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CWCipedia (4 May 2009 – 26 June 2010; not to be confused with the CWCki, which was set up by the same webmaster) was a wiki set up for the sole use of Christian Weston Chandler, as a sort of personal wiki as opposed to Chris vandalizing the CWCki with his random-access humor, ego stroking, and "Sweet, Sweet Sex". Furthermore, it was designed to allow Chris to "get the truth out" as he so desired to do on his Wikipedia profile.
Since its inception, Chris more or less treated the page as free web hosting, a place to put his comics without having to pay for the resulting bandwidth use. CWCipedia also served as the ultimate test of MediaWiki's software and its usability, in that it strove to create a platform even an autistic manchild/layabout can easily use. While Chris does possess some "technological" intelligence, he still managed to fuck it up from time to time, even with a Sysop holding his hand.
Cogsdev informed Chris of the CWCipedia's existence some time in May of 2009. Subsequently, Chris began to edit it on 7 June 2009.
For several months Chris's use of the wiki proceeded without incident. He was able to display his comics and music, share more details of his personal life, reveal more background information about the world of CWCville, and shout his bizarre homophobic rantings from the virtual rooftops in peace. The administrators of the site remained a silent, benevolent force behind the scenes.
Towards the end of 2009, this would change.
Most of what appeared on the CWCipedia can be found on this site, within various articles. These were the main headings:
Christian in his Own Words -- A copy of what he had tried to add to his Wikipedia talk page.
The Sonichu Videobooks Collection
Character Bios
The Christian Truth
Because the Trolls and ALL such Pig-Headed, Closed-Minded Idiots REFUSE to let me TELL them the Truth on THEIR websites with My Own Past Edits they have Undone, HERE is Where I Correct Some to Most of Their Pages filled with Half-Truths, Exaggerations and Lies.
- Gal-Pals and Past Sweethearts - **Plenty More To Come.**
Perodicals - Copies of Chris's articles in Nintendo Power Magazine and PVCC's news report about Sonichu.
Please be advised by the Rules of Downloading my levels to your console.
- Downloading of said levels are for your own on-console gameplay ONLY.
- Republishing of any of my levels with any edits resulting in Mockery, Slander, Homosexual tendencies and/or Hate will be reported with the "Good Grief" to Media Molecule, which may result in being banned from the LittleBiGPlanet community. Also, view their EULA terms from within the LittleBiGPlanet Game's Pause menu.
- These Rules apply Also, respectively, to the ModNation Racers game and all Tracks, Cars and Characters downloaded therein from my own creation from my PSN "Sonichu" account.
Thank you for your Loyalty, Support
Private villa of corrupted citizens
Chris also had a tendency to let his mind wander while typing up his entries. For example, in his Sonichu article, he ended up going off on a tangent explaining what had happened to Kel (even though it didn't involve Sonichu at all), and the fact that Chris himself is the leader of the CWCville Pokémon gym. This led into Chris describing his supposed gym at length, what Pokémon he had in his team, and his collection of Pokémon in the game (in addition to their level and how he had leveled them). This somehow led to an idea for a Pokémon game system that was basically just the "Solid Vision" holographic projector system from Yu-Gi-Oh!, except with Pokémon. After all of that tangential nonsense, he got back to talking about Sonichu again.
CWCipedia advertisements
As 2009 came to a close, CWCipedia's operators ran into financial trouble keeping the site in the black, given the many hits it received on a daily basis and the profusion of large files that were held on its servers. To help keep the site up and running for its True and Loyal Fanbase, the Sysop that maintained the website for Chris turned to selling advertising space on the site. Due to the somewhat complicated laws of the jurisdiction in which the servers resided, ads could only be purchased from within the European Union. Chris made no money from advertisement revenue; all of it went towards keeping the CWCipedia up and running.
These ads were all randomly generated by metadata from Chris and the people browsing the site, not special hand-crafted ads made by trolls, but because of the occasional troll with gay porn in their cookies the odd homoerotic ad appeared, and Chris was not pleased. Chris responded to these ads with a few complaints to the admin and Jack Thaddeus, who was the only donor who delivered over €1,000 (then US$1,482), qualifying him to create custom advertisements on the site. In a blog post, Chris hoped that someone within the EU would be able to step up and donate so much money that they'd not only qualify for custom ads, as Jack had, but help to remove the homoerotic ads that appeared on the site (even though most online advertisers give no such heavy-handed preferential treatment to premium advertisers, and indeed, no such stated policy existed with CWCipedia either). Shockingly, none of his European fans felt like donating thousands of Euros so that Chris didn't have to occasionally glimpse a shirtless man.
On 27 December 2009, the ad space, previously at the very bottom of CWCipedia's navbar on the left side of the page, was moved to the very top of the navbar. Another ad appeared on Chris's main page beside the logo. On 28 December, Chris flipped out and replaced it with an ad for his beloved My Coke Rewards program. The sysop reverted it and reprimanded Chris, informing him that he (Chris) had no control over the ad placement.
