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#REDIRECT [[List of Chris's games]]
[[Image:0828-EP12-5P7-1.jpg|thumb|left|[[CWCki]]'s [[United States of America|American]] readers helped pay for this. Anyone else suddenly feel like cheating on their taxes?]]
[[File:ChrisGameShop.jpg|thumb|One of their most valuable customers.]]
This is a catalog of [[Chris]]'s '''video game collection''', based in large part on a spreadsheet he sent to [[Shigeru Miyamoto]] in order to show how dedicated he is to video games. He surely is. The actual [http://www.mediafire.com/?mdn5wamumtv Excel file] contains more information about each game that Chris listed himself for some reason, like the number of players for each game. Some games are obvious (every ''[[Sonic]]'' game, and almost every ''[[Pokémon]]'' game), some are surprising (''[[Homos|Barbie Game Girl]]''), some are bizarre (''Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage [[Pickle|Pickled]] Edition''), and some are outright embarrassing (''Pooh's Party Game: In Search of the Treasure'', ''Learning with the PooYoos'').
For whatever reason, Chris's game inventory also includes demo discs, game peripherals (such as his [[PSEye]]), and other things that can't really be considered games (such as {{w|Game Boy Advance Video}} cartridges, a concept that failed to appeal to a majority of American consumers... except for Chris, apparently, who bought several of them). God only knows why Chris felt it was a brilliant idea to send a [[Nintendo]] executive a list of games he has on competing platforms, or to send a list of imports to a game company that practically invented region lock-out to prevent games from being imported.
The bulk of the list is only accurate to around the time of the [[Miyamoto Saga]], in [[January 2009]]. Luckily, his public [[PSN]] profile and other sources of information have made it possible to get a clearer picture of his ever-expanding game collection since then. [[HEXbox|Xbox]] games and hardware are conspicuously missing from the list, but according to his [[List of Chris's eBay sales|eBay sales]], he most likely owned one at some point.
Many [[trolls]] conservatively estimate that Chris and his family have spent at least $30,000 on video games in his lifetime (including $1,000 from a [[Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes|1994 shopping spree]]), roughly 3 times the amount of Chris's annual [[Monthly tugboat|income]] – your tax dollars at work. As of 2010, for downloaded games and other PSN content alone, he has spent nearly $3,500, and the toll continues to rise. A [[January 2015]] leak by a Nintendo employee revealed that he had made 585 purchases on his account, in Nintendo video game products (including hardware, software, DLC, etc.) in a span of 4.5 years. This leak also showed that Chris's addiction to buying video games has worsened '''hard''' over the years.
After [[Destruction Of Chris's House|the fire]], many of these games are presumed to have been destroyed or otherwise lost, but no final verdict on that matter has been given. It's also unknown whether or not the Chandler household is still in possession of any remaining games due to Chris being [[Jail Saga|arrested for incest]].
==Chris (barely) lets go==
Chris has '''''very''''' ''occasionally'' sold off some of his games to earn money. This occurred most frequently throughout 2010, but (perhaps unsurprisingly) hasn't happened much ever since.
In early [[August 2010]], according to his [[Jackie E-mails 8|e-mails with Jackie]], Chris sold off "12 NES, 3 SNES, 6 Genesis, 9 Game Boy and 6 PSOne Games" at a local pawn shop, hoping to snag some spending money and get around his father's iron grip on his finances. (He actually attempted to sell 23 PlayStation games total; all but six were refused due to their poor condition.) A couple of weeks later, he went back and sold off more NES and SNES games, as well as his Super Nintendo console and a few accessories for it. Between both trips he pocketed a little over $80, but the extent of what he got rid of is not fully documented.
On 31 August, he made a third trip to the pawn shop, selling off his Nintendo 64 and all his games for the console. Total proceeds: $40. At the same time he tried to sell his 16-bit Sega consoles and games, but failed, since his Genesis was apparently malfunctioning.
Around the same time, Chris also made a couple of trips to his local [[GameStop]] to trade in some of his collection. In early August, he gave up "9 PS3, 2 PS2, 3 PSP, and 4 DS games" for $50 in store credit, which he immediately plowed back into a pre-order for more games. Later, around the end of the month, he traded in several Game Boy Advance, GameCube, and Nintendo DS games for $100 worth of GameStop store credit. In both cases, it's not clear exactly which titles he let go of.
In [[October 2010]], Chris dropped by Plan 9 Music, a music store in [[Charlottesville]], and sold them "7 PS3, 2 PSP, 4 Gamecube and 1 Wii game" along with several movie DVDs, although as usual he did not specify which titles. He thereby earned $48.75, most of which went directly into [[Chris and nutrition|his stomach]] and [[Son-Chu]]'s gas tank.
In the [[Clyde and Tito PS3 E-mails]], Chris mentioned the pawn shop trip to his enemies. A few weeks later, [[Clyde Cash]] obtained three of Chris's old games and his Super Game Boy from the pawn shop and uploaded pictures of the loot here on the [[CWCki]]. The pictures show that at one point, Chris labeled his games with his name and birthdate (which now serve as a TRUE and HONEST certificate of authentication), and that his copy of ''Dr. Mario'' was kept in less than satisfactory condition.
File:Groupiz.jpg|Clyde's haul.
File:Dk3v.jpg|Note how the sticker label is peeling on the corners. This isn't a common occurrence.
File:Fotns.jpg|A [[JERKS|rather surprising]] title that Chris once owned.
File:Nametage.jpg|The Nintendo Seal of Truth and Honesty.
File:Drmariofull.jpg|LOOK AT THAT DIRT GODDAMN.
File:Whytp.jpg|The original label was apparently damaged, so Chris tried replacing it. It shows.
File:Thefuck.jpg|Goo Gone is an alien concept to Chris.
Oddly enough, in August [[2008]], Chris auctioned off a pink {{w|LeapFrog Enterprises|LeapFrog}} {{w|Leapster}} on [[eBay]], and received $29.99 for it. The Leapster is a handheld edutainment video game system marketed to children ages 3-11. It was released in late [[2003]], which means that Chris was at least ''21'' when he bought it. He may have bought it because there was a [[Sonic the Hedgehog|''Sonic X'']] game available for the system. The game, which involves answering [[Chris and mathematics|math problems]] to advance, is appropriate for 5-7 year olds, fitting considering Chris's [[Chris and psychology|arrested development.]]
Despite these attempts, and owning current generation systems (such as the [[PS4]] and [[Nintendo]] Switch), Chris often returns to his older consoles. After [[Destruction Of Chris's House|the fire]] (presumably) destroyed much of Chris's video game collection, he repurchased many of the games, sans ones he already purchased on the Wii Virtual Console and PlayStation Network.
==Games bought during the Financhu Crisis==
Chris's habit of wasting money on games continued even during the [[Financhu Crisis]], a time of self-inflicted financial hardship for the Chandlers, in which Chris regularly begged for money. These purchases are denoted with *FC* in the notes section of the lists below.
==The List==
===='''Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)'''====
Half of these NES games are on his 3DS Virtual Console (VC), while the others are physical copies for Chris's actual NES console (that he probably rarely plays).
<!-- Simply add the MSRP if it's known.-->
{| class="wikitable"
|''{{w|1942 (video game)|1942}}''
|''3D Excitebike
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''3D Kirby's Adventure
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''3D Kid Icarus
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''3D TwinBee
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''3D Urban Champion
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''3D Xevious
|Bandai Namco
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Adventures of Lolo
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Adventure Island II
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Balloon Fight
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Baseball (1983 video game)|Baseball}}''
|''Bases Loaded
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Batman (Nintendo Entertainment System)|Batman}}''
|''Blaster Master
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Castlevania II: Simon's Quest}}''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse}}''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''City Connection
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Clu Clu Land
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Crash'n the Boys Street Challenge
|Arc System Works
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Dance Aerobics}}''
|''Dig Dug
|Bandai Namco
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Donkey Kong
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Donkey Kong Jr.
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Donkey Kong 3}}
|Now in the possession of Clyde Cash. Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Donkey Kong Classics''
|''Double Dragon
|ARC System Works
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Double Dragon II: The Revenge
|ARC System Works
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Déjà Vu''
|''{{w|Dr. Mario (video game)|Dr. Mario}}''
|Now in the possession of Clyde Cash. Rebought twice as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|Bandai Namco
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon's Darkness
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Ghosts'n Goblins
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Gyruss#NES and Famicom|Gyruss}}''
|Ultra Games
|''Ice Climber
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Kabuki Quantum Fighter}}''
|''{{w|Kirby's Adventure}}''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Kung Fu''
|''{{w|The Legend of Zelda (video game)|The Legend of Zelda}}''
|''{{w|Little Nemo: The Dream Master}}''
|''Life Force
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mach Rider
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mario Bros.
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Mcdonalds|M.C. Kids]]''
|[[Virgin with rage|Virgin]] Games
|''Mega Man
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mega Man 2
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mega Man 4
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mega Man 5
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mega Man 6
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Mendel Palace}}''
|Hudson Soft
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mighty Bomb Jack
|Tecmo Koei
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mighty Final Fight
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Milon's Secret Castle''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii. Rebought for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''NES Remix Open Tournament Golf
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Ninja Gaiden (Nintendo Entertainment System)|Ninja Gaiden}}''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Ninja Gaiden II
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Pin*Bot (video game)|Pin-Bot}}''
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|R.C. Pro-Am|R.C. Pro-AM}}''
|ARC System Works
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''River City Ransom
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Chris and English|Sesame Street ABC]]''
|''Short Order/Eggsplode''
|''Sky Kid
|Bandai Namco
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Solomon's Key''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii. Rebought 2 times as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|Tozai Games
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Star Soldier
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Summer Carnival '92 RECCA
|Kaga Electronics
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Super C
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Super Dodge Ball
|ARC System Works
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Super Mario Bros.
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Super Mario Bros. 3
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Super Glove Ball}}''
|Given that this game came with the {{w|Power Glove}}, it is possible Chris also owns the Glove.
|''{{w|Super Mario Bros}}/{{w|Duck Hunt}}/World Class Track Meet''
|''{{w|Super Mario Bros. 2}}''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''{{w|Super Mario Bros. 3}}''
|''Tecmo Bowl
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''The Legend of Zelda
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Wario's Woods
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS. Bought twice.
|''Wrecking Crew
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Wikipedia:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1989 video game)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]''
|Ultra Games
|''[[Wikipedia:Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_II:_The_Arcade_Game#Ports|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game]]''
|Ultra Games
|''Tetris 2''
|''The Mysterious Murasame Castle
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Wikipedia:The Three Stooges (video game)|The Three Stooges]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Wario's Woods|Wario's Woods]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Wheel_of_Fortune_(video_game)#NES_version|Wheel of Fortune]]''
|''Wrecking Crew''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''[[Wikipedia:Yoshi (video game)|Yoshi]]''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Wikipedia:Zelda II: The Adventure of Link|Zelda II: The Adventure of Link]]''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
===='''Game Boy'''====
{| class="wikitable"
|''[[Wikipedia:Barbie: Game Girl|Barbie]]:[[Tomgirl|Game Girl]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Bases Loaded (video game)|Bases Loaded]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:The Rescue of Princess Blobette|A Boy and His Blob: The Rescue of Princess Blobette]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Castlevania: The Adventure|Castlevania Adventure]]''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Wikipedia:Cool Spot|Cool Spot]]''
|[[Virgin with rage|Virgin]] Interactive
|''[[Wikipedia:Darkwing Duck (Capcom)|Darkwing]] [[Darkbind Sonichu|Duck]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Donkey Kong (Game Boy)|Donkey Kong]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Donkey Kong Land|Donkey Kong Land]]''
|''Dr. Mario''
|''[[Donald Duck|Duck Tales]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:F-1 Race|F-1 Race]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:List of Fist of the North Star video games|Fist of the North Star]]''
|Now in the possession of Clyde Cash.
|''[[Wikipedia:Game_and_Watch_Gallery#Game_.26_Watch_Gallery|Game and Watch Gallery]]''
|[[Wikipedia:Game Boy Camera|Game Boy Camera (red)]]
|Game Boy Camera (blue)
|That's right - two cameras. Gotta catch 'em all!
|''[[Wikipedia:Golf (video game)|Golf]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Heiankyo Alien|Heiankyo Alien]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Home Alone (video game)|Home Alone]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters|Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters]]''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Kirby's Block Ball
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''[[Wikipedia:Kirby's Dream Land|Kirby's Dream Land]]''
|''Kirby's Dream Land 2
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Kirby's Pinball Land
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Kirby's Star Stacker
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''[[Wikipedia:The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening|The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Marble Madness|Marble Madness]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge|Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge]]''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Wikipedia:Mega Man II (Game Boy)|Mega Man II]]''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Mega Man III
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Mega Man IV
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Mega Man V
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''[[Wikipedia:Metroid II: Return of Samus|Metroid II: Return of Samus]]''
|''[[Power Rangers|Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers]]''
|''Mole Mania
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Mystical Ninja starring Goemon
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''[[Pokémon]] [[Wikipedia:Pokémon Red and Blue|Blue]]''
|'''''Pokémon Red''
|''Pinball: Revenge of the Gator
|HAL Laboratory
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Pretty Soldier [[Sailor Moon]]''
|Japanese import. Purchased through eBay in June 2006.
|''Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R''
|Japanese import. Purchased through eBay in June 2006.
|Ultra Games
|''Ren & Stimpy: Cadet Adventures''
|''[[Wikipedia:Revenge of the 'Gator|Revenge of the Gator]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Super Mario Land|Super Mario Land]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins|Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins]]''
|''Super Scrabble''
|[[Wikipedia:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan|''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan'']]
|Ultra Games
|''[[Wikipedia: Tennis (video game)|Tennis]]''
|''[[Wikipedia: Tetris (Game Boy)|Tetris]]''
|Sold on eBay along with his original Game Boy in March 2018.<ref>[[2018 Sales Listings#Game Boy w/ Tetris]]</ref>
|''Tetris 2''
|''The Sword of Hope II
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''[[Wikipedia:Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break|Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break]]''
|''Tumble Pop
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''[[Wikipedia:Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman!|Wario Blast]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3|Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3]]''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''[[Wikipedia:Wave Race|Wave Race]]''
|''[[Wikipedia: Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Nintendo Entertainment System)|Who Framed Roger Rabbit]]''
|''[[Wikipedia:Yoshi (video game)|Yoshi]]''
===='''Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)'''====
{| class="wikitable"
|''[[Wikipedia:The Itchy & Scratchy Game|The Itchy & Scratchy Game]]''
|Bits Studios/Acclaim.
|''The Chessmaster''
|''Legend of the Mystical Ninja
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Mario Paint''
|''Mega Man X''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Star Fox''
|''Stunt Race FX''
|''Super Game Boy''
|Now in the possession of Clyde Cash.
|''Super Mario All-Stars''
|''Super Mario Kart''
|''Super Mario World''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Super Metroid''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Super Scope 6-in-1''
|''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time''
|''Yoshi's Safari''
===='''Nintendo 64 (N64)'''====
According to an [[Jackie E-mails 12|e-mail to Jackie]], Chris sold his Nintendo 64 and most of the games listed below (save for the Wii downloads, obviously) in [[August 2010]].
{| class="wikitable"
|''Cruisin' USA
|''Diddy Kong Racing
|Sold on eBay in August 2008.
|''Hey You, Pikachu!
|''[[Lego]] Racers
|Lego Media
|''Mario Kart 64
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''[[Trolls|Mischief Makers]]
|''Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero
|Sold on eBay in July 2008.
|''Paper Mario''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|'''''Pokémon Puzzle League
|'''''Pokémon Snap
|Sold on eBay in August 2008. Later repurchased as a digital download for the Nintendo Wii.
|''Pokémon Stadium
|Sold on eBay in August 2008.
|''Pokémon Stadium 2
|''[[Wikipedia:Sin & Punishment|Sin & Punishment]]''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Star Fox 64
|''Super Mario 64
|Sold on eBay in July 2008. Later repurchased as a digital download for the Nintendo Wii.
|''Wave Race 64''
|''Yoshi's Story''
===='''Game Boy Color (GBC)'''====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Bionic Commando: Elite Forces
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Game & Watch Gallery 2''
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Game & Watch Gallery 3''
|''Gex: Enter the Gecko''
|''Harvest Moon GBC
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Harvest Moon 2 GBC
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Harvest Moon 3 GBC
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Legend of the River King
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Legend of the River King 2
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Lufia: The Legend Returns
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Mario Tennis
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Mega Man Xtreme
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Mega Man Xtreme 2
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokémon Crystal
