One of the members of the Chaotic Combo. He is ambiguously most definitely gay (His name is Magi-CHAN, Chan being an affectionate Japanese term for girls, thus proving his sexuality) & emo. He's the serious know it all and the only character not interested in finding a sweetheart. He's also one of the major sources of deus ex machina in the comic.
He is a combination of 4 characters:
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Silver the Hedgehog (both Emo/Psychic faggy recolors)
- Pikachu
- Some Psychic Pokemon
Sonichu Babies
Magi-Chan's egg lands in a secluded cave in the cliffs surrounding Cwcville, upon hatching he is spoken to via telepathy by either a Mew or a Mewtwo - Chris's crappy drawings make it unclear. Anyhoo, this psychic what-the-fuck trains Magi-Chan Sonee in psychic ability until he evolves in meditation one day. The first thing he does whilst in his new form, is crack one off. Yes - Magi-Chan, the emo / goth, stoic and serous character farts. Classy.
When Hedgehogs Meet
Magi-Chan stands over cwcville, his all-knowing mind seeing the impending fight against Blake. He sighs, heads on over where he meets the other Chaotic Combo members and seems to set himself up as the Leader within moments. The others seemed to accept this rather than asking "Who the fuck are you, you big purple fag?" They all beat up Blake to the point where his head is bleeding all over the grass.
Sonichu 5
Magi-Chan and the other Chaotic Combo members are teleported into action by Chris. Thats about it. The entire Chaotic Combo and Sonichu never fight or have any real dialog in this issue. So what was the point in them even appearing?
Sonichu 6
While everyone is pretending to worry about Crystal Chris and Magi-Chan try to figure how to free her. Magi-Chan gives a bullshit theory about how the Sonichu Balls could break the dark mirror.
Then Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc attacks and Chris orders Magi-Chan and Sonichu to investigate with him. Magi-Chan does practically nothing from there on other than stopping Sonichu from starring in his own comic for a few seconds.
Sonichu 7
For no reason Magi-Chan along with Chris and Sonichu begin their hunt for the seven Sonichu Balls at the Manchester High School Gymnasium. Magi-Chan gives some made-up theory about how the Sonichu Balls can be scattered through time. He then realizes that Chris came in contact with the ball back in 1996 and the three go back in time to retrieve it. On the way back Chris gets lost in a time void and Magi-Chan explains the he will return eventually. Sonichu shows no real interest in his father's plight and makes a few sleazy sex references before leaving to his date with Rosechu.
Spring Break
Magi-Chan, being too lazy to do the task himself, explains to Bubbles that he has found a Sonichu Ball, and tells her to go get it. He also tries to warn her of Silvana's trap but Bubbles doesn't believe him despite the fact Magi-Chan knows fucking everything. Eventually Jiggliami calls her and tells her that she found Blake unconscious and the two girls begin fight. After Silvana leaves Bubbles asks Magi-chan to teleport her to Blake.
Dating ED
Magi-Chan has not appeared in this issue as of yet, however as it is still incomplete he may make an appearance.
Love Quest
So far, Magi-Chan has shown no romantic interest for any other character in the comic book. I'm predicting however that Silvana will eventually turn good, lose her penis and she and Magi-Chan will hook up.