Chris has only ever been charged with "INCEST W/ OWN CHILD OR GRANDCHILD"[note 1] after this affair, and was never officially charged for rape or sexual assault.

Along with that, claims that Barbara had dementia had primarily came from begging videos where she could be playing up her frailty to elicit pity for money. (See: Barbara Chandler). Therefore, whether or not this affair was entirely consensual is inconclusive.


  • It is common for observers to attempt to diagnose Chris as having "more than just autism", speculating what other types of disabilities or disorders he may have.
    • It is also common to suggest that Chris couldn't possibly be autistic because of his sex drive, or conversely that the Love Quest is his way of overcompensating for the lack thereof. While asexuality (a lack of attraction to other people sexually, which isn't necessarily the same as a low sex drive, since asexuals can masturbate to pure sensation) is more common among autistic people, it is far from universal.
    • Chris's lack of singing ability has been occasionally attributed to his autism. While a lack of control of inflections, or standard presentation thereof, is a common trait of autistic speech, autistic people are actually more likely to excel in analyzing, hearing, imagining ("audiation"), and producing exact pitches, and are more likely to have perfect pitch.
    • Some people claim that Chris was self-diagnosed. His Autism papers differ.
    • Many also view mild autism as being synonymous with mild intellectual disability. However, autistics are often of normal or high intelligence. Chris's IQ is unknown.
    • Chris has occasionally been accused of having a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. Such a condition has neither been confirmed or denied. While Chris has occasionally hinted at believing cartoon characters to be real, he does clearly separate that "reality" from the actual reality by acknowledging them as existing in a separate dimension. While him seeing the characters might sound like Chris hallucinating, further analysis reveals that Chris is simply imagining them.
      • While Chris post-jail has exhibited what some have identified as side-effects of antipsychotics (such as mild sedation, rapid weight gain after losing most of it in prison, twitches that can't be explained as stims, etc.), those drugs are often prescribed as mere tranquilizers to people for a variety of reasons, including as an elective treatment for autistic irritability, and Chris never confirmed or denied taking them anyway.

Barbara Chandler

  • It is often speculated by Christorians and observers that Barbara may have some degenerative brain disease, most often dementia. However, any official diagnosis of Barb's mental state is yet to be seen.
    • It's worth noting that trusted sources have claimed to have talked to Barb, and have stated that she's pretending to be senile in order to get money[1]. While many of Chris and Barb's "begging" videos do show traits such as delayed speech or an apparent lapse of memory, other videos show Barb to be quite lucid, such as the few surviving clips of Chris Chan VS. The Internet. However, it is worth noting that dementia is a condition where people may have "good" and "bad" days, or show more lucidity from time to time.

Bob Chandler

  • Bob's rather complicated relationship with Chris is often times simplified into either being entirely good or entirely bad.
    • It is sometimes stated that Bob had stopped caring about Chris at some point in his life, and only showed concern for his involvement with trolls for his own purposes. Such instances of this include supposedly paying Chris's high school gal-pals for their time with Chris, as well as his intervention with Chris when trolls leaked their address online. These are based on speculation, however.

Caden Peck

  • It was believed for some time that Caden Peck had approved of Larry Vaughn's plan to send Chris to Florida, though this came from Vaughn reiterating what Bella, who has been known to betray her associates (in this case Praetor) told him.
  • It is often stated that Caden had staged some of the Post-Jail sightings in order to promote sales towards Praetor, usually attributing accounts that post their photos to him posting them through the use of throwaway and sock puppet accounts on websites such as Reddit and Kiwi Farms. However, such claims come down to conjecture, and there are so far no confirmed cases of this.

Clyde Cash

  • It is believed by some that the Clyde Cash persona was played by multiple people taken on by one identity. While several people would go under the name "Clyde Cash", mostly for completely unrelated plans, the original persona most associated with Christory was played by a single troll. This same troll would play as other characters in Christory, including Vivian Gee, Gregg Mays, and Mao Ling.