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokémon Gold
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokémon Pinball
|'''''Pokémon Puzzle Challenge
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|'''''Pokémon Silver
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokémon Trading Card Game
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|'''''Pokémon Yellow
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Toki Tori
|Two Tribes Publishing
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Wario Land II
|''Wario Land III
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Xtreme Sports
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
====Game Boy Advance (GBA)====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Chu Chu Rocket
|''Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros.
|Nintendo’s barcode reader peripheral for ''[[Animal Crossing]]'' and other games.
|''Futari Wa Pretty Cure
|A Japanese import
|''Futari Wa Pretty Cure Max Heart
|A Japanese import
|''Game & Watch Gallery 4
|''Game Boy Advance Jukebox
|A GBA player for MP3 music files.
|''Gumby Vs. the Astrobots
|''Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: Kaznapped
|''Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament
|''Mario Kart: Super Circuit
|''Mario vs. Donkey Kong
|''Metroid Fusion
|'''''[[My Little Pony]]: The Runaway Rainbow
|'''''Pokémon Emerald
|'''''Pokémon FireRed
|'''''Pokémon LeafGreen
|'''''Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire
|'''''Pokémon Ruby
|'''''Pokémon Sapphire
|''Sega Smash Pack
|'''''[[Sonic]] Advance
|'''''Sonic Advance 2
|'''''Sonic Advance 3
|'''''Sonic Battle
|'''''Sonic Pinball Party
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis
|''Super Mario Advance
|''Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
|''Tetris Worlds
|''The Three Stooges
|''Wario Land 4
|''WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgame$!
|''WarioWare: Twisted!
|''Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
|''Yoshi Topsy-Turvy
===='''Game Boy Advance Video'''====
{| class="wikitable"
|''All Grown Up! Volume 1
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Limited Edition
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Platinum Edition
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Premium Edition
|Chris’s 100th acquisition for Nintendo handhelds
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Special Edition
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Volume 1
|''The Fairly Oddparents: Volume 1
|''Nicktoons Collection: Volume 1
| Majesco
|''Nicktoons Collection: Volume 2
| Majesco
|'''''Pokémon GBAVideo: Beach Blank-Out Blastoise
|'''''Pokémon GBAVideo: For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll!
|'''''Pokémon GBAVideo: I Choose You!
|'''''Pokémon GBAVideo: Johto Photo Finish
|'''''Sonic X Volume 1: A Super Sonic Hero!
====Nintendo GameCube (NGC)====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Amazing Island
|'''''[[Animal Crossing]]
|''Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
|''[[Wikipedia:BMX XXX|BMX XXX]]
|''Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix
|''Donkey Konga
|''Donkey Konga 2
|''Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
|Chris’s 50th acquisition for the Gamecube
|''Evolution Worlds
|''F-Zero GX
|''Go! Go! Hypergrind
|''Karaoke Revolution Party
|''The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition
|''The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
|''Luigi's Mansion
|''Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
|''Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Bonus Disc
|''[[Wikipedia:MC Groovz Dance Craze|MC Groovz Dance Craze]]
|''Mario Party 5
|''Mario Party 7
|''Metroid Prime
|''Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
|''Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Bonus Disc
|''Pac-Man Vs.
|''Pac-Man World 2
|'''''Pokémon Box: Ruby & Sapphire
|'''''Pokémon Channel
|'''''Pokémon Colosseum
|'''''Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc
|'''''Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
|''The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage - [[Pickle]]d Edition
|'''''[[Blake|Shadow the Hedgehog]]
|'''''Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
|'''''Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
|'''''Sonic Gems Collection
|'''''Sonic Heroes
|'''''Sonic Mega Collection
|'''''Sonic Riders
|'''''[[Soul Calibur]] II
|''Spyro: A Hero's Tail
|Vivendi Universal
|''Star Fox Adventures
|''Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2
|''Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
|''Super Mario Sunshine
|''Super Smash Bros. Melee
|''WarioWare Inc.: Mega Party Game$!
|''Wave Race: Blue Storm
|''Gamecube Preview Disc
====Nintendo DS and DSi====
{| class="wikitable"
|''100 Classic Books
|Purchased from Best Buy in June 2010
|''3D MahJong
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''[[Animal Crossing]] Wild World
|''A Kappa's Trail
|Digital Purchase via DsiWare
|''Airport Mania: First Flight
|Lemon Games
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''Airport Mania: Non-Stop Flights
|Lemon Games
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''Anonymous Notes: Chapter 1- From the Abyss
|Sonic Powered Co. Ltd
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''Anonymous Notes: Chapter 2- From the Abyss
|Sonic Powered Co. Ltd
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''Anonymous Notes: Chapter 3- From the Abyss
|Sonic Powered Co. Ltd
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''Anonymous Notes: Chapter 4- From the Abyss
|Sonic Powered Co. Ltd
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''Art Academy
|''Big Brain Academy
|''[[Slow in the minds|Brain Age]]
|Chris’s 150th acquisition for Nintendo handhelds
|''Cooking Mama
|''Drill Dozer
|''Dragon Quest IX:Seninels of the Starry Skies
|''Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation
|''Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
|''Faceez! Monsters
|Neko Entertainment
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''[[Love quest|Feel the Magic XY/XX]]
|''Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
|''[[Flipnote Studio]]
|''Fossil Fighters: Champions
|''Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart Danzen! DS
|A Japanese import
|''Game & Watch Collection
|''Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
|''House M.D.- Episode 1: Globetrotting
|Legacy Interactive
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''House M.D.- Episode 2: The Blue Meanie
|Legacy Interactive
|A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
|''Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
|''Jump Superstars
|A Japanese import
|''Kirby: Canvas Curse
|''Kirby Mass Attack
|''Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
|''Mario Hoops 3-on-3
|''Mario Kart DS
|''Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2
|''Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!
|''Metroid Prime: Hunters
|''Metroid Prime: Hunters First Hunt
|A demo cartridge
|''Metroid Prime Pinball
|''New Super Mario Bros.
|''Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends
|''Picross 3D
|Purchased from Best Buy in June 2010
|'''''Pokémon Black and White
|'''''Pokémon Black and White 2
|'''''Pokémon Conquest
|'''''Pokémon Dash
|'''''Pokémon Diamond
|'''''Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team
|'''''Pokémon Pearl
|'''''Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver
|'''''Pokémon Ranger
|'''''Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
|'''''Pokémon Trozei!
|''Professor Layton and the Last Specter
|''Retro Atari Classics
|''The Rub Rabbits
|''Snood 2: On Vacation
|'''''Sonic Colors DS
|'''''Sonic Rush
|'''''Sonic Rush Adventure
|''Star Fox Command
|''Sudoku Gridmaster
|''Super Mario 64 DS
|''Super Princess Peach
|''System Flaw
|Storm City Games
|Purchased from Best Buy in July 2010
|''Tetris DS
|''True Swing Golf
|''WarioWare D.I.Y.
|Purchased from Best Buy in June 2010
|''WarioWare Touched
|'''''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]] Nightmare Troubadour
{| class="wikitable"
|'''''Animal Crossing City Folk
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Art Style: Rotozoa
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Battalion Wars 2
|''Dr. Mario Online RX
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Donkey Kong Country Returns
|''Family Table Tennis
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Fortune Street
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Link's Crossbow Training
|''Kirby's Dream Collection
|''Kirby's Epic Yarn
|''Kirby's Return to Dream Land
|''Learning with the PooYoos- Episode 1
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Learning with the PooYoos- Episode 2
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Learning with the PooYoos- Episode 3
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|'''''Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games
|''Mario Kart Wii
|''Mario Party 9
|''Mario Sports Mix
|''Mario Super Sluggers
|''Metroid: Other M
|''Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
|'''''My Pokémon Ranch
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident
|''[[White knights|NiGHTs]]: Journey of Dreams
|''Pikmin 2
|A Wii port with a new control scheme
|'''''Pokémon Battle Revolution
|'''''Poképark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
|'''''Poképark 2: Wonders Beyond
|''Pong Toss Pro- Frat Party Games
|JV Games Inc.
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Rhythm Heaven Fever
|''Samurai Warriors 3
|''Sin & Punishment: Star Successor
|''SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1
|''Snowpack Park
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|'''''Sonic and the Secret Rings
|'''''Sonic Chaos
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|'''''Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity
|'''''[[Soul Calibur]] Legends
|Bandai Namco
|''Space Invaders Get Even
|Square Enix
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition
|''Super Mario Galaxy
|''Super Smash Bros. Brawl
|''The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
|''Wario Land: Shake It!
|''Wii Music
|''Wii Party
|''Wii Play
|''Wii Play: Motion
|''Wii Sports
|''World of Goo
|2D Boy
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''Xenoblade Chronicles
====TurboGrafx-16 Entertainment SuperSystem====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Bonk's Adventure''
|A digital download for the Wii
====Nintendo 3DS====
{| class="wikitable"
|''3D Game Collection
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''3D Solitaire
|Zen Studios
|''Air Battle Hockey 3D
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Animal Crossing: New Leaf
|''Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone!
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Brain Age: Concentration Training
|''Bravely Default
|''Crazy Construction
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
| A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Crosswords Plus
|''Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Dillon's Rolling Western
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Disney Magical World
|''Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
|''Family Tennis 3D
|ARC System Works
|''Fire Emblem: Awakening
|''Fluidity: Spin Cycle
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive!
|''Frogger 3D
|Attempted to sell on [[eBay]]
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Ketzal's Corridors
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Kid Icarus: Uprising
|''Kirby Fighters Deluxe
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Kirby: Triple Deluxe
|''Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins
|''Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
|''Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
|'''''Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
|''Mario and Donkey Kong: Mini's on the Move
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Mario Golf: World Tour
|''Mario Kart 7
|''Mario Party: Island Tour
|''Mario Tennis Open
|''Mighty Milky Way<ref>[[Tomboys And Tomgirls of Virginia]]</ref>
|''Naruto Powerful Shippuden
|Bandai Namco
|''New Super Mario Bros. 2
|''Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre
|''Nintendogs +Cats: French Bulldog & New Friends
|''Nintendogs +Cats: Golden Retriever & New Friends
|''Nintendogs +Cats: Toy Poodle & New Friends
|''Outdoors Unleashed: Africa 3D
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Paper Mario: Sticker Star
|''Pikmin Short Movies 3D
|''Pilotwings Resort
|''Plain Video Poker
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokédex 3D
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokedex 3D Pro
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokémon Art Academy
|'''''Pokémon Battle Trozei
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokémon Dream Radar
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
|'''''Pokémon Omega Ruby
|'''''Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
|'''''Pokémon Rumble Blast
|'''''[[Pokémon]] [[Wikipedia:Pokémon X and Y|X]]''
|Friend Codes Available via [[Facebook]]
|'''''[[Pokémon]] [[Wikipedia:Pokémon X and Y|Y]]''
|Friend Codes Available via [[Facebook]]
|''Photo with Mario
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
|''Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
|''Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
|His acquisition of every minigame led to the subject of an [[Pappy Van Poodle Interview|interview over his supposed sighting of an obscure character]].
|''Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed
|'''''Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal
|'''''Sonic Generations
|'''''Sonic Lost World
|All DLC in this game purchased
|''Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
|''Sparkle Snapshots 3D
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir
|''Star Fox 64 3D
|''Steel Diver
|''Steel Diver: Sub Wars
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Style Savvy: Trendsetters
|''Super Mario 3D Land
|''Sweet Memories: Blackjack
|Circle Entertainment Ltd.
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Tekken 3D
|Bandai Namco
|''Tetris: Axis
|''The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''The Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
|''The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
|''Tokyo Crash Mobs
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Tomodachi Life
|''Ultimate NES Remix
|''Xtreme Sports
|A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|''Yoshi's New Island
====Wii U====
{| class="wikitable"
|'''''Animal Crossing Plaza'''
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Arrow Time U
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Art Academy: Sketchpad
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Bayonetta 2
|''Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
|''Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
|''Dr. Luigi
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Game & Wario
|''Hyrule Warriors
|''Lego City Undercover
|''Little Inferno
|Tommorrow Corporation
|A digital download for the Wii U.
|''Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade
|[[Mario Kart 8 Videos|''Mario Kart 8'']]
|Revealed via Mario Kart 8 TV
|'''''Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games'''
|''NES Remix 1
|''NES Remix 2
|''NES Remix Pack
|''New Super Mario Bros. U
|''New Super Luigi U
|''Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
|''Nintendo Land
|''Poker Dice Solitaire Future
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Pikmin 3
|Bundled with Wii U console
|''Pikmin Short Movies HD
|'''''Pokémon Rumble U'''
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Pushmo World
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Rock Zombie
|A digital download for the Wii U
|''Sing Party
|''Skylanders Trap Team
|'''''Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed
|'''''Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric
|'''''Sonic Lost World
|''Super Mario 3D World
|''Super Mario Maker
|''Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
|''The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
|''The Letter
|TreeFall Studios
|A digital download for the Wii U. Also infamous for being absolute shit.
|''The Wonderful 101
|''Wii Fit U
|''Wii Party U
|''Wii U Panorama View
|A digital download for the Wii U.
====Nintendo Switch====
In addition to below, Chris also subscribes to a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership costing $70 a year and bought several smaller shovelware games which are nearly impossible to find on the Nintendo E-Shop.
{| class="wikitable"
|''8-Bit Adventure Steins;Gate<ref name=Switchfriend>[[:File:Switch 11Mar2019.jpg]]</ref>
|Spike Chunsoft
|Comes bundled in with Steins;Gate Elite.
| Free
|'''''Animal Crossing: New Horizons'''<ref>[[November 2023 social media posts#Animal Crossing: New Horizons Dream Code|From posts like these on Twitter.]]</ref>
|[[November 2023 social media posts#Animal Crossing: New Horizons Dream Code|Chris shared his dream island code on social media in November 2023]], resulting in several people taking pictures of it later on. It also contains several DLC's, and only one of them is known to be owned by Chris, that being Happy Home Paradise coming with his Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership. Chris has also played it during the [[November 2023 livestreams#First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream ⚡️💙⚡️|First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream]].
|''Auralux: Constellations<ref name=streampoll>[[February 2024 social media posts#Stream Poll|From screenshots of his games shared by him on Twitter.]]</ref>
|Grove Street Games
|Part of his obsession with the [[Messiah complex|astrology]].
|''Away: Journey To The Unexpected<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Plug In Digital
|''Balan Wonderworld<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Square Enix
|Notably, a horrible game that you can buy for $5 at Gamestop.
|''Bridge Constructor Portal<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Headup Games
|Has DLC. It's unknown if Chris has purchased it.
|''Catherine: Full Body<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Chris might have expected this game to relieve his [[Mass Debating|tension]], but as it's actually a puzzle game, he might have given up on it after realising that.
|''Cave Story+<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Constellations<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Part of his obsession with the astrology.
|''Eastward<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''F-Zero 99'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription.
|''FLASHBACK<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Florence<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Annapurna Interactive
|''Fortinite<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Epic Games
|Has microtransactions.
|''Freedom Planet
|''Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Crypton Future Media
|Nope, I've got no explanation for this one.
|''Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Bandai Namco Entertainment
|''Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Square Enix
|Contains Life is Strange Remastered and Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered.
|''Life is Strange 2<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Square Enix
|''Life is Strange: True Colors<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Square Enix
|Has DLC.
|'''''Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has DLC.
|'''''Mario Kart 8 Deluxe'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has DLC.
|'''''Megadimension Neptunia VII'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Idea Factory
|Part of Chris's obsession with Hyperdimension Neptunia. Has DLC.
|''Mega Man 11<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has DLC.
|'''''Metroid Dread'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Listed on Chris's XBox profile
|''Mixx Island: Remix Plus<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Red Deer Games
|Has DLC.
|'''''Neptunia X Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Idea Factory
|Part of Chris's obsession with Hyperdimension Neptunia.
|'''''New Pokémon Snap'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
|'''''New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Nonograms Prophecy<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|No Gravity Games
|''nPaint<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Red Deer Games
|Has DLC.
|''Pac-Man 99<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Bandai Namco Entertainment
|Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription.
|'''''Persona 5 Royal'''<ref name=popularrequest>[[January 2024 livestreams#Popular Request Game Stream|From Popular Request Game Stream]]</ref>
| Mailed to Chris by enabler [[Ren Ryghts]]. Chris played it in [[Popular Request Game Stream]].
|''Phoenotopia: Awakening<ref name=popularrequest></ref>
|Cape Cosmic
|Chris got it after [[Animate! Raleigh|being kicked out of the Animate! Raleigh convention]] and talked about it positively.
|''Picross S<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Picross S Genesis & Master System Edition<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Picross S2<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Picross S3<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Picross S4<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Picross S5<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Pizza Parking<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Arach Games
