List of Chris-chan videos, 2009

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Chris's videos acheived undreamt of heights in 2009.

The following is a list of videos featuring Christian Weston Chandler in 2009.

Chris's use of video exploded this year, spurred on by his sincere belief in both a fan base eager to heed his words and a vast conspiracy of trolls that might be defeated by his proclamations. The first half of the year is notable for a near-continuous cycle of sagas involving PanaHalo, Miyamoto, Clyde, Julie, and Ivy. Following the collapse of the Ivy Saga in late May, Chris attempted to withdraw his Love Quest from the internet, severely curtailing his video output.

However, July saw a confluence of key events: the hacking and suspension of his "CChanSonichu" YouTube account, the creation of a new account with a video in which Chris "revealed" his persona was an act, and the emergence of an impostor purporting to be the real Chris on his real new account. The saga of Liquid Chris accusing "Solid" of being a troll named Ian Brandon Anderson infuriated the big CWC, resulting in near-constant videos attempting to prove his identity. Just as things appeared to be petering out, Chris determined that he had a shot at Liquid's sweetheart Kacey, prolonging the Liquid Saga into November.

As the year drew to a close, the lasting effects of the Ivy Saga (Chris's determination to have his own Wikipedia page) and the Liquid Saga (Chris's renewed dedication to producing comics to maintain a hold on his fans) gave rise to CWCipedia, which created openings for future sagas in 2010.


Chris produced or appeared in 13 videos in January 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
06 January 2009 CWC ACCityFolk Update Video gamesVideo games MiyamotoMiyamoto Dog ShirtDog Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris announces that a deal has been made with Shigeru Miyamoto of Nintendo of America to introduce Sonichu and Rosechu as characters in Animal Crossing: City Folk game, although he seems to believe that early versions of these characters have somehow escaped into the internet.
08 January 2009 CWC Update 010808 WebsiteWebsite ClydeClyde MiyamotoMiyamoto RageRage Dark RedDark Red CChan6789 LiveLive Chris issues a statement announcing the hacking of CWC's Sonichu Site! by Gregg Mays. He demands that the site be restored, since he is not afraid to SHOW MY FANGS
12 January 2009 IamSTRAIGHT HomosHomos RageRage Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe CChan6789 LiveLive In eight seconds, Chris "proves" he's straight with a poster of Britney Spears.
12 January 2009 IamSTRAIGHT HomosHomos ReasonReason Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe CChan6789 LiveLive In case the first video didn't convince you, Chris elaborates for ten minutes about his straightness, and holds up a copy of Playboy.
15 January 2009 CWC's Denouncement of the E.D. "Chris Chan" Webpage PowerPower TrollsTrolls GalpalsGalpals EDED MiyamotoMiyamoto SmugSmug RageRage Dark RedDark Red CChan6789 LiveLive Possibly under pressure from Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aimé, Christian strongly denounces his page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, as officially as possible. He also forbids everyone from looking at it.
16 January 2009 CWCUpdate01312009 WebsiteWebsite EDED TragedyTragedy Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris warns his fans that Jason Kendrick Howell has hacked his Tripod account again, so he announces the abandonment of and the creation of
17 January 2009 Christian Weston Chandler to Mr. Miyamoto Video gamesVideo games MiyamotoMiyamoto ReasonReason Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris tries to salvage his video game deal with Miyamoto after they each accused one another of being a troll.
18 January 2009 CWCUpdate01182009 HomosHomos ViolenceViolence RageRage Classic ShirtClassic Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris issues a scathing statement in response to hackers sending emails in his name claiming to have come out of the closet. He denies this outrageous claim and proves his heterosexuality by stomping on the vibrator that he has placed in his anus.
19 January 2009 CWCtoClydeCash ClydeClyde ReasonReason Classic ShirtClassic Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris begs Clyde Cash to stop torturing him for revenge over his brother Ryan's suicide. He suggests Clyde just get over it, perhaps by finding a girlfriend. He also compares Clyde's family tragedy to the death of his dog.
21 January 2009 CWCUpdate01202009 WebsiteWebsite HomosHomos TrollsTrolls The JokerThe Joker CChan6789 LiveLive Announcement of the demise of He promises his fans (especially the female ones) that he will restore his true website soon. Oh, and by the way, Chris thinks his grade school principal molested him.
26 January 2009 CWCUpdate01262009 Video gamesVideo games ComicsComics HomosHomos MiyamotoMiyamoto SmugSmug Jamaican FlagJamaican Flag CChan6789 LiveLive Chris claims to have recently attended a summit with Miyamoto in Red Mond, where they supposedly discussed their video game partnership. Somehow you can just tell he hasn't even left his house since his last video.
30 January 2009 CWC Update 30 January 2009 HomosHomos Video gamesVideo games MiyamotoMiyamoto RageRage SmugSmug Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png CChan6789 LiveLive Chris admits he didn't really go to Red Mond. He also angrily responds to Reggie Fils-Aimé and his complaint about a panty shot in Chris's PowerPoint presentation, a complaint Chris distorts into an attack on true (heterosexual) love.
31 January 2009 CWCUpdate01312009 Video gamesVideo games AutismAutism MiyamotoMiyamoto TragedyTragedy Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe CChan6789 LiveLive Chris apologizes to Miyamoto and Fils-Aimé, and begs them not to cancel the project and to prove to his family that the project is real.


Chris produced or appeared in 9 videos in February 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
05 February 2009 ECV 00048 HomosHomos JulieJulie ClydeClyde Dark RedDark Red CChan6789 LiveLive Threatening Julie with harm, Clyde Cash demanded that Chris come out of the closet on YouTube in exchange for her safety. Ambivalent about how to handle the situation, Chris posts a video in which he filibusters for nearly three minutes and finally declares himself to be a "Gaybian".
05 February 2009 ECV 00049 HomosHomos JulieJulie ClydeClyde Dark RedDark Red CChan6789 LiveLive Unsatisfied with Chris's first take, Clyde forces him to a second time to announce he is gay. Chris tries even harder to subliminally indicate that the statement is being made under duress.
06 February 2009 ECV 00050 HomosHomos JulieJulie ClydeClyde ReasonReason Straight White LinesStraight White Lines CChan6789 LiveLive Chris quickly reveals the reason he said he was gay, and explains all the clues he provided to the contrary. To complete another obligation to Clyde, he destroys his vibrator.

