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:''This page is about the affair itself. For the leaks in which Chris describes incestuous acts, see [[Incest Call]] and [[Incest Texts]]. For the subsequent legal consequences, see [[Jail Saga]]. For Chris's general stance on incest, see [[Chris and sex#Incest|here]].''
{{Misinfo|Chris was charged with incest, not rape. Additionally, Barb's dementia is unconfirmed despite speculation.|includegossip = yes}}
{{Protip|Like "[[For Julie's Eyes Only|JULAAAAYYY]]" and "[[Ian Brandon Anderson]]" before it, "BARBUSSY" has quickly become an overused, [[Weening|weenish]] meme. Consider retaining your dignity by not spamming it at Chris.}}

{{quote|You used to do that more flirtingly.|Chris to [[Barbara Chandler|his mother]] on a [[Twitch#CLog 04172018 - Buy My Toys|Twitch stream]], indirectly warning us of what was to come.}}
{{quote|Anyhow, who among Everyone in this world has not had a dream of having sex with one of their parents? Never acting on them ever, [[Honest Content|I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother]].|Chris on [[Facebook]] in [[2016]]. Chris would act on his instincts five years later.<ref name=dream>[[August 2016 Facebook posts#Incestuous Thoughts]]</ref>}}
{{quote|You're supposed to say: "Turn me loose, you silly goose!" '''...You used to do that more flirtingly.'''|Chris while forcefully embracing [[Barbara Chandler|his mother]] on a [[Twitch#CLog 04172018 - Buy My Toys|Twitch stream]], indirectly warning us of what was to come.}}
'''Incest''' refers to sexual activities between persons related by kin. On the 29th of July, 2021, evidence emerged on [[Kiwi Farms]]<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/chris-chan-incest-leak-chris-has-been-removed-from-14-branchland-court.96559/</ref> that Chris engaged in sexual activities with [[Barb|his mother]]. A leaked audio recording with an unknown troll, and incriminating text messages showed that Chris had masturbated his elderly mother, and discussed in detail Chris's attempts to stimulate his mother's {{w|G-spot}}, and explicitly compared her sexual experiences with 8 other previous men, including his father, [[Bob]], and their inability to provide his mother with an orgasm.
[[File:SoulBonding.jpg|thumb|An artist's interpretation of the act. ([[For Julie's Eyes Only|We can only imagine that Chris shouted "BARBAAAY!" at least once when this happened.]])]]
For years, trolls joked that [[Christian Weston Chandler|Chris]], in his desperation to find a [[boyfriend-free girl]], would eventually turn to [[Barbara|his mom]] based on his occasional off‐putting comments about her and their constant proximity to one another. Few thought he would ever go through with the act, though — but Chris found a way to surprise and horrify everybody.
Due the sensational nature of these leaks, they were not considered [[true and honest]] until the 30th of July, 2021, when further evidence emerged of Chris admitted the authenticity of the recordings to [[Twitter]] user Dillin Thomas<ref name="admission">https://twitter.com/DHTDillinThomas/status/1421244971894534147</ref>. It further emerged that early on the morning of July 30th, Greene County Police visited [[14 Branchland Court]] for a wellness check, at which point Chris was issued an emergency protective order, forbidding contact between Chris and Barbara, and preventing him from remaining at her residence until August 5th. Barbara was removed to a hospital for a senior care inspection.
In the leaks, it is alleged that Chris and his mother engaged in substantial sexual activity, including Chris masturbating his mother, and engaging in penetrative intercourse with her. It is further alleged that his mother compared him to various other sexual partners, including Chris's father.
{{quote|Also made another attempt at rubbing her vagina, externally at first, the then slipping in between the lips and rubbing the inner labia. The she told me to stop. She's getting more used to being played down there by hand. | Text message from Chris to an unknown troll}}
{{quote|And obviously those out of the eight guys, counting [[Bob|Robertchu]], before me were not hitting her G-Spot as much with their cocks. I had attempted the first night to rub her in there; i found her spot, but it hurt her. But, alternatively, I did find that at cunnilingus, I was good at it with my tongue|Chris comparing his sexual activities with his father's sexual activities}}. The leaked audio likewise contained graphic descriptions of sexual activity, which Chris alludes to as the veracity of "incest fanfics". The authenticity of the recording was confirmed by Chris to Dillon Thomas, though it is believed that the recording may have been doctored to remove identifying information on "Bella" -  a troll persona operated by ''10thanonymous''.<ref name="admission" />
===Transcript ===
'''CHRIS''': "Um, so yeah she's [Barbara Chandler] got a really [inaudible] G-spot because apparently I don't believe her -- I don't believe he ever, Mr. C [Robert Chandler], any of her past boyfriends, ex-husbands... haven't really reached and hit her G-spot really with their dicks."
'''BELLA''': "Right... right..."
'''CHRIS''': "They haven't, they have, they, were more focused on..."
'''BELLA''': "[coughs]"
'''CHRIS''': "...pleasuring themselves, really. As opposed to focusing on her, which -- that's my focus."
'''BELLA''': "Right. [inaudible], true. Um, for like, [inaudible] make sure to have uh, a lot of fun, make sure to have a, you know, push [censored] and have a lot of fun with her, right? Because, um..."
'''CHRIS''': "Obviously."
'''BELLA''': "Yeah, because now you're doing this for your mom, uh, make sure -- I'll be there, I'll be there watching you guys to make sure that nobody is trying to... sorry, my throat... nobody's trying to hurt you, do anything, I'll take photos of you two. The dance will be awesome. We could take turns. I'd like to dance with her too, and then you guys could take like the slow dance and whatever. And uh..."
'''CHRIS''': "My mom and all the other [inaudible]..."
'''BELLA''': "Yeah. Yeah, right."
'''CHRIS''': "[inaudible] before they can register as well."
'''BELLA''': "But how are you feeling, '''CHRIS'''tine? How are you feeling? Because I know there's a lot of societal pressure on you about like um, this thing with Barbara. A lot of societal pressure and a lot of people, you know, consciously who judge, like would judge, and you know, thereís a lot of eyes on you. It must be very stressful."
'''CHRIS''': "Yeah, it is."
'''BELLA''': "Yeah, I can imagine. I'm so sorry about all that stuff, yeah."
'''CHRIS''': "Well, still [inaudible] we still have Magi-chan and Cryzel to dance with."
'''BELLA''': "You always have -- I, okay..."
'''CHRIS''': "Incest fanfics that come true and shit."
'''BELLA''': "I didn't even know there was such a thing. I didn't even know there was incest fanfics. Were there about you and Barbara? I can't believe that. I didn't even think that. I, I knew you guys had a good relationship but I always thought, uh, because I'm not huge on '''CHRIS'''tory and, you know, whatever, I just thought that the whole Sonichu franchise was very interesting. And that's how I, um, got into you when I was younger, right? But I had, I, I didn't have any idea that Barbara was um, that Barbara knew that you had that sort of relationship. I never got any of those uh, vibes. But, um, how did you approach her?"
'''CHRIS''': "I approached her with care and caution..."
'''BELLA''': "Mhm?"
'''CHRIS''': "And it was a, it was a time for us. So I just gave her comfort and talked with her and we just branched out slow and steady, then I, I encouraged her positively; let her make the first move. And she wanted to do it, and she..."
'''BELLA''': "Oh she did? Really? She made the first move?"
'''CHRIS''': "Yeah."
'''BELLA''': "Oh. Oh, really? Wow, Barbara! [Laughs] How, how did she do it, if you don't me asking? What was the first move?"
'''CHRIS''': "Uh, I don't remember exactly. Um, well that was her first move, from my first approach, was... Eh, I forgot what exactly, what termin... what terminology and approach I used but I approached with care and caution."
'''BELLA''': "That's good."
'''CHRIS''': "And I was... I was most, I was direct and upfront with her for the most part."
'''BELLA''': "That's good. How did she respond when you, when you um, when you approached her? What's she say?"
'''CHRIS''': "I don't, I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was kind of, I think, she was partially confused at one point but, but then she came around, obviously, with the more approaching, with the more approaching that I was doing with her along the way."
'''BELLA''': "Right. So she, so she got into it. How was, did you, how was the first kiss? You kissed her, how did that feel having known this woman for your whole life? How did that feel?"
'''CHRIS''': "Oh, yeah, I mean, it was simple, uh, lip, lip lock, lip-to-lip kiss, but yeah. It was actually good. It felt right."