|'''''Pokémon Legends: Arceus'''<ref name=SwitchPostJail>[[:File:Nintendo_Switch_10_August_2023_sighting.jpg]]</ref>
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
|'''''Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!'''<ref name=Switchfriend2></ref>
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
| Chris owns 6 Pokeball Plus peripherals for this game.
|'''''Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!'''<ref name=Switchfriend2></ref>
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
| Chris owns 6 Pokeball Plus peripherals for this game.
|'''''Pokémon Quest'''<ref name=Switchfriend2>[[Kiwi Farms posts (other users)#March 2019 Switch]]</ref>
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
|Has microtransactions.
|'''''Pokémon Scarlet'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
|Chris is currently boycotting this game due to taking over Sonichu evolution line's Pokedex's numbers.
|'''''Pokémon Shield'''
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
|Gifted to Chris by a [[Ween]] after begging for it on his 38th birthday.
|'''''Pokémon Shining Pearl'''<ref name=SwitchPostJail></ref>
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
|'''''Pokémon Sword'''
|The Pokémon Company and Nintendo
|''Portal: Companion Collection<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Valve Corporation
|Contains Portal 1 and Portal 2.
|''Puyo Puyo<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Puyo Puyo Champions<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|''Rainbow Runner<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Prison Games
|Has DLC.
|''Raji: An Ancient Epic<ref name=popularrequest></ref>
|Nodding Heads Games
|Chris got it after being kicked out of the Animate! Raleigh convention and talked about it positively.
|'''''Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – Complete Edition'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''Sega Genesis Classics'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|A compilation of over 50 Sega Genesis games, including multiple Sonic The Hedgehog games.
|'''''Sonic Colors: Ultimate'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has DLC.
|'''''Sonic Forces'''<ref name=Switchfriend></ref>
|Chris also bought this for PS4 and Xbox.
|'''''Sonic Frontiers'''<ref>[[October 2023 livestreams#The Return of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime|Chris mentioned playing this game a bit during his first 2023 livestream.]]</ref>
|Contains only free DLC.
|'''''Sonic Mania'''<ref name=SwitchPostJail></ref>
|Has DLC.
|'''''Sonic Origins'''<ref name=SwitchPostJail></ref>
|A compilation of the first four ''Sonic the Hedgehog'' games.
|'''''Sonic Superstars'''<ref>[[List of Chris's comments on YouTube#List of live chat messages|From his messages on Sonic Play's Sonic Superstars LIVE!]]</ref>
|Chris bought a Digital Deluxe edition containing a few [[Lego]]-themed items, as well as a digital artbook and soundtrack. The listed MSRP is this version, the game itself is ten bucks cheaper. Chris has also played it during the [[November 2023 livestreams#First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream ⚡️💙⚡️|First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream]].
|'''''Sonic The Hedgehog'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|[[Chris and money|Purchased separately despite Chris having at least two other ways to play this game on this system]].
|'''''Sonic The Hedgehog 2'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Purchased separately despite Chris having at least two other ways to play this game on this system.
|'''''South Park: The Fractured but Whole'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has DLC.
|''SpaceColors Runner<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Arach Games
|'''''Starlink: Battle for Atlas'''<ref name=Switchfriend></ref>
|Chris owns two copies. Seen in [[Very Cool Birthday Present! :)]]. As a toys-to-life game, has a lot of microtransactions and DLC.
|''Steins;Gate Elite<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Spike Chunsoft
|''Stranger Things 3: The Game<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Limited Run Games
|A limited run collector's edition of the game via Limited Run Games.
|'''''Super Kirby Clash'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''Super Mario 3D All Stars'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Contains remasters of Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy with their respective soundtracks.
|'''''Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|An updated rerelease of Super Mario 3D World with a new singleplayer campaign.
|'''''Super Mario Bros. 35'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription.
|'''''Super Mario Bros. Wonder'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''Super Mario Odyssey'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''Super Meat Boy'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''Super Meat Boy Forever'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''Super Neptunia RPG'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Idea Factory
|Part of Chris's obsession with Hyperdimension Neptunia. Has DLC.
|'''''Super Smash Bros. Ultimate'''
|Also seen in [[Very Cool Birthday Present! :)]]. Has DLC.
|''Syndrome<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Red Deer Games
|''Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
|Has DLC.
|'''''Team Sonic Racing'''<ref name=Switchfriend></ref>
|'''''[[Tetris 99]]'''<ref name=Switchfriend></ref>
|Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Played for 590 hours as of August 2023.
|'''''The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has DLC. Chris played it during the [[February 2024 livestreams#Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream|Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream]].
|''The End is Nigh<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|'''''The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has DLC.
|''The Next Penelope<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Plug In Digital
|''Them's Fightin' Herds<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Maximum Entertainment
|Has DLC.
|'''''Transformers: Battlegrounds'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Outright Games
|Has DLC.
|''Violett<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Forever Entertainment
|''Warframe<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Digital Extremes
|Has microtransactions.
|''Yooka-Laylee<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Playtonic Friends
|'''''Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel'''<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Has microtransactions.
|''Zodiacats<ref name=streampoll></ref>
|Silesia Games
====Sega Master System====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Wonder Boy''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii. The only SMS game he has.
====Sega Genesis (Mega Drive)====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Alien Soldier''
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|''[[Wikipedia:Animaniacs (video game)|Animaniacs (video game)]]''
|''[[Wikipedia: Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind|Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind]]
|''Desert Strike
|Electronic Arts
|''[[Wikipedia:Fantasia (video game)|Fantasia]]
|''Genesis 6-Pak
|''Kid Chameleon
|''[[Wikipedia:Klax (video game)|Klax]]
|Parker Brothers
|''[[Sonichu and Rosechu's Luv Shack|Ms. Pac Man]]
|''Rocket Knight Adventures
|'''''Sonic & [[Punchy Sonichu|Knuckles]]
|'''''Sonic 3-D Blast
|'''''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog
|A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog 2
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog 3
|'''''Sonic Spinball
|Purchased with prize money from the Watch & Win Sweepstakes
|'''''Star Trek: The Next Generation
|Spectrum HoloByte
|Purchased with prize money from the Watch & Win Sweepstakes
|''[[Wikipedia:Toy Story (video game)|Toy Story]]
|Disney Interactive
|''[[Wikipedia:X-Men(1993 video game)|X-Men]]
On 6 July 2018, Chris bought a Sega Genesis console off of eBay, apparently as a replacement.<ref>[[Kiwi Farms posts (other users)#Console Purchases]]</ref>
====Sega Game Gear====
{| class="wikitable"
|''The Chessmaster
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Crystal Warriors
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Defenders of Oasis
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote
|'''''Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Dragon Crystal
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''G-LOC Air Battle
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Krusty’s Fun House
|Flying Edge
|''Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren & Stimpy
|''Shining Force: Sword of Hajya
|Bought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Sonic Drift 2
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog GG
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog 2 GG
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|'''''Sonic Blast
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos
|'''''Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble
|Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
|''Sonic Labyrinth
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Super Columns
|'''''Tails' Adventure
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
|''Vampire Master of Darkness
|Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
====Sega CD====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Batman Returns
|Purchased with prize money from the [[Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes|Watch & Win Sweepstakes]]
|''Double Switch
|Digital Pictures
|''Ecco: The Tides of Time
|''Flashback: [[Liquid Chris|The Quest for Identity]]
|U.S. Gold
|''Jaguar XJ220
|''Jurassic Park
|''Mad Dog McCree
|American Laser Games
|''[[Power Rangers|Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]
|''[[Rape|Night Trap]]
|Digital Pictures
|''Power Factory Featuring C+C Music Factory
|''Sega Classics Arcade Collection
|''[[Wikipedia:Sewer Shark|Sewer Shark]]
|Sony Imagesoft
|''Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective
|'''''Sonic CD
|Purchased with prize money from the Watch & Win Sweepstakes
|''Star Wars: Rebel Assault
|''Time Gal
|''Tomcat Alley
====Sega 32X====
{| class="wikitable"
|''B.C. Racers
|Front Street Publishing
|''Cosmic Carnage
|'''''Knuckles Chaotix
|''[[I AM STRONG|Toughman Contest]]
|Electronic Arts
|''Virtua Fighter
|''Virtua Racing Deluxe
====Sega Saturn====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Baku Baku
|''Battle Arena Toshinden URA
|''Fighters Megamix
|''NiGHTs into Dreams
|'''''Sonic 3D Blast
|'''''Sonic R
|''Virtua Fighter Remix
====Sega Dreamcast====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Bleem! *Gran Turismo 2*
|An emulation disc for the PlayStation ''GT2''
|''[[Son-Chu|Chu Chu]] Rocket
|''Crazy Taxi
|''Evolution 2
|''Jet Grind Radio
|Repurchased as a digital download for the PS Vita
|''Marvel Vs. Capcom
|''The Next Tetris
|Hasbro Interactive
|''[[List_of_cards_from_The_Wall_of_Originals#Espanolic|Samba de Amigo]]
|''Sega Dreamcast Generator D.1
|''Sega Smash Pack V.1
|''Skies of Arcadia
|'''''Sonic Adventure
|'''''Sonic Adventure 2
|'''''Sonic Shuffle
|'''''[[South Park]]: [[CADD Chef|Chef's]] [[Sonichu and Rosechu's Luv Shack|Luv Shack]]
|''Space Channel 5
|''Super Magnetic Neo
|''Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing
|''Time Stalkers
|''Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
|Eidos Interactive
|''Toy Commander
|No Cliché
|''Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram
|''Wetrix +
==== PlayStation (PSX, PSone)====
{| class="wikitable"
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Activision Classics
|''Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkies, The
|[[Greene County Conspiracy|Conspiracy]]
|''Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Midway Collection 2
|''Atari Anniversary Edition Redux
|''Battle Arena Toshinden
|'''''Beast Wars [[Transformers]]
|Hasbro Interactive
|''Blaster Master: Blasting Again
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''[[Chris and anger|Bloody Roar]]
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Bubsy 3D
|''Casper: Friends Around the World
|Sound Source
|''Castlevania Chronicles
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Cool Boarders
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Cool Boarders 2
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Cool Boarders 3
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Cool Boarders 4
|''Crash Bandicoot
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped
|A physical copy
|''Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Crash Bash
|''Danger Girl
|''Dead in the Water
|ASC Games
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Defcon 5
|Data East
|''Destruction Derby
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout
|''[[Dragon Ball Z]]: Ultimate Battle 22
|''Final Fantasy VII
|Square Enix
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''[[Son-Chu|Ford]] Racing
|Empire Interactive
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|Hasbro Interactive
|''Gran Turismo
|''Gran Turismo 2
|''Gundam Battle Assault 2
|''[[Plush Breasts|Hooters:]] Road Trip
|There's only [[Mass debating|only logical reason]] why Chris bought this.
|''Hot Shots Golf 2
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Jet Moto
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Jet Moto 2
|989 Studios
|A physical copy
|''Jet Moto 2
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Jet Moto 3
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''{{w|Jumping Flash!}}
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''{{w|The King of Fighters '99}}
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''{{w|Klonoa: Door to Phantomile}}
|''[[Lego]] Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge
|Lego Software
|''Medal of Honor
|Electronic Arts
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Medal of Honor Underground
|Electronic Arts
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Mega Man Legends
|'''''[[Metal Gear|Metal Gear Solid]]
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Miracle Space Race
|Mud Duck
|''Mobile Light Force
|XS Games
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Mortal Kombat 4
|Chris’s 25th acquisition for the PlayStation
|''MTV Music Generator
|''Need For Speed: High Stakes
|Electronic Arts
|''Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit
|Electronic Arts
|[[Obesity|Pizza Hut]] Sampler Disc 2
|''[[DIRTY, CRAPPED BRIEFS|Pooh's]] Party Game: In Search of the Treasure
|''PlayStation Underground Jampack 1
|''PlayStation Underground Jampack Summer 2000
|''PlayStation Underground Jampack Winter 2000
|''Porsche Challenge
|''The Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction
|''Puzzle Star Sweep
|A1 Games
|''Rally Cross
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Rayman 2: The Great Escape
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Resident Evil: Director's Cut
|A physical copy
|''Resident Evil: Director’s Cut
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
|A demo disc
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''R-Type Delta
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''SimCity 2000
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Small Soldiers
|Electronic Arts
|Chris’s 50th acquisition for the PlayStation
|''SnoCross Championship Racing
|Crave Entertainment
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''[[Bionic the Hedgehog|Space Jam]]
|''Spec Ops: Airborne Commando
|Take-Two Interactive
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Spec Ops: Covert Assault
|Take-Two Interactive
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Spec Ops: Ranger Elite
|Take-Two Interactive
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol
|Take-Two Interactive
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Speed Racer
|''[[Homos|Spice World]]
|''Spyro the Dragon
|A physical copy
|''Spyro the Dragon
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Spyro: Year of the Dragon
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles
|''Street Fighter Alpha
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Street Fighter Alpha 2
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Superstar Dance Club: #1 Hits
|XS Games
|''Syphon Filter
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Syphon Filter 3
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Ten Pin Alley
|ASC Games
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''{{w|Tekken 2}}
|A physical copy
|''Tekken 2
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Tomb Raider
|Eidos Interactive
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Tomb Raider II
|Eidos Interactive
|A physical copy
|''Tomb Raider II
|Eidos Interactive
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
|''Twisted Metal 2
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Um Jammer Lammy
|''Vandal Hearts
|''Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Wild Arms
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Wild Arms 2
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
|''Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
|''XS Junior League Soccer
|XS Games
|A digital version for PS3/PSP
====PlayStation 2 (PS2)====
{| class="wikitable"
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 105
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 106
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 107
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 108
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 109
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 110
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 111
|Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 112
|''Aeon Flux
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''[[Aqua Teen Hunger Force]] - Zombie Ninja Pro-Am
|Midway/[[Adult Swim]] Games
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''[[Britney Spears|Britney's]] Dance Beat
|''Crash Nitro Kart
|Vivendi Universal
|''Crash Tag Team Racing
|Vivendi Universal
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''Crash [[Crystal Weston Chandler (sister)|Twinsanity]]
|Vivendi Universal
|''Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''Dark Cloud
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''EyeToy Play
|'''''[[Family Guy]] Video Game!
|Chris’s 25th acquisition for the PlayStation 2. Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''Fatal Frame
|''Grand Theft Auto 3
|Rockstar Games
|Attempted to sell on [[eBay]].
|'''''[[Guitar Hero]]
|Attempted to sell on eBay in August 2008.
|'''''Guitar Hero II
|'''''Guitar Hero Encore - Rocks The 80s
|''The Guy Game
|This game was pulled from print after it was found that one of the models who [[Mass debating|flashed the camera]] was [[Pedofork|only 17]]. Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''InuYasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''Jak X: Combat Racing
|''Jampack Volume 10
|''Jampack Volume 11
|''Jampack Volume 14
|''Karaoke Revolution Volume 3
|''{{w|Kingdom Hearts (video game)|Kingdom Hearts}}
|Square Enix
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''{{w|Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil}}
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''[[Wikipedia:Marc Eckō's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure|Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure]]
|''[[John's Custom Gundam: Sisterly Rescue|Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo]]
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|'''''[[PaRappa the Rapper]] 2
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|PSUnderground Summer Sampler
|''Rygar: The Legendary Adventure
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''Sega Superstars
|'''''Sonic Mega Collection Plus
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|'''''[[Soul Calibur]] II
|'''''Soul Calibur III
|''Space Channel 5: Special Edition
|''Taiko Drum Master
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''Tekken Tag Tournament
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
|''Unreal Tournament
====PlayStation 3 (PS3)====
{| class="wikitable"
|''3D Dot Game Heroes
|''Age of Booty
|Downloaded via the [[PlayStation Network]]
|''Altered Beast
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Ape Escape (Playstation Move)
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Armored Core 4
|''Astro Tripper
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Back to the Future: The Game
|Both the disc version and the downloadable version
|''Band Hero
|''Battle Fantasia
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''[[100 2269|The Beatles: Rock Band]]
|MTV Games
|''Beat Sketcher <ref>[[:File:BeatSketcher20101012.png]]</ref>
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Bejeweled 3
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Bionic Commando (2009)
|Purchased from Best Buy in December 2010
|''Bionic Commando Rearmed
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|2K Games
|Approximately $10 spent on DLC.
|''Blade Kitten
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Blast Factor
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $8 spent on DLC.