08 February 2009 CWC Update 02082009 HomosHomos WebsiteWebsite PandaPanda JulieJulie TragedyTragedy Green StripeGreen Stripe CChan6789 LiveLive Chris again denies that he has come out of the closet. He introduces as his new website. He also speculates that his sweetheart PandaHalo may have been killed in the recent bushfires in Australia, and pleads with her to let him know if she's safe.
10 February 2009 CWC Update 02102009 Video gamesVideo games MiyamotoMiyamoto JulieJulie ClydeClyde ReasonReason Dog ShirtDog Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris shows off his bedroom floor, in a bid to demonstrate to Clyde Cash that he has fulfilled his end of their agreement. Chris then follows up by reading a letter from Nintendo of America confirming that he had never been talking to the real Shigeru Miyamoto.

18 February 2009 CWC Shout Out to Sarah May GalpalsGalpals ReasonReason TragedyTragedy Jamaican FlagJamaican Flag CChan6789 LiveLive Chris opens by explaining that he's just finished filming a dedication for one of his sweetest Sonichu Girls. He doesn't name this female fan, but it's nevertheless clear that he's referring to Sarah May.

18 February 2009 CWC Update 02182009 HomosHomos TragedyTragedy Jamaican FlagJamaican Flag CChan6789 LiveLive Chris apologizes for having ever said that he hates all gays.
20 February 2009 For Julies Eyes Only.MP4 SexSex JulieJulie CrazyCrazy Nude LeakedLeaked LiveLive Footage of Chris's duck pounding his sex doll's tom-tom and calling it JULAYYY!
23 February 2009 Ode to Julie (confirm original title) JulieJulie CrazyCrazy Red BlueRed Blue CChan6789 LiveLive Chris waxes Shakespearean for Julie. He also farts a lot.


Chris produced or appeared in 19 videos in March 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
04 March 2009 CWC Update 03042009 JulieJulie TragedyTragedy Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Announcements regarding the abrupt end of the Julie saga and the status of BILLY MAYS being mayor of CWCville.
04 March 2009 ECV 00058 WebsiteWebsite JulieJulie TragedyTragedy Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris announces the downfall of, and asks someone to give Max Milvania a cold.
10 March 2009 CWC with Bible - Leviticus HomosHomos Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe CChan6789 LiveLive Chris reads the anti-homosexual passages from Leviticus 18 after hearing about them from Family Guy. He announces that his Love Quest will henceforth be in real life only, and will not be pursued online.
12 March 2009 CWC Callout for Miss Emily and Stephanie GalpalsGalpals EmilyEmily The JokerThe Joker CChan6789 LiveLive Chris asks Emily and Stephanie to call him back.
16 March 2009 Apology to Emily GalpalsGalpals EmilyEmily Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png CChan6789 LiveLive Chris apologizes to Emily for missing their date.
16 March 2009 Apology to Game & Hobby Place Video gamesVideo games Game_Place_sagaGame_Place_saga TragedyTragedy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png CChan6789 LiveLive Chris tries to make amends with Michael Snyder so he can buy stuff.
18 March 2009 CWC Update 03182009 More Updated ComicsComics Video gamesVideo games IvyIvy Captain FalconCaptainfalconshirt.PNG CChan6789 LiveLive Chris explains a few recent happenings, or lack thereof. He expresses his hope that he'll win some Eye of Judgment tournament and get some special cards. He then goes on to make excuses for his predictable delays in turning out any new comic pages, and he makes a brief shout-out to Ivy.
20 March 2009 Update IvyIvy CrazyCrazy JerkopJerkop CChan6789 LiveLive Chris talks to Ivy exactly as if she were a baby.
26 March 2009 CWC Music Video Holding Out For a Hero MusicMusic IvyIvy CrazyCrazy JerkopJerkop PokéShirtPokéShirt CChan6789 LiveLive An elaborately-produced (well, for Chris) music video set to Chris singing the Bonnie Tyler power ballad.
26 March 2009 CWC Major Update 03262009 GalpalsGalpals TrollsTrolls WebsiteWebsite ComicsComics PowerPower IvyIvy ReasonReason TragedyTragedy Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Chris angrily demands that people stop harassing Megan.
27 March 2009 Inside TragedyTragedy ReasonReason CChan6789 LiveLive An unprecedented look at 14 Branchland Court and the piles of garbage therein.
27 March 2009 Outside TragedyTragedy ReasonReason CChan6789 LiveLive The outside of Chris's house is almost as disturbing as the inside.
27 March 2009 CWC Update!!!!! 03272009 ViolenceViolence PowerPower ComicsComics IvyIvy ClydeClyde RageRage Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt CChan6789 LiveLive Tard rage beyond max thousands. Chris tells everyone to "BACK THE FUCK OFF!" and expresses a desire to strangle Clyde Cash.
28 March 2009 ECV 00069 MusicMusic IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Red BlueRed Blue CChan6789 LiveLive Chris mumbles to Ivy while another track of him singing "Lovin' You" plays in the background.
29 March 2009 ECV 00021 MusicMusic TelevisionTelevision IvyIvy ReasonReason ComedyComedy Danger StripeDangerstripeshirt.PNG CChan6789 LiveLive Ivy has a friend who thinks farting will kill her or something. Chris knows how to help her.
30 March 2009 CWC ViolenceViolence ClydeClyde EDED RageRage Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png CChan6789 LiveLive Chris rages at Clyde Cash over the ED page that Clyde does not run.
30 March 2009 Take that Page DOWN NOW ViolenceViolence ClydeClyde EDED RageRage Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png CChan6789 LiveLive Director's cut of the previous video, with more growling and raging.

30 March 2009 Secret Weapon ClydeClyde SmugSmug Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png CChan6789 LiveLive Chris has obtained Clyde's mugshot! Well, no he hasn't.
30 March 2009 YouTube Finale ClydeClyde RageRage Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png CChan6789 LiveLive Chris leaves YouTube forever for ten days in defiance of Clyde.