'''BELLA''': "When did you start having feelings for Barbara?"
Chris and Barb's '''incestuous affair''' most likely began on 27 [[June 2021]],<ref name=call>[[Incest call#Transcript]]</ref><ref name=wct/> but [[June 2021 social media posts|his social media presence]] earlier in the month may hint at an earlier start to the affair. As early as 22 June, he began addressing Barbara by the unsettling pet name of "Barbie Chan", which may have indicated when he began to get intimate with her. After this date, Chris claimed that he had sex with her once every three nights until being forcibly stopped by being removed from the house.

'''CHRIS''': "Well, obviously for, well, for a long time, I mean, I remember you mentioning some time ago about my fantasy where I had dreams where I had, I had sex with her, obviously. So..."
On 27 July 2021, during a call with [[Isabella Loretta Janke|Isabella "Bella" Loretta Janke]], [[Honest Content|Chris revealed the details of his sexual activities with his mother of his own volition]],<ref>[[WCT DMs#Asking about Incest Call leak]]</ref> also discussing it in text messages later that day. In those, Chris discussed stimulating his elderly mother with his hands, performing cunnilingus on her, and having penetrative sex with her.<ref name=deviant>[[Incest Texts]]</ref> He claimed that Barbara compared him favorably to her previous sexual partners, including Chris's father [[Bob]], who had been unable to provide her with an orgasm or stimulate her {{w|G-spot}}.

'''BELLA''': "Really? Yeah."
Files were leaked to the public the following night,<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisChanSonichu/comments/oudn5m/chris_chan_admits_to_having_sex_with_his_mother/</ref> and social workers removed Chris from Barbara on the morning of 30 July. In early August 2021, Chris was [[Jail Saga|arrested, officially charged with one count of incest, and was held without bail]].

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah, but yeah, that's right. The Oedipus complex."
Chris was kept in jail or in a mental hospital until 27 [[March 2023]], at which point he was released into a [[Chris%27s_homes#Gateway_Homes|group home]]. His incest charge was outright dropped in [[August 2023]]. He has [[Setting the Record straight - there never was any sex involving me in 2021|commented on the charge against him]] numerous times since his arrest and denied that he and his mother had sex, despite previous admission to the contrary. Due to the [[Ween|weens]] abusing the donation system on his livestreams to spam such messages, he had come up with a lot of excuses, from claiming that "[[October 2023 livestreams#The Return of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime| [he has] been forgiven and cleansed of any and all sins of [his], period"]], to stating that [[List of Chris's lies|it happened in another timeline]].

'''BELLA''': "Oh, the Oedipus complex! That's right, yeah. Yeah, that's right. Uh. How, how, if you don't mind me asking -- I know this is probably personal, you don't have to answer. How was the sex?"
==Background and foreshadowing==
{{Needs Updating|[[Lonely feelings]]}}

'''CHRIS''': "Uh, I'd say it was satisfactory. It took a while, it took a few tries to [inaudible]."
[[File:July28BeautyArtwork.jpg|thumb|left|400px|Note the talk of "soul bonding" in the right-hand corner.]]

'''BELLA''': "It took a few tries? Yeah. She is old, she is older."
In general, the relationship between Chris and his mother has always been seen as a "little too close", likely due to his mother's overly coddling nature towards him in his early life all through to his adulthood mixed with the emotionally abusive control tactics she implemented against both him and Bob. It was keenly noted during the [[DoopieDoOver|Doopie Saga]] that Chris had used the words "[[darling]]" and "dear", commonly reserved for romantic relationships, to refer to his mother.

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah, plus, uh also, she's very understanding about the whole thing is, when I was direct with her, still direct and honest with her, I made sure that I obviously, I'm never going to propose marriage to her at all, because we're already daughter and mom."
Many Christorians have noted that potential hints or patterns that would indicate sexual activity between Chris and his mother have been made previously. In a [[PVCC NEW info: on Chris and Barbara spoon eachother!|2010 voice chat]] between various [[PVCC]] forum members, [[Kim Wilson]] talked about a discussion where Chris revealed he was spooning his mother on a regular basis. She also revealed that Chris told her that he'd once had a [[Dreams|wet dream]] about Barb as an Egyptian belly dancer. When asked by Emily if he'd repopulate the planet if he and his mother were the only two people left in existence, Chris went silent and then denied any desire to have sex with his mother.

'''BELLA''': "Yeah, mother and daughter. You know, they say there's no stronger bond than a mother and her daughter. Sorry?"
[[File:CWCTablet25Jul2021.jpg|thumb|"Top 10 Hottest Anime Moms Ever", a video Chris watched on 25 July 2021, days before he bragged about incestuous acts on his mother.<ref>Date can be seen in [[:File:SuitressTablet.jpg]]</ref>]]

'''CHRIS''': "We've been doing it every third night, and the first might be on June 7th."
As early as October 2015, the [[Man in the Pickle Suit]] noted that at Chris's plea arrangement for the [[pepper spray]] incident, Chris and his mother were touching each other in an unusually intimate and inappropriate fashion.<ref>[[26 December 2014#15 October Hearing]]</ref> In [[2018]], while Chris was hanging out with the [[Teen Troon Squad]], he told them he had humped a body pillow in front of his mother while pretending the pillow was her. Chris characterized it as a form of expressing his [[anger]] at her for losing [[The Classic]].<ref>[[Teen Troon Squad chats#Chris beat up, humped body pillow in effigy of Barb after she lost The Classic]]</ref> Teen Troon Squad member Lukas later claimed that Chris allegedly told them he wanted to have sex with his mother, though it is unclear if Lukas was referencing the body pillow chat.<ref>https://archive.fo/3OLtp</ref> And as recently as 2019, Chris, whilst roleplaying as [[Magi-Chan]], referred to his mother as a "guilty pleasure waifu''[sic]''". Furthermore, in August 2016, Chris admitted to having [[Dreams#Mother_dreams|dreams of having sex with his mother]] in a Facebook post stating that "I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother".<ref name=dream></ref> Troll [[Arthur Spatchcock]] disclosed on the Kiwi Farms that following the [[2014 house fire]], Chris and his mother were routinely spooning. At the time, Chris denied any impropriety, stating, "I am not a '[[wikipedia:Norman Bates|Bates]]'. OMG."<ref>[[Misc texts]]</ref>

'''BELLA''': "Oh, you have a routine? Huh."
According to both [[Bella]] and [[MKRNightVee]], Chris brought up the dreams of sex with his mother again to them in private conversations. In a 19 [[July 2021]] conversation with the [[Chess Club]] Discord server, Bella mentioned that Chris, during his phase of [[role-play]]ing as Sonichu, brought up that he had a dream of having sex with his mother, to which Bella replied that it was weird and questioned what it meant, to which an offended Chris asked if she was calling Chris weird.<ref>[[Chess Club Chats#Suicide Plan Claims]]</ref> On 30 [[July 2021]], MKR commented about the leak of the incest news and mentioned that Chris had told her about sexual dreams with his mother and that MKR dismissed it as one of Chris's many crazy dreams.<ref>https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1421182090586988549 (archive: https://archive.ph/Scjbk)</ref>

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah."
On 5 [[July 2021]], [[Kiwi_Farms_posts_(Null)#Chris's_"girlfriend"|Chris revealed that he was having sex with]] [[Barbara_Chandler#Early_life|an older woman with a background in accounting, and whom he had known for a long time]] to [[Null]] in confidence. Null, having no idea [[Barbara_Chandler|who Chris was talking about]], praised Chris for [[Honest_Content|managing to keep something secret for once]] and encouraged Chris to keep their relationship secret to protect her identity.

