Sonichu 4 Official Videobook
Sonichu 4 Official Videobook is a series of videos made by Chris, in which he reads and comments on Sonichu 4. He started uploading these videos on 14 September 2009.
In Sub-Episode 5, marvel at the exciting conclusion to the McAttack. Crystal Weston Chandler (no not that one, the other one) makes her first appearance.
Sub-Episode 5
Okay, now for our next installment of... most of Book Number 4. Because we got most of the Sub-Episodes out of the way, we shall skip right up to, uh, Sub-Episode 5. Once again, all Sonichu material is copyright March 17, 2000 by Christian Weston Chandler. Any names or persons illustrated in any of the Sonichu and Rosechu comic books except that of myself, that may seem similar to anybody in real life or fiction, are purely coincidental or otherwise parodic. Anyway, here is the cover of Book Number 4.
- "Hey, bur-ba-bur-ba-dur, Virginia is for Virgins!"
- "Hey, true love is illegal in Virginia!"
- "You'll never get away from loneliness! Deheheheh!"
I'll persevere. I'll get over it. And I will find my sweetheart!
Sub-Episode 5: Part 2 of McAttack.
As you recall from the previous Sub-Episode, Darkbind Sonichu and I kicked those M-C-D-ville manajerks' behinds. Darkbind left after the battle to continue his quest for his Princess Zelina Rosechu's re-awakening. After my victory speech, the manajerk in the Mal-Wart Region barged in to challenge me. Which brings us up to date!
- "Have some fistful fries!" [PSH!]
"Aaah!" He knocked my wings off my head! [sound effects]
- Oh man, all this soda pop gone to waste... I'd better take a shower and ooh- uh- come out smelling like a flower. [PFFFFFFF!] That was a mighty CWC shower. "Anyway, now I'm mad. YAAAAH!"
I threw a punch and he catches it with his fist. Oh. Uh, and he lifts- and he lifts me up!
- "Ah ha! Try to get out of my evil grip! Hahahahaa!"
[telepathy ensues]
- Dang it, I should've stayed transformed. But even then, would I become able to defeat this manajerk by myself?
- Don't sweat it, Chris. There is a way to defeat.
- What? Ancestor?
- Hello, Chris.
- It i- it is you. So good to see a friendly face. But I'm in a real bind now, so what advice do you have for me, wise one?
- Do you recall how your powers made your wings real?
- Yeah.
- What you need now is a woman's touch.
- What?
- Look.
- My Heart Torch? But it's made from Pixelblocks!
- Yes, Chris, but understand I know if you combined with your powers, you could use it to summon your dream sibling. She would be able to help you much better than your... mother or yourself. Farewell, Chris, I'll check in with you later.
- Summon my dream sibling? A'course! My twin sister, Crystal! I'll get the- I get the Heart Torch- I gotta get the Heart Torch, ah shoot, but there it is with the rest of my stuff on that table. I may be unable to transform, but I can still attack. "Electric Hedgehog Attack, Growth!"
And I'm bade- And I'm made bigger. [WOOWOOWOOWOO] And oh- and my hands and legs become bigger than his hands and grasp. So then I easily get up and jump out of his- jump out- jump out of his hands, and I land nearby a chair. And then, there's like there's still distance between me and the Heart Torch, so he pulls out a laser gun and he... zaps me, and he tries zaps me, but he misses all three times.
I get the Heart Torch and I go, "Heart Torch, Glow!" [WOOWOOWOOWOO] The beam blue light surrounds me [WOOWOOWOOWOOWOO] and then the- right behind me, [WOOWOOWOO] I get cloned [WOOWOOWOOWOOWOO] with my female sis- with my female clone, [WOOWOOWOO] which would be considered my sister. [WOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOO] "Ah well. Huh."
- "Fancy seeing you in the flesh, Christopher... my brother! Even though we're clones, we're still like siblings!"
- "And it is good to have you here, too, Crystal, my sister!"
"Oh, swell," replies the W-M-Manajerk. "Now there's two of 'em? That makes my job a lot harder! But I'll do it anyway!" [PKEW!] He zaps his gun.
