Officer Keino
Officer Keino is the father of Ivy.
Just when you thought Chris's unoriginality couldn't get lower, Chris comes out with Officer Keino (named in honor of the troll Keine). A blatant ripoff of Coach John McGuirk from Home Movies, he is Ivy's father. According to Chris, it was Ivy herself who insisted on the similarities. He has appeared in the Giant Penis Comic and the Wedding Comic, the latter of which was shown in the Marriage Proposal To Ivy.
Chris-chan's sudden respect for his job as a police officer is rather odd considering his vengeance against Jerkops. It is likely, then, that he is one of the True and Honest cops depicted in Sonichu #5, and might even be in the same unit as CWCville's most decorated officer, Officer Nasty. Chris gave Keino the Cub Scout salute, believing this is how you address a police officer.
While Ivy has appeared in the main comic, Officer Keino has not, most likely because his daughter was offed one episode after her introduction.
See also