'''BELLA''': "Well, you still have a stable, you have a stable relationship because you know it's not going to end if anything happened. You'd still be, you'd still be, you know, you'd still be mother and daughter. It's not going to like, be an explosive break up, right? That's, at least that's comforting."
On 25 [[July 2021]], Chris watched a [[WatchMojo]] video "Top 10 Hottest Anime Moms Ever".<ref>[[Fiona DMs#Top 10 Hottest Anime Moms Ever]]</ref> [[July 2021 social media posts#Beauty artwork|Chris released a piece of artwork on his Twitter feed]] on 28 [[July 2021]], showing "soul-bonding" between an elderly Libra woman (which Barb is) and a younger woman that suspiciously looks like [[Christian Weston Chandler (comic character)|Chris's fictionalized counterpart]], clandestinely hinting at the horrifying affair that was just days from being revealed (the only major inconsistency is that Chris is a Pisces and appears elsewhere in the picture with the correct sign).

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah."
Chris had stated [[Lonely feelings|in a conversation]] he had with [[Watchmen]] members that he had feelings of loneliness and wanted to get some action with a real, physical woman. Unfortunately for everyone, Chris's desires would lead him to a very dark place...

'''BELLA''': "Yeah. So you said since June, June?"
== The affair ==
{{quote|Also made another attempt at rubbing her vagina, externally at first, then slipping in between the lips and rubbing the inner labia. Then she told me to stop. She's getting more used to being played with down there by hand.|Text message from Chris.<ref name=deviant></ref>}}
[[File:Arrestchu.jpeg|thumb|Chris being arrested for incest, 1 [[August 2021]]]]
On 27 [[June 2021]], Chris began to engage in incest with his mother [[Barbara Chandler]].<ref name=call/><ref name=wct>[[WCT DMs#New sweetheart]]</ref> By 2 July, a routine of sex every three nights had developed.<ref>[[WCT DMs#Sex plans]]</ref><ref>[[WCT DMs#Every three nights]]</ref> Chris bought massage oil and [[negligee]] to use during their sexual activity and later claimed that she approved of it.<ref name=oil>[[WCT DMs#Massage oil and dream]]</ref><ref>[[WCT DMs#Sexy negligee]]</ref> Chris also purchased a book, [[Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability]], to consult during the affair.<ref name=null></ref>

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah it, It took us a few nights to, it took us a few nights to figure, figure out what made, what felt right and what didn't feel right, and..."
Excited by the sexual activities, Chris began to hint to some of his online confidants about the affair, although he crafted a series of [[lie]]s to conceal the identity of his sexual partner. Chris instead described her as a lady friend. In total, Chris hinted to at least seven people or groups: [[The WCT]] (2 [[July 2021]]), [[The Knights of CWC]] (5 July), [[Null]] (5 July), [[Spunky]], [[Don Lashomb]], his doctor (unknown), and [[Bella]] (13 July).<ref>[[User:Anaxis/The Knights of CWC Chats#The "Older Lady Friend" Call]]</ref><ref name=null></ref><ref>[[Bella chats#The Selected Few]]</ref> Finally, late in July 2021, Chris's desire to brag to someone about the identity of his sexual partner came to a boil, and he selected Bella.<ref name=spill>[[Bella chats#Chris Wants to Spill the Beans]]</ref> Since he feared the government might listen in on the conversation, Chris asked her to download the encrypted chat app Signal, and he asked her to chat on the night of 27 July 2021.<ref>[[Bella chats#Preparing for Video Call]]</ref> After Chris revealed that his sexual partner was his own mother, Bella began recording the conversation using her iPad, later known as the [[Incest Call]]. Chris also texted Bella further details, which later became known as the [[Incest Texts]].
[[File:CWCWithFanJun27.png|thumb|200px|left|Chris in [[negligee]]]]
In the chats, Chris admits that he and his mother engaged in substantial sexual activity, including Chris rubbing his mother and engaging in penetrative intercourse with her. Chris claimed he "approached her with care and caution," and that Barb even made the "first move". He further alleged that his mother compared him to various other sexual partners, including Chris's father.<ref name=call/><ref name=deviant></ref>

'''BELLA''': "Does your mother enjoy it?"
{{quote|And obviously those out of the eight guys, counting [[Bob|Robertchu]], before me were not hitting her G-Spot as much with their cocks. I had attempted the first night to rub her in there; i found her spot, but it hurt her. But, alternatively, I did find that at cunnilingus, I was good at it with my tongue|Chris comparing his sexual activities with his father's sexual activities.<ref name=deviant></ref>}}

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah. She's having, yeah she's having a good time, literally."
After Bella shared the Incest Call and Texts with [[Fiona]], Fiona in turn shared the call with the [[Chris Chan Conservation Collective]] server, and a server member in turn leaked it to the general public. Fiona followed suit by leaking the texts.

'''BELLA''': "She is? She's having a good time?"
On the morning of 30 July, a [[welfare check]] was conducted at [[14 Branchland Court]]. Chris was removed by Emergency Protective Order, and Barbara was sent to a hospital for a senior care inspection,<ref>[[Kiwi Farms posts (Null)#Summing Up Post-Incest Leak]]</ref> forcing an end to the incestuous affair. On 1 [[August 2021]], Chris was arrested and jailed on a charge of incest, kicking off the [[Jail Saga]].

'''CHRIS''': "She'll -- Yes, sh -- well, we're, we figured it out."
=== The gory details ===

'''BELLA''': "That's great to hear. Do you guys act more like mother and daughter, or do you guys act more like, you know, lovers, when.... Like say, you come home from, you know, the supermarket and you see Barbara. Uh, would you say 'Hey sweetheart' or do you say 'Hi mom?'"
{{Protip|[[Fabricated BDSM texts|Texts purporting BDSM roleplay]] are fakes doctored by Bella. With that said, this list is still not entirely reliable, as details may vary and because Chris is [[List of Chris's lies|typically not interested in honesty in these scenarios]].}}
[[File:SurrealIncest.png|thumb|A surreal depiction of the events]]
In case you have some kind of morbid curiosity of how the affair could have went down, here is a list of "activities" that Chris had allegedly done to/with his mother:

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah I'm, I'm, I haven't called her 'mom' in quite some time now."
[[File:i_am_vomit.png|thumb|right|250px|The average reaction to what happened...]]

'''BELLA''': "Oh, really?"

'''CHRIS''': "So, yeah, I'm, I'm more often calling her 'love' at this point."
#'''Massages'''<ref>[[July 2021 social media posts#Signature sex move]]</ref> - Presumably full-body ones since it included her thighs (and her face for some reason); this is probably the same type of massage he gave to [[Mia Hamm]]. Chris also claimed in a chat with [[The WCT]] that he had bought massaging oil and made the claim that it is perfect to use on one's lover. <ref name=oil></ref>
#'''Kissing''' - Apparently did not involve tongues.
#'''Outer Course''' - Rubbing her pussy with his fingers and hands, this happened at least twice before the next step, probably more.
#'''Intercourse''' - By this, he means fingering her. It apparently hurt her when he did so.
#'''Cunnilingus''' - Eating her out, [[Chris and his ego|claims he's good at it]]. There is no information about whether she returned the favor. <ref name=deviant/>
#'''Penetration''' - Vaginal, apparently with the use of a condom, he proceeded to get himself tested for STIs afterward anyway.
#'''Cuddling''' - According to a letter from jail, Chris supposedly "cuddled" with Barb in the times of incest.<ref name=letter>[[Jail Letter - 19 September 2021]]</ref>

'''BELLA''': "But you recently started dating Fiona, isn't that, that's true, right? An open relationship?"
According to [[Null]], Chris had been buying large amounts of sex toys and lingerie from [[Adam & Eve]] for several months prior to committing his acts. What sex toys Chris potentially used, if any, is uncertain.