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Blue Toad Murder Files: The Mysteries of Little Riddle
|Relentless Software
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''[[Wikipedia:Blur (video game)|Blur (Video game)]]
|Bizarre Creations
|''Bomberman Ultra
|Hudson Soft
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|2K Games
|Number None
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Brain Challenge
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $3 spent on DLC.
|'''''[[Brutal Legend|Brütal Legend]]'''''
|Electronic Arts
|Chris's 50th physical acquisition for the PS3. Purchased from Best Buy in October 2009.
|''BurgerTime World Tour
|MonkeyPaw Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Burn Zombie Burn
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Burnout Paradise
|Electronic Arts
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $67 spent on DLC.
|''Buzz! Junior: Monster Rally
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Buzz! Junior: Robo Jam
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Buzz!: Quiz TV
|Approximately $31 spent on DLC.
|''Buzz!: Quiz World
|Purchased from Best Buy in December 2010
|''Calling All Cars
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Championship Sprint
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
|Purchased from Best Buy in January 2010
|''Comet Crash
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Comix Zone
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Costume Quest
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Crash Commando
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Crescent Pale Mist
|Rockin' Android
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Critter Crunch
|Capybara Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|TikGames, LLC
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Dark Sector
|D3 Publisher
|''Dead Space
|Electronic Arts
|Approximately $4 spent on DLC.
|''Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
|NIS America
|Approximately $65 spent on DLC.
|''DuckTales: Remastered''
|*FC* - [[May 2017]] - $15.00 - Chris bought this shortly after buying ''The Disney Afternoon Collection'' for the PS4, even though the original version is included in that pack.
|''[[Dragon Ball Z]]: Burst Limit
|''[[Chandler cats|Droplitz]]
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
|"Game of the Year Edition"
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Enchanted Arms
|'''''[[The Eye of Judgement]]
|Approximately $20 spent on DLC.
|''Fairytale Fights
|Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
|''[[Family Guy|Family Guy]]:Back to the Multiverse
|''Fallout: New Vegas
|''Far Cry 2
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''[[Obesity|Fat]] Princess
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $3 spent on DLC.
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Fret Nice
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Frogger Returns
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''[[wikipedia:Giant Enemy Crab|Genji: Days of the Blade]]
|''Go! Puzzle
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $3 spent on DLC.
|''Go! Sports Ski
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Go! Sports Skydiving
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Go! Sudoku
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $12 spent on DLC.
|'''''[[God of War]] III
|'''''God of War Collection
|''Grand Theft Auto IV
|Rockstar Games
|''Gravity Crash
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Green Day: Rock Band
|Electronic Arts
|Interestingly enough, their frontman is a [[homo]].
|''GripShift v2.0
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Gauntlet II
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|'''''Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
|'''''Guitar Hero 5
|'''''Guitar Hero Aerosmith
|'''''Guitar Hero Hits
|'''''Guitar Hero Metallica
|'''''Guitar Hero Van Halen
|'''''Guitar Hero World Tour
|''Gunstar Heroes
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Hail to the Chimp
|''Hamilton's Great Adventure
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Hannah Montana: The Movie
|Disney Interactive
|''Heavenly Sword
|''Heavy Rain
|''High Stakes: Poker Edition
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''High Velocity Bowling
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $18 spent on DLC.
|''The House of the Dead III
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao
|Bandai Namco
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Jak and Daxter Collection
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Killzone 2
|Approximately $6 spent on DLC.
|''The Last Guy
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $2 spent on DLC.
|''The Lego Movie Videogame
|WB Games
|''Lego Rock Band
|Electronic Arts
|''Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
|''Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Linger in Shadows
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Approximately $98 spent on DLC.
|'''''LittleBigPlanet 2
|'''''LittleBigPlanet 3
|''LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Mainichi Issho
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Marvel Ultimate Alliance
|''Mega [[JERKS|Man]] 9
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Mega Man 10
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $4 spent on DLC.
|''Minecraft: Story Mode''
|''[[Sonichu's Edge|Mirror's Edge]]
|Electronic Arts
|''Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
|Bandai Namco Games
|'''''[[ModNation Racers]]
|''Monster Madness: Grave Danger
|South Peak Interactive
|''Mortal Kombat (2009)
|WB Games
|''Mortal Kombat II
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Approximately $19 spent on DLC.
|''Motorstorm RC
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Mushroom Wars
|Creat Studios
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Namco Museum Essentials
|Bandai Namco Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Noby Noby Boy
|Bandai Namco Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Tiki Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $41 spent on DLC.
|''PAYDAY: The Heist
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One
|Hothead Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two
|Hothead Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''PixelJunk Eden Encore
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $9 spent on DLC.
|''PixelJunk Monsters Encore
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $9 spent on DLC.
|''PixelJunk Racers
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''PixelJunk Shooter
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale
|''Q*Bert v2.0
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Ratchet & Clank Future: [[Fuck Quest|Quest for Booty]]                                   
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Rayman 3 HD                                   
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Red Faction Guerrilla
|Purchased from Best Buy in January 2010
|''Resident Evil 5
|Purchased from Best Buy in September 2010
|''Resistance: Fall of Man                                       
|Chris’s 25th acquisition for the PlayStation 3
|''Rock Band
|Electronic Arts
|''Rock Band 2
|Electronic Arts
|''Rock Revolution
|''Saints Row 2
|Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
|''Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 1: The Penal Zone
|Telltale Games
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Sega Superstars Tennis
|''The Simpsons Game
|Electronic Arts
|''Siren: Blood Curse
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $2 spent on DLC.
|'''''Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
|'''''Sonic Adventure
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $10 spent on DLC.
|'''''Sonic CD
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|'''''Sonic Generations
|'''''Sonic The Hedgehog (2006)
|Approximately $7.50 spent on DLC.
|'''''Sonic The Hedgehog
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|'''''Sonic The Hedgehog 2
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|'''''Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1
|'''''Sonic Unleashed
|Approximately $18 spent on DLC.
|'''''Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
|'''''[[Soul Calibur]] IV
|Bandai Namco
|"Premium edition"; approximately $33.50 spent on DLC.
|'''''Soul Calibur V
|Bandai Namco
|''Spider-Man 3
|"Collector’s edition"
|"Collector’s edition"; approximately $15 spent on DLC.
|''[[CWC Fighter|Street Fighter IV]]
|Approximately $20 spent on DLC.
|''Stuntman Ignition
|''Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Super [[Mass debating|Rub a Dub]]
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Super Stardust HD
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $10 spent on DLC.
|''Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Super Street Fighter IV
|''Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $10 spent on DLC.
|''Tekken Hybrid
|Vivendi Games
|''Toy Home
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $7 spent on DLC.
|'''''Transformers - The Game
|'''''Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
|Approximately $10 spent on DLC.
|''Transformers: War for Cybertron
|Purchased from Best Buy in January 2011
|''Trash Panic
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
|Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
|''Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
|''Virtua Fighter 5
|Approximately $19 spent on DLC.
|''Watchmen: The End is Nigh
|Warner Bros.
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2
|Warner Bros.
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Wheel of Fortune
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''WipEout HD
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Wolfenstein 3D
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|SouthPeak Games
|''Zen Pinball
|Zen Studios
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
====PlayStation 4 (PS4)====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Bendy and the Ink Machine
|Rooster Teeth Games
|''Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back
|UFO Interactive Games
|''Burnout Paradise: Remastered
|Electronic Arts
|''Call Of Duty: Black Ops III
|''Disney Afternoon Collection''
|*FC* $20.00 - [[May 2017]]
|''Freedom Planet''
|*FC* $15.00 - [[May 2017]]
|''Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut''
|Black Forest
|*FC* $15.00 - [[May 2017]]
|''inFAMOUS Second Son
|''Killzone Shadow Fall
|''Lego Dimensions
|WB Games
|''Lego Worlds''
|WB Games
|*FC* - [[March 2017]] - Chris used profit from selling his father's stamp collection to buy this on its 7 March release date for $30.
|''LittleBigPlanet 3
|Chris bought this game before acquiring a PS4.
|''Minecraft: Set 2''
|''Minecraft: Story Mode''
|''PaRappa the Rapper Remastered''
|*FC* $15.00 - [[May 2017]]
|''The Playroom
|''Pure Chess''
|*FC* $8.00 - [[April 2017]]
|''Sonic Forces
|*FC* $39.99 - [[November 2017]]. Chris also bought this for Xbox and Nintendo Switch
|''Skylanders Swap Force
|''Skylanders Trap Team
|''TRANSFORMERS: Devastation
|''Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of the Duelist
====PlayStation Portable (PSP)====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Ape Escape Academy
|''Ape Escape ~ On the Loose
|''Ape Quest
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Armored Core: Formula Front - Extreme Battle
|''ATV Offroad Fury - Blazin' Trails
|''ATV Offroad Fury Pro
|A demo disc
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Brain Challenge
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''[[Fuck quest|Brooktown High]]
|''Bust-A-Move Deluxe
|''BUZZ!  Master Quiz
|''Carol Vorderman's Sudoku
|Secret Stash
|''Crash Tag Team Racing
|Vivendi Universal Games
|''Darkstalkers Chronicle - The Chaos Tower
|Chris's 50th acquisition for the PSP.
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $5 spent on DLC.
|''Every Extend Extra
|Buena Vista Games
|''Frogger: [[Slow-in-the-minds|Helmet Chaos]]
|''Gangs of London
|''Gangs Of London
|A demo disc
|''Go! Sudoku
|'''''God of War - Chains of Olympus
|'''''God of War - Chains of Olympus Special Edition: Battle of Attica
|A demo disc
|''Gran Turismo
|Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
|Red Mile
|''Guilty Gear Judgement
|Bandai Namco
|''Gurumin - A Monstrous Adventure
|''[[Harvey Birdman Commercial|Harvey Birdman]] - Attorney At Law
|''Hot Pixel
|''Killzone Liberation
|''Killzone Liberation
|A demo disc
|''[[Cwcville|Kingdom of Paradise]]
|''Lego Stars Wars II: The Original Trilogy
|''Lumines II
|Buena Vista Games
|''Mercury Meltdown
|''Mind Quiz
| Ubisoft
|''MLB 07: The Show
|A demo disc
|''Mobile Suit Gundam - Battle Royale
|Bandai Namco Games
|A Japanese import
|''[[ModNation Racers]]
|Purchased from Best Buy in July 2010
|'''''[[PaRappa the Rapper]]
|A demo disc
|''[[Autism|PQ Practical Intelligence Quotient]]
|''Puzzle Challenge Crosswords and More
|''Ratchet & Clank: [[Duck|Size Matters]]
|''Rock Band Unplugged
|MTV Games
|Purchased from Best Buy in October 2009
|''Sampler Disc for PSP Vol.1
|''Sega Genesis Collection
|''[[Clover and Snoopy|Snoopy]] Vs. the Red Baron
|Bandai Namco
|''SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo
|'''''Sonic Rivals
|Chris's 25th acquisition for the PSP.
|'''''Sonic Rivals 2
|''Space Invaders Extreme
|''Syphon Filter: Combat Ops
|Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
|''Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow
|A demo disc
|''Tekken: Dark Resurrection
|Bandai Namco
|''The Con
|'''''Transformers - The Game
|''[[Fridays After Five|Ultimate Block Party]]
|''WipEout Pure
|''WTF: Work Time Fun
|D3 Publisher
====Universal Media Disc (UMD) Video====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Ah!  My Goddess the Movie
|''Christmas with the Kranks
|''Creature Comforts: The Complete First Season
|''[[Family Guy]]: Freakin' Sweet Collection
|''Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
|''Fun with Dick and Jane
|''Into the Blue
|''Lords Of Dogtown
|''National Lampoon's Animal House
|''[[Some Favored Comedians|Saturday Night Live]] Collection - The Best of [[Obesity|Chris Farley]]
|Lions Gate
|''[[South Park]]: When Technology Attacks!
|Paramount/Comedy Central
|''Spider-Man - The New Animated Series: The Mutant Menace
|''[[Virgin with rage|Superbad]]: Unrated Extended Edition
|''Wedding Crashers: Uncorked Edition
|New Line
====PlayStation Vita (PSV)====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Army Corps of Hell
|Square Enix
|''Azkend 2
|10tons Ltd.
|''Big Sky Infinity
|''BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
|Arc System Works, Aksys Games
|''BreakQuest Extra Evolution
|''Coconut Dodge Revitalised
|''Crazy Market
|''Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
|Spike Chunsoft
|''Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
|Spike Chunsoft
|''Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
|Spike Chunsoft
|''Dead Nation
|''Deadman's Cross
|Square Enix
|''Desert Ashes
|Arcade Distillery
|''Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention
|Nippon Ichi Software
|''Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
|BBC Worldwide
|Gungho Online Entertainment
|''Draw Slasher
|Mass Creation
|''Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
|''Escape Plan
|''Fat Princess: Piece of Cake
|''Flame Over
|Laughing Jackal
|ThatGameCompany, Sony
|Annapurna Interactive, Sony
|''Flying Hamster HD
|''Foosball 2012
|Grip Games
|''Freedom Wars
|''Frobisher Says!
|''Get Off My Lawn
|Digital Leisure
|''Gravity Rush
|Benjamin Rivers
|''Hotline Miami
|Devolver Digital
|''Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
|''Hustle Kings
|''Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart
|Idea Factory, Compile Heart
|''Hyperdimension Neptunia PP
|Idea Factory, NIS America
|''Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
|Idea Factory, Compile Heart
|''Jetpack Joyride
|Halfbrick Studios
|''Killzone: Mercenary
|''[[Fan visits|Knock-Knock]]
|Ice-Pick Lodge
|''Legends of War
|Slitherine Ltd.
|''LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
|Feral Interactive, WB Games
|''LEGO [[Harry Potter]]: Years 5-7
|''LEGO Legends of Chima
|WB Games
|''LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
|WB Games, TT Games
|''LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
|WB Games
|''LEGO The Lord of the Rings
|Feral Interactive, WB Games
|''Lemmings Touch
|Microsoft, Playdead
|''Little Adventure on the Prairie
|''[[BlueSpike|Little Deviants]]
|''LittleBigPlanet Vita
|''Lumines Electronic Symphony
|''[[ModNation Racers]] [[Ohio trip|Roadtrip]]
|''Mortal Kombat
|Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
|''MotorStorm: RC
|Approximately $4 spent on DLC.
|''Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
|''Plants vs. Zombies
|''Pinball Arcade
|FarSight Studios
|''Pinball Heroes Complete
|''Pure Chess
|''Rayman Origins
|''Reality Fighters
|''Ridge Racer
|Bandai Namco
|''Resistance: Burning Skies
|''Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
|''Star Wars Pinball
|''Sumioni: Demon Arts
|''Super Stardust Delta
|''Table Top Tanks
|''Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
|''Touch My Katamari
|Bandai Namco
|''Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom
|''Uncharted: Golden Abyss
|''Unit 13
|''A Virus Named TOM
|Misfits Attic
|''Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
|Chunsoft/Aksys/Rising Star
|''Welcome Park
|A tutorial game that comes with the Vita
|''WipEout 2048
Despite Chris's avowed hatred of da [[HEXBox]] 360, he tried to sell several games for the original Xbox on [[eBay]].<ref>[[List of Chris's eBay sales]]</ref> In November 2017, he casually mentioned his gamertag<ref>https://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/CWCSonichu1982/</ref> in a Facebook comment.
Chris listed all of these games for sale on eBay in July 2008, but none of them were sold.
{| class="wikitable"
|[[Wikipedia:Call of Duty 2: Big Red One|''Call of Duty 2: Big Red One'']]
|''[[Wikipedia:The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay|The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay]]''
|Vivendi Universal
|''[[Wikipedia:Celebrity Deathmatch (video game)|Celebrity Deathmatch]]''
====Xbox One====
{| class="wikitable"
| Chainsawesome Games
| BioWare, Bioware Austin LLC
|''Banjo Kazooie: N n B''
|Through Rare Replay
|Through Rare Replay
|Through Rare Replay
|''Crackdown 3: Campaign''
|''Dark Souls Remaster''
|From Software, QLOC, Virtuos
|''Forza Horizon 4''
|Drives a custom Sonichu colored Ford Focus
|''Gears of War: Ultimate Edition''
|$39.99 ''($19.99-39.99)''
|''Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice''
|Ninja Theory
|''Jetpac Refuelled''
|Through Rare Replay
|Through Rare Replay
|[[Life Is Strange]] Season 2 Episode 1
|Dontnod Entertainment, Deck Nine, Feral Interactive
|''Mortal Kombat X''
|NetherRealm Studios
|''Perfect Dark''
|Through Rare Replay
|''Perfect Dark Zero''
|Through Rare Replay
|''Rare Replay''
|''Realm Royale''
|Heroic Leap Games
|''Shadow of the Tomb Raider''
|Square Enix, Feral Interactive
|''Sonic the Hedgehog''
|''Sonic the Hedgehog 2''
|''Sonic The Hedgehog 3''
|''Sonic & Knuckles''
|''Sonic Forces''
|Chris also bought this for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
|''Sonic Generations''
|''Sonic Mania''
|''Shantae: Half-Genie Hero''
|WayForward Technologies
|''Shantae and the Pirate's Curse''
|WayForward Technologies
|''Super Lucky's Tale''
|Playful Corp
|''Sunset Overdrive''
|Xbox Game Studios
|''Thomas Was Alone''
|Mike Bithell
|''The Orange Box''
|Valve Corporation, Electronic Arts, EA Bright Light
|''Viva Piñata''
|Through Rare Replay
|''Viva Piñata: TIP''
|Through Rare Replay
|''[[The Simpsons: Tapped Out]]''
|Electronic Arts/Fox
|The game itself is free, but Chris has spent plenty of money on in-game purchases.
Despite Chris's fanboyism towards consoles, Chris has played some games on the PC gaming service Steam. The most interesting listing is ''[[Payday 2]]'': a game the [[Idea Guys]] were obsessed with. Chris's profile on Steam was later set to Private,<ref>https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sonichu1982</ref> although not before a screenshot was taken.
|''Five Nights at Freddy's''
|Scott Cawthon Games
|''MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies''
|Compile Heart/Idea Factory
|Influenced by the Idea Guys.
|''Payday 2''
|Influenced by the Idea Guys.
|Valve Corporation
|''RAID: World War II''
|Probably influenced by the Idea Guys.
|''SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics''
|''Sonic CD''
|Now delisted.
File:Steam - ChrisChanSonichu - Games - 7Dec2017.png
|Listed on Chris's Xbox profile
====Commodore 64====
{| class="wikitable"
|''Blue Max
|''Blue Print''
|Commodore/Bally Midway
|''Charlie Brown ABCs
|Random House
|''Donald Duck's Playground
|''Donkey Kong
|''Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival
|Hi Tech Expressions
|''Music Composer''
|''Music Machine''
|''Pole Position
|Datasoft Premier Arcades/Namco
|Parker Brothers
|''Sargon II
|''Sea Wolf''
|Commodore/Bally Midway
==See also==
*[[List of Chris's Blu-ray discs]]
*[[Miyamoto Saga]]
*''[[Christian Weston Chandler's Adult Chronicles]]''
*''[[Sonichu Advance]]''
*''[[Sonichu Adventure]]''
*[[Video games]]
<references />
==External links==
*[http://www.mediafire.com/?mdn5wamumtv The Excel file] DEAD LINK
*[http://outerheaven.pastebin.com/f277fb9e2 Purchases from May 7th onward] ([https://archive.ph/seRMe archive])
[[Category:Video Games]]

