Sonichu 8 Official Videobook

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On 19 September 2009, Chris started uploading the official videobooks from Sonichu 8.

Episode 17


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Part 2


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Part 3


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Part 4


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Episode 18


Okay, before we get to episode 18, here's the prologue to it. December 22nd, 2007. It's Sonichu and Rosechu's living room. To celebrate Rosechu's 19th birthday and everybody's there. Yaaaaaaaay yaaaaaaay. Rosechu just blew out the candles, she just turned 19. And Sonichu kisses her lovingly. Yeahhh. And then Punchy's sitting on the couch saying "ROCK ONNN! YEAAHHH!"

And then February twentyssss... and then on February 2nd 2008 at the Pokémon Centre at the CWCVille Shopping Center, we celebrate the birthday of the Chaotic Combo, Wild, Bubbles, Angelica, Punchy and Magi-chan, born on the same day.Happy birthday! they're nine- they're all 19 off the 5 of them, and even the bir- and even the Flame the Sunbird showed up to the party. Yaaayy.

And then March seven-t-teenth, 2008, Sonichu and Rosechu's house.

Sonichu: "Ah Rosey, that was a nice dinner, this is the nicest brithday of mine yet"

Rosechu: "Oh hang tight, it's gonna get way better (laughs)"

But then not- but then as soon as Rosechu flickers on the light it's a big "SURPRIIIISE! Yaaay. Neither of them expected this, happy birthday, yaay! Sonichu is 20 years old today yaaay, happy birthday"

And then on March 21st 2008 at the jungle- on the jungle beach, near Bubbles' house:

Bubbles: "Hey Blake, I got this cupcake just for you, happy birthday"

Blake: "Oh. Thanks Bubbles. But I've already told you that I was cloned from Sonichu's DNA. I was not properly born from a Rosechu"

Bubbles: "Oh that doesn't matter. You still came alive today, starting straight from a 2 year old body. You're 20 now, man"

Blake: "hmm. well thank you Bubbles, you're awesome. hmm"

Bubbles: "Well now blow out the candles and make a wish"

Blake: "Heh. I'll blow out the candle, but I already have my wish."

And then they kiss. Mmmmm. Blake and Bubbles kiss mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh. And then Bubbles says "You will meet me at the CWCVille beach tomorrow for the Spring Break concert yes?" And he says "Yeah. And I'll put on your act for your gal-pals. ehehehehe. Uhhh I gotta keep up the tough boy act and keep our romance a secret for a little while, at least just as long as I can, long as we can"

Bubbles: "Yeah".

Hey. How about some TV on Saturday March 22nd 2008. Pshh.

"This is Um-TV and we're rocking with Spring Break! WAHOOOOOOO!" Pshh.

"Ey, sisters and brothers this is PHI, we're rocking the world with Spring Break! YAHOOO!"

"Leaving thousands and leaving hundreds injured, for FQX news, I'm Greta Squall. [?] rocking hard, it's Spring Break! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! YAHOOO! GRETA! GRETA! GRETA SQUAAALL!"

And now, coming to you live like a high five, on the radio from the CWCVille beach, station KCWC, it's: Episode 18, Spring Break '08, yahOOOOO! mmm.

Jamsta: "ey there all you guys, gals, dudes and dudettes of all ages, we are rocking hot on the CWCVille beach for Spring Break '08! Y'all know me as Jamsta Sonichu, the DJ with da power!"

Lolisa: "and proudly [?] his hot girl friday, I'm Lolisa Rosechu."

Jamsta: "Yeeessir. We got a lot of events and giveaways goin' on here today. Thank our mayor Mr Christian Weston Chandler that CWCVille is a clean city. Nobody has to go home drunk or smokey. WE've got [?] kegs full of our famously delicious CWC cola and Diet CWC cola, lemonade, grape and orange soda, compliments of our local CWC cola bottling company, founded and opened proudly in 1985, 3 years after CWCVille was founded by mayor's father Robert Franklin Chandler Jr. Also today, you can enter to win a 40 inch Sony HD TV from CWC circuit city! Or drive home in a shiny new '08 Chevvy Camaro Concept! Also tonight, our rising star Jigglyami will be singing her debut single "War of Love" on the concerts- on the concert stage here at CWCVille Beach. So stay tuned to CWCVille, Virginia's number 1 radio station for all this and a lot more! Yeah!

Lolisa: "hehe. Awesome Jamsta! Well I'm thinking of taking a swim in our clean beach's ocean! But I'll leave y'all to party as we hear from Ricky Martin's party, with "La Vida Loca"!"