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah it, it's, it's, yeah between Barbara and I it is an open relationship and I made that very clear with her."
Chris has rationalized the affair in multiple ways.

'''BELLA''': "Right. Is Barbara dating anybody else?"
*'''Divine approval''' - Chris claimed in the [[Incest Call]] that God told him the incest was okay.  

'''CHRIS''': "Well, uh, she's not."
*'''Soul-Bonding and Healing''' - In a jail letter that [[Emanuel]] told him to have sex with Barb in order to "heal" her and "cleanse her of her sins".<ref name=letter/> In a later letter, Chris mentions that "Soul Bonding does not necessarily constitute sex" which implies that it ''can'' be.<ref>[[Jail_Letter - 16_November_2021]]</ref> He described soul-bonding as "the Bonding and Union of Auras (Energy Fields) between at least two individuals."<ref>[[Jail Letter - 4 June 2022]]</ref> Chris invented the narrative that if he didn't engage in this "healing" then Barbara would have died or been more heavily injured by her [[November 2021]] car accident, completely ignoring the fact that if Chris had not engaged in it, chances are Barb wouldn't have been in a car accident at all, since she wouldn't have been forced to drive on her own due to her son's absence.<ref>[[Jail_Letter - 11 January 2022]]</ref>

'''BELLA''': "No? But she's fine with you dating other people, right?"
*'''Defense measure against Sockness''' - Chris claimed that "my having had sex is also a defense mechanism in regards to [[Sockness]] and what he had/may have in mind with me and being near me," referring to Sockness's history of scheming to have sex with Chris, and that Chris planned to use the fact of his affair as a "truth bomb" to deter Sockness.<ref name=soulbonding>[[Bella chats#Soul Bonding]]</ref>

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah, she's okay."
Later on, he dropped the act and started outright denying the event altogether.<ref>[[Setting the Record straight - there never was any sex involving me in 2021]]</ref><ref>[[The Chris Chan Interview]]</ref>

'''BELLA''': "Do you guys go on any dates or anything romantic like that?"
==Awareness of wrongdoing==
Chris was aware of the illegal nature of incest. In August 2016, he read a news article on the topic of a mother and son charged with incest and commented on Facebook about it, defending the two and saying they should not be sent to jail.<ref name=dream></ref>

'''CHRIS''': "Mm, well, I'll be, well not anything extravagant but we do, uh, as often as possible, eat at the dinner table together."
Five years later, in the midst of his own affair with his mother, Chris still demonstrated awareness that the action was illegal. While he desired to discuss the affair with people, he first concocted a cover story in which he used misleading euphemisms such as "lady friend" to describe his sexual partner and claimed that the supposed lady friend and Barb had met each other<ref name=spill></ref><ref>[[WCT DMs#Chris describes his lady friend]]</ref> and he insisted on keeping the identity of the lady friend secret,<ref name=soulbonding></ref><ref name=null>[[Null DMs#Chris vaguely describes his relationship]]</ref><ref name=wct></ref> though he dropped hints such as age<ref name=soulbonding></ref> and employment history.<ref name=null></ref>

'''BELLA''': "Yeah."
After a month of using his cover story, Chris decided to push further and tell someone that his mother was the sexual partner. He selected [[Bella]]. Before telling her, Chris first tried to manipulate her into keeping silent on what he would say by using a guilt trip.

'''CHRIS''': "We haven't been able to picnic much lately because I've had to switch to a soup diet becau -- after getting the crown..."
{{quote|And I ask you Not to Overthink or ask for further details in pressing on. That is not a good thing to do.|Chris to Bella, 17 July 2021<ref name=soulbonding></ref>}}

'''BELLA''': "Uh-huh."
Over a week later, Chris, ready to divulge his secret, first claimed to Bella that he was uncertain of telling her as he was concerned about the government hacking into the conversation, which backfired on Chris as this tipped off Bella into suspecting that he was about to discuss an illegal act.<ref>[[Bella and Fiona chats#Bella suspects incest]]</ref>

'''CHRIS''': "...my tooth."
{{quote|I realize I am remaining and sounding distant on the questioning, and it will become more clear and obvious when I tell you, in-person, who she is.

'''BELLA''': "Oh, did you?"
I actually wish I could tell you over text or voice call, but the government and anyone with the tech can easily hack into those methods|Chris, prior to the [[Incest Call]].<ref name=spill></ref>}}

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah. It feels right to remember her inner child [inaudible]."
Within the same conversation, Chris recommended using the encrypted text/video call app Signal (having used it to communicate with [[Null]]), which Bella agreed to download.<ref name=spill></ref>

'''BELLA''': "Right. That's true, yeah."
After Chris's conversations about committing incest were publicly leaked, [[The WCT]] sent Chris messages over [[Discord]] asking him what had happened. Chris gave an explanation, then began deleting his messages. Chris requested that The WCT delete his side of the conversation as well, which WCT obliged (though had taken screenshots in real time to discuss with [[The Knights of CWC]]).<ref>[[WCT DMs#Asking about Incest Call leak]]</ref>

'''CHRIS''': "[inaudible] As well. But I, but I'm encouraging her towards the possibi, towards the positives and, you know, be my homemaker."
== Was it consensual? ==

'''BELLA''': "Yeah. Yeah knowing, knowing you '''CHRIS'''tine, I think that, uh, because you, I, I know, I noticed that she was mature, you know, and she's mature and she's wise. She's wise in her ways and um, you know, she has experience and she loves you, and you two have a great relationship. But wouldn't you want somebody who's younger? Right? To keep up more with your energy?"
{{Protip|The following speculation should not be taken as definite proof that Chris raped Barb or not; this is simply a list of information that Chris has provided himself, which due to Chris's habit of lying for the pettiest of reasons, can be seen as unreliable by some. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, please avoid saying for sure if Chris did or did not rape Barb.}}

'''CHRIS''': "Obviously."
It is often questioned whether the incest was consensual or not. The following list contains many common points of argument for both sides but also a counterargument for each and every one.

'''BELLA''': "Yeah. A lot of time with your mom, like whatever you have left with her, that makes sense. Because, you know, you don't know how, how long she has left so you just wanna, you just don't want her to be lonely or anything, right?"
Speculation for the affair being nonconsensual is as follows:

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah, obviously. But yeah, still uh, would want somebody who was younger than, who is younger or close to my age, obviously, I don't know, maybe."
* Barb has been speculated to be suffering from dementia or some other form of mental decline; there are too many videos of her displaying symptoms to list, but this could be her intentionally faking it for sympathy donations. Also, some have pointed out that Barb was quite cognizant in other recent videos, adding weight to the theory that her behavior in the begging videos could have been exaggerated.
* Chris mentioned during [[Incest Texts]] that Barb told him to stop during his attempts to finger her; however, this would have been Chris's first time fingering a woman ([[Mia Hamm]] didn't allow him to do so during their times together) and Chris mentioned this act hurt Barb at first; meaning Barb could have been stopping him from his attempts due to the pain but otherwise consented to be fingered.
* Chris, during the [[Incest Call]], mentions that Barb seemed partially confused at first; However, Chris did say she "came around," so it's possible he was referring to his advances towards her, and she wasn't of sound mind at that point.
* Chris claimed in [[Jail Letter - 22 July 2022 (2)]] that Barb was "Zombie-like" and in [[Jail Letter - 29 July 2022]] that she had "fridgid mental activity and physical ability like a scared deer in headlights nearly ALL the time"; while damning (if true), it's worth mentioning that Chris during the letter is begging Kenneth for assistance in moving Barb out of the house, arguing that Barb simply cannot take care of herself. Chris, being Chris, could simply not know the implications of what he's actually saying, and it's quite possible that Chris is desperately lying since Kenneth disapproved of the idea unless there was no other option for Barb.