Chris produced or appeared in 24 videos in April 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
09 April 2009 CWC Update 04092009 WebsiteWebsite IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Vert RedVert Red CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris launches his new CChanSonichu YouTube account and He thanks Ivy for fixing his biological clock and says he can FEEL THE COSMOS!
12 April 2009 CWC Update Easter 2009 ComicsComics IvyIvy Red StripeRed Stripe CChanSonichu LiveLive Announcement of the release of Episode 19 on Chris gives a shout-out to Ivy, her crabs, and his dead girlfriend's sister.
12 April 2009 More for the crabs IvyIvy Red StripeRed Stripe CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris offers his good wishes to Ivy's crabs.
12 April 2009 ECV 00081 IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Red StripeRed Stripe CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris makes out with Ivy, using his sex doll Kimmi as a proxy.
12 April 2009 Bunny Hop IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Red StripeRed Stripe CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris holds two straws behind his head and hops around like a bunny. Srsly.
16 April 2009 ACWCAudition MusicMusic IvyIvy ClydeClyde ComedyComedy CrazyCrazy Straight White LinesStraight White Lines LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris's "audition tape" that he filmed for Vanessa Hudgens

16 April 2009 ECV 00082 SexSex IvyIvy ReasonReason Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris demonstrates for Ivy how he recycles his own semen.
16 April 2009 ECV 00083 SexSex IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Nude LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris, fully nude, bends over and spanks himself to apologize to Ivy and turn her on.

16 April 2009 ECV 00084 SexSex IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Nude LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris wanders around in his bathroom, fully nude.
17 April 2009 I am devoted to My Sweetest Ivy IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Vert RedVert Red CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris kisses and makes up with Officer Nasty, so somehow this means Ivy will forgive him.
17 April 2009 Matthew 5 27, CWC Confessions IvyIvy TragedyTragedy Vert RedVert Red CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris reads from Matthew 5:27-30, and apologizes for cybering with Vanessa Hudgens when he was supposed to stay faithful to Ivy.
23 April 2009 Will the REAL Clyde Cash Please step forward ClydeClyde CrazyCrazy RageRage Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris calls out Clyde Cash for a final showdown.
24 April 2009 CWC's ¨It's All Coming Back To Me¨ MusicMusic IvyIvy Classic ShirtClassic Shirt CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris proposes marriage to Ivy, leading into a music video of him singing Celene Dion while his future marriage is depicted in comics form.
24 April 2009 I Got A Fish MusicMusic ComedyComedy Classic ShirtClassic Shirt CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris cements his place in YouTube history by finally making an unforgettably stupid video that isn't NSFW.
24 April 2009 MEOW IvyIvy CrazyCrazy CChanSonichu LiveLive A short clip from the wedding video
27 April 2009 StrongCWC1 PowerPower ComedyComedy topless LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris boasts of his power and shreds on his toy guitar.
27 April 2009 StrongCWC2 PowerPower ComedyComedy topless LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris narrates himself lifting a chair which weighs "a grand number of pounds."
27 April 2009 StrongCWCPower PowerPower ComedyComedy topless LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris narrates himself lifting the same chair with a basket of books in it.

27 April 2009 CWCFlyingElephants CrazyCrazy Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG Nude LeakedLeaked LiveLive The Miscreants leak Chris's tribute to Monty Python, which mainly involves him running around naked while screaming.
28 April 2009 ECV 00095 SexSex IvyIvy ReasonReason Straight White LinesStraight White Lines CChanSonichu LiveLive Having been told that the April 16 videos were leaked and discovered by a small child, Chris addresses the issue and justifies his jizz-drinking and self-flagellation in a manner that audiences of all ages can understand. He avoids saying Ivy asked for the videos, but seems concerned that people will think he made them for some guy.
28 April 2009 ECV 00096 SexSex IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Straight White LinesStraight White Lines CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris is now free to name the person who requested the fetish videos, and he is visibly relieved to do so. He insists Ivy is real and they will have sex.

29 April 2009 CWC Update 04292009 ComicsComics Straight White LinesStraight White Lines CChanSonichu LiveLive Apology for delays in the completion of Episode 19.
30 April 2009 ShutUpBrain CrazyCrazy Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris demonstrates how he has to tell his brain to stop thinking so he can sleep.
30 April 2009 WakeUpBrain CrazyCrazy Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris demonstrates how he has to tell his brain to wake up so he can think clearly.


Chris produced or appeared in 6 videos in May 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
01 May 2009 For My Sweetest Ivy SexSex MusicMusic IvyIvy CrazyCrazy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris wears a suit(!) and talks like a three-year-old about how he can't wait to rock Ivy's body.
01 May 2009 CWC Address to Unilever About AXE HomosHomos ReasonReason Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris is so outraged that Axe products are being used by homosexuals that he makes a public address about it while wearing a bathrobe.
01 May 2009 CWC Letter to Unilever HomosHomos ReasonReason Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris follows up on the critical men's hygiene product issue by reading an open letter to Unilever. He is still wearing a bathrobe.
03 May 2009 Keep CWCs Wikipedia Up RageRage Red BlueRed Blue CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris makes his case for why his Wikipedia page should be restored.
19 May 2009 CWC only accepts IN-PERSON FEMALE Encounters ReasonReason ComedyComedy RageRage Straight White LinesStraight White Lines CChanSonichu LiveLive Having been convinced Ivy was a troll, Chris amends his Love Quest policy and refuses to make future love connections over the internet.
22 May 2009 CWC Update 05222009 WebsiteWebsite Vert RedVert Red CChanSonichu LiveLive Putting the Ivy saga behind him, Chris vows to give the trolls no more food to feed off of. He also invites potential sweethearts to meet him in person. No darkies, please.


Chris produced or appeared in 12 videos in June 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
12 June 2009 Grip 'n' Sip Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png ScarletSanctum LiveLive Chris tries a Long Island Iced Tea at TGI Friday's.
12 June 2009 Chris Loves The Night Life~! Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png ScarletSanctum LiveLive Chris performs karaoke of "I Love the Nightlife".
13 June 2009 oops i almost forgot ComicsComics Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png ScarletSanctum LiveLive Sonichu is still rockin' in Chris's head.
13 June 2009 chrissy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png ScarletSanctum LiveLive Chris holds a long black balloon.