[sings] Everything, KCWC!

Meanwhile backstage, at the stage, on CWCVille beach:

Jigglyami: "Oh my god! It's going to be just fantastic Blanca! JIGGLY!!! Our first concert ever! [?] I couldn't be more excited if i'd become just as famous without having to leave my house! Yaayy!"

Blanca: "I'm excited too, Jigglyami! I play my tune in noise, and you sing with the power to energise the crowd, I'm proud of you!"

Jigglyami: "yeeah! After this concert we will be superstars, meaning we can have any man we want! And with that kawaii haircut of yours, you are so cute as sailor mercury!"

Blanca: "ehh you're the flirtatious diva of this stage girl, besides, there's only one heart I'm most interested in, although he's currently in another state of mind and dimension, I'll wait for him."

Jiggliami: "Come on. You're the guitar hero of this stage will wow the hearts of this audience, so lets live wi-wild, girl! HOOOOOH! Jiggly. Jiggly"

On another part of the beach, the girls are getting a tan, and Sonichu is about to go surfin'.

Sonichu: "Hey Rosey, I'm gonna go hit some waves. You and your gal-pals have fun. Thanks again for putting the sunscreen on me. hmm."

Rosechu: "And I thank you for doing my back as well sweet bolt. Be careful not to get electrical."

Sonichu: "of course heartsweet. I'll check in later. Yeahhh. hmm. yeah."

Alright so then Angelica and Bubbles are nearby. Angelica says to Bubbles:

"So. Ex-pain to me again, why do you not need sunscreen?"

Bubbles: "hm. You see Angie, I am a water type. My body is 90% water and my fur is capable of adapting to my surroundings. As I am on land, my fur adapts itself to reflect the sunlight off my skin so my skin is not affected by sun light. No sunburn, no muss (?).

Angelica: "AHH. Ok."

Bubbles: "My only flaw with the bodily function is that I can't really enjoy getting a tan with y'all. Huh kind of a social flush really. Oh well."

And then as time passes by, we have a bunch of other people walking by. In the background Sonichu's surfing. Right now this mysterious Rosechu walks on by. Badoom badoom badoom. Just looks at the girls. anyway Rosechu says

"Hm. What a weird woman. Do you know who she is Angelica?"

Angelica: "I dyuu-no, but I get a bad vibe from her."

And then an- and then Megagi and Bionic pass by.

Megagi: "Hey gal-pals. We're just enjoying the festivities."

Bubbles: "Megagi, Bionic, what's happenin'?"

Megagi: "yeahh. We're just enjoying. Oh. I saw this cat gal fli- cat gal flirtin' with that Bionic, so I presented my claws of ownership. ahahahaha! Well, catch you girls later"

And then later on a couple of other women pass by as well. Anyway, uh, Bubbles gets a thought- gets an incoming trans- incoming thought from Magi-chan.

Magi-chan: "Bubbles, I've just detected a Sonichu Chaotic crystal in the ocean. Please fetch it"

Bubbles: "OK OK, I'll fetch it in a minute Magi-chan."

And then right after that, bom bom bom bom, bom bom bom (noise), "HEY!"

Magi-cha- bla-black Sonichu Blake, kicks sand at the girls' faces. "hey"

And then Rosechu takes of her sunglasses, also Angelica spreads her wings, in a little bit anger and Rosechu says:

"Black Sonichu! What d'you do that for?"

Blake: "Hey don't blame me, the sand was in my- in the path of my foot"

Rosechu: "Oh why I oughta-"

Bubbles: "Rosey, no. Don't get up. I'll deal with this jerk" Says Bubbles.

And then Bubbles grabs er, Blake's arm, and tie- and holds him behind his back like really pain- "AAAGHHHH" And then er, Bubbles whispers to Blake:

"You're doing great. Keep it up"

Blake: "Euh. Goood. Euhh. Uh. Euhhhh."

And then Bubbles walks Blake away from the girls, a distance.

Bubbles: "Alright big man. I'm gonna show you the power of a woman and it's not as gentle as you think it is"

And then the- and then off the distance, and, Rosechu knows a little bit

Rosechu: "heh. She thinks she can fool us, but it's so obvious that she and Blake are true lovers."

Angelica: "ahhh yeah it is so cute yeah?"

Rosechu: "yeahhh"

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Part 2


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Part 3


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Part 4


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For Truth and Honesty, see the archived CWCipedia page on Sonichu Book 8 Videobooks