'''BELLA''': "You don't want anyone who's younger?"
Speculation for the affair being consensual are as follows:

'''CHRIS''': "Um, not too many, not too many other at this, at this time. But, I mean, obviously uh, with my affirmations on, on attracting my twin flame, we, we proceed towards it more slowly."
* Chris and Barbara's relationship is infamously creepy and way too close for comfort; this is the main source of people believing the affair was consensual and for good reason. Barb would often yell at Chris if he didn't share a bed with her, and Chris has admitted numerous times that he spoons with her (after Bob's death). They were also often seen talking to each other and even holding each other as if they were husband and wife for a long time before the affair began. Barb is infamous for being horribly [[Chris and manipulation|manipulative]] for her own personal gain, and she does not see any problem with coddling and emotionally blackmailing Chris in order to go along with what she wants to do (usually money or food-related stuff); with this in mind, while their relationship is definitely unhealthy for a mother and son to have, it does not prove that Barb was interested in an incestuous affair with Chris.
* Chris claimed to Null during his temporary homelessness in [[Null DMs|a direct message]] that the affair was definitely consensual; however, [[Honest Content|even somebody like Chris]] would probably hesitate to admit raping their own mother, especially to a business manager at the time.
* Chris boasted during the [[Incest Call]] that Barb was "having a good time" and even claimed that he let her make the first move; even if this is true, it does not rule out that Chris hadn't coerced or otherwise manipulated her into having sex with him since he did mention in the same call that she was "partially confused at first." Chris's idea of approaching a love interest with "care and caution" '''does not''' translate to consent or even consideration for somebody else's feelings; his idea of nervous behavior around [[Kacey]], for example, included touching her multiple times without her consent and his interactions with [[Megan]] which he describes as "friendly" also included a lot of unwanted attempts to hug and kiss her.
* In [[Jail Letter - 11 May 2022]], Chris claimed that after he lost his virginity to Mia Hamm and told his mom about it, Barb stated that she would have had sex with him herself; while this does sound like Barb offering herself to Chris, there is a massive possibility that Barb was simply saying he could [[Attraction Sign|pull women without paying them]]. Though definitely creepy, it does not mean she actually wanted sex with him and even if she did, the quote came from a decade beforehand so this would not count as consent.

'''BELLA''': "Mhm. Sorry, I'm tuning (?) the volume, for my, I can't, I have a really bad ear because I just, I got sick, like, you can hear it in my voice. Itís hard to hear anything at all. But I can hear you now. Go ahead."
In the end, we will perhaps never honestly know; Barb is apparently not willing to comment or give any further details (and thankfully, nobody has pressed her on such), and Chris is currently shifting the blame on a [[Shattered Glass Universe|supposed counterpart from another dimension]]. If Chris was formally charged and sentenced with felony incest (or perhaps rape), it could've been a case of Chris simply piling on tons of poorly worded evidence against himself [[Honest Content|(as he's done throughout most of his life)]]; but even since Chris's charge was dismissed, it could be seen as yet another example of the criminal justice system [[Honor roll|going easy]] on [[Autism|somebody with special needs]].

'''CHRIS''': "Alright. So anyway, um, every -- with the, with the events and everything and I was feeling like, I really needed a sexual release, and..."
Ironically, despite this being one of the most critical moments in Chris's life, a life that has been documented extensively down to the finest detail, we continue to and will likely never know the essential details of it. What makes this even more unique is that the truth cannot be obtained from any trolls but from Chris and Barb themselves. Chris, being a notorious liar, will never tell the truth. The only one who can is Barb, assuming she is still lucid. 

'''BELLA''': "Mhm."
==Chris's Comments on the Affair post-incarceration==
During the incarceration that followed Chris's incest with his mother, he had communicated numerous times with members of the public via letters and telephone calls. Some of those letters (and one recorded phone call which has been publicly shared) contain commentary by Chris regarding the charges for which he was in jail. The first publicly available letter in which Chris touches on the subject of the alleged incest was written on [[Jail Letter - 19 September 2021|19 September 2021]]. In it, Chris appears to strongly imply that he, indeed, had sex with Barbara. Chris's comments on the affair are tied with the elaboration of his previously expressed delusions of Godhood. He reveals having realized himself to be the present-day reincarnation of Jesus Christ. The supreme Goddess Emanuelle had ordered him to purify Barbara of her sins and improve her abilities. In his description of how this was done, Chris writes that he and his mother "mainly Cuddled, Soul-Bonded, and Talked." No explicit details are provided, but the rest of the letter strongly implies that sexual acts were included in Chris's "healing" of Barbara. Chris goes on to write that the healing he performed on his mother was similarly done by him on other individuals during his previous life as Jesus Christ, though the details of said healings were omitted from the Bible. Chris then goes on to inform the letter's recipient that "We Gods had eased up on the views of "Adultry" [sic]; WHY Else do you all have Pro-Gay, and Pro-Lesbian, Pro-Trans, and all Today and the past Decades?" While the word "adultery" is typically used to refer to marital infidelity, it appears that in this letter, it is intended to mean all acts that go against traditional sexual morality (i.e., what Christians have usually called "fornication"). By grouping the "healing" of Barbara in the same category as intimate relations between members of the same sex, Chris strongly implies that the "healing" of Barbara likewise included romantic and sexual acts. Chris's defense of the "healing" on the counts that all those who were involved in it were both willing and above the legal age of consent further enhances the impression that it was at least partially sexual in nature.

'''CHRIS''': "Not too many, not too many individuals on this side of the iron curtain were coming up to plate (?) right, right down there, so..."
While the 19 September letter was just a few baby steps away from being an explicit admission of incest, it did not take long for Chris to become more coy as to whether or not incest between himself and Barb had occurred. In a [[Jail Call - 1 November 2021|1 November 2021 telephone call]], Chris fails to either explicitly deny or acknowledge that he and Barb had sex. The same ambiguousness regarding the truthfulness of the charges against him can be seen in a letter written on [[Jail Letter - 16 November 2021|16 November 2021]].

'''BELLA''': "Right."
At some point, Chris changed his side of the story and began to outright deny that there was ever any sexual intimacy between him and his mother. Regarding public evidence, Chris first explicitly denied the charges against him in the [[Jail Letter - 11 May 2022|11 May 2022 jail letter]]. In the same letter, Chris alleges that in [[May 2012]], Barbara made sexual advances towards him after he revealed to her that he had paid a prostitute a month beforehand. He goes on to write that after the death of Bob, Barb came to see Chris as a husband-like figure. Further denials that Chris ever had sexual relations with Barb appear in jail letters written on [[Jail Letter - 1 June 2022|1 June]] and [[Jail Letter - 4 June 2022|4 June 2022]]. Chris does acknowledge that prior to his arrest, he told others that he had sex with Barb, but by now, he claims that those admissions were false. As he wrote in the 4 June 2022 letter: "I have never had sex with Barbara; that was purely Big Talk to Divinely Test everyone." In the letters from 19 September 2021 and 16 November 2021, Chris claimed that his pre-arrest admissions were made to test specific individuals, but (at least as far as public evidence goes) only from May 2022 did Chris begin to claim that these admissions were false.