Latest revision as of 10:12, 7 October 2024

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CWCki's American readers helped pay for this. Anyone else suddenly feel like cheating on their taxes?
One of their most valuable customers.

This is a catalog of Chris's video game collection, based in large part on a spreadsheet he sent to Shigeru Miyamoto in order to show how dedicated he is to video games. He surely is. The actual Excel file contains more information about each game that Chris listed himself for some reason, like the number of players for each game. Some games are obvious (every Sonic game, and almost every Pokémon game), some are surprising (Barbie Game Girl), some are bizarre (Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage Pickled Edition), and some are outright embarrassing (Pooh's Party Game: In Search of the Treasure, Learning with the PooYoos).

For whatever reason, Chris's game inventory also includes demo discs, game peripherals (such as his PSEye), and other things that can't really be considered games (such as Game Boy Advance Video cartridges, a concept that failed to appeal to a majority of American consumers... except for Chris, apparently, who bought several of them). God only knows why Chris felt it was a brilliant idea to send a Nintendo executive a list of games he has on competing platforms, or to send a list of imports to a game company that practically invented region lock-out to prevent games from being imported.

The bulk of the list is only accurate to around the time of the Miyamoto Saga, in January 2009. Luckily, his public PSN profile and other sources of information have made it possible to get a clearer picture of his ever-expanding game collection since then. Xbox games and hardware are conspicuously missing from the list, but according to his eBay sales, he most likely owned one at some point.

Many trolls conservatively estimate that Chris and his family have spent at least $30,000 on video games in his lifetime (including $1,000 from a 1994 shopping spree), roughly 3 times the amount of Chris's annual income – your tax dollars at work. As of 2010, for downloaded games and other PSN content alone, he has spent nearly $3,500, and the toll continues to rise. A January 2015 leak by a Nintendo employee revealed that he had made 585 purchases on his account, in Nintendo video game products (including hardware, software, DLC, etc.) in a span of 4.5 years. This leak also showed that Chris's addiction to buying video games has worsened hard over the years.

After the fire, many of these games are presumed to have been destroyed or otherwise lost, but no final verdict on that matter has been given. It's also unknown whether or not the Chandler household is still in possession of any remaining games due to Chris being arrested for incest.

Chris (barely) lets go

Chris has very occasionally sold off some of his games to earn money. This occurred most frequently throughout 2010, but (perhaps unsurprisingly) hasn't happened much ever since.

In early August 2010, according to his e-mails with Jackie, Chris sold off "12 NES, 3 SNES, 6 Genesis, 9 Game Boy and 6 PSOne Games" at a local pawn shop, hoping to snag some spending money and get around his father's iron grip on his finances. (He actually attempted to sell 23 PlayStation games total; all but six were refused due to their poor condition.) A couple of weeks later, he went back and sold off more NES and SNES games, as well as his Super Nintendo console and a few accessories for it. Between both trips he pocketed a little over $80, but the extent of what he got rid of is not fully documented.

On 31 August, he made a third trip to the pawn shop, selling off his Nintendo 64 and all his games for the console. Total proceeds: $40. At the same time he tried to sell his 16-bit Sega consoles and games, but failed, since his Genesis was apparently malfunctioning.

Around the same time, Chris also made a couple of trips to his local GameStop to trade in some of his collection. In early August, he gave up "9 PS3, 2 PS2, 3 PSP, and 4 DS games" for $50 in store credit, which he immediately plowed back into a pre-order for more games. Later, around the end of the month, he traded in several Game Boy Advance, GameCube, and Nintendo DS games for $100 worth of GameStop store credit. In both cases, it's not clear exactly which titles he let go of.

In October 2010, Chris dropped by Plan 9 Music, a music store in Charlottesville, and sold them "7 PS3, 2 PSP, 4 Gamecube and 1 Wii game" along with several movie DVDs, although as usual he did not specify which titles. He thereby earned $48.75, most of which went directly into his stomach and Son-Chu's gas tank.

In the Clyde and Tito PS3 E-mails, Chris mentioned the pawn shop trip to his enemies. A few weeks later, Clyde Cash obtained three of Chris's old games and his Super Game Boy from the pawn shop and uploaded pictures of the loot here on the CWCki. The pictures show that at one point, Chris labeled his games with his name and birthdate (which now serve as a TRUE and HONEST certificate of authentication), and that his copy of Dr. Mario was kept in less than satisfactory condition.

Oddly enough, in August 2008, Chris auctioned off a pink LeapFrog Leapster on eBay, and received $29.99 for it. The Leapster is a handheld edutainment video game system marketed to children ages 3-11. It was released in late 2003, which means that Chris was at least 21 when he bought it. He may have bought it because there was a Sonic X game available for the system. The game, which involves answering math problems to advance, is appropriate for 5-7 year olds, fitting considering Chris's arrested development.

Despite these attempts, and owning current generation systems (such as the PS4 and Nintendo Switch), Chris often returns to his older consoles. After the fire (presumably) destroyed much of Chris's video game collection, he repurchased many of the games, sans ones he already purchased on the Wii Virtual Console and PlayStation Network.

Games bought during the Financhu Crisis

Chris's habit of wasting money on games continued even during the Financhu Crisis, a time of self-inflicted financial hardship for the Chandlers, in which Chris regularly begged for money. These purchases are denoted with *FC* in the notes section of the lists below.

The List


Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

Half of these NES games are on his 3DS Virtual Console (VC), while the others are physical copies for Chris's actual NES console (that he probably rarely plays).

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
1942 Capcom $12
3D Excitebike Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS $5.99
3D Kirby's Adventure Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS $5.99
3D Kid Icarus Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS $5.99
3D TwinBee Konami Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS $4.99
3D Urban Champion Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS $4.99
3D Xevious Bandai Namco Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS $5.99
Adventures of Lolo Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS. $4.99
Adventure Island II Konami A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS. $4.99
Balloon Fight Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS. $4.99
Baseball Nintendo $5.58
Bases Loaded Hamster A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS. $4.99
Batman Sunsoft $15.24
Blaster Master Sunsoft A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS. $4.99
Castlequest Nexoft $9.95
Castlevania Konami Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Konami Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Konami Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
City Connection Hamster A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Clu Clu Land Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Crash'n the Boys Street Challenge Arc System Works A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Dance Aerobics Bandai
Dig Dug Bandai Namco A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Donkey Kong Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Donkey Kong Jr. Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Donkey Kong 3 Nintendo Now in the possession of Clyde Cash. Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Donkey Kong Classics Nintendo
Double Dragon ARC System Works A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge ARC System Works A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Déjà Vu Kemco-Seika
Dr. Mario Nintendo Now in the possession of Clyde Cash. Rebought twice as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Galaga Bandai Namco A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon's Darkness Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Ghosts'n Goblins Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Gyruss Ultra Games
Ice Climber Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Kabuki Quantum Fighter HAL
Kirby's Adventure Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Kung Fu Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda Nintendo
Little Nemo: The Dream Master Capcom
Life Force Konami A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mach Rider Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mario Bros. Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
M.C. Kids Virgin Games
Mega Man Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mega Man 2 Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mega Man 4 Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mega Man 5 Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mega Man 6 Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mendel Palace Hudson Soft
Metroid Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mighty Bomb Jack Tecmo Koei A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mighty Final Fight Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Milon's Secret Castle Hudson A digital download for the Nintendo Wii. Rebought for the Nintendo 3DS.
NES Remix Open Tournament Golf Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Ninja Gaiden Tecmo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Ninja Gaiden II Tecmo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom Tecmo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Pac-Man Tengen Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Pin-Bot Nintendo
Punch-Out! Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
R.C. Pro-AM Nintendo
Renegade ARC System Works A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
River City Ransom Technos/Aksys A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Sesame Street ABC Hi-Tech
Short Order/Eggsplode Nintendo
Sky Kid Bandai Namco A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Solomon's Key Hudson A digital download for the Nintendo Wii. Rebought 2 times as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Spelunker Tozai Games A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Star Soldier Konami A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
StarTropics Nintendo
Summer Carnival '92 RECCA Kaga Electronics A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Super C Konami A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Super Dodge Ball ARC System Works A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Super Mario Bros. Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Super Mario Bros. 3 Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Super Glove Ball Mattel Given that this game came with the Power Glove, it is possible Chris also owns the Glove.
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet Nintendo
Super Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Super Mario Bros. 3 Nintendo
Tecmo Bowl Tecmo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
The Legend of Zelda Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Wario's Woods Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS. Bought twice.
Wrecking Crew Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultra Games
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game Ultra Games
Tennis Nintendo
Tetris Nintendo
Tetris 2 Nintendo
The Mysterious Murasame Castle Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
The Three Stooges Activision
Wario's Woods Nintendo
Wheel of Fortune GameTek
Wrecking Crew Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Yoshi Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.

Game Boy

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Alleyway Nintendo
Barbie:Game Girl Hi-Tech
Bases Loaded Jaleco
A Boy and His Blob: The Rescue of Princess Blobette Absolute
Brainbender Electro-Brain
Castlevania Adventure Konami Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Cool Spot Virgin Interactive
Darkwing Duck Sunsoft
Donkey Kong Nintendo
Donkey Kong Land Nintendo
Dr. Mario Nintendo
Duck Tales Capcom
F-1 Race Nintendo
Fist of the North Star Electro-Brain Now in the possession of Clyde Cash.
Game and Watch Gallery Nintendo
Game Boy Camera (red) Nintendo
Game Boy Camera (blue) Nintendo That's right - two cameras. Gotta catch 'em all!
Golf Nintendo
Heiankyo Alien Meldac
Home Alone THQ
Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Kirby's Block Ball Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Kirby's Dream Land Nintendo
Kirby's Dream Land 2 Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Kirby's Pinball Land Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Kirby's Star Stacker Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Kirk Acclaim
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Nintendo
Marble Madness Mindscape
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge Capcom Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mega Man II Capcom Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Mega Man III Capcom Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Mega Man IV Capcom Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Mega Man V Capcom Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Metroid II: Return of Samus Nintendo
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Bandai
Mole Mania Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Mystical Ninja starring Goemon Konami Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Blue Nintendo
Pokémon Red Nintendo
Pinball: Revenge of the Gator HAL Laboratory Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Angel Japanese import. Purchased through eBay in June 2006.
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R Angel Japanese import. Purchased through eBay in June 2006.
Qix Nintendo
Quarth Ultra Games
Ren & Stimpy: Cadet Adventures THQ
Revenge of the Gator HAL
Shanghai HAL
Super Mario Land Nintendo
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Nintendo
Super Scrabble Milton-Bradley
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan Ultra Games
Tennis Nintendo
Tetris Nintendo Sold on eBay along with his original Game Boy in March 2018.[1]
Tetris 2 Nintendo
The Sword of Hope II Kemco Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break Konami
Tumble Pop G-Mode Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Turrican Accolade
Wario Blast Nintendo
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Wave Race Nintendo
Who Framed Roger Rabbit Capcom
Yoshi Nintendo

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
The Itchy & Scratchy Game Bits Studios/Acclaim.
The Chessmaster Mindscape
Legend of the Mystical Ninja Konami A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Mario Paint Nintendo
Mega Man X Capcom A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Pilotwings Nintendo
Star Fox Nintendo
Stunt Race FX Nintendo
Super Game Boy Nintendo Now in the possession of Clyde Cash.
Super Mario All-Stars Nintendo
Super Mario Kart Nintendo
Super Mario World Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Super Metroid Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Super Scope 6-in-1 Nintendo
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Konami
Yoshi's Safari Nintendo

Nintendo 64 (N64)

According to an e-mail to Jackie, Chris sold his Nintendo 64 and most of the games listed below (save for the Wii downloads, obviously) in August 2010.