- [gasp] "Get down, brother!" [sound effects]
It misses the both of us.
- "Oh, great! Another hole-in-one!"
- "Ah, thanks for the save, sis!"
- "No problem."
- "I see your- but d- your medallion. Do you possess the same amount- same anchuent powers as I do?"
- "Yeah, I can transform!"
- "All right, then let's- all right, then let's transform and get him!"
- "Yeah!"
[singing together] Electriiic Hedgehooog Powerrr! [transformation noises]]
Ta-da! Chris-Chan Sonichu! Crystalina Rosechu!
[PEW-PEW! PEW-PEW! PEW-PEW!] Continues to zap at us, but we deflect with Mirror Coat, and shoots his shooting arm off.
- "Aah!"
Crystal and I come together, and jump up and bego- and lean on and towards a double-corkscrew KICK! [VRRRRR! PPPPPPSH!] We knock him down. Hmm.
- "Hey sis, let's finish him off!"
- "My come- by combining our ultimate attacks... you read my mind! Oh yeah, let's do it!"
- "Mmmph," he's nadrama.
So then she... takes off her tiara, and she goes "Shocking Tiara!"
And I start off my Curse-Ye-Ha-Me-Ha, then she throws her tiara and I launch my attack, "Ha!" aiming at the intersection point of her tiara and the- and the duh- and the manajerk, combining our powers into one forceful attack. We hit- we destroy his robotic body and his head comes poppin' off. BOOM! [sound effects]]
And he's landed- his head just lands near by us.
"Eeh!" And then the Seinor Merried Keer- Seinor Comic says, "I knew he couldn't get him- I knew he couldn't get him e-der!"
Then the black manajerk says, "Yeah, we three should go back to PVCCitizens." Hmm.
- "Wow. Just a head. Well it shows that he can never be left behind."
- "Hahaha! That's a good one! But seriously, I have a few words for this manajerk.
- Oh great. [mental grumbling]
- "How dare you intrude in my brother's long and enduring quest to find a boyfriend-free girl! And not only that, you also had the nerve to attempt to hurt him emotionally and physically! Ynaow would you feel if you were in his situation? You'd understand that spelling it out is the way to find a girlfriend from the ground up especially since he is very shy! But I pity you, because you have no body, which leads to the obvious conclusion that you have no heart. You are missing out on some awesomely great emotions, big time! You can't possibly feel the intense emotions from having a frustrated hormones, as well as his loneliness, you jerk! Why don't you just..."
- "Eh ok ok ok, sis, I feel- I think you made your point. What I- what I want to know is who sent this jerk?"
- "Grr. Fine, I'll tell you. I'm from the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens, and I was sent by its president, Slaweel the Witch."
- "Dang that witch! It is so like her to attempt to murder my soul again! Let's send this bowling ball flying back toward- to that witch, sis!"
- "Alright!"
- "Alright, we kick on 'hike.' HUT, HUT, HUT, HIKE!" [PFFT]
And the head gets blown- gets b- gets kicked sky-high.
Meanwhile, at Slaweel's office at the Private Villa of Corrupted Citizens, Slaweel watches us from a crystal ball.
- "Come, Crystal. I'll treat you to lunch."
And then Count Graduon says, "Hehe, you'll get his soul yet!"
- "Curses that Chris! He has thwarted my fed- efforts again!"
[PFFT!] And the head- and the head of the manajerk crashes in [Chris giggles] and it bonks Mary Lee Walsh- bonks Slaweel Ryam on the head!
- "I thought it couldn't get any worse!"
[TWEETWEETWEETWEETWEE! CUCKOO! CUCKOO! CUCKOO!] And her cuckoo-clock goes, "If she thinks he'll never find a boyfriend-free girl with his method, then Slaweel is CUCKOO! CUCKOO! CUCKOO!"
End of the episode. Stay tuned for the next Sub-Episode.
Sub Episode 6
Sub Episode 7
Sub Episode 8