'''CHRIS''': "And then the everything was coming into good alignment and it was good [inaudible] Emmanuel, you know, guide. Just said that it was okay and managed to guide me towards..."
{{quote|[Jesus] does love me. I am not a horrible monster. What I did - well, what you're saying I did - never happened [[Coping|in this timeline]]. It never happened, never happened.|Chris in a [[December 2023]] livestream<ref>[[Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots Part 2]]</ref>}}

'''BELLA''': "God said this was okay? Yeah, then you don't have anything to worry about if God himself said 'This is fine.'"
Chris's comments on the affair after his return are convoluted and involve memory transfer and alternate [[dimensions]]. In Chris's livestreams he claims that he did not have sex with Barb but accessed memories from [[Dimensions#Shattered_Glass_Dimension|the Shattered Glass Dimension]] where his self-counterpart did have sex with Barb, implying he remembers having sex with Barb. He claims that he knew that Bella would betray him, and played along with her so that he could be sent to jail in Virginia rather than Washington and so he could avoid meeting Sockness at [[Everfree Northwest]].<ref>[[November_2023_livestreams#Simple_Existential_Q&A|10 November livestream]]</ref><ref>[[December_2023_livestreams#Over_the_shoulder_colouring_stream|22 December livestream]]</ref> In prerecorded videos like [[Setting the Record straight - there never was any sex involving me in 2021]] and [[The Chris Chan Interview]] he does not mention the Shattered Glass Dimension and mainly talks about Bella and claims that he was proven innocent in a court of law.

'''CHRIS''': "Yeah. And uh, so yeah. I gave it a lot of thought myself and I was like 'Okay, so I'll take a dive for it,' so..."
{{Main|Jail Saga}}
It is a [[Chris and the law|criminal offense]] in Virginia to engage in incest – sexual activities between a parent and a child are a class 5 felony, punishable on indictment by up to 10 years incarceration. Chris was swiftly removed from his home by an Emergency Protective Order and then arrested the next day. In the wake of his charges, Chris was [[banned]] from [[Patreon]] and [[Tapas]]. Collaborators who had once worked with him withdrew, such as ''[[The Binding of Isaac]]'' card game creator canceling a card he had requested Chris contribute, the band who released [[Love is Love (song)|Love is Love]] pulling it from sale, and [[Null]] offering refunds for [[Kiwi Farms silver coin|silver coins]] featuring Chris's likeness and stating he would never again sell items with direct reference to Chris.

'''BELLA''': "But how did this happen? How did this come about?"
Since then, he was held without bail in Central Virginia Regional Jail before getting transferred to [[Western State Hospital]], awaiting trial.<ref>[https://www.facebook.com/269663503100241/photos/a.398555170211073/4389133984486485/?type=3 Press release]</ref> On 3 [[May 2022]], Chris was transferred back to CVRJ. In [[March 2023]], Chris was released from jail.

'''CHRIS''': "Well, among which just mainly I'm just, really, really horny and I needed a true and honest, uh, relationship to come about, so... Obviously, this was one of the best way to do it despite it being with uh... I don't want to believe in labels at all but I mean obviously..."
===Chris and Barbara's relationship===
{{Needs Updating|Citations}}
Chris and Barbara's relationship deteriorated during Chris's stay in jail. In a jail letter, Chris mentioned that Barb had ceased communicating with him. During the summer of 2022, Chris began to speak ill of Barb in his letters, insulting and making spurious claims about her, even blaming her for his situation.<ref>[[Jail Letter - 11 May 2022]]</ref> While still in jail, Chris began planning for his housing post-release. In light of a restraining order being placed on Chris preventing him from contact with Barb<ref>[[Jail Letter - 4 July 2022]]</ref>, Chris believed he deserved to live in [[14 Branchland Court]] over Barb and requested his [[enablers]] assist him with a [[Kickstarter]] fundraiser to bribe Barb into moving into senior housing, claiming that [[Caden]] was helping with this scheme and that it was his initial idea.<ref>[[Jail Letter - 29 July 2022]]</ref>
Since his release, Chris has become increasingly resentful of Barb, and despite his dependence of her in the past, has dropped her like a hot potato.

==Precursor events==
With Chris's release from jail and the subsequent dismissal of his case, Chris has returned to see Barb at least twice. While [[Post-jail sightings (2023)#14 Branchland Court|the first one]] was just Chris reclaiming his stuff, [[Post-jail sightings (2023)#14 Branchland Court (November)|the second time around]] Chris also claimed to have taken her out shopping, which might imply he does it at least semi-regularly, although he hasn't been sighted there ever since. The most recent visit Chris has made to Barb's place was in [[April 2024]] to [[Harvesting Process, Gravel at the Sonichu Temple|collect rocks from the driveway]] to [[OfficialCWCmart|sell]] on [[Etsy]].
Many christorians have noted that potential tells or patterns that would indicate sexual activity between Chris andher mother have been made previously. As early as 2016, the [[Man in the Pickle Suit]] noted that at Chris's plea arrangement, Chris and his mother were touching each other in an unusually intimate and inappropriate fashion<ref>[[26 December 2014]]</ref>. As recently as 2019, Chris, whilst roleplaying as Magichan referred to his mother as a "guilty pleasure waifu''[sic]''". Further, in 2016, Chris admitted to having dreams of having sex with his mother, in a facebook post stating that "I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother"<ref>[[August 2016 Facebook posts#Incestuous Thoughts]]</ref>.Troll [[Arthur Spatchcock]] disclosed on the Kiwifarms that following the [[Destruction of Chris's house]], Chris and his mother were routinely spooning. At the time, Chris denied any impropriety, stating "I am not a "Bates". OMG."<ref>[[Misc texts]]</ref>.

==Fan videos==
As early as 2009, Chris-Chan has expressed outright interest in [[IRC_(23_July_2009)|raping an elderly woman,]] [[Rocky]].

In most of Chris-Chan's attempted romantic encounters, he commits sexual assault ingravescently, be it touching Megan, attempting to force a kiss on Emily, or forcing his face into Catherine's breasts.
|name = Sonichu Says NO to Barbussy Mitai [emptyhero]
|ytid = tsYBphxweBY
|stardate = 22 Nov 2022
|maker = emptyhero
|name = Poor Sonichu...
|ytid = WIZfv3scrx4
|stardate = 13 Feb 2022
|maker = Emperor Techno
|info = Warning: kinda spooky
|name = Chris-Chan and his mom every 3rd night since June 27
|ytid = mjARTrVL_0w
|stardate = 10 Aug 2021
|maker = American Goblin
|name = Chris Chan be like..
|ytid = Srz73CkOgwQ
|stardate =  2 Aug 2021
|maker = Through Time and Space
|name = KOMM, SÜßER CHRIS [The End of Sonichu]
|ytid = y29G4qaZvG8
|stardate = 14 July 2020
|maker = DookuVEVO

==See also==
*[[Incest Arrest]]
*[[Chris and sex]]
*[[Chris and the law]]
*[[Jail Saga]]
*[[Soul Bonding]]
*[[The Binding of Isaac‎]]
*[[Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability]]

It is a [[Chris and the law|criminal offense]] in Virginia to engage in incest - sexual activities between a parent and a child is a class 5 felony, punishable on indictment by up to 10 years incarceration. As of July 30th, Chris has not been criminally charged. As a result of the protection order levied against Chris, she has been removed from his home. Initial plans to stay with extended family were disrupted after the invitation was rescinded. Due to [[Financhu Crisis|ongoing financial problems]], Chris cannot afford a hotel, until donations collected by [[Null]] arrive in his bank account, a process which is estimated to take 3 days. Later on July 30th, [[Everfree Northwest]] posted that "appropriate action to protect the vulnerable" will be taken; while not naming Chris, it is suspected that that this tweet refers to the disinvitation of Chris to the conference.<ref>https://no-cookie.kiwifarms.net/data/attachments/2394/2394447-d0e4abd4c07820fdae2dcfa3b1f9b4dd.jpg</ref>
{{Love Quest}}

==See Also==
[[Category:Articles with Jail Saga speculation]]
*[[Chris and Sex]]

Latest revision as of 10:53, 28 February 2025

This page is about the affair itself. For the leaks in which Chris describes incestuous acts, see Incest Call and Incest Texts. For the subsequent legal consequences, see Jail Saga. For Chris's general stance on incest, see here.