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Banjo-Kazooie Nintendo
Cruisin' USA Nintendo
Diddy Kong Racing Rare Sold on eBay in August 2008.
Hey You, Pikachu! Nintendo
Lego Racers Lego Media
Mario Kart 64 Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Mischief Makers Nintendo
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero Midway Sold on eBay in July 2008.
Paper Mario Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Pokémon Puzzle League Nintendo
Pokémon Snap Nintendo Sold on eBay in August 2008. Later repurchased as a digital download for the Nintendo Wii.
Pokémon Stadium Nintendo Sold on eBay in August 2008.
Pokémon Stadium 2 Nintendo
Sin & Punishment Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Star Fox 64 Nintendo
Super Mario 64 Nintendo Sold on eBay in July 2008. Later repurchased as a digital download for the Nintendo Wii.
Wave Race 64 Nintendo
Yoshi's Story Nintendo

Game Boy Color (GBC)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Bionic Commando: Elite Forces Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Game & Watch Gallery 2 Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Game & Watch Gallery 3 Nintendo
Gex: Enter the Gecko Crave
Harvest Moon GBC Natsume Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Harvest Moon 2 GBC Natsume Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Harvest Moon 3 GBC Natsume Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Legend of the River King Natsume Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Legend of the River King 2 Natsume Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Lufia: The Legend Returns Natsume Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Mario Tennis Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Mega Man Xtreme Capcom Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Mega Man Xtreme 2 Capcom Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Crystal Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Gold Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Pinball Nintendo
Pokémon Puzzle Challenge Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Pokémon Silver Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Trading Card Game Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Pokémon Yellow Nintendo
Rayman Ubisoft Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Shantae WayForward Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Nintendo Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Toki Tori Two Tribes Publishing Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Wario Land II Nintendo
Wario Land III Nintendo Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Xtreme Sports WayForward Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS

Game Boy Advance (GBA)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Chu Chu Rocket Sega
Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros. Nintendo
e-Reader Nintendo Nintendo’s barcode reader peripheral for Animal Crossing and other games.
Futari Wa Pretty Cure Bandai A Japanese import
Futari Wa Pretty Cure Max Heart Bandai A Japanese import
Game & Watch Gallery 4 Nintendo
Game Boy Advance Jukebox Gamester A GBA player for MP3 music files.
Gumby Vs. the Astrobots Namco
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: Kaznapped THQ
Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament Namco
Mario Kart: Super Circuit Nintendo
Mario vs. Donkey Kong Nintendo
Metroid Fusion Nintendo
My Little Pony: The Runaway Rainbow THQ
Pokémon Emerald Nintendo
Pokémon FireRed Nintendo
Pokémon LeafGreen Nintendo
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire Nintendo
Pokémon Ruby Nintendo
Pokémon Sapphire Nintendo
Sega Smash Pack THQ
Sonic Advance THQ
Sonic Advance 2 THQ
Sonic Advance 3 THQ
Sonic Battle THQ
Sonic Pinball Party Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis Sega
Super Mario Advance Nintendo
Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 Nintendo
Tetris Worlds THQ
The Three Stooges Cinemaware
Wario Land 4 Nintendo
WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgame$! Nintendo
WarioWare: Twisted! Nintendo
Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3 Nintendo
Yoshi Topsy-Turvy Nintendo

Game Boy Advance Video

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
All Grown Up! Volume 1 Majesco
Cartoon Network Collection: Limited Edition Majesco
Cartoon Network Collection: Platinum Edition Majesco
Cartoon Network Collection: Premium Edition Majesco Chris’s 100th acquisition for Nintendo handhelds
Cartoon Network Collection: Special Edition Majesco
Cartoon Network Collection: Volume 1 Majesco
The Fairly Oddparents: Volume 1 Majesco
Nicktoons Collection: Volume 1 Majesco
Nicktoons Collection: Volume 2 Majesco
Pokémon GBAVideo: Beach Blank-Out Blastoise Nintendo
Pokémon GBAVideo: For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll! Nintendo
Pokémon GBAVideo: I Choose You! Nintendo
Pokémon GBAVideo: Johto Photo Finish Nintendo
Sonic X Volume 1: A Super Sonic Hero! Majesco

Nintendo GameCube (NGC)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Amazing Island Sega
Animal Crossing Nintendo
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg Sega
BMX XXX Acclaim
Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix Nintendo
Donkey Konga Nintendo
Donkey Konga 2 Nintendo
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Nintendo Chris’s 50th acquisition for the Gamecube
Evolution Worlds Ubisoft
F-Zero GX Nintendo
Go! Go! Hypergrind Atlus
Karaoke Revolution Party Konami
The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest Nintendo
Luigi's Mansion Nintendo
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Nintendo
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Bonus Disc Nintendo
MC Groovz Dance Craze MadCatz
Mario Party 5 Nintendo
Mario Party 7 Nintendo
Metroid Prime Nintendo
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Nintendo
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Bonus Disc Nintendo
Pac-Man Vs. Namco
Pac-Man World 2 Namco
Pokémon Box: Ruby & Sapphire Nintendo
Pokémon Channel Nintendo
Pokémon Colosseum Nintendo
Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc Nintendo
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness Nintendo
The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage - Pickled Edition BAM!
Shadow the Hedgehog Sega
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Sega
Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut Sega
Sonic Gems Collection Sega
Sonic Heroes Sega
Sonic Mega Collection Sega
Sonic Riders Sega
Soul Calibur II Namco
Spider-Man Activision
Spyro: A Hero's Tail Vivendi Universal
Star Fox Adventures Nintendo
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2 LucasArts
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike LucasArts
Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo
Super Smash Bros. Melee Nintendo
WarioWare Inc.: Mega Party Game$! Nintendo
Wave Race: Blue Storm Nintendo
Gamecube Preview Disc Nintendo/Sega/Others

Nintendo DS and DSi

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
100 Classic Books Nintendo Purchased from Best Buy in June 2010
3D MahJong Cosmigo A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Animal Crossing Wild World Nintendo
A Kappa's Trail Nintendo Digital Purchase via DsiWare
Airport Mania: First Flight Lemon Games A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Airport Mania: Non-Stop Flights Lemon Games A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Anonymous Notes: Chapter 1- From the Abyss Sonic Powered Co. Ltd A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Anonymous Notes: Chapter 2- From the Abyss Sonic Powered Co. Ltd A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Anonymous Notes: Chapter 3- From the Abyss Sonic Powered Co. Ltd A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Anonymous Notes: Chapter 4- From the Abyss Sonic Powered Co. Ltd A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Art Academy Nintendo
Big Brain Academy Nintendo
Brain Age Nintendo Chris’s 150th acquisition for Nintendo handhelds
Cooking Mama Majesco
Drill Dozer Nintendo
Dragon Quest IX:Seninels of the Starry Skies Nintendo
Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation Nintendo
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Nintendo
Faceez! Monsters Neko Entertainment A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Feel the Magic XY/XX Sega
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Nintendo
Flipnote Studio Nintendo
Fossil Fighters: Champions Nintendo
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart Danzen! DS Bandai A Japanese import
Game & Watch Collection Nintendo
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Nintendo
House M.D.- Episode 1: Globetrotting Legacy Interactive A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
House M.D.- Episode 2: The Blue Meanie Legacy Interactive A digital download for the Nintendo Dsi
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi THQ
Jump Superstars Nintendo A Japanese import
Kirby: Canvas Curse Nintendo
Kirby Mass Attack Nintendo
Magnetica Nintendo
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Nintendo
Mario Hoops 3-on-3 Nintendo
Mario Kart DS Nintendo
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2 Nintendo
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! Nintendo
Metroid Prime: Hunters Nintendo
Metroid Prime: Hunters First Hunt Nintendo A demo cartridge
Metroid Prime Pinball Nintendo
New Super Mario Bros. Nintendo
Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends Nintendo
Picross 3D Nintendo Purchased from Best Buy in June 2010
Pokémon Black and White Nintendo
Pokémon Black and White 2 Nintendo
Pokémon Conquest Nintendo
Pokémon Dash Nintendo
Pokémon Diamond Nintendo
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team Nintendo
Pokémon Pearl Nintendo
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver Nintendo
Pokémon Ranger Nintendo
Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs Nintendo
Pokémon Trozei! Nintendo
Polarium Nintendo
Professor Layton and the Last Specter Nintendo
Retro Atari Classics Atari
The Rub Rabbits Sega
Snood 2: On Vacation DSI
Sonic Colors DS Sega
Sonic Rush Sega
Sonic Rush Adventure Sega
Sprung Ubisoft
Star Fox Command Nintendo
Sudoku Gridmaster Nintendo
Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo
Super Princess Peach Nintendo
System Flaw Storm City Games Purchased from Best Buy in July 2010
Tetris DS Nintendo
True Swing Golf Nintendo
WarioWare D.I.Y. Nintendo Purchased from Best Buy in June 2010
WarioWare Touched Nintendo
Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour Konami


Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Animal Crossing City Folk Nintendo
AquaSpace Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Art Style: Rotozoa Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Battalion Wars 2 Nintendo
Dr. Mario Online RX Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Elebits Konami
Donkey Kong Country Returns Nintendo
Family Table Tennis Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Fortune Street Nintendo
FlingSmash Nintendo
Fluidity Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Link's Crossbow Training Nintendo
Kirby's Dream Collection Nintendo
Kirby's Epic Yarn Nintendo
Kirby's Return to Dream Land Nintendo
Learning with the PooYoos- Episode 1 Lexis A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Learning with the PooYoos- Episode 2 Lexis A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Learning with the PooYoos- Episode 3 Lexis A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Sega
Mario Kart Wii Nintendo
Mario Party 9 Nintendo
Mario Sports Mix Nintendo
Mario Super Sluggers Nintendo
Metroid: Other M Nintendo
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption Nintendo
My Pokémon Ranch Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident Nintendo
NiGHTs: Journey of Dreams Sega
Pikmin 2 Nintendo A Wii port with a new control scheme
Pokémon Battle Revolution Nintendo
Poképark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure Nintendo
Poképark 2: Wonders Beyond Nintendo
Pong Toss Pro- Frat Party Games JV Games Inc. A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Nintendo
ThruSpace Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Rhythm Heaven Fever Nintendo
Samurai Warriors 3 Nintendo
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor Nintendo
SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1 SNK
Snowpack Park Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sega
Sonic Chaos Sega A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity Sega
Soul Calibur Legends Bandai Namco
Space Invaders Get Even Square Enix A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition Nintendo
Super Mario Galaxy Nintendo
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Nintendo
Wario Land: Shake It! Nintendo
Wii Music Nintendo
Wii Party Nintendo
Wii Play Nintendo
Wii Play: Motion Nintendo
Wii Sports Nintendo
World of Goo 2D Boy A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Xenoblade Chronicles Nintendo

TurboGrafx-16 Entertainment SuperSystem

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Bonk's Adventure Hudson A digital download for the Wii

Nintendo 3DS

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
3D Game Collection Joindots A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
3D Solitaire Zen Studios
Air Battle Hockey 3D 10TACLE A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Nintendo
Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone! Nintendo
BearShark CollegeHumor A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Brain Age: Concentration Training Nintendo
Bravely Default Nintendo
Crazy Construction G-Style A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Crashmo Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Crosswords Plus Nintendo
Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Dillon's Rolling Western Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Disney Magical World Nintendo
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Nintendo
Family Tennis 3D ARC System Works
Fire Emblem: Awakening Nintendo
Fluidity: Spin Cycle Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive! Nintendo
Frogger 3D Konami Attempted to sell on eBay
Gardenscapes Joindots A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
HarmoKnight Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Kersploosh! Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Ketzal's Corridors Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Kid Icarus: Uprising Nintendo
Kirby Fighters Deluxe Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Kirby: Triple Deluxe Nintendo
Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins Nintendo
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Nintendo
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Nintendo
Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games SEGA
Mario and Donkey Kong: Mini's on the Move Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Mario Golf: World Tour Nintendo
Mario Kart 7 Nintendo
Mario Party: Island Tour Nintendo
Mario Tennis Open Nintendo
Mighty Milky Way[2] WayForward
Naruto Powerful Shippuden Bandai Namco
New Super Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo
Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre Nintendo
Nintendogs +Cats: French Bulldog & New Friends Nintendo
Nintendogs +Cats: Golden Retriever & New Friends Nintendo
Nintendogs +Cats: Toy Poodle & New Friends Nintendo
Outdoors Unleashed: Africa 3D Teyon A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Paper Mario: Sticker Star Nintendo
Pikmin Short Movies 3D Nintendo
Pilotwings Resort Nintendo
Plain Video Poker PouncingKitten A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Pokédex 3D Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Pokedex 3D Pro Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Art Academy Nintendo
Pokémon Battle Trozei Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Dream Radar Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Nintendo
Pokémon Omega Ruby Nintendo
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Nintendo
Pokémon Rumble Blast Nintendo
Pokémon X Nintendo Friend Codes Available via Facebook
Pokémon Y Nintendo Friend Codes Available via Facebook
Photo with Mario Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy Nintendo
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask Nintendo
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Nintendo
Pushmo Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Rusty's Real Deal Baseball Nintendo His acquisition of every minigame led to the subject of an interview over his supposed sighting of an obscure character.
Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed SEGA
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal SEGA
Sonic Generations SEGA
Sonic Lost World SEGA All DLC in this game purchased
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Nintendo
Sparkle Snapshots 3D Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir Nintendo
Star Fox 64 3D Nintendo
Steel Diver Nintendo
Steel Diver: Sub Wars Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Style Savvy: Trendsetters Nintendo
Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo
Sweet Memories: Blackjack Circle Entertainment Ltd. A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Tekken 3D Bandai Namco
Tetris: Axis Nintendo
The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
The Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Nintendo
Tokyo Crash Mobs Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Tomodachi Life Nintendo
Ultimate NES Remix Nintendo
Xtreme Sports WayForward A digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Yoshi's New Island Nintendo

Wii U

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Animal Crossing Plaza Nintendo A digital download for the Wii U
Arrow Time U XenoHorizon A digital download for the Wii U
Art Academy: Sketchpad Nintendo A digital download for the Wii U
Bayonetta Nintendo
Bayonetta 2 Nintendo
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Nintendo
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Nintendo
Dr. Luigi Nintendo A digital download for the Wii U
Game & Wario Nintendo
Hyrule Warriors Nintendo
Lego City Undercover Nintendo
Little Inferno Tommorrow Corporation A digital download for the Wii U.
Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade D3Publisher
Mario Kart 8 Nintendo Revealed via Mario Kart 8 TV
Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games Nintendo
NES Remix 1 Nintendo
NES Remix 2 Nintendo
NES Remix Pack Nintendo
New Super Mario Bros. U Nintendo
New Super Luigi U Nintendo
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge Nintendo
Nintendo Land Nintendo
Poker Dice Solitaire Future RCMADIAX A digital download for the Wii U
Pikmin 3 Nintendo Bundled with Wii U console
Pikmin Short Movies HD Nintendo
Pokémon Rumble U Nintendo A digital download for the Wii U
Pushmo World Nintendo A digital download for the Wii U
Rock Zombie Nintendo A digital download for the Wii U
Sing Party Nintendo
Skylanders Trap Team Activision
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing Transformed SEGA
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric SEGA
Sonic Lost World SEGA
Splatoon Nintendo
Super Mario 3D World Nintendo
Super Mario Maker Nintendo
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Nintendo
The Letter TreeFall Studios A digital download for the Wii U. Also infamous for being absolute shit.
The Wonderful 101 Nintendo
Wii Fit U Nintendo
Wii Party U Nintendo
Wii U Panorama View Nintendo A digital download for the Wii U.
ZombiU Ubisoft

Nintendo Switch

In addition to below, Chris also subscribes to a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership costing $70 a year and bought several smaller shovelware games which are nearly impossible to find on the Nintendo E-Shop.

