Gun Comic

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Revision as of 12:54, 8 November 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs) (An examination of Chris's comic's plan.)
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On 8 November, 2009, Liquid Chris uploaded this video containing comics drawn by Chris which depicted Liquid Chris as a knife wielding villain who kidnapped Kacey, to which Chris comes to her rescue and shoots Liquid in both of his feet with a handgun. This could be considered a threat to maim Liquid in real life, which is, of course, illegal.

The Plot to Assassinate Liquid Chris

The comic, as far as Chris goes, is fairly realistic. There are no superpowers or electric hedgehogs or Transformers. It seems that Chris believes this would really work in real life. To reiterate, the plan goes like this:

  • Step 1: Drive at precisely the speed limit 100 miles to Liquid Chris's location.
  • Step 2: Disarm the knife-wielding Liquid.
  • Step 3: Cap a bitch.
  • Step 4: Take Kacey home to parents for adulation.

Despite the fact that Chris does not own a gun, is not in the greatest of shape, has no idea how to fight, and is going against a man who is most expressly not a knife-wielding psychopath, Chris seems to think this would be a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Here's how the plan looks to someone who isn't questionably sane:

  • Step 1: Drive at precisely the speed limit 100 miles to save his girlfriend from a knife-wielding psychopath instead of gunning it as fast he can or, I dunno, calling the police.
  • Step 2: Even though he has a gun, try to disarm said knife-wielding psychopath with no melee weapons or defensive items of his own.
  • Step 3: Shoot an unarmed man in the legs, which, to quote Neil Stevenson (an author Chris has almost certainly never heard of), would be like cutting the bottom out of a cup of coffee, leaving Liquid to bleed to death and likely permanently crippling him even if he doesn't.
  • Step 4: Take Kacey home to a military family to tell them that he has shot an unarmed man in the legs instead of calling the police.

Besides the implicit death threat, CWC's comic includes vigilantism and what would either count as murder in the first degree or assault with a deadly weapon. At least he wouldn't have a speeding ticket on top of it, which sadly deprives the story of the kind of "Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking" gag Chris just loves to parrot from better art.