13 June 2009 Chrischan Video gamesVideo games Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png ScarletSanctum LiveLive Chris shows off his custom-decorated PSP.
14 June 2009 Don't Trust Any Homos Over There HomosHomos MusicMusic RacismRacism ComedyComedy OtherUnknownIcon.png CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris posts his first YouTube video in nearly a month to rework "Don't Trust Them New Niggas Over There" into a song about homos.
14 June 2009 I'm Sorry, Dude HomosHomos TragedyTragedy ReasonReason Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG CChanSonichu LiveLive Apology for the previous video.


Chris produced or appeared in 30 videos in July 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
01 July 2009 CWC Update 07012009 Red & WhiteRed & White CChanSonichu LiveLive Denial of involvement in the death of BILLY MAYS
01 July 2009 For G4s Web Soup Red & WhiteRed & White CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris responds to G4, following the use of I Got A Fish on Web Soup.
07 July 2009 CWC Update 07072009 Green White StripeGreen White Stripe CChanSonichu LiveLive Second denial of involvement in the death of BILLY MAYS.
10 July 2009 CWC Calls Out ShmionSonozaki RageRage The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris accuses ShmionSonozaki of being a troll and a hermaphrodite.
10 July 2009 CWC Calls Out sonichuizcool RageRage The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris accuses sonichuizcool of being a troll.
10 July 2009 CWC Calls Out oxycleanfanatic2264 RageRage The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG CChanSonichu LiveLive Chris accuses oxycleanfanatic2264 of being a hacker, possibly in connection to the hacking of his YouTube account.
11 July 2009 A near public apology ReasonReason Red & WhiteRed & White IBAChandler LiveLive Chris creates a new YouTube account so he can apologize for the 10 July videos that got his CChanSonichu account suspended.
12 July 2009 Chris and the Hedgehog Boys LIVE! MusicMusic The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ScarletSanctum LiveLive Chris performs karaoke of "So Need a Cute Girl".
12 July 2009 CwcTAR MusicMusic The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ScarletSanctum LiveLive Chris plays air guitar to Pat Benatar's "Hit Me with Your Best Shot".
12 July 2009 Chris Firing a away MusicMusic The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ScarletSanctum LiveLive More of Chris plays air guitar to Pat Benatar's "Hit Me with Your Best Shot".
12 July 2009 CWC needin whimmenz SexSex ComedyComedy The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ScarletSanctum LiveLive "All female hands on me!"
13 July 2009 Jet Set Cwcville The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ScarletSanctum LiveLive Chris draws Sonichu on a chalkboard wall at McIntyre Park.

17 July 2009 Rollin' and Trollin' SmugSmug Trollin' StyleTrollinstyle.png IBAChandler LiveLive Produced with help from the field agents, an elaborate production of the "new look" Chris touring Charlottesville and acting like a hep cat who obviously wasn't really a manchild. Yes, Chris was just trolling you all.
19 July 2009 CWC Trollin More ComedyComedy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris admits he was lying in "Rollin' and Trollin'" to troll his trolls.
22 July 2009 REAL Protest against the FAKE LiquidLiquid RageRage Blue T-ShirtBlueTshirt.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive First video acknowledgment of the brown-striped impostor.
22 July 2009 A Preview MusicMusic IBAChandler LiveLive Preview of Chris's "Boyfriend" performance.
23 July 2009 Do Not Dis C Ville LiquidLiquid The Classic Short SleeveClassicshort.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Swelling with pride in his community, Chris argues that an attack on him is an attack on Charlottesville.
24 July 2009 Humpidy-Hump-Hump.mp4 SexSex Video gamesVideo games TrollsTrolls ComedyComedy Blue T-ShirtBlueTshirt.png LeakedLeaked LiveLive After letting his PlayStation Network get hacked by Jack Thadeus, Chris must dry-hump his PS3 for eight minutes in order to get it back.
24 July 2009 It's UGH! HomosHomos MusicMusic Brown with Blue LogoBrownlogoshirt2.png IBAChandler LiveLive Jack Thadeus also forces Chris to sing Tomboy's "OK2BGAY," which he does under extreme protest.
24 July 2009 It's____ HomosHomos MusicMusic ComedyComedy OtherUnknownIcon.png IBAChandler LiveLive Jack Thadeus makes Chris to do another take of "OK2BGAY," with more enthusiasm.
24 July 2009 CWC Dare MusicMusic Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris sings Stan Bush's "Dare" from the 1986 Transformers movie soundtrack.
25 July 2009 CWC "Boyfriend" MusicMusic IvyIvy Blue T-ShirtBlueTshirt.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris sings the Avril Lavigne hit "Boyfriend", with some tweaks to the lyrics.
26 July 2009 I Am The TRUE, Original Christopher Christian Weston Chandler; No Ifs, Ands Or Buts ComicsComics LiquidLiquid RageRage Vert RedVert Red IBAChandler LiveLive Chris goes through his scrapbook of comic pages to prove he is real and his impostor is fake.
29 July 2009 CWC More Than A Feeling MusicMusic LiquidLiquid OtherUnknownIcon.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris plays Boston's "More Than a Feeling" on Guitar Hero, probably to demonstrate his special CWC talents and prove his identity.
29 July 2009 CWC Update 07292009 RumorsRumors HomosHomos LiquidLiquid ReasonReason RageRage Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris explains he's not gay, or a troll, or selling Sonichu merchandise. In an extended version, in which Chris holds up his driver's license to prove his identity.
29 July 2009 CWC Update 07292009 (extended version) RumorsRumors HomosHomos LiquidLiquid ReasonReason RageRage Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive In an extended version of the previous video, Chris holds up his driver's license to prove his identity.

29 July 2009 CWC Update 07292009-2 LiquidLiquid SmugSmug Green White StripeGreen White Stripe Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris issues a challenge to his impostor in Spanish.
31 July 2009 Christian Weston Chandler - It Took Me Weeks to Perfect that Goatee, but it WILL Grow Back LiquidLiquid CrazyCrazy Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive Chris again tries to prove he's the real Chris by dry-shaving his goatee.
31 July 2009 SingStar Challenge MusicMusic LiquidLiquid SmugSmug Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive Chris challenges Mr. Brown-Striped Impostor to a series of singing performances.
31 July 2009 CWC Challenge Song 1/5 Sonic Boom Pastiche MusicMusic LiquidLiquid SmugSmug Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive Round 1 of the SingStar Challenge. Chris performs "Sonic Boom."