On 30 December 2009 Chris, unable to change the now-protected main page, lashed out the only way he could, by adding a block of text to the bottom of his (already hideously ugly and cluttered) front page image, declaring that no ads were allowed on that page. Furthermore, it said that he would not remove this block of text until the offending ads were removed from the main page. In other words, Chris defaced his own website in an attempt to get someone else to stop advertising on it. This, obviously, did not work.
On 2 January 2010, Chris began cluttering the website with his ads again, shilling for Coca-Cola, Avatar, and Proposition 8. He bestowed upon himself the title of Captain, posting to CWCipedia:
“ | I have another pair of pages for today, and I will answer another Mailbag or two after uploading. But I also have another announcement; Jack thinks he can get away with occupying my Introduction Box with ANY Ad, well I have a few items I fully support as well. I will be placing my own Ads around the Cwcipedia, as I assert My Rights to do so as Captain of this website vessel.
” |
Additionally, Chris posted the following message to his Twitter:
“ | C.C. Sonichu says:...Removal of Any of ALL of MY Ads is consider Mutiny, and Mutiny will not be tolerated. Stay Safe, and have a good day. | ” |
As to whether or not Jack would receive forty lashes less one for his inevitable insubordination, Chris had no comment.
Due to gay porn ads on the CWCipedia, on 1 February 2010 Chris unleashed a curse upon Mao "Bamboo" Ling, after which he "apologized" to Alec and Evan.
Eventually, on 26 February 2010, Jack Thaddeus returned with an unclickable ad reading "JACK'S BACK" and featuring a picture of a giant ejaculating duck. Chris, surprisingly, never reacted, conceivably not having seen it.
CWCipedia Advertisement Gallery ~ Note: The captions in this gallery are the alt text and links for the ads. |
The Twitter feed
- Main article: Twitter
On 25 December 2009, the WikiSysop added a live Twitter feed to the mailbag. This was short-lived, as on the early morning of the 27th Chris removed it in a fit of rage and added the following note:
” |
--ChrisChanSonichu 04:31, 27 December 2009 (CET) |
Exactly five minutes later, Chris would create a special page for the Twitter feed, and delete the homophobic outburst quoted above. Chris would create a Twitter account for himself the very next day, regaling his followers with stories of him doing yardwork. The wise and the magnanimous Sysop later put the feed on the front page of CWCipedia, due to the fact that (ahem) it probably needed some wider exposure.
A history of (un)availability
CWCipedia closed due to A(I)DS

During the last weeks of 2009, Chris became more and more infuriated as the gay ads continued piling up. In desperation, Chris began placing ads of his own that didn't inspire uncomfortable questions about his sexuality. Again, the Sysop ordered Chris to cease his insubordination.
On 2 January 2010, the CWCipedia was served a cease and desist notice by the Coca-Cola Company for its unauthorized use of their logo on the site. Thus, the Sysop was forced to close the website for a few days until the matter could be resolved. Having gotten a little first-hand lesson regarding what copyright law is all about, Chris issued an apology on YouTube. In the video, he claimed that he thought Coke would appreciate the free advertisement, naturally unaware that Coke probably don't want their products advertised on a quasi-literate homophobe's shrine to his own Sonic recolors.
Within a few days, all depictions of the logo were removed and the site was up and running.
Closed (again) due to theft
In the early morning of 6 February 2010, the CWCipedia was closed down again, this time thanks to a DMCA request from representatives of Evan George. According to the request, Chris's use of the character Simonla Rosechu on his website and in his comics infringed upon Evan's intellectual property, as Simonla was clearly derivative of Evan's character Simonchu. This was most likely triggered by Chris's announcement, in a video from 5 February, that he agreed to do away with Simonla and stop featuring her in his comics, but only at an unspecified "later" time.
Three days after the CWCipedia was locked to edits, it was wiped from the Internet entirely. In its place appeared a redirect link to Asperpedia; however, due to a bug, it redirected to an online role-playing game, Dogs of the Seas.
CWCipedia lives on
On 12 February 2010, the CWCipedia was revived to a certain extent. Although it was still locked to edits and only a "login required" screen was accessible, it was functional enough for Alec Benson Leary to display the first two pages of Sonichu Revolution. The next day, Chris fulfilled Evan's request and the CWCipedia was restored for all people to see. Sonichu Revolution continued onward from there, prominently featured at the top of every page of the CWCipedia.
On 24 February 2010, a new set of ads appeared on the CWCipedia, calling Chris out on his unwarranted self-importance on his birthday, with a message from Sean imploring fans to give gifts to victims in Haiti instead. For a few days after this, visitors were treated to the sight of a series of animated ads featuring gigantic ejaculating cocks, revenge from Jack Thaddeus in response to Chris's execution of the Asperpedia Four at the end of Sonichu #10.