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
8-Bit Adventure Steins;Gate[3] Spike Chunsoft Comes bundled in with Steins;Gate Elite. Free
Animal Crossing: New Horizons[4] Nintendo Chris shared his dream island code on social media in November 2023, resulting in several people taking pictures of it later on. It also contains several DLC's, and only one of them is known to be owned by Chris, that being Happy Home Paradise coming with his Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership. Chris has also played it during the First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream. $59,99
Auralux: Constellations[5] Grove Street Games Part of his obsession with the astrology. $7,99
Away: Journey To The Unexpected[5] Plug In Digital $16,99
Balan Wonderworld[5] Square Enix Notably, a horrible game that you can buy for $5 at Gamestop. $39,99
Bridge Constructor Portal[5] Headup Games Has DLC. It's unknown if Chris has purchased it. $14,99
Catherine: Full Body[5] Sega Chris might have expected this game to relieve his tension, but as it's actually a puzzle game, he might have given up on it after realising that. $49,99
Cave Story+[5] Nicalis $29,99
Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics[5] Nintendo $39,99
Constellations[5] RAWRLAB Games Part of his obsession with the astrology. $4,99
Eastward[5] Chucklefish $24,99
F-Zero 99[5] Nintendo Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Free
FLASHBACK[5] Microids $9,99
Florence[5] Annapurna Interactive $5,99
Fortinite[5] Epic Games Has microtransactions. Free
Freedom Planet GalaxyTrail $14.99
Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S[5] Crypton Future Media Nope, I've got no explanation for this one. $14,00
Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series[5] Bandai Namco Entertainment $39,99
Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection[5] Square Enix Contains Life is Strange Remastered and Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered. $39,99
Life is Strange 2[5] Square Enix $31,99
Life is Strange: True Colors[5] Square Enix Has DLC. $59,99
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle[5] Ubisoft Has DLC. $39,99
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe[5] Nintendo Has DLC. $59,99
Megadimension Neptunia VII[5] Idea Factory Part of Chris's obsession with Hyperdimension Neptunia. Has DLC. $29,99
Mega Man 11[5] Capcom Has DLC. $29.99
Metroid Dread[5] Nintendo $59,99
Minecraft Listed on Chris's XBox profile
Mixx Island: Remix Plus[5] Red Deer Games Has DLC. $13,99
Neptunia X Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars[5] Idea Factory Part of Chris's obsession with Hyperdimension Neptunia. $49,99
New Pokémon Snap[5] The Pokémon Company and Nintendo $59,99
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe[5] Nintendo $59,99
Nonograms Prophecy[5] No Gravity Games $3,99
nPaint[5] Red Deer Games Has DLC. $19,99
Pac-Man 99[5] Bandai Namco Entertainment Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Free
Persona 5 Royal[6] Sega Mailed to Chris by enabler Ren Ryghts. Chris played it in Popular Request Game Stream. $59,99
Phoenotopia: Awakening[6] Cape Cosmic Chris got it after being kicked out of the Animate! Raleigh convention and talked about it positively. $19,99
Picross S[5] Jupiter $7,99
Picross S Genesis & Master System Edition[5] Jupiter $9,99
Picross S2[5] Jupiter $8,99
Picross S3[5] Jupiter $9,99
Picross S4[5] Jupiter $9,99
Picross S5[5] Jupiter $9,99
Pizza Parking[5] Arach Games $5,99
Pokémon Legends: Arceus[7] The Pokémon Company and Nintendo $59,99
Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee![8] The Pokémon Company and Nintendo Chris owns 6 Pokeball Plus peripherals for this game. $59,99
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu![8] The Pokémon Company and Nintendo Chris owns 6 Pokeball Plus peripherals for this game. $59,99
Pokémon Quest[8] The Pokémon Company and Nintendo Has microtransactions. Free
Pokémon Scarlet[5] The Pokémon Company and Nintendo Chris is currently boycotting this game due to taking over Sonichu evolution line's Pokedex's numbers. $59,99
Pokémon Shield The Pokémon Company and Nintendo Gifted to Chris by a Ween after begging for it on his 38th birthday. $59,99
Pokémon Shining Pearl[7] The Pokémon Company and Nintendo $59,99
Pokémon Sword The Pokémon Company and Nintendo $59,99
Portal: Companion Collection[5] Valve Corporation Contains Portal 1 and Portal 2. $19,99
Puyo Puyo[5] Sega $7,99
Puyo Puyo Champions[5] Sega $9.99
Rainbow Runner[5] Prison Games Has DLC. $19.99
Raji: An Ancient Epic[6] Nodding Heads Games Chris got it after being kicked out of the Animate! Raleigh convention and talked about it positively. $24,99
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – Complete Edition[5] Ubisoft $14,99
Sega Genesis Classics[5] Sega A compilation of over 50 Sega Genesis games, including multiple Sonic The Hedgehog games. $29,99
Sonic Colors: Ultimate[5] Sega Has DLC. $39,99
Sonic Forces[3] Sega Chris also bought this for PS4 and Xbox. $59,99
Sonic Frontiers[9] Sega Contains only free DLC. $59.99
Sonic Mania[7] Sega Has DLC. $19.99
Sonic Origins[7] Sega A compilation of the first four Sonic the Hedgehog games. $29,99
Sonic Superstars[10] Sega Chris bought a Digital Deluxe edition containing a few Lego-themed items, as well as a digital artbook and soundtrack. The listed MSRP is this version, the game itself is ten bucks cheaper. Chris has also played it during the First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream. $69,99
Sonic The Hedgehog[5] Sega Purchased separately despite Chris having at least two other ways to play this game on this system. $7,99
Sonic The Hedgehog 2[5] Sega Purchased separately despite Chris having at least two other ways to play this game on this system. $7,99
South Park: The Fractured but Whole[5] Ubisoft Has DLC. $59,99
SpaceColors Runner[5] Arach Games $5,99
Starlink: Battle for Atlas[3] Ubisoft Chris owns two copies. Seen in Very Cool Birthday Present! :). As a toys-to-life game, has a lot of microtransactions and DLC. $59,99
Steins;Gate Elite[5] Spike Chunsoft $59,99
Stranger Things 3: The Game[5] Limited Run Games A limited run collector's edition of the game via Limited Run Games. $34,99
Super Kirby Clash[5] Nintendo Free
Super Mario 3D All Stars[5] Nintendo Contains remasters of Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy with their respective soundtracks. $59,99
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury[5] Nintendo An updated rerelease of Super Mario 3D World with a new singleplayer campaign. $59,99
Super Mario Bros. 35[5] Nintendo Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Free
Super Mario Bros. Wonder[5] Nintendo $59,99
Super Mario Odyssey[5] Nintendo $59,99
Super Meat Boy[5] BlitWorks $14,99
Super Meat Boy Forever[5] BlitWorks $19,99
Super Neptunia RPG[5] Idea Factory Part of Chris's obsession with Hyperdimension Neptunia. Has DLC. $39,99
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Also seen in Very Cool Birthday Present! :). Has DLC. $59,99
Syndrome[5] Red Deer Games $24,99
Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythm Festival[5] BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Has DLC. $49,99
Team Sonic Racing[3] Sega $29,99
Tetris 99[3] Nintendo Included with the Nintendo Switch Online subscription. Played for 590 hours as of August 2023. Free
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+[5] Nicalis Has DLC. Chris played it during the Round 2 - Media Share Suggestion Live Stream. $39,99
The End is Nigh[5] Nicalis $14,99
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild[5] Nintendo Has DLC. $24,99
The Next Penelope[5] Plug In Digital $12,99
Them's Fightin' Herds[5] Maximum Entertainment Has DLC. $19,99
Transformers: Battlegrounds[5] Outright Games Has DLC. $24,99
Violett[5] Forever Entertainment $9,99
Warframe[5] Digital Extremes Has microtransactions. Free
Yooka-Laylee[5] Playtonic Friends $39,99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel[5] Konami Has microtransactions. Free
Zodiacats[5] Silesia Games $2,99


Sega Master System

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Wonder Boy Sega A digital download for the Nintendo Wii. The only SMS game he has.

Sega Genesis (Mega Drive)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Alien Soldier Nintendo A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Animaniacs (video game) Konami
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind Accolade
Desert Strike Electronic Arts
Fantasia Sega
Genesis 6-Pak Sega
Kid Chameleon Sega
Klax Tengen
Monopoly Parker Brothers
Ms. Pac Man Tengen
Rocket Knight Adventures Konami
Sonic & Knuckles Sega
Sonic 3-D Blast Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog Sega A digital download for the Nintendo Wii
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Sega
Sonic Spinball Sega Purchased with prize money from the Watch & Win Sweepstakes
Star Trek: The Next Generation Spectrum HoloByte Purchased with prize money from the Watch & Win Sweepstakes
Toy Story Disney Interactive
X-Men Sega

On 6 July 2018, Chris bought a Sega Genesis console off of eBay, apparently as a replacement.[11]

Sega Game Gear

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
The Chessmaster Sega
Columns Sega Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Crystal Warriors Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Defenders of Oasis Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote Sega
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Dragon Crystal Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
G-LOC Air Battle Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Krusty’s Fun House Flying Edge
Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren & Stimpy Sega
Shining Force: Sword of Hajya Sega Bought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS
Shinobi Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Sonic Drift 2 Sega Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Sonic the Hedgehog GG Sega Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 GG Sega Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Sonic Blast Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos Sega
Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble Sega Rebought as a digital download for the Nintendo 3DS.
Sonic Labyrinth Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Super Columns Sega
Tails' Adventure Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS
Vampire Master of Darkness Sega Bought as a digital download on the Nintendo 3DS

Sega CD

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Batman Returns Sega Purchased with prize money from the Watch & Win Sweepstakes
Double Switch Digital Pictures
Ecco: The Tides of Time Sega
Flashback: The Quest for Identity U.S. Gold
Jaguar XJ220 JVC
Jurassic Park Sega
Mad Dog McCree American Laser Games
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Sega
Night Trap Digital Pictures
Power Factory Featuring C+C Music Factory Sega
Sega Classics Arcade Collection Sega
Sewer Shark Sony Imagesoft
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective Sega
Sonic CD Sega Purchased with prize money from the Watch & Win Sweepstakes
Star Wars: Rebel Assault LucasArts
Time Gal Renovation
Tomcat Alley Sega
Wirehead Sega

Sega 32X

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
B.C. Racers Front Street Publishing
Cosmic Carnage Sega
Knuckles Chaotix Sega
Toughman Contest Electronic Arts
Virtua Fighter Sega
Virtua Racing Deluxe Sega

Sega Saturn

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Baku Baku Sega
Battle Arena Toshinden URA Sega
Fighters Megamix Sega
NiGHTs into Dreams Sega
Sonic 3D Blast Sega
Sonic R Sega
Virtua Fighter Remix Sega

Sega Dreamcast

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Bleem! *Gran Turismo 2* Bleem An emulation disc for the PlayStation GT2
Seaman Sega
Chu Chu Rocket Sega
Crazy Taxi Sega
Evolution Ubisoft
Evolution 2 Ubisoft
Jet Grind Radio Sega Repurchased as a digital download for the PS Vita
Marvel Vs. Capcom Capcom
The Next Tetris Crave
Q*Bert Hasbro Interactive
Samba de Amigo Sega
Sega Dreamcast Generator D.1 Sega
Sega Smash Pack V.1 Sega
Skies of Arcadia Sega
Sonic Adventure Sega
Sonic Adventure 2 Sega
Sonic Shuffle Sega
South Park: Chef's Luv Shack Acclaim
Space Channel 5 Sega
Super Magnetic Neo Crave
Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing Ubisoft
Time Stalkers Sega
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation Eidos Interactive
Toy Commander No Cliché
Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram Activision
Wetrix + XICAT


PlayStation (PSX, PSone)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
2Xtreme Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Activision Classics Activision
Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkies, The Conspiracy
Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Midway Collection 2 Midway
Atari Anniversary Edition Redux Infogrames
Battle Arena Toshinden Takara
Beast Wars Transformers Hasbro Interactive
Blaster Master: Blasting Again Crave
Bowling A1 A digital version for PS3/PSP
Bloody Roar Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Bubsy 3D Accolade
Casper: Friends Around the World Sound Source
Castlevania Chronicles Konami A digital version for PS3/PSP
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Konami A digital version for PS3/PSP
Cool Boarders Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Cool Boarders 2 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Cool Boarders 3 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Cool Boarders 4 Sony
Crash Bandicoot Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped Sony A physical copy
Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Crash Bash Sony
Danger Girl THQ
Dead in the Water ASC Games A digital version for PS3/PSP
Defcon 5 Data East
Destruction Derby Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Atari
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 Infogrames
Final Fantasy VII Square Enix A digital version for PS3/PSP
Ford Racing Empire Interactive A digital version for PS3/PSP
Frogger Hasbro Interactive
Gran Turismo Sony
Gran Turismo 2 Sony
Gundam Battle Assault 2 Bandai
Hooters: Road Trip Ubisoft There's only only logical reason why Chris bought this.
Hot Shots Golf 2 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Jet Moto Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Jet Moto 2 989 Studios A physical copy
Jet Moto 2 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Jet Moto 3 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Jumping Flash! Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
The King of Fighters '99 SNK A digital version for PS3/PSP
Klonoa: Door to Phantomile Namco
Lego Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge Lego Software
Loaded Interplay
Medal of Honor Electronic Arts A digital version for PS3/PSP
Medal of Honor Underground Electronic Arts A digital version for PS3/PSP
MediEvil Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Mega Man Legends Capcom
Metal Gear Solid Konami A digital version for PS3/PSP
Miracle Space Race Mud Duck
Mobile Light Force XS Games A digital version for PS3/PSP
Mortal Kombat 4 Midway Chris’s 25th acquisition for the PlayStation
MTV Music Generator Codemasters
Need For Speed: High Stakes Electronic Arts
Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit Electronic Arts
Pizza Hut Sampler Disc 2 Sony
Pooh's Party Game: In Search of the Treasure Disney
PlayStation Underground Jampack 1 Sony
PlayStation Underground Jampack Summer 2000 Sony
PlayStation Underground Jampack Winter 2000 Sony
Porsche Challenge Sony
The Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction BAM!
Puzzle Star Sweep A1 Games
Rally Cross Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Rayman Ubisoft A digital version for PS3/PSP
Rayman 2: The Great Escape Ubisoft A digital version for PS3/PSP
Resident Evil: Director's Cut Capcom A physical copy
Resident Evil: Director’s Cut Capcom A digital version for PS3/PSP
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Capcom A demo disc
R-Types Agetec A digital version for PS3/PSP
R-Type Delta Agetec A digital version for PS3/PSP
SimCity 2000 Maxis A digital version for PS3/PSP
Small Soldiers Electronic Arts Chris’s 50th acquisition for the PlayStation
SnoCross Championship Racing Crave Entertainment A digital version for PS3/PSP
Space Jam Acclaim
Spec Ops: Airborne Commando Take-Two Interactive A digital version for PS3/PSP
Spec Ops: Covert Assault Take-Two Interactive A digital version for PS3/PSP
Spec Ops: Ranger Elite Take-Two Interactive A digital version for PS3/PSP
Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol Take-Two Interactive A digital version for PS3/PSP
Speed Racer Jaleco
Spice World Psygnosis
Spyro the Dragon Sony A physical copy
Spyro the Dragon Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Spyro: Year of the Dragon Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles LucasArts
Street Fighter Alpha Capcom A digital version for PS3/PSP
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Capcom A digital version for PS3/PSP
Suikoden Konami A digital version for PS3/PSP
Superstar Dance Club: #1 Hits XS Games
Syphon Filter Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Syphon Filter 3 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Ten Pin Alley ASC Games A digital version for PS3/PSP
Tekken 2 Namco A physical copy
Tekken 2 Namco A digital version for PS3/PSP
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Ubisoft A digital version for PS3/PSP
Tomb Raider Eidos Interactive A digital version for PS3/PSP
Tomb Raider II Eidos Interactive A physical copy
Tomb Raider II Eidos Interactive A digital version for PS3/PSP
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! Activision
Twisted Metal 2 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Um Jammer Lammy Sony
Vandal Hearts Konami
V.I.P. Ubisoft
Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense Activision
Warhawk Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Wild Arms Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Wild Arms 2 Sony A digital version for PS3/PSP
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits Williams
XS Junior League Soccer XS Games A digital version for PS3/PSP

PlayStation 2 (PS2)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 105 Sony
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 106 Sony
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 107 Sony
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 108 Sony
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 109 Sony
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 110 Sony
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 111 Sony
Official PlayStation Magazine Disc 112 Sony
Aeon Flux Majesco Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Zombie Ninja Pro-Am Midway/Adult Swim Games Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Britney's Dance Beat THQ
Crash Nitro Kart Vivendi Universal
Crash Tag Team Racing Vivendi Universal Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Crash Twinsanity Vivendi Universal
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme Konami Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Dark Cloud Sony Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
EyeToy Play Sony
Family Guy Video Game! 2K/Fox Chris’s 25th acquisition for the PlayStation 2. Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Fatal Frame Tecmo
Grand Theft Auto 3 Rockstar Games Attempted to sell on eBay.
Guitar Hero RedOctane Attempted to sell on eBay in August 2008.
Guitar Hero II RedOctane
Guitar Hero Encore - Rocks The 80s RedOctane
The Guy Game Gathering This game was pulled from print after it was found that one of the models who flashed the camera was only 17. Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
InuYasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask Bandai Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Jak X: Combat Racing Sony
Jampack Volume 10 Sony
Jampack Volume 11 Sony
Jampack Volume 14 Sony
Karaoke Revolution Volume 3 Konami
Kingdom Hearts Square Enix Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil Namco Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure Atari
Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo Bandai Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
PaRappa the Rapper 2 Sony Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
PSUnderground Summer Sampler Sony
Rygar: The Legendary Adventure Tecmo Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Sega Superstars Sega
Sonic Mega Collection Plus Sega Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Soul Calibur II Namco
Soul Calibur III Bandai/Namco
Space Channel 5: Special Edition Sega
Taiko Drum Master Namco Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Tekken Tag Tournament Namco Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Transformers Atari Listed on Facebook Marketplace in March 2018.
Unreal Tournament Infogrames

