Jason Kendrick Howell
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Jason Kendrick Howell is the alleged creator (or so says Chris) of the Chris-chan ED page. He wanted to call the police on Jason for allegedly having sex with an underage girl. (Spoiler: Jason never did have that underage sex.)
After Chris discovered the ED page he had some e-mail correspondence with Jason, from which Chris got Jason's phone number.
Chris later used the phone number to find the city which Jason lived in, as well as tracing down his MySpace, where he found Kathleen Nicole Wallace by looking at Jason's friend list. Chris made the assumption that Kathleen was Jason's girlfriend and Jason have had sex with her, which, combined with Kathleen status as a 17 year old, led to his accusation of Jason having underage sex. Chris also took note of the background image on Jason's MySpace page, and based Jason's appearance in the comic upon that picture.
After Jason inclusion in the comic, Chris had some more e-mail exchanging with him, but it soon died out.
About a year later Chris's Sonichu site was hacked by a troll posing as Jason. Chris responded by e-mailing Jason the infamous "I'LL BREAK YOU DEAD" threat.
Jason goes by Liquid Snake on /v/. According to Chris, he is also "the Dork of Ages".
In Sonichu
Jason appears in Sonichu 8 in the episode, "Rage Against the Garbage", as the episode's primary antagonist. He appears to reside in the 4-cent_garbage.com building on the 72nd floor (because 72 is 66+6 GET IT 666 BECAUSE HE'S EVIL).
Jason wears a cloak most of the time, and also has an eyepatch, headband, and brown hair. The eyepatch, headband and hair color sparked some curiosity and confusion amongst the trolls, considering that it was almost a blatant reference to Metal Gear Solid's "Big Boss" character. Some were worried that Chris had actually PLAYED MGS, and was now ripping it off. However, it was revealed later by Jason himself that he actually sent Chris a picture of himself wearing an eyepatch.
Sonichu and Rosechu confront Jason and Kathleen Nicole Wallace over the images featured on the website of Rosechu's TRUE and ORIGINAL genitalia. After refusing to take down the website following Sonichu's shitty and meaningless speech, Sonichu attempts to fight Jason, only to have his furry ass kicked by Jason's "dark force" powers. Rosechu then face-rapes him nearly to death, but the "dark forces" keep him alive. It is assumed he will return in later issues.
See also
See also