Chaotic Combo
The Chaotic Combo is a team of Sonichu recolors with varying amounts of personality (ranging from one-dimensional to slightly more than one-dimensional) and screen-time. The Chaotic Combo first appeared in Sonichu #0[1]. The name was ripped off from Chaotix, a gang of five detectives first appearing in the game Knuckles' Chaotix.
The Chaotic Combo were created at the same moment Sonichu and Rosechu were made. When the Chaotic Rainbow flew out of Sonic and Pikachu and hit the female Raichu, some eggs flew out of the rainbow for no clear reason and landed in a variety of locations (in the past, so Chris won't feel like such a paedophile for drawing porn of them). These hatched into Sonees and Roseys that were then raised by nearby Pokémon.
Wild SonichuThe leader. Wild was raised by a Scyther and a Venusaur. The Scyther, his father, and the Venusaur, his mother, taught him the skills necessary to survive in the jungle. He can swing through jungles and turn invisible. He attacks with razor leaves and vine whips. He is a confident, outgoing and courageous character, although he still has trouble talking to girls because otherwise Chris couldn't relate to him. He eventually ends up in a relationship with a stolen character and has a child with her.
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Bubbles RosechuThe dumb one. Bubbles was raised by a female Swampert. She has no personality whatsoever, other than being a total whore and being shown to get her rocks off by being electrocuted or hit with "Psychic Needles". Her powers include control over water and the ability to bitch slap her enemies. She's also screwing Blake. Apparently, she can create tidal waves, which are normally caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or meteorite impact, but either way kill thousands of people. Bubbles is Water/Electric.
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Punchy SonichuThe token minority. An incarnation of how Chris sees Asian people, Punchy is a slanty-eyed self-proclaimed "strike ninja" who had his tail ripped off in a matter of seconds by Mypoe seconds after crash landing into G.D.W. Shinabe's dojo. Having his tail promptly removed somehow caused the Sonee to evolve into Punchy, which made him a martial arts expert. Punchy then used a sky uppercut to launch Mypoe into the stratosphere, clearly murdering her. Mypoe's father reacted to this by congratulating him and taking him on as his star pupil. Supposedly, Punchy is full of "Random Access Humor", except he doesn't really show up in the comic a lot, and when he does, he isn't funny. Punchy attacks with punches; gee, who would've thought? Punchy is Fighting/Electric, another type combo that doesn't exist in the actual game.
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Angelica RosechuThe Jesus freak. Raised by "some nuns", Angelica uses her magic powers to grow flowers with such messages as "HOPE" and "PEACE & LOVE". Only has slightly more personality than Bubbles. Uses words like "pray" and "Lord" randomly to show that she is religious, despite rampantly engaging in premarital sex and even mass debating in church. Angelica doesn't fight very often but she apparently can use wing attacks and whirlwinds. Angelica is Flying/Electric, and as such, has Angel Wings.
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Magi-ChanThe closet case. Probably the most interesting of the bunch, Magi-chan is a supposedly very intelligent Sonichu recolor who has psychic powers and can travel through time and stuff. Indeed, Magi-chan's amazing powers are so powerful and amazing that he can instantly fix all of the plot holes by powers of mind alone! This habit of his has resulted in his earning the nickname of Deus ex machina chu. Raised by Mewtwo, who communicated with him telepathically after he hatched. Known for being very, very gay. The only member of the Chaotic Combo, and probably one of the few Sonichus altogether, that bothers wearing clothing, even if it's just a vest. Magi-chan is Psychic/Electric, a third combination that doesn't exist in the game. Wow, he came up with three original Pokémon type mixes. What a superstar.
Notable Character Relationships

Sonichu and the rest of the Chaotic Combo
Sonichu has a quite close working relationship and friendship with the rest of the Combo, almost to the point where he's a sixth member. He's seen more often with a member of the Combo than they are as a full team by themselves. Not to mention that Sonichu has no problem hanging out with Rosechu and her Gal-pals. Moreover, his children are said to play with Wild's own groinspawn. Since he's the only one besides Bubbles who has any aptitude with electric attacks and he also has the ear of the mayor, it's quite a symbiotic relationship. Not unlike that of a cleaner shrimp and a moray eel.
Blake and the rest of the Chaotic Combo
While shown to be individually more powerful than any of the other members, he turns into a simpering bitch after getting gangbanged by Sonichu and the rest of the Combo and developing a crush on Bubbles. His status in the rest of the clique rose considerably after attending a few birthday parties and becoming Bubbles' gelding. Ironically, Blake was able to get far more evil done as a confident of the Chaotic Comic than he ever did working for Giovanni and Robotnik.
Magi-chan and the rest of the Chaotic Combo
The other members of the Chaotic Combo seem to freely use Magi-chan for teleportation services and information about the latest plot device of the week while doing little to return the favor. Strangely, Magi-chan doesn't seem to resent this frequent badgering for assistance. In his first meet-up with the others in Episode 11 he's actually a bit peevish when people take their sweet time to ask him for his psychic taxi services. This stoic commitment to duty is, to no one's surprise, waived when it's Chris-chan doing the asking.
Angelica, Bubbles, and Rosechu
Like Sonichu, Rosechu is frequently seen hanging out with the other two female members of the Chaotic Combo. Unfortunately, as she's but a mere female character in Sonichu she's only seen interacting with them in warm scenes of domesticity. Stuff like shopping at the mall, hanging out at the beach, or stripping to protest dickgirl pictures.
Wild and Punchy
Strangely, Wild and Punchy is the only male-male relationship depicted positively in Sonichu. They're the two members most likely to be seen together, making small talk, or taking classes. Ahem.
Punchy and Angelica
Punchy initially develops a crush on Angelica after she attends to him after getting pwned by Blake's hoverboard. This infatuation only lasts until he starts IM-ing Layla Flaafy, whereupon he immediately forgets his years-long feelings for Angelica.
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- ↑ Sonichu's News Dash #2,
- ↑ Sonichu's News Dash #2,