To some, Fiona, aka the Suitress, is a much more sympathetic Christorical figure than most, especially when compared to others in more recent years. This is in part due to Bella's attempt to frame her as being responsible for Chris's affair, The WCT having partially revealed her identity, and the Christuber GiBi accidentally revealing her phone number during these accusations. As a result of this, as well as her previously being a well-known Chris fan, great pains were made in the CWCSphere to conceal her identity, including on this website. Ironically, these attempts to conceal her identity led to the unintended result of having her true involvement with Chris very hazy.

  • It was a commonly held belief that Fiona wanted to be Chris's sweetheart. While she had admitted to having an actual crush on him, she had never actually stated to have a desire to be a sweetheart of his, or to be in a long-term relationship with him. She would claim in texts, however, that she was "fine with the friends with benefits thing" and that Chris considers her his "first real sweetheart".[2]
  • Along with the first point, it is often speculated by observers why Chris supposedly didn't pursue a relationship with Fiona, and chose Barbara over her. In reality, Chris seemed to have held a rather conflicting standpoint towards her attraction towards him, claiming in chats and calls that he didn't see the relationship lasting long, forseeing that she'd meet a long-term sweetheart in college. However, Chris would also promise to her in a recording regarding Everfree Northwest not to be enraged at the G5 merchandise that may show up, and state that he "loved" her. He would also claim in a text that having sex with her would be the right step for her to take both for her "emotional and mental development". Fiona would also claim in a conversation with Bella that Chris was "embarressed and nervous" at the thought of his first real sweetheart. Chris would also refer to her by a pet name, "Fifi", that he had given to her in a jail letter. Along with all of that, Chris had been having his affair with his mother since late June, roughly a month before he ever met Fiona.
  • It was initially written that Fiona had been recruited into Bella's Chess Club Discord server. She had actually been invited into a separate server, chess group #15. This error was based on mislabeled folders of Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft Fiona and CWC", however the actual content was Chess Club and chess group #15 chatlogs.
  • It is sometimes stated that Fiona was a victim of sexual abuse, explaining certain factors such as her crush towards Chris. Though this isn't entirely out of the realm of possibilities, this hasn't been fully confirmed. Additionally, since her account was deleted prior, some of the evidence for this came from Kiwi Farms users trying to attribute her to posts from deleted accounts on the CWCki's Discord server being referred to as "Snoo", her screenname on said server. This search for her posts also didn't account for the fact that she used a second account, which used an entirely different name, "ScootalooSister", after being banned from the server the first time.[note 2]


After Chris was released from Jail, he was spotted many times with an unnamed gal-pal, usually referred to as "Flutter". Often deemed as being one of the most mysterious aspects of Christory, several rumors surrounding her and her relations to Chris had naturally arisen afterwards.

  • Some believe that Flutter was a recruit from Praetor, though actual proof of this has yet to surface.
  • It is sometimes speculated that Flutter is of Finnish descent, thanks to the fact that Chris went to Finland with her three times and had learned Finnish on Duolingo for no particular reason. However, these factors cannot be classified as hard proof, as Chris could have just as much used the app for when they traveled there. Some sources also give contradictory evidence of this, saying that Flutter either had no accent or that she sounded like an "anime girl".
  • It is sometimes stated that Flutter might be mentally handicapped. While this isn't entirely out of the realm of possibilities, most of this comes down to conjecture than anything substantiated. This appears to be based on Chris's encounters with Fiona, which had occurred under similar circumstances. One of the people who spotted Flutter with Chris claimed that she wasn't "noticeably" handicapped.
  • It was once written on Flutter's page by the ween Xela that when she wore a facemask and sunglasses both to the airport and at a convention, she did this as a means to avoid attention from weens. Several other similar rumors about Flutter's face being obscured in photos would soon follow, even accusing those who shared their photos of being in cahoots with people like Caden Peck.[note 3] Once again, while it is not entirely impossible that Flutter is trying to conceal her identity, almost all signs of this are circumstantial at best.
  • Also on Flutter's page, it was written that there was a possibility that Flutter showed reciprocity for Chris when he allegedly "hugged" her at a CVS, stating that her body language "didn't indicate" reciprocity,[note 4] though this was based on a very blurry photo of them where not all of the details can be made out. This means it would be impossible to make out either of their body languages. While the person who took the photos had claimed that Flutter was uncomfortable with Chris's supposed advances, their claims have yet to be fully verified.
  • Xela also knowingly spread a rumor that Chris and Flutter were going to have a baby some time in the summer of 2025 for the sole purpose of stirring up drama. He based this rumor on a misheard clip of a livestream. This rumor got promoted by several sources, including Null himself, so much so that it even made it onto tabloid media such as the Daily Mail. In actuality, Chris had never discussed any such plans of having a child with Flutter, and was in fact speaking hypothetically of such a scenario.