Closed due to parody
“ | Also, you might want to take a look at your site before you go around advertising it... Some pretty vulgar vandalism you have going on there on a majority of pages. | ” |
Some guy on LittleBigWorkshop. Chris never read this and discovered the vandalism the next day. |
Going into March 2010, Chris appeared to lose all interest in updating the site or presenting any meaningful new content. He neglected updating the Mailbag and stopped uploading new comic pages. His only additions to the site in the first three weeks of March were a series of rants directed at trolls and his fans, where he accused them of breaking up his pursuit of The Wallflower and complained that the demand for new Sonichu comics was ruining his life.
On 18 March 2010, CWCipedia was taken down and replaced with a redirect to a parody version of the website run by Mao. The Sysop had decided to allow Mao to buy a permanent redirect for $100. Since Chris was the Captain, he decided to sail the S.S. CWCipedia into an iceberg and let it sink, making Jack pull all his funding and forcing the Sysop to shut the site down for good.
CWCipedia opened for everybody
- Main article: CWCipedia vandalism
Chris, somewhat upset. |
A day later, however, the original CWCipedia returned. At the same time, Mao was given sysop, bureaucrat, and oversight powers on the site, suggesting the arrival of a new "captain" on deck. The result was much good vandalism, most notably on the main page itself, by "Kine", "SEANBOTMK2", "ALECBOTMK2", "EVANBOTMK2", and "Metal Asperchu". Soon, account creation was enabled for all and the website was vandalised beyond recognition in a glorious blizzard of pickles and unflattering internal links.
CWCipedia death and resurrection
Early on 22 March, the Sysop returned to the site after being busy on other projects and quickly reversed everything back to the pre-Mao state of the site. However, much of the vandalism continued to remain in the history of many of the pages, and several pages were not changed back, either due to her skipping over them or simply not caring.
During the early hours of 31 March, the front page of the CWCipedia decomposed into HTML code. This was attributed to the nature of the 110mb server. The TRUE and HONEST version created by Mao died in July.
Whether it was coincidence or an act of Godbearjesus, the CWCipedia came back on Easter Sunday. It is more likely that some technicians actually worked through the Easter weekend just so an autistic manchild could carry on putting up badly drawn comics when he felt like it.
Traitorous mutiny
On 24 April 2010, the Sysop uploaded the rest of Sonichu #11 and updated the Captain's Log. However, many quickly learned that these new pages may not have been as TRUE and HONEST as they first appeared, as they involved Sonichu and Rosechu filing for divorce, Reginald Sneasel whipping it out in front of Robbie, Sandy getting hit by a car, Wild committing suicide by blowing his head off, and all three of the Sonichu kids getting killed by drinking detergent (actually, Cerah survived, but was put out of her misery by being smothered with a pillow). Two days later, Chris discovered the vandalism and replaced all of the images with a disclaimer that work on Sonichu #11 was ongoing. He then called out on the Sysop's "traitorous mutiny", but was willing to forgive her, probably by virtue of her sex. He then ranted about how he would find peace off the Internet, suggesting he may quit the Internet... again. (SPOILER ALERT: He didn't.)
A new face
Chris, on Daria's changes. |
On 13 May 2010, a new user called DariaCamacho appeared on the CWCipedia. She then proceeded to edit the main page and its templates as well as making new character bios. Chris, still highly paranoid after Jackie, reverted her edits on 14 May. The next day, displaying HTML skills similar to Chris, she broke the main page, which was again reverted, and added a message to her talk page asking Chris why he didn't appreciate her edits. We all know why. Chris then added his own response on 16 May, telling her not to "South Park" his work.
DariaCamacho was eventually revealed to be Mao.
CWCipedia gets gang-banged (again)
On 26 May 2010, CWCipedia was hacked, again. And once again, it was open to everyone. Several pages, once blanked and/or deleted were restored, and Sonichu #11 had the FALSE and DISHONEST comic pages back up.
Frustrated by this new wave of trolling, Chris, in a video message, abandoned ship:
“ | As of today, May 27, 2010, I, Christian Weston Chandler, relinquish what was the Cwcipedia. I am keeping ownership of what it was before yesterday, as well as my Sonichu, Rosechu, Cwcville and all therein.
I stand by my own past statements, and I ignore and heavily disagree with, detest and abolish all that are stated Against me on the Internet. I never meant to become famous, and I wish to go back to when there was little against me. |
” |
With the declaration made, the CWCipedia rapidly begin to dissolve into chaos. However, Mao Ling swooped in and rescued it. Given to Vivian Gee, the CWCipedia was revived and a new season of Sonichu began.
The end
On 26 June 2010, the CWCipedia (or "Sonichu Fans Wiki", as it had been called by its new owners) was finally terminated. Fortunately, a copy of the site as it was before the vandalism and takeover (for the most part) was kept so future generations can bear witness to the failure that was the CWCipedia. The vandalism is all preserved too, in the "history" tab of the articles. Down.
See also
External links
CWCipediaDELETEDCWCipedia, Pre-Vandalism (Mostly)Link Down- archive of the archive