Chris produced or appeared in 38 videos in August 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
01 August 2009 I PRESSED PLAY MusicMusic LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive Chris is already defending himself from allegations of cheating in the SingStar Challenge.
02 August 2009 CWC Challenge Song 2/5 Don't Say You Love Me - M2M MusicMusic LiquidLiquid ParappaParappa IBAChandler LiveLive Round 2 of the SingStar Challenge. Chris performs "Don't Say You Love Me."
03 August 2009 CWC Challenge Song 3/5 Autumn Goodbye - Britney Spears MusicMusic LiquidLiquid Green and WhiteGreenwhiteshirt.png IBAChandler LiveLive Round 3 of the SingStar Challenge. Chris performs "Autumn Goodbye".
03 August 2009 CWC 3/5 Bonus - Yearbooks LiquidLiquid IBAChandler LiveLive Perhaps already sensing defeat, Chris cites his yearbooks to show he's not the impostor.
03 August 2009 C.W.C. - Thank You :) TrollsTrolls LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive Chris reprises his 2005 future message video to explain that he understands why he is trolled and that he appreciates the trolls' efforts.
04 August 2009 CWC - Exposing Jeff LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive Believing he has discovered CChanSonichuCWC's name is "Jeff", Chris tries to talk him into abandoning his imposture.
04 August 2009 CWC - Hand Drawn Original ComicsComics LiquidLiquid Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive An unseen person draws a picture of Sonichu. It can only be the real Chris!
04 August 2009 CWC Challenge Song 4/5: The Touch - Stan Bush MusicMusic LiquidLiquid TragedyTragedy Classic ShirtClassic Shirt IBAChandler LiveLive Round 4 of the SingStar Challenge. Chris sings Stan Bush's "The Touch" with a look on his face suggesting either great devotion or abject defeat.
04 August 2009 For Kacey from CWC SexSex LiquidLiquid ReasonReason IBAChandler LiveLive Chris sits in the dark talking to Kacey so she'll think he's Liquid Chris.
05 August 2009 CWC Challenge Song 5/5 from Chris: "Smell yo D**** MusicMusic LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png IBAChandler LiveLive Final round of the SingStar Challenge. Chris must perform Riskay's "Smell Yo Dick" at the request of Liquid Chris. In his first take he censors himself.
05 August 2009 CWC Challenge Song 5/5 from Chris: "Smell yo D**** (second take) MusicMusic LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Brown with LogoBrownshirtwithlogo.png IBAChandler LiveLive Called out by Liquid, Chris is forced to re-do the video by his own contest rules.
07 August 2009 CHRIS!!! CHANDLER!!! LiquidLiquid RageRage The JokerThe Joker IBAChandler LiveLive Seeking tit for tat, Chris finds an excuse to rage at Liquid over his fifth performance in the SingStar Challenge like Liquid had done to him earlier. He insists on being referred to "he real name that God and the bear has given me."
09 August 2009 CCWC's Final Warning to the Second CWC LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Red & WhiteRed & White IBAChandler LiveLive Chris gives his ultimatum to CChanSonichuCWC
10 August 2009 LOOK at the truth! LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Red & WhiteRed & White IBAChandler LiveLive Chris spells out the differences between the brown-striped impostor and himself; a comparison that is most unkind to Chris.
12 August 2009 CWC Update 08122009 Fan ArtFan Art RageRage ReasonReason Green White StripeGreen White Stripe IBAChandler LiveLive Chris is shocked that upon his request for fan art he has received a wave of pornography featuring Sonichu and Rosechu raping their children.
12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 1 #10 MusicMusic JulieJulie Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris begins an eight-part series counting down the top 10 dedications on radio station KCWC. Coming in at #10 is a song for Max but Chris decides to blow him off and dedicate Stan Bush's "Dare" to everybody who gets bullied.
12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 2 #9 and 8 MusicMusic Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Coming in at #9 is "No Tengo Dinero" by Los Umbrellos, dedicated to Joshua Martinez. At #8, Chris dedicates "Sneakernight" to the Vanessa Hudgens.
12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 3 #7 MusicMusic Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive For #7, Chris dedicates "Making Love" by Yngwie Malmsteen to Megan Schroeder.

12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 4 #6 and 5 MusicMusic LiquidLiquid Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive #6 on the countdown is Tearin' Up My Heart" by 'N Sync, dedicated to Liquid and Kacey. Coming in at #5 is "Sonic Boom" dedicated to Chris's childhood self, Christopher.
12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 5 #4 MusicMusic Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive REO Speedwagon's "Can't Fight this Feeling" is dedicated posthumously to Sarah Jackson at #4.

12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 6 #3 MusicMusic IvyIvy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Another posthumous dedication goes out to Ivy at #3 with Britney Spears's "Heaven on Earth."

12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 7 #2 MusicMusic IvyIvy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Ivy gets a second dedication at #2, with "Holding Out For a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler.

12 August 2009 KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special, Part 8 #1 MusicMusic PandaPanda Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive And the #1 spot on the countdown is "Lift Up Your Eyes" from The Planetshakers, dedicated to PandaHalo.

