Rosechu (species)

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A rosechu.

Rosechu is the name used for the female gendered specimen of Chris's imaginary species of electric hedgehog pokemon. When generally referring to all creatures in this species, or referring to male specimen of this species, the term sonichu is commonly used.

Rosechus and reproduction

Chris has loosely based the anatomy of both sonichu's and rosechu's reproductive organs on those of the human, and those of the dog. A rosechu's vagina or "china" is normally hidden from view by a flap of skin, which recedes during urination, sexual arousal, or a "psych-up" attack. Rosechu nipples appear only when aroused, "for sensual massage" (this implies that a Rosechu must be sexually aroused to feed her own young). Rosechus possess a "V-shaped pouch" behind their vaginal opening, which apparently serves the same function as a human uterus.

Sex may be painful for rosechu the first time, even causing her to bleed from her hymen, but it soon begins to feel like "a sensual massage". If impregnated, the resulting zygote is gestated within the mother rosechu for "a few months", after which the Rosechu deposits a egg outside of her body, and must keep it warm until the infant sonee or rosey hatches. This reveals all rosechus as being monotremes.

Chris has mentioned that a Sonee is born as the result of intercourse between a Sonichu and a Rosechu, or some combination of the above and a Ditto. It is never explained how a Rosechu and a Ditto would copulate.

The gestation time of a Rosechu pregnancy is unknown; however, Sonichu and Rosechu's two eldest offspring — Cerah and Christine — were born on June 29 and October 6, 2006, respectively. Robbie, the couple's third hypothetical child, was born on February 26, 2007. Given that there are 99 days between the first two dates, and 143 between the latter two, any of several things can be hypothesized: 1) the gestation time of a Sonichu is about three months, and Sonichu and Rosechu wasted no time getting back on the saddle after their first child; 2) the gestation time is closer to four months, and Christine was a premature birth, or; 3) Chris paid no mind to the idea of time when selecting birthdates for his characters, and never noticed the logical impossibility of the Sonees' birthdates because he is an idiot. All things considered, the third option seems the most plausible.

Rosechus and evolution

Chris seems to hold a rather strange view on evolution. It is largely based on pokémon. When hatched from their eggs, rosechus are born as a rosey. This infant pokémon can allready have a certain sub-type, Angelica, for instance, was born as a white rosey with a sky subtype. After being nurtured for some time, the rosey then tends to evolve into their rosechu-form. The path of evolution beyond rosechu is unclear, although, when the rosechu is brought in contact with a moonstone, the creature can evolve into a Vamprosa.

List of known rosechus