Gal pal

  • It is often asserted that Chris's high school "gal pals" were paid by Bob to hang out with him during school hours and look out for him. Conversations between trolls and the former "friends" indicate that they had some kind of informal arrangement with Bob and the school principal, but there is no indication that they were ever paid for their services. When Chris was in middle school, however, Bob did pay a girl named Natasha to walk with him to and from the bus stop, with Chris handing her the money himself.[3]
  • Chris himself now believes that his supposed friends were paid to hang out with him, causing him to disparage them as "hired help". This is based on a conversation he had with a troll who was posing as one of the friends in question. After he was told they had been paid, he asked Barbara if that was true and she told him it was. However, it is likely that Barb was never familiar with the details of the arrangement and may have had them confused with Natasha.[4]
  • People sometimes cite fake quotes from the troll Thetan, who impersonated Chris' High School gal-pals, as evidence for them supposedly loathing Chris or regretting their friendships with him. It is also entirely unlikely that these gal-pals would have expressed any feelings about Chris' online presence, as they have long since moved on with their lives and have families.


GiBi did not redact a phone number when showing screenshots (under red censor bar; screenshot was uncensored in his video). The number allegedly belonged to the Suitress. This was the basis for much speculation.

GiBi, a semi-popular Christuber would attempt to make a daily series regarding the Incest Saga of Christory. He would consult several conflicting sources for information regarding the act, one of which was Bella, who was already framing Fiona as being the voice in the incest call. Bella would try to convince him that she wasn't "Kelly Osborn", which GiBi kept arguing for, while also leaking Fionas's phone number in a video. While talking to Bella, he would also attempt to make several comments regarding his findings and get more information on the matter in a megathread about Bella on the Kiwi Farms, reacting to many opposing comments on his findings rather unprofessionally. This predictably would get him under scrutiny by the Farms.

  • Before the uploading of the infamous video by him where he leaks Fiona's phone number, GiBi would mention on the Kiwi Farms about getting information on the leaks from a "friend" of his, alongside Bella. The "friend" that GiBi was talking to was presumed to be The WCT. In actuality, the friend was a CCCC user that went under the username "LavenderBonez" on that server, who seemed to be supportive of Fiona leaking a chunk of the incest call, even going as far as calling her a "hero".[5]
  • In its earliest form, GiBi had a section of the Orbiter Wave page, which initially covered people that were prominent during the Incest Saga. In it, his leaking of Fiona's number was characterized as intentional from being prompted by Bella's disinformation. The section originally stated that Immediately accepting Bella's story that the entire scandal was the fault of Fiona, he then leaked Fiona's phone number in one of his videos for thousands to see. It appears to be speculation that there was a link between the phone number leak and Bella's story. The section was also revised to clarify that the leak was in the form of screenshots of text messages between Bella and Fiona in which a phone number was not redacted.

Honor Roll

  • Whether Chris made the Honor Roll, or exactly what such a feat entailed around the time of his graduation, is unknown.

Incest Call

A key aspect regarding the drama that followed from Chris's affair had primarily come from how clips of this call had been leaked. So far, only four clips of varying lengths of this call had ever been leaked, all with various amounts of context. Because of this, many unproven claims regarding the people involved in the Incest, Watchmen, and Lainchu sagas have been heavily propagated.