13 August 2009 CWC Update 08132009 MusicMusic LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Green White StripeGreen White Stripe IBAChandler LiveLive Chris insists the SingStar Challenge isn't over yet and plays White Strips for KissMeKate.
14 August 2009 CWC Public Disclaimer LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png IBAChandler LiveLive Wearing his suit jacket, Chris again tries to affirm his authenticity, and meticulously provides his dox in the process.
14 August 2009 NO D*** WAY, IMPOSTOR!!! LiquidLiquid RageRage Red with Black TrimRedblacktrim.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris is furious at the suggestion CChanSonichuCWC is leaving YouTube to pursue fame and happiness.
15 August 2009 The Contest NEVER was to Determine Who was Who MusicMusic LiquidLiquid SmugSmug Creepy RobeCreepyrobe.PNG IBAChandler LiveLive Chris insists the SingStar Challenge was just for fun, not to decide who is the impostor. Then he performs "So Need a Cute Girl" to make sure the judges know he's not the impostor in case they want to change their votes. Because, you know, nothing's at stake unless he's winning.
16 August 2009 ECV 00183 PowerPower LiquidLiquid CrazyCrazy SmugSmug Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris decides to lift any curses he placed on anyone using the Curse-ye-ha-me-ha.
16 August 2009 Guitar Rock Hero Band Revolution Notes Video gamesVideo games Red StuttgartRedshirt2.pngDenim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive A bunch of boring thoughts about Guitar Hero and other shit.
16 August 2009 Make Custom Characters Copyable Video gamesVideo games Red StuttgartRedshirt2.pngDenim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive A bunch of boring thoughts about Guitar Hero and other shit.
16 August 2009 Light His Mind's Darkest Hour MusicMusic LiquidLiquid CrazyCrazy ReasonReason Red StuttgartRedshirt2.pngDenim JacketTruckerSprite.png IBAChandler LiveLive Chris examines CChanSonichuCWC's last video to establish that nobody really kidnapped him. He lifts the curse on the impostor just to be nice.
18 August 2009 CWCFighter ViolenceViolence CrazyCrazy Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris pretends to fight out in his yard.
18 August 2009 One Blessing, and One Curse PowerPower ClydeClyde CrazyCrazy ReasonReason RageRage Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris retracts his curse on Mary Lee Walsh, but launches a new curse on Vivian G and (if he's still alive) Clyde.
20 August 2009 CWC Update 08202009 ComicsComics WebsiteWebsite ViolenceViolence LiquidLiquid SmugSmug Green White StripeGreen White Stripe Denim JacketTruckerSprite.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris announces the creation of a new DeviantART account to store his comic pages when CWCipedia is down.
22 August 2009 Show RESPECT to me, "C"CWC MusicMusic ComicsComics LiquidLiquid The Classic Short SleeveClassicshort.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris sings Aretha Franklin's classic, "Respect." And manages to misspell "respect."
27 August 2009 ECV 00193 RageRage Green with Black TrimGreenblacktrim.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive After being ordered by his parents to remove the video tour of his house from the internet, Chris rages at the trolls who have mirrored the video.
27 August 2009 ECV 00192 RageRage Green with Black TrimGreenblacktrim.png LeakedLeaked LiveLive The uncut version of the previous video, in which Bob Chandler walks into the shoot and chews out Chris.
29 August 2009 08292009 TrollsTrolls ReasonReason TragedyTragedy Sea GreenSea Green ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris stares off into space as he asks why trolls pick on "this young lad".
30 August 2009 08302009 TrollsTrolls CrazyCrazy The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ChristianWChandler LiveLive Christian Weston Chandler claims to have not received any boxes from the USPS or UPS. He then goes on to prove he's completely insane by taking on a second personality: Christopher.


Chris produced or appeared in 8 videos in September 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
04 September 2009 09042009 RageRage Blue with Thin StripesBlueThinStripes.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris thanks Vivian for his father's birthday present and also shows his displeasure at Vivian wanting to put the audiobooks on DVD and sell them, demanding that she remove all the videos and shut down her account before she can regain his respect again.
06 September 2009 09062009 ViolenceViolence RageRage Classic ShirtClassic Shirt ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris shows his displeasure at Vivian's refusal to remove the videos by destroying the sign that was put on his front yard months earlier.
10 September 2009 09102009 Video gamesVideo games Red StuttgartRedshirt2.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris utterly dismisses a possible interview with Veronica Belmont of Playstation Magazine Europe as a troll, continuing to display his utter paranoia and control over what he wants to do and how he wants it.
13 September 2009 CWC 09132009 Video gamesVideo games Red PokéShirtRedpokeshirt.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris proclaims that Sega's Project Needlemouse game is NOT a Sonichu game.
16 September 2009 Clyde Cash the kid video (original title unknown) ClydeClyde ReasonReason Green White StripeGreen White Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris wants his fans to call the cops on Clyde Cash, who he thinks is also Gregg Mays AND an elementary school kid!
19 September 2009 09192009 The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris addresses a troll who is selling fake Sonichu merchandise.
25 September 2009 09252009 White with Black TrimWhiteblacktrim.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris addresses fake websites and unofficial Sonichu merchandise.
29 September 2009 09292009 ClydeClyde White TWhite T ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris claims to have a "Director's Cut" version of his DVD. He also claims Gregg Mays and Clyde Cash to be one and the same.


Chris produced or appeared in 24 videos in October 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
09 October 2009 10092009 RumorsRumors Vert RedVert Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris states that Barbara does not have AIDS, that he is straight, and that the trolls should grow up.
10 October 2009 10102009 Warning - Naughty Women. ;) HomosHomos SexSex RacismRacism RageRage ReasonReason Vert RedVert Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris tries to use his drawing of himself having sex with three women as evidence against allegations that he's a homosexual.
11 October 2009 10112009 ViolenceViolence ClydeClyde RageRage Straight White LinesStraight White Lines ChristianWChandler LiveLive Christian calls out Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash for torturing his friends, then attempts to demonstrate how good of a fighter he is by punching a book, and then his own face.
12 October 2009 10122009 PowerPower ClydeClyde ComedyComedy RageRage CrazyCrazy Dark RedDark Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive A bizarre video in which Chris shouts to himself in the darkness, falls off a chair, and throws things at his camera.
14 October 2009 10142009 ClydeClyde ReasonReason Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris tells Clyde Cash/Gregg Mays to come out of hiding and fight him man-to-man.
14 October 2009 10142009 RacismRacism ViolenceViolence ComedyComedy RageRage CrazyCrazy White TWhite T ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris unburies the tomahawk toy gun he used to shoot at the Adam Stackhouse photo, and calls a war-curse upon the trolls through his alleged Cherokee ancestry.
15 October 2009 10152009 RumorsRumors LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris makes note of the return of his impostor to YouTube after being kidnapped and abandoned in the Sahara Desert.
17 October 2009 Old Time Rock and Roll on Shredwud Video gamesVideo games MusicMusic Vert RedVert Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris playing Guitar Hero on an expensive flat TV. On easy.
18 October 2009 Brutal Legend Video gamesVideo games Vert RedVert Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris presumably plugs Brütal Legend. We have no way of knowing, as the video has no sound.
21 October 2009 Brutal Legend Plus 10212009 Video gamesVideo games LiquidLiquid ComedyComedy Straight White LinesStraight White Lines ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris uploads another version of the previous video with sound this time, albeit with several skips due to PSEye neglect. He does indeed plug the game Brütal Legend and also takes a moment to hypocritically ridicule trolls.
22 October 2009 10222009 LiquidLiquid Vert RedVert Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris, still seriously suffering from crappywebcamitis, lists a whole bunch of adjectives that don't really describe him.
23 October 2009 10232009 SexSex LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Thinking he may still have a chance at banging Liquid's girlfriend Kacey (after duping her in an attempt to get laid), Chris pours his heart out to her. Being the unselfish gentleman that he is, he also gives her express permission to date whoever she wants.
23 October 2009 10242009 ViolenceViolence ClydeClyde RageRage Red Green StripeRedgreenvertstripe.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris delivers a brief message to Gregg Mays to let him know he is not scared of him.
25 October 2009 10252009 For Kacey SexSex LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Green White StripeGreen White Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris belches out-er-belts out another confession of love for Kacey possible china.
27 October 2009 To Clyde Gregg ClydeClyde SmugSmug Green White StripeGreen White Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris declares his intentions to blackmail Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash by making threats to post a video that shows his real face.
27 October 2009 ClydeGoingOnGregg1 ClydeClyde SmugSmug ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive The first blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, which contains a picture of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes with the head of some white guy plastered on. Chris makes some dubious claims that the head in question belongs to Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash.
27 October 2009 10272009 For Chris No 2 ViolenceViolence LiquidLiquid ReasonReason Green White StripeGreen White Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris tells Liquid Chris to "Back away from Kacey" and threatens to throw a hissy fit if his request is not obliged.