This article is rated M for Honest Content

It may contain content deemed not safe for work. Reader discretion is advised.

Chris was charged with incest, not rape. Additionally, Barb's dementia is unconfirmed despite speculation.
For more info, click here.

Like "JULAAAAYYY" and "Ian Brandon Anderson" before it, "BARBUSSY" has quickly become an overused, weenish meme. Consider retaining your dignity by not spamming it at Chris.
Anyhow, who among Everyone in this world has not had a dream of having sex with one of their parents? Never acting on them ever, I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother.
Chris on Facebook in 2016. Chris would act on his instincts five years later.[1]
You're supposed to say: "Turn me loose, you silly goose!" ...You used to do that more flirtingly.
Chris while forcefully embracing his mother on a Twitch stream, indirectly warning us of what was to come.

For years, trolls joked that Chris, in his desperation to find a boyfriend-free girl, would eventually turn to his mom based on his occasional off‐putting comments about her and their constant proximity to one another. Few thought he would ever go through with the act, though — but Chris found a way to surprise and horrify everybody.

Chris and Barb's incestuous affair most likely began on 27 June 2021,[2][3] but his social media presence earlier in the month may hint at an earlier start to the affair. As early as 22 June, he began addressing Barbara by the unsettling pet name of "Barbie Chan", which may have indicated when he began to get intimate with her. After this date, Chris claimed that he had sex with her once every three nights until being forcibly stopped by being removed from the house.

On 27 July 2021, during a call with Isabella "Bella" Loretta Janke, Chris revealed the details of his sexual activities with his mother of his own volition,[4] also discussing it in text messages later that day. In those, Chris discussed stimulating his elderly mother with his hands, performing cunnilingus on her, and having penetrative sex with her.[5] He claimed that Barbara compared him favorably to her previous sexual partners, including Chris's father Bob, who had been unable to provide her with an orgasm or stimulate her G-spot.

Files were leaked to the public the following night,[6] and social workers removed Chris from Barbara on the morning of 30 July. In early August 2021, Chris was arrested, officially charged with one count of incest, and was held without bail.

Chris was kept in jail or in a mental hospital until 27 March 2023, at which point he was released into a group home. His incest charge was outright dropped in August 2023. He has commented on the charge against him numerous times since his arrest and denied that he and his mother had sex, despite previous admission to the contrary. Due to the weens abusing the donation system on his livestreams to spam such messages, he had come up with a lot of excuses, from claiming that " [he has] been forgiven and cleansed of any and all sins of [his], period", to stating that it happened in another timeline.

Background and foreshadowing

485-CWCsF.JPG Chris's recent failings have helped CWCki gather more information for this article.
Be a winner by adding this information in.

This new information can be found from the following sources:
Lonely feelings

Note the talk of "soul bonding" in the right-hand corner.

In general, the relationship between Chris and his mother has always been seen as a "little too close", likely due to his mother's overly coddling nature towards him in his early life all through to his adulthood mixed with the emotionally abusive control tactics she implemented against both him and Bob. It was keenly noted during the Doopie Saga that Chris had used the words "darling" and "dear", commonly reserved for romantic relationships, to refer to his mother.

Many Christorians have noted that potential hints or patterns that would indicate sexual activity between Chris and his mother have been made previously. In a 2010 voice chat between various PVCC forum members, Kim Wilson talked about a discussion where Chris revealed he was spooning his mother on a regular basis. She also revealed that Chris told her that he'd once had a wet dream about Barb as an Egyptian belly dancer. When asked by Emily if he'd repopulate the planet if he and his mother were the only two people left in existence, Chris went silent and then denied any desire to have sex with his mother.

"Top 10 Hottest Anime Moms Ever", a video Chris watched on 25 July 2021, days before he bragged about incestuous acts on his mother.[7]

As early as October 2015, the Man in the Pickle Suit noted that at Chris's plea arrangement for the pepper spray incident, Chris and his mother were touching each other in an unusually intimate and inappropriate fashion.[8] In 2018, while Chris was hanging out with the Teen Troon Squad, he told them he had humped a body pillow in front of his mother while pretending the pillow was her. Chris characterized it as a form of expressing his anger at her for losing The Classic.[9] Teen Troon Squad member Lukas later claimed that Chris allegedly told them he wanted to have sex with his mother, though it is unclear if Lukas was referencing the body pillow chat.[10] And as recently as 2019, Chris, whilst roleplaying as Magi-Chan, referred to his mother as a "guilty pleasure waifu[sic]". Furthermore, in August 2016, Chris admitted to having dreams of having sex with his mother in a Facebook post stating that "I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother".[1] Troll Arthur Spatchcock disclosed on the Kiwi Farms that following the 2014 house fire, Chris and his mother were routinely spooning. At the time, Chris denied any impropriety, stating, "I am not a 'Bates'. OMG."[11]

According to both Bella and MKRNightVee, Chris brought up the dreams of sex with his mother again to them in private conversations. In a 19 July 2021 conversation with the Chess Club Discord server, Bella mentioned that Chris, during his phase of role-playing as Sonichu, brought up that he had a dream of having sex with his mother, to which Bella replied that it was weird and questioned what it meant, to which an offended Chris asked if she was calling Chris weird.[12] On 30 July 2021, MKR commented about the leak of the incest news and mentioned that Chris had told her about sexual dreams with his mother and that MKR dismissed it as one of Chris's many crazy dreams.[13]

On 5 July 2021, Chris revealed that he was having sex with an older woman with a background in accounting, and whom he had known for a long time to Null in confidence. Null, having no idea who Chris was talking about, praised Chris for managing to keep something secret for once and encouraged Chris to keep their relationship secret to protect her identity.

On 25 July 2021, Chris watched a WatchMojo video "Top 10 Hottest Anime Moms Ever".[14] Chris released a piece of artwork on his Twitter feed on 28 July 2021, showing "soul-bonding" between an elderly Libra woman (which Barb is) and a younger woman that suspiciously looks like Chris's fictionalized counterpart, clandestinely hinting at the horrifying affair that was just days from being revealed (the only major inconsistency is that Chris is a Pisces and appears elsewhere in the picture with the correct sign).

Chris had stated in a conversation he had with Watchmen members that he had feelings of loneliness and wanted to get some action with a real, physical woman. Unfortunately for everyone, Chris's desires would lead him to a very dark place...