  • The date of the Call is unclear, which in turn has lead to gossip on what Bella wanted to do with the call. Evidence points to either 27 July 2021 or 28 July 2021 as the call date, however much of the evidence was from Bella's screenshots, and she has a history of creating fabricated texts at least once.

Isabella Loretta Janke

Isabella Loretta Janke is most known for her involvement in a call where Chris describes incestuous acts he's performed towards his mother. Before this, Bella had been in touch with Chris for almost a year, acting nice around him, while also showing many instances of A-logging or wishing harm towards him in Discord chats, sometimes outright claiming to want to make him harm himself. She would also roleplay as prior gal pals like Kellie Andes and an employee for the Curiosity Stream, and has been known to encourage the verbal harassment and bullying of other students at her university. This edgy behavior would lead to many instances of misinformation or unproven claims resulting from the chaos around the Incest Call, gossip on Kiwi Farms being taken at face value, and Bella's alleged plots towards Chris.

  • It is often stated that Bella had convinced Chris to commit incest on his mother. In actuality, Bella was in a call with him, where Chris had discussed the matter openly with her. Chris had told her multiple times of instances of having an affair with a "sweetheart over 50", and had even admitted to having a wet dream of his mother in one other instance.
  • It was initially written that Bella had a suicide plot towards Chris dating back to 25 April 2020. This was based on a Discord user, ZorgothTDK, who alleged that DMs between him and Bella, in which a Deleted User states "That's what we're trying to do with Chris [...] Get him be suicidal [...] Bc he's retarded", were Bella discussing Chris Chan. However, Bella knew of two other people named Chris - her cousin and another Discord user - making it unclear if she was referring to Chris Chan. Though ZorgothTDK claims that Bella was referring to Chris Chan, the full log of his conversation with the Deleted User makes no indication that Chris Chan was being discussed.[6] In addition, communication between Bella and Chris Chan has not been established for the time frame of April 2020 - the earliest known message from Bella to Chris Chan occurred in October 2020. The exact time at which Bella had actually started interacting with Chris is not known, but she has claimed in one instance to have started trolling Chris for almost a year to one of her Chess Club associates in a July 2021 Discord message.[7] However, in two other instances, Bella would claim to a friend that she did have a plan to get Chris to kill himself in one instance,[8] and claim that she wanted Praetor members to convince him to cut off his penis in another, and hoping that he would die from a gender reassignment surgery accident.[9]
  • It was initially written that Bella had a blackmail plot involving the Incest Call. Usually this claim is in conjunction with the claim that Bella wanted to record Chris having sex with Fiona. While Bella had intended to leak the call after an unspecified point, and had created fake texts where Chris states he performed BDSM-style sex with Barb in the meantime, it is not known for sure if this would have involved blackmailing Chris.
  • It was initially written that Bella wanted to film Chris having sex with Fiona for blackmail purposes. This appears to be a rumor loosely based on two excerpts from the Incest Call, the first in which Bella discusses her friend Fiona (who held a crush on Chris) and tries to encourage Chris to pursue a relationship with her; and the second in which Bella said she would create a slideshow of romantic stuff between Chris and Fiona during the Everfree Northwest convention festivities. Bella does not seem to actually state wanting to put any sexual content into the presentation. Adding onto that, Chris already discussed with Bella about the planned sexual intercourse he'd have with Fiona before she made the call.
  • It was initially written that Bella self-assigned her bodyguard role for Everfree Northwest, however Chris had assigned her the role.[10]
  • It is believed by some that Bella had an incest fetish, part of the reason for her call with Chris. This would even be written a few times in articles that mention her. However, whether or not Bella was actually into incest is unclear. This in part seems to come from an incest fanfiction that she had allegedly created under the account narutoisgay77897, which involves a father-son relationship between Naruto characters. However, the link between this account and Bella is unclear, and the account itself has "Im into engineering and electromagnetism and shit but u wont find any of that shit here, only gay hentai bitches." as its description, suggesting that it could be a troll account, if created by her. The account therefore cannot be used to prove this, as its legitimacy is questionable. A user by the name of Gungann would also continuously question Bella on this point, citing part of a transcription of her call with Chris which claims that she talked to Chris while aroused, though he doesn't give the source for this particular transcript, or where he was reading it from.
  • It was once written on the Discord page that Bella was a member of the Official CWCki Server before the call. This was loosely based off a policy on the server where mentioning or talking about her is prohibited, as moderators on the server were notified about harassment on the server, and were concerned of the possibility that either she or her friends would report the server if they found out that anyone was discussing her.

