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Welcome to the CWCki!
The encyclopedia about Christian Weston Chandler .
We currently have 2,621 articles...and counting!
*Any names, or persons, discussed in this wiki,
that may seem similar to anyone in real life,
are purely coincidental, or otherwise parodic.*

CWCiki Introduction.jpg

Da Update


For current updates about Chris, visit the Kiwi Farms.

Quote of the Now

LOOK, money is BAD right now; As much as I hate to say, I am still Partially Human and need FOOD to survive! As well as my mother and our Pets - the need is DIRE!

BZZZT! This is Magi-Chan Sonichu AND Mewtwo - please help our wife with Great Haste!

              -chris, using fictional characters to gain sympathy

Begging Counter

Do not donate to or buy anything from Chris: he lies about needing money and habitually neglects his customers and supporters (and worse). It has been…
days since Chris last begged for money.

Record Streak: 1,074 days

days since Chris last uploaded pages to meet his (formerly) paid obligations to the Sonichu comic.

Record Streak: 1,718 days

days since Chris last applied for a job.

Record Streak: 5,379 days

Etsy 3 years complaint.png

An Etsy customer gambled that Chris would deliver and lost, still bitter over it three years later.

Article of the Now


The self-inflicted taint wound (or Un-Clit 2.0) is the result of Chris's attempt to deal with his gender dysphoria issues using magical thinking. On the evening of 23 July 2016, following several months of believing that he was magically undergoing sex-reassignment through listening to Subliminal Frequency Hypnosis videos, Chris sliced his taint open with a knife in an attempt to expedite the transformation. On 24 July 2016, Chris announced in a Facebook post that he had grown vaginal labia from his hypnosis regimen.

Pictures revealed by Chris exhibited how badly he was handled what could have evolved into a life-threatening infection: he is shown spreading the wound as if it were a vagina. Chris initially responded to direct attempts at getting him to see a doctor by replying that he already had and everything was fine – something no trusted doctor would ever say regarding this outrageous situation. He then deleted all related posts in an attempt at damage control. Marvin confirmed that Chris sought treatment after the posts went public and people hassled him into finally admitting that his "labia" was in fact a wound.


This Day in Christory

"Since he has put himself into Sonichu’s world, he will “Cosplay” as himself"

Today in Christory, in 2005, Chris arrived at the Anime Mid-Atlantic convention.


Did You Know

Picture of the Now

May 29, 2024 Sighting security camera footage1.jpg

Video of the Now