28 October 2009 Clyde's Buddy Matt Getting SUPER-LAID!!! SexSex ClydeClyde ComedyComedy SmugSmug ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive The second blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, which contains a picture of two drunk and lightly dressed women on top of each other. The one on the bottom has the head of a man in a Spider-Man mask plastered over her own. Chris claim this to be Gregg/Clyde's friend, Matt. That Chris is subtly (although it comes across as rather ham-handed) trying to make Gregg/Clyde look like a homo becomes clear.
29 October 2009 10292009 - Re to Chris No 2 - SHE IS MINE NOW MusicMusic ViolenceViolence GalpalsGalpals LiquidLiquid RageRage SmugSmug Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive With Aerosmith playing in the background, Chris raps (or makes an attempt to) and declares that Kacey is now his, and that he has defeated Liquid Chris.
30 October 2009 Clyde is Weaker than Water PowerPower ComedyComedy ClydeClyde ComedyComedy SmugSmug ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive The third blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, in which Chris calls Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash weak and reveals more of the picture he claims is of him. Chris manages to instantly thwart his own attempt to portray Gregg/Clyde as weak and gay by showing pictures of himself flexing his non-biceps while wearing his sports bra, which he calls a "muscle bra". And just to top it off, Chris says that more men should wear these "muscle bras".
30 October 2009 10302009 CWC 30 Push Ups PowerPower Blue T-ShirtBlueTshirt.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris attempts to do pushups while wearing his sports bra, and, unsurprisingly, he fails.

31 October 2009 Getting Foam Ed ClydeClyde ComedyComedy SmugSmug ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive The fourth blackmail attempt towards Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash, in which Chris reveals even more of the picture of the white guy and the gay Spider-Man which he insists is of Gregg Mays/Clyde Cash and Matt. Chris also claims that Gregg/Clyde has an urine fetish.
31 October 2009 My Half of A Whole New World for Kacey MusicMusic LiquidLiquid ChristianWChandler LiveLive Once again Chris tries to pose as Liquid Chris, this time by horribly mangling the song "A Whole New World" from the Disney version of Aladdin in response to one of Kacey's videos.
31 October 2009 Greetings to Kacey's folks PowerPower SexSex LiquidLiquid SmugSmug ReasonReason Tan Wide LinesTanwidestripeshirt.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris addresses Kacey's parents and tries to portray himself as decent human being. In true Chris style, he does this by spewing a whole lot of bullshit and lies about himself.


Chris produced or appeared in 16 videos in November 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
01 November 2009 11012009 I AM STRONG PowerPower ClydeClyde Blue with LogoBluelogoshirt.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris once again reiterates he is "strong." He attempts to flex, grunts a lot, and talks in a "deep" voice, and claims Clyde Cash/Gregg Mays is weak.
01 November 2009 Twin Falling Towers ClydeClyde SmugSmug ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive Chris 'shops the gay Spider-Man image over an image of the World Trade Center and mocks the terror attacks of 9/11 in a revolting attempt to blackmail Clyde Cash. Chris came up with this idea on his own.
01 November 2009 It will never end ClydeClyde SmugSmug ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive In yet another entry in the Clyde Cash/Gregg Mays blackmail attempts, Chris reveals a large section of blank wall as well as the faces of the participants. He then claims these videos will never end, and flips off the camera.
02 November 2009 Apology for 9/11 Joke ClydeClyde ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive Chris makes a self-serving apology for the 9/11 joke and reuses the image in a slightly altered form in another threat against Clyde.
03 November 2009 11032009 Preface to Rescuing Kacey Video gamesVideo games LiquidLiquid SmugSmug Red StripeRed Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris talks about the making of his Little Big Planet level for Kacey and kisses the camera.
03 November 2009 "Rescuing Kacey", From Christian W Chandler SexSex Video gamesVideo games LiquidLiquid SmugSmug ChristianWChandler MachinimaMachinima Chris plays through the ironically-titled Little Big Planet level he made for Kacey.
04 November 2009 11042009 51 50 PowerPower ParappaParappa ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris does hammer curls, poorly, with 12-packs of soda he claims weigh 50 pounds each. They don't.
04 November 2009 No More Jokes HomosHomos SexSex ClydeClyde SmugSmug ClydeGreggCashMays LiveLive Chris reveals the inoffensive "gay Spider-man" picture, and is seemingly disgusted by it. YouTube pulls the video for some reason.
06 November 2009 11052009 Kacey, I Love You, and I Need You LiquidLiquid TragedyTragedy Red StripeRed Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris tries to save face with Kacey, after the disastrous call with her father.
10 November 2009 11112009 LiquidLiquid TragedyTragedy Danger StripeDangerstripeshirt.PNG ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris, who is seemingly very sad, congratulates Kacey on her marriage with Liquid Chris.
12 November 2009 11122009 - Red Letter CWC Certified Day ComicsComics ClydeClyde LiquidLiquid SmugSmug The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris shows off the copyright certificate for Sonichu.
14 November 2009 11142009 ComicsComics ClydeClyde The RefereeRefereeshirt.PNG ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris fulfills his promise to upload a comic page, claims he has nothing on Craigslist and also claims to know people who know Clyde Cash's personal info.
23 November 2009 CWC Personal Sonichu Presentation Part 1.MPG ComicsComics Fan ArtFan Art ReasonReason SmugSmug Classic ShirtClassic Shirt ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris, having completely recovered from the loss of Kacey, make a public pitch for "business people" to help him get the Sonichu franchise off the ground. He begins by explaining the origins of the character, but gets sidetracked with random junk in his scrapbook.
23 November 2009 CWC Personal Sonichu Presentation Part 2.MP4 ComicsComics Fan ArtFan Art ReasonReason SmugSmug Classic ShirtClassic Shirt ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris gets completely off-track, showing off fan art he's received and talking about his stupid shopping mall design.
24 November 2009 Sonichu Powerpoint Part 1.MOV ComicsComics ReasonReason SmugSmug ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris continues his presentation by showing the Powerpoint slideshow he produced back when he thought he was working for Nintendo.
24 November 2009 Sonichu Powerpoint Part 2 ComicsComics ReasonReason SmugSmug ChristianWChandler LiveLive In the second half of the Powerpoint presentation, it becomes more clear Chris is reading a copy from ten months ago, as he makes a fool of himself talking about websites that have long since been abandoned, collaborators long since dead, and business ventures long since exposed as troll schemes. He also drops his dox again.