Jail Saga

  • The letters that Chris had written in jail could not be used as evidence against him in court, as they were strictly his word.


  • It was once written on The WCT's page that he was the primary Lainchu, though this is despite the fact that he rejected the role when requested by Chris.

Liquid Chris

  • It is often stated that Liquid Chris was a single person. In actuality, Liquid was played by a set of twins, Christopher and Jon Duckworth. While Christopher played as Chris in Youtube videos and PVCC chats, Jon played Liquid during the Sing-Star Challenge.
  • While The Miscreants (group of trolls including the one behind Clyde Cash) would claim Liquid Chris, the brothers and girlfriend behind Liquid Chris and Kacey alike appear to have started their trolling independently, after Christopher Duckworth began comically impersonating Chris Chan.
  • Liquid Chris started impersonating Chris a month before the Rollin' and Trollin' video, and was barely influenced by this video.

Megan Schroeder

  • It later surfaced that Chris did not shred the physical copy of SheCameForCWC.jpg before placing it in the Crumple-Lope, but neatly cut it into squares.

Michael Snyder

  • There is no evidence that Michael is Jewish, either by faith or ethnicity. This came from Chris believing him to be such due to his last name.


  • Chris had never said the word "nigger" outside of troll interference. He also never said the phrase "no darkies". This came from a piece of fan art parodying his attraction sign.


  • It is often said that Chris only makes 7% off of the sales from OfficialCWCMart. However, this estimate conflates his royalty from the Praetor-made medallions with the stuff that he makes himself. It is currently unknown how much of the content sold on the Etsy was from Chris collaborating with Praetor.


  • Larry Vaughn's claims about Praetor were once written on their article. However, he based these claims off of things that were said verbatim by Bella, a known habitual liar who has on several occasions betrayed her own associates. A few such claims include:
    • Praetor were a group of trolls akin to the Idea Guys or the Teen Troon Squad
    • They produced a lot of their merchandise in a "nasty basement".
    • Larry's plan to send Chris to Florida was approved by Caden.
    • Chris roleplayed as Sonichu at all times.
    • Chris was still going after his high school gal-pals to the point of people needing to change their profiles.
    • Chris was tazing himself out of fear that the Dimensional Merge wasn't going to happen.

Rocky Shoemaker

  • It was once written on Rocky's article that she had used BlueSky, and that Chris had blocked her account. In actuality this was an imposter account that was created with the intent on trolling Chris.


  • It is believed by some that Praetor wanted to get Chris to tase himself. In actuality, Chris had discussed plans with Watchmen members Naught and Kyle about plans to shock his Gate Crystal and Celestial Key quartz crystals in order to open up a portal to another dimension, citing a Gaia article about ancient civilizations using piezoelectricity to open up portals. Chris wanted to borrow a taser from Praetor to tase the crystals. Praetor was initially willing to allow him to use it under their supervision. The rumor that they wanted to get him to tase himself was first started by the Watchmen leader Naught, who had posted out-of-context clips of Watchmen members talking to the founder and leader of Praetor, Caden Peck, and alleging that "Caden and cwc as Sonichu prime discuss the tazer and who will be tazed". Naught had also left out a clip where the Watchman Val Valentino brought up the subject, and is asking if Chris would tase himself, and Caden Peck discussing how he felt it would be a bad idea. Interestingly, Isabella Janke, a minor member of Praetor, had also spread a rumor that she had tried convincing Praetor members to get Chris to harm himself by getting him to cut his penis off, while claiming she was only "recruited".


One of the primary members of the Watchmen.

