Chaotic Combo

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That's right, he's given them a logo. You know, in case he gets a call asking for a merchandising deal.

The Chaotic Combo are a team of Sonichu recolors with varying amounts of personality (ranging from one-dimensional to slightly more than one-dimensional) and screen-time. The Chaotic Combo first appeared in Sonichu 0 on Page 10. The name was ripped off from Team Chaotix first appearing in the game Knuckles Chaotix.


The Chaotic Combo were created at the same moment Sonichu and Rosechu were made. When the rainbow flew out of Sonic and Pikachu and hit the Girl Raichu, some eggs flew out of the rainbow for no reason at all and landed in a variety of locations. These hatched into adorable fucking annoying Sonees and Roseys that were then raised by nearby Pokemon.




Wild was raised by a Scyther and a Venusaur. The Scyther, his father, and the Venusaur, his mother, taught him the skills necessary to survive in the jungle. He can swing through jungles and turn invisible. He attacks with razor leaves and vine whips. He is a confident, outgoing and courageous character. Has spoken out against the tyranny of Chris-chan's rule in #sonichu. Wild is Grass/Electric. This combination shows that Christian isn't totally fucktarded; there are no actual grass/electric Pokémon in the game, so combining those two types is (vaguely) inspired. That's not saying much.

"Green electric/grass hedgehog Pokemon. 2nd in command of the Chaotic Combo. He was raised by a Venusaur, and has a perfect Razor Leaf attack (with a dash of lightning)." [1]



Bubbles was raised by a Swampert. She has no personality whatsoever, besides being shown to get her rocks off by being electrocuted or hit with 'Psychic Needles'. Her powers include control over water and the ability to bitch slap her enemies. Farts around with Blake. Bubbles is Water/Electric.

"Blue electric/water hedgehog Pokemon. Optimistic and full of energy, when she feels happy, she will tell everyone. She was raised by a mother Swampert who taught her how to create tidal waves." [2]



How Chris views all Asian people. Slanty-eyed self-proclaimed "strike ninja" who had his tail ripped off in a matter of seconds by Mypoe seconds after crash landing into G.D.W. Shinabe's dojo. Having his tail promptly removed, this somehow caused the Sonee to evolve into Punchy, which made him a martial arts expert. Punchy then used a sky uppercut to launch Mypoe into the stratosphere. For some reason, her dad didn't give a shit. Supposedly Punchy is full of 'Random Access Humor', except he doesn't really show up in the comic a lot, and when he does, he isn't funny. Punchy attacks with Punches(gee who would've thought). Punchy is Fighting/Electric, another type combo that doesn't exist in the actual game.

"Red electric/fighting hedgehog Pokemon. Punchy is very strong and full of random weird humor. He lost his tail in a fight. He was raised in a dojo in Japan." [3]



Raised by nuns. Uses her magic powers to grow flowers with such messages as "HOPE" and "PEACE & LOVE". Only slightly more personality than Bubbles. Uses words like "pray" and "lord" randomly to show that she is religious or something. Angelica doesn't fight very often but she apparently she can use wing attacks and whirlwinds or some shit. Angelica is Flying/Electric, and as such, has Angel Wings.

"White electric/flying hedgehog Pokemon. She usually remains peaceful and calm, and she prays every night. Angelica was raised in a church by some nuns." [4]



Probably the most interesting of the bunch, Magi-chan is a very intelligent Sonichu recolour who had psychic powers and can travel through time and stuff. Indeed, Magi-chan's amazing powers are so powerful and amazing that he can instantly fix all of the plot holes by powers of mind alone! This has given him the nickname as Deus ex machina chu. Raised by Mewtwo, who communicated with him telepathically after he hatched. Known for being very, very gay. The only member of the Chaotic Combo, and probably one of the few Sonichus altogether, that bothers wearing clothing, even if it's just a vest. Magi-chan is Psychic/Electric, a third combination that doesn't exist in the game. Wow, he came up with three original Pokémon type mixes; I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

"Purple electric/psychic hedgehog Pokemon. He has telekinetic powers, and he can bend anything with his mind." [5]