The affair

Also made another attempt at rubbing her vagina, externally at first, then slipping in between the lips and rubbing the inner labia. Then she told me to stop. She's getting more used to being played with down there by hand.
Text message from Chris.[5]
Chris being arrested for incest, 1 August 2021

On 27 June 2021, Chris began to engage in incest with his mother Barbara Chandler.[2][3] By 2 July, a routine of sex every three nights had developed.[15][16] Chris bought massage oil and negligee to use during their sexual activity and later claimed that she approved of it.[17][18] Chris also purchased a book, Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability, to consult during the affair.[19]

Excited by the sexual activities, Chris began to hint to some of his online confidants about the affair, although he crafted a series of lies to conceal the identity of his sexual partner. Chris instead described her as a lady friend. In total, Chris hinted to at least seven people or groups: The WCT (2 July 2021), The Knights of CWC (5 July), Null (5 July), Spunky, Don Lashomb, his doctor (unknown), and Bella (13 July).[20][19][21] Finally, late in July 2021, Chris's desire to brag to someone about the identity of his sexual partner came to a boil, and he selected Bella.[22] Since he feared the government might listen in on the conversation, Chris asked her to download the encrypted chat app Signal, and he asked her to chat on the night of 27 July 2021.[23] After Chris revealed that his sexual partner was his own mother, Bella began recording the conversation using her iPad, later known as the Incest Call. Chris also texted Bella further details, which later became known as the Incest Texts.

Chris in negligee

In the chats, Chris admits that he and his mother engaged in substantial sexual activity, including Chris rubbing his mother and engaging in penetrative intercourse with her. Chris claimed he "approached her with care and caution," and that Barb even made the "first move". He further alleged that his mother compared him to various other sexual partners, including Chris's father.[2][5]

And obviously those out of the eight guys, counting Robertchu, before me were not hitting her G-Spot as much with their cocks. I had attempted the first night to rub her in there; i found her spot, but it hurt her. But, alternatively, I did find that at cunnilingus, I was good at it with my tongue
Chris comparing his sexual activities with his father's sexual activities.[5]

After Bella shared the Incest Call and Texts with Fiona, Fiona in turn shared the call with the Chris Chan Conservation Collective server, and a server member in turn leaked it to the general public. Fiona followed suit by leaking the texts.

On the morning of 30 July, a welfare check was conducted at 14 Branchland Court. Chris was removed by Emergency Protective Order, and Barbara was sent to a hospital for a senior care inspection,[24] forcing an end to the incestuous affair. On 1 August 2021, Chris was arrested and jailed on a charge of incest, kicking off the Jail Saga.

The gory details


Texts purporting BDSM roleplay are fakes doctored by Bella. With that said, this list is still not entirely reliable, as details may vary and because Chris is typically not interested in honesty in these scenarios.
A surreal depiction of the events

In case you have some kind of morbid curiosity of how the affair could have went down, here is a list of "activities" that Chris had allegedly done to/with his mother:

The average reaction to what happened...

  1. Massages[25] - Presumably full-body ones since it included her thighs (and her face for some reason); this is probably the same type of massage he gave to Mia Hamm. Chris also claimed in a chat with The WCT that he had bought massaging oil and made the claim that it is perfect to use on one's lover. [17]
  2. Kissing - Apparently did not involve tongues.
  3. Outer Course - Rubbing her pussy with his fingers and hands, this happened at least twice before the next step, probably more.
  4. Intercourse - By this, he means fingering her. It apparently hurt her when he did so.
  5. Cunnilingus - Eating her out, claims he's good at it. There is no information about whether she returned the favor. [5]
  6. Penetration - Vaginal, apparently with the use of a condom, he proceeded to get himself tested for STIs afterward anyway.
  7. Cuddling - According to a letter from jail, Chris supposedly "cuddled" with Barb in the times of incest.[26]

According to Null, Chris had been buying large amounts of sex toys and lingerie from Adam & Eve for several months prior to committing his acts. What sex toys Chris potentially used, if any, is uncertain.


Chris has rationalized the affair in multiple ways.

  • Divine approval - Chris claimed in the Incest Call that God told him the incest was okay.
  • Soul-Bonding and Healing - In a jail letter that Emanuel told him to have sex with Barb in order to "heal" her and "cleanse her of her sins".[26] In a later letter, Chris mentions that "Soul Bonding does not necessarily constitute sex" which implies that it can be.[27] He described soul-bonding as "the Bonding and Union of Auras (Energy Fields) between at least two individuals."[28] Chris invented the narrative that if he didn't engage in this "healing" then Barbara would have died or been more heavily injured by her November 2021 car accident, completely ignoring the fact that if Chris had not engaged in it, chances are Barb wouldn't have been in a car accident at all, since she wouldn't have been forced to drive on her own due to her son's absence.[29]
  • Defense measure against Sockness - Chris claimed that "my having had sex is also a defense mechanism in regards to Sockness and what he had/may have in mind with me and being near me," referring to Sockness's history of scheming to have sex with Chris, and that Chris planned to use the fact of his affair as a "truth bomb" to deter Sockness.[30]

Later on, he dropped the act and started outright denying the event altogether.[31][32]

Awareness of wrongdoing

Chris was aware of the illegal nature of incest. In August 2016, he read a news article on the topic of a mother and son charged with incest and commented on Facebook about it, defending the two and saying they should not be sent to jail.[1]

Five years later, in the midst of his own affair with his mother, Chris still demonstrated awareness that the action was illegal. While he desired to discuss the affair with people, he first concocted a cover story in which he used misleading euphemisms such as "lady friend" to describe his sexual partner and claimed that the supposed lady friend and Barb had met each other[22][33] and he insisted on keeping the identity of the lady friend secret,[30][19][3] though he dropped hints such as age[30] and employment history.[19]

After a month of using his cover story, Chris decided to push further and tell someone that his mother was the sexual partner. He selected Bella. Before telling her, Chris first tried to manipulate her into keeping silent on what he would say by using a guilt trip.

And I ask you Not to Overthink or ask for further details in pressing on. That is not a good thing to do.
Chris to Bella, 17 July 2021[30]

Over a week later, Chris, ready to divulge his secret, first claimed to Bella that he was uncertain of telling her as he was concerned about the government hacking into the conversation, which backfired on Chris as this tipped off Bella into suspecting that he was about to discuss an illegal act.[34]

I realize I am remaining and sounding distant on the questioning, and it will become more clear and obvious when I tell you, in-person, who she is.

I actually wish I could tell you over text or voice call, but the government and anyone with the tech can easily hack into those methods

Chris, prior to the Incest Call.[22]

Within the same conversation, Chris recommended using the encrypted text/video call app Signal (having used it to communicate with Null), which Bella agreed to download.[22]

After Chris's conversations about committing incest were publicly leaked, The WCT sent Chris messages over Discord asking him what had happened. Chris gave an explanation, then began deleting his messages. Chris requested that The WCT delete his side of the conversation as well, which WCT obliged (though had taken screenshots in real time to discuss with The Knights of CWC).[35]

Was it consensual?


The following speculation should not be taken as definite proof that Chris raped Barb or not; this is simply a list of information that Chris has provided himself, which due to Chris's habit of lying for the pettiest of reasons, can be seen as unreliable by some. Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, please avoid saying for sure if Chris did or did not rape Barb.

It is often questioned whether the incest was consensual or not. The following list contains many common points of argument for both sides but also a counterargument for each and every one.

Speculation for the affair being nonconsensual is as follows:

  • Barb has been speculated to be suffering from dementia or some other form of mental decline; there are too many videos of her displaying symptoms to list, but this could be her intentionally faking it for sympathy donations. Also, some have pointed out that Barb was quite cognizant in other recent videos, adding weight to the theory that her behavior in the begging videos could have been exaggerated.
  • Chris mentioned during Incest Texts that Barb told him to stop during his attempts to finger her; however, this would have been Chris's first time fingering a woman (Mia Hamm didn't allow him to do so during their times together) and Chris mentioned this act hurt Barb at first; meaning Barb could have been stopping him from his attempts due to the pain but otherwise consented to be fingered.
  • Chris, during the Incest Call, mentions that Barb seemed partially confused at first; However, Chris did say she "came around," so it's possible he was referring to his advances towards her, and she wasn't of sound mind at that point.
  • Chris claimed in Jail Letter - 22 July 2022 