  • It was initially written that The WCT wanted Chris to kill himself. This originated from a rumor spread by MKRNightVee, his former associate in the Watchmen Discord server The Place. In June 2021, the Watchmen clique was infighting over Naught posting The WCT's dox onto Kiwi Farms. WCT responded by informing Chris, who left The Place. Angry over this development, MKR took to Twitter to spread a rumor that WCT "probably wants Chris to kill himself".[11] A month later, the rumor was further spurred by Kiwi Farms forum posters, who assumed from both MKR's rumor and WCT's interactions with Bella (who had claimed on at least two occasions to want to get Chris to harm himself or commit suicide) that WCT was in on Bella's supposed plots. Despite this, no evidence has surfaced that WCT knew of Bella's claimed plots.
  • It was initially written in a few articles that Chris had directly contributed to the mass doxing of Fiona by sharing one of her pictures with the WCT. Chris, although posting her photograph to him, would also refer to her by her pen name, "Fifi Vixenhart". The WCT wouldn't have become aware of her real name, or actually dox her, until later, when Bella had told him in the Regarding Chris chats that Fiona was the sole provider of fabricated texts where Chris states he's done BDSM on Barb while she was doxing her on multiple websites. The WCT would post one of Fiona's videos and use her first name, partially revealing her identity and bringing attention from trolls onto her.
  • It was initially written that The WCT had been recruited into Bella's Chess Club Discord server. He had actually been invited into a separate server, chess group #15. This error was based on mislabeled folders of Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft Fiona and CWC", however the actual content was Chess Club and chess group #15 chatlogs.
  • The WCT is often misquoted as proclaiming himself as being "the final protagonist of Christory", which was often used as evidence for knowing that Chris was going to commit suicide. In actuality, in his boasting, he proclaimed himself as "one of the final protagonists", proclaiming that his work will be held in high regard in Geno's documentary, and be compared to figures such as Null. Additionally, he said this in reference to the Watchmen's belief that Barb's death would be the end of Christory, a belief that WCT had held strongly.
    • Likewise, it was also believed that when he titled his pre-jail interview with Chris as the "Final Pre-Jail interview", he also meant this as knowing Chris was going to commit suicide, ignoring the fact that this was indeed the last interview he had with Chris before he went to jail.


Chris' shift in gender identity and subsequent identification as a lesbian/bisexual transwoman has been a subject of intense debate and scrutiny within and outside of LGBT+ circles, with some believing that it is yet another act designed to enable him to shack up with lesbian women, and still others claiming that Chris openly admitted that this was the case. While the possibility of the former cannot be entirely discounted, no known admission of this nature has ever been made by Chris personally, and none of the assorted chat logs and correspondences leaked since Chris began his transition suggest this either.

  • It is often stated that Chris admitted to adopting a transgender identity solely so that he could hook up with lesbians. While this claim is not outside the realm of possibility, no direct confession from Chris has ever been shared or leaked.
  • Many suggest that "Christine" is a fake name. It is in fact his legal first name as of 2016. The CWCki, however, still uses "Chris" and (to a lesser extent) "Christian" for consistency.


  • The Watchmen are often misleadingly referred to as an organization of enablers. In reality, the "Watchmen" were a clique of Chris's most prominent enablers and white knights, who had used several different Discord servers. The clique was given the unofficial name "Watchmen" by one of the members in 2020 as a nod to the DC comic mini-series.


  1. This charge appears to be used for all instances of parent-child and grandparent-grandchild incest at the jail Chris was sent to, probably due to character limits in the charge descriptions, as well as the fact that the text was likely generated from the numeric code for the offense.
  2. According to Anaxis, who has known Fiona, Fiona wasn't aware she got banned prior to making the second account, and believed that people on there naturally "missed her".
  3. There are a few photos of Flutter that do show her face, such as the image used in her infobox, so this is demonstrably false.
  4. Specifically wording it like this not only assumes that it is known for a fact that Chris did advance on her, but also implies that because it hasn't been disproven, one could assume she expressed feelings back towards him.


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