PlayStation 3 (PS3)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
3D Dot Game Heroes Atlus
Age of Booty Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Altered Beast Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Ape Escape (Playstation Move) Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Aquatopia Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Armored Core 4 Sega
Astro Tripper Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Back to the Future: The Game Telltale Both the disc version and the downloadable version
Band Hero Activision
Battle Fantasia Aksys Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
The Beatles: Rock Band MTV Games
Beat Sketcher [12] Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Bejeweled 3 Popcap Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Bionic Commando (2009) Capcom Purchased from Best Buy in December 2010
Bionic Commando Rearmed Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Bioshock 2K Games Approximately $10 spent on DLC.
Blade Kitten Atari Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Blast Factor Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $8 spent on DLC.
Blokus Gameloft Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Blue Toad Murder Files: The Mysteries of Little Riddle Relentless Software Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Blur (Video game) Bizarre Creations
Bomberman Ultra Hudson Soft Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Borderlands 2K Games
Braid Number None Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Brain Challenge Gameloft Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $3 spent on DLC.
Brütal Legend Electronic Arts Chris's 50th physical acquisition for the PS3. Purchased from Best Buy in October 2009.
BurgerTime World Tour MonkeyPaw Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Burn Zombie Burn Pinnacle Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Burnout Paradise Electronic Arts Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $67 spent on DLC.
Buzz! Junior: Monster Rally Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Buzz! Junior: Robo Jam Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Buzz!: Quiz TV Sony Approximately $31 spent on DLC.
Buzz!: Quiz World Sony Purchased from Best Buy in December 2010
Calling All Cars Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Catherine Atlus
Championship Sprint Midway Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Atari Purchased from Best Buy in January 2010
Comet Crash Pelfast Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Comix Zone Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Costume Quest THQ Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Crash Commando Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Crescent Pale Mist Rockin' Android Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Critter Crunch Capybara Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Cuboid TikGames, LLC Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Dark Sector D3 Publisher
Dead Space Electronic Arts Approximately $4 spent on DLC.
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice NIS America Approximately $65 spent on DLC.
DuckTales: Remastered Capcom *FC* - May 2017 - $15.00 - Chris bought this shortly after buying The Disney Afternoon Collection for the PS4, even though the original version is included in that pack.
Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit Atari
Droplitz Atlus Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
echochrome Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Bethesda "Game of the Year Edition"
Elefunk Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Enchanted Arms Ubisoft
The Eye of Judgement Sony Approximately $20 spent on DLC.
Fairytale Fights Playlogic Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
Family Guy:Back to the Multiverse Activision
Fallout: New Vegas Bethesda
Far Cry 2 Ubisoft Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Fat Princess Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
flOw Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $3 spent on DLC.
Flower Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Folklore Sony
Fret Nice Tecmo Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Frogger Returns Konami Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Genji: Days of the Blade Sony
Go! Puzzle Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $3 spent on DLC.
Go! Sports Ski Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Go! Sports Skydiving Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Go! Sudoku Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $12 spent on DLC.
God of War III Sony
God of War Collection Sony
Grand Theft Auto IV Rockstar Games
Gravity Crash Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Green Day: Rock Band Electronic Arts Interestingly enough, their frontman is a homo.
GripShift v2.0 Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Gauntlet II Midway Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock RedOctane
Guitar Hero 5 Activision
Guitar Hero Aerosmith RedOctane
Guitar Hero Hits Activision
Guitar Hero Metallica Activision
Guitar Hero Van Halen Activision
Guitar Hero World Tour RedOctane
Gunstar Heroes Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Hail to the Chimp Gamecock
Hamilton's Great Adventure Fatshark Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Hannah Montana: The Movie Disney Interactive
Heavenly Sword Sony
Heavy Rain Sony
High Stakes: Poker Edition Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
High Velocity Bowling Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $18 spent on DLC.
The House of the Dead III Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
inFamous Sony
Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao Bandai Namco Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Jak and Daxter Collection Sony
Jeopardy! Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Joust Midway Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Killzone 2 Sony Approximately $6 spent on DLC.
Lair Sony
The Last Guy Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $2 spent on DLC.
The Lego Movie Videogame WB Games
Lego Rock Band Electronic Arts
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga LucasArts
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust Codemasters
Lemmings Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
LIMBO Playdead Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Linger in Shadows Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
LittleBigPlanet Sony Approximately $98 spent on DLC.
LittleBigPlanet 2 Sony
LittleBigPlanet 3 Sony
LocoRoco Cocoreccho! Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Mainichi Issho Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Marvel Ultimate Alliance Activision
Mega Man 9 Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Mega Man 10 Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Mesmerize Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $4 spent on DLC.
Minecraft: Story Mode
Mirror's Edge Electronic Arts
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire Bandai Namco Games
ModNation Racers Sony
Monster Madness: Grave Danger South Peak Interactive
Mortal Kombat (2009) WB Games
Mortal Kombat II Midway Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Motorstorm Sony Approximately $19 spent on DLC.
Motorstorm RC Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Mushroom Wars Creat Studios Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Namco Museum Essentials Bandai Namco Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Noby Noby Boy Bandai Namco Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Novastrike Tiki Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Nucleus Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
PAIN Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $41 spent on DLC.
PAYDAY: The Heist Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One Hothead Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two Hothead Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
PixelJunk Eden Encore Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $9 spent on DLC.
PixelJunk Monsters Encore Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $9 spent on DLC.
PixelJunk Racers Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
PixelJunk Shooter Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Piyotama Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale Sony
Q*Bert v2.0 Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Rampage Midway Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Rampart Midway Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Rayman 3 HD Ubisoft Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Red Faction Guerrilla THQ Purchased from Best Buy in January 2010
Resident Evil 5 Capcom Purchased from Best Buy in September 2010
Resistance: Fall of Man Sony Chris’s 25th acquisition for the PlayStation 3
Rock Band Electronic Arts
Rock Band 2 Electronic Arts
Rock Revolution Konami
Saints Row 2 THQ Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse - Episode 1: The Penal Zone Telltale Games Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
SAW Konami
Sega Superstars Tennis Sega
The Simpsons Game Electronic Arts
Siren: Blood Curse Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Snakeball Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $2 spent on DLC.
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Sega
Sonic Adventure Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $10 spent on DLC.
Sonic CD Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Sonic Generations Sega
Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) Sega Approximately $7.50 spent on DLC.
Sonic The Hedgehog Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Sega Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 Sega
Sonic Unleashed Sega Approximately $18 spent on DLC.
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection Sega
Soul Calibur IV Bandai Namco "Premium edition"; approximately $33.50 spent on DLC.
Soul Calibur V Bandai Namco
Spider-Man 3 Activision "Collector’s edition"
Stranglehold Midway "Collector’s edition"; approximately $15 spent on DLC.
Street Fighter IV Capcom Approximately $20 spent on DLC.
Stuntman Ignition THQ
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Super Rub a Dub Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Super Stardust HD Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $10 spent on DLC.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Super Street Fighter IV Capcom
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars Psyonix Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled Ubisoft Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Namco Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $10 spent on DLC.
Tekken Hybrid Namco
Timeshift Vivendi Games
Toy Home Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $7 spent on DLC.
Transformers - The Game Activision
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Activision Approximately $10 spent on DLC.
Transformers: War for Cybertron Activision Purchased from Best Buy in January 2011
Trash Panic Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Sony Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Sony
UNO Gameloft Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom Sony
Virtua Fighter 5 Sega
Warhawk Sony Approximately $19 spent on DLC.
Watchmen: The End is Nigh Warner Bros. Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 Warner Bros. Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Wheel of Fortune Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
WipEout HD Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 Capcom Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Wolfenstein 3D Activision Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
X-Blades SouthPeak Games
Zen Pinball Zen Studios Downloaded via the PlayStation Network

PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Bendy and the Ink Machine Rooster Teeth Games
Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back UFO Interactive Games
Burnout Paradise: Remastered Electronic Arts
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Activision
Destiny Sony
Disney Afternoon Collection Capcom *FC* $20.00 - May 2017
Freedom Planet GalaxyTrail *FC* $15.00 - May 2017
Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut Black Forest *FC* $15.00 - May 2017
inFAMOUS Second Son Sony
Killzone Shadow Fall Sony
Knack Sony
Lego Dimensions WB Games
Lego Worlds WB Games *FC* - March 2017 - Chris used profit from selling his father's stamp collection to buy this on its 7 March release date for $30.
LittleBigPlanet 3 Sony Chris bought this game before acquiring a PS4.
Minecraft: Set 2
Minecraft: Story Mode
PaRappa the Rapper Remastered Sony *FC* $15.00 - May 2017
The Playroom Sony
Pure Chess Ripstone *FC* $8.00 - April 2017
Sonic Forces Sega *FC* $39.99 - November 2017. Chris also bought this for Xbox and Nintendo Switch
Skylanders Swap Force Activision
Skylanders Trap Team Activision
TRANSFORMERS: Devastation Activision
Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy of the Duelist Konami

PlayStation Portable (PSP)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Ape Escape Academy Sony
Ape Escape ~ On the Loose Sony
Ape Quest Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Armored Core: Formula Front - Extreme Battle Agetec
ATV Offroad Fury - Blazin' Trails Sony
ATV Offroad Fury Pro Sony A demo disc
Beats Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Brain Challenge Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Brooktown High Konami
Bust-A-Move Deluxe Majesco
BUZZ! Master Quiz Sony
Carol Vorderman's Sudoku Secret Stash
Crash Tag Team Racing Vivendi Universal Games
Darkstalkers Chronicle - The Chaos Tower Capcom Chris's 50th acquisition for the PSP.
Daxter Sony
echochrome Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network; approximately $5 spent on DLC.
Every Extend Extra Buena Vista Games
EXIT Ubisoft
Frogger: Helmet Chaos Konami
Gangs of London Sony
Gangs Of London Sony A demo disc
Go! Sudoku Ubisoft
God of War - Chains of Olympus Sony
God of War - Chains of Olympus Special Edition: Battle of Attica Sony A demo disc
Gran Turismo Sony Purchased from Best Buy in December 2009
Gripshift Red Mile
Guilty Gear Judgement Majesco
Gunpey Bandai Namco
Gurumin - A Monstrous Adventure Mastiff
Harvey Birdman - Attorney At Law Capcom
Hot Pixel Atari
Infected Majesco
Killzone Liberation Sony
Killzone Liberation Sony A demo disc
Kingdom of Paradise Sony
Lego Stars Wars II: The Original Trilogy LucasArts
LittleBigPlanet Sony
Locoroco Sony
Lumines II Buena Vista Games
Mercury Meltdown Ignition
Mind Quiz Ubisoft
MLB 07: The Show Sony A demo disc
Mobile Suit Gundam - Battle Royale Bandai Namco Games A Japanese import
ModNation Racers Sony Purchased from Best Buy in July 2010
PaRappa the Rapper Sony
Patapon Sony
Patapon Sony A demo disc
PQ Practical Intelligence Quotient D3
Puzzle Challenge Crosswords and More Crave
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Sony
Rock Band Unplugged MTV Games Purchased from Best Buy in October 2009
Sampler Disc for PSP Vol.1 Sony
Sega Genesis Collection Sega
Snoopy Vs. the Red Baron Bandai Namco
SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo Sony
Sonic Rivals Sega Chris's 25th acquisition for the PSP.
Sonic Rivals 2 Sega
Space Invaders Extreme Taito
Syphon Filter: Combat Ops Sony Downloaded via the PlayStation Network
Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Sony A demo disc
Tekken: Dark Resurrection Bandai Namco
The Con Sony
Transformers - The Game Activision
Ultimate Block Party Conspiracy
WipEout Pure Sony
WTF: Work Time Fun D3 Publisher

Universal Media Disc (UMD) Video

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Ah! My Goddess the Movie Geneon
Christmas with the Kranks Sony/Columbia
Creature Comforts: The Complete First Season Sony
Family Guy: Freakin' Sweet Collection Fox
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Sony
Fun with Dick and Jane Sony/Columbia
Into the Blue Sony/Columbia/MGM
Lords Of Dogtown Sony/Columbia/TriStar
National Lampoon's Animal House Universal
Saturday Night Live Collection - The Best of Chris Farley Lions Gate
South Park: When Technology Attacks! Paramount/Comedy Central
Spider-Man - The New Animated Series: The Mutant Menace Sony/Marvel
Spider-Man Sony/Columbia
Stealth Sony/Columbia
Superbad: Unrated Extended Edition Sony/Columbia
Wedding Crashers: Uncorked Edition New Line

PlayStation Vita (PSV)

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Army Corps of Hell Square Enix
Azkend 2 10tons Ltd.
Big Sky Infinity Ripstone
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Arc System Works, Aksys Games
BreakQuest Extra Evolution Beatshapers
Chronovolt Playerthree
Coconut Dodge Revitalised FuturLab
Crazy Market
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Spike Chunsoft
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Spike Chunsoft
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Spike Chunsoft
Dead Nation Sony
Deadman's Cross Square Enix
Desert Ashes Arcade Distillery
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention Nippon Ichi Software
Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock BBC Worldwide
Dokuro Gungho Online Entertainment
Draw Slasher Mass Creation
Dungeon Hunter: Alliance Ubisoft
Ecolibrium Sony
Escape Plan Sony
Fat Princess: Piece of Cake Sony
Flame Over Laughing Jackal
flOw ThatGameCompany, Sony
Flower Annapurna Interactive, Sony
Flying Hamster HD
Foosball 2012 Grip Games
Freedom Wars Sony
Frobisher Says! Sony
Get Off My Lawn Digital Leisure
Gravity Rush Sony
Home Benjamin Rivers
Hotline Miami Devolver Digital
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Sony
Hustle Kings Sony
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart Idea Factory, Compile Heart
Hyperdimension Neptunia PP Idea Factory, NIS America
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed Idea Factory, Compile Heart
Jetpack Joyride Halfbrick Studios
Killzone: Mercenary Sony
Knock-Knock Ice-Pick Lodge
Legends of War Slitherine Ltd.
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Feral Interactive, WB Games
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 Sony
LEGO Legends of Chima WB Games
LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids WB Games, TT Games
LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin WB Games
LEGO The Lord of the Rings Feral Interactive, WB Games
Lemmings Touch Sony
Limbo Microsoft, Playdead
Little Adventure on the Prairie
Little Deviants Sony
LittleBigPlanet Vita Sony
Lumines Electronic Symphony Ubisoft
ModNation Racers Roadtrip Sony
Mortal Kombat Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
MotorStorm: RC Sony Approximately $4 spent on DLC.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus Tecmo
Plants vs. Zombies Popcap
Pinball Arcade FarSight Studios
Pinball Heroes Complete Sony
Pure Chess RebelPlay
PulzAR Sony
Rayman Origins Ubisoft
Reality Fighters Sony
Ridge Racer Bandai Namco
Resistance: Burning Skies Sony
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Sony
Star Wars Pinball Zen
Sumioni: Demon Arts AQUIRE
Super Stardust Delta Sony
Table Top Tanks Sony
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack Drinkbox
Touch My Katamari Bandai Namco
Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom Capcom
Uncharted: Golden Abyss Sony
Unit 13 Sony
A Virus Named TOM Misfits Attic
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward Chunsoft/Aksys/Rising Star
Welcome Park Sony A tutorial game that comes with the Vita
WipEout 2048 Sony


Despite Chris's avowed hatred of da HEXBox 360, he tried to sell several games for the original Xbox on eBay.[13] In November 2017, he casually mentioned his gamertag[14] in a Facebook comment.


Chris listed all of these games for sale on eBay in July 2008, but none of them were sold.

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One Activision
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Vivendi Universal
Driv3r Atari
Celebrity Deathmatch Gotham

Xbox One

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Aftercharge Chainsawesome Games
Anthem BioWare, Bioware Austin LLC
Banjo Kazooie: N n B Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Banjo-Kazooie Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Banjo-Tooie Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Crackdown 3: Campaign
Dark Souls Remaster From Software, QLOC, Virtuos
Forza Horizon 4 Microsoft Drives a custom Sonichu colored Ford Focus
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Microsoft $39.99 ($19.99-39.99)
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Ninja Theory
HALO 5 : GUARDIANS Microsoft
Jetpac Refuelled Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Kameo Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Life Is Strange Season 2 Episode 1 Dontnod Entertainment, Deck Nine, Feral Interactive
Mortal Kombat X NetherRealm Studios
Perfect Dark Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Perfect Dark Zero Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Rare Replay Microsoft $29.99
Realm Royale Heroic Leap Games
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Square Enix, Feral Interactive
Sonic the Hedgehog Sega $4.99
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sega $4.99
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Sega $4.99
Sonic & Knuckles Sega $4.99
Sonic Forces Sega Chris also bought this for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
Sonic Generations Sega
Sonic Mania
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero WayForward Technologies
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse WayForward Technologies
Super Lucky's Tale Playful Corp
Sunset Overdrive Xbox Game Studios
Thomas Was Alone Mike Bithell
The Orange Box Valve Corporation, Electronic Arts, EA Bright Light
Viva Piñata Microsoft Through Rare Replay
Viva Piñata: TIP Microsoft Through Rare Replay


Title Publisher Notes MSRP
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Electronic Arts/Fox The game itself is free, but Chris has spent plenty of money on in-game purchases. Free


Despite Chris's fanboyism towards consoles, Chris has played some games on the PC gaming service Steam. The most interesting listing is Payday 2: a game the Idea Guys were obsessed with. Chris's profile on Steam was later set to Private,[15] although not before a screenshot was taken.

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Five Nights at Freddy's Scott Cawthon Games $4.99
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies Compile Heart/Idea Factory Influenced by the Idea Guys. $14.99
Payday 2 Overkill/505 Influenced by the Idea Guys. $9.99
Portal Valve Corporation $9.99
RAID: World War II Starbreeze/505 Probably influenced by the Idea Guys. $19.99
SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics Sega $39.65
Sonic CD Sega Now delisted. $4.99


Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Minecraft Listed on Chris's Xbox profile


Commodore 64

Title Publisher Notes MSRP
Blue Max Synapse
Blue Print Commodore/Bally Midway
Centipede Atarisoft
Charlie Brown ABCs Random House
Defender Atarisoft
Donald Duck's Playground Disney/Sierra
Donkey Kong Atarisoft
Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival Hi Tech Expressions
Music Composer Commodore
Music Machine Commodore
Pitfall! Activision
Pole Position Datasoft Premier Arcades/Namco
Q*bert Parker Brothers
Sargon II Hayden
Sea Wolf Commodore/Bally Midway
Tetrad Hayden

See also


External links