Chris produced or appeared in 15 videos in December 2009.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
03 December 2009 12032009.MOV Video gamesVideo games Vert RedVert Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris tells us that he is uploading a video that is showing him running, and then he babbles a lot about Little Big Planet.
03 December 2009 Sonichu's Edge.MP4 PowerPower Vert RedVert Red ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris is shown attempting to run down a street. The video is, unsurprisingly, filled with jump cuts to hide his inability to do so.
05 December 2009 12052009 - Holiday Greetings.MOV ComicsComics Safety ParkaSafetyparka.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris seemingly draws Sonichu in the snow and wishes everybody happy holidays. In reality he just praises his comic again and not-so-subtly compares it to the coming of Jesus.
09 December 2009 12092009.mp4 HomosHomos RumorsRumors GalpalsGalpals Vert Blue Grey ShirtVert Blue Grey Shirt ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris talks about his disgust for the homosexual ads Jack Thaddeus has placed on CWCipedia and begs his TRUE and LOYAL fans in Europe to donate him money to get them removed. He then goes on access some rumors he have heard about a future Family Guy episode featuring him, and tells about his ideas for the episode which is just a bunch of narcissistic self-promoting bullshit. He also wants his new gal-pal to voice Rosechu.
10 December 2009 12102009 - Fanmail Reading.MP4 OrangeOrange ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris reads some of the fan letters he's received through the mail, and then complains about the quality of the free things given to him.
12 December 2009 12122009 - Congrats, Jack Black.MOV Video gamesVideo games Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris congratulates Jack Black for winning an award for Brutal Legend in the Spike TV Video Game Awards, an awards show that nobody cares about.
15 December 2009 iPods Down and Listen Up.MOV MusicMusic Straight White LinesStraight White Lines ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris attempts a freestyle rap, where he suggests that he has taken Viagra, and it has given him the confidence to rape women to produce tiger/panther cubs (or so his lyrics go). In reality, Chris's doctor has told him he has a vitamin deficiency and Chris is acting like the vitamins he's taken are Viagra crystal meth.
18 December 2009 Hello, Juffalo.MOV MusicMusic GalpalsGalpals CrazyCrazy Straight White LinesStraight White Lines ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris tries to sing over another song, this time by Insane Clown Posse labelmates Dark Lotus. He has painted his face in the manner of a Juggalo, and also Sonichu, and fails at reciting the lyrics despite obviously reading them from a piece of paper.
20 December 2009 12202009.MOV RumorsRumors Green Wide LinesGreenwidestripeshirt.png ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris complains about a Times Square billboard bearing his image and tortures a cat.
24 December 2009 A Sonichu Day ComicsComics ComedyComedy CrazyCrazy Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris helpfully illustrates what boring chores Sonichu and Rosechu have to deal with using the power of Lego minifigures.
24 December 2009 12242009 - Shout out to Fans in Hospital..MOV WebsiteWebsite Red Yellow StripeRed Yellow Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris gives a shout-out to "Dylan and Eric" because "they got into a car accident and are now in the hospital".
25 December 2009 12252009 - KillDeJack.mp4 WebsiteWebsite ClydeClyde RageRage Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris make a video endorsing murder of Jack Thaddeus for the ads he's putting on his site. Clyde Cash is also mentioned.
26 December 2009 12262009 - Download For Play Only.MOV HomosHomos Video gamesVideo games WebsiteWebsite ClydeClyde Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris rambles about how we should be able to download LBP levels and how a game's merchandise is its wedding ring and forbids everyone to alter his custom levels. He elegantly changes the subject at the end of the video to request the murder of Jack Thaddeus in revenge for the homo ads.
27 December 2009 To Clyde and Jack.MOV HomosHomos ClydeClyde RageRage Yellow & Red StripeYellow & Red Stripe ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris states that he likes homosexuals, implies that Clyde Cash and Jack Thaddeus's actions harm the LGBT community, and suggests that the two aforementioned trolls commit suicide and rot in Hell.
31 December 2009 12312009 - Address to my Cwcipedia SysOp.MOV WebsiteWebsite ClydeClyde ReasonReason SmugSmug Danger StripeDangerstripeshirt.PNG ChristianWChandler LiveLive Chris ask to the CWCipedia's Sysop to remove the ad right next to the title of his front page. He also wishes for the suicide of Clyde Cash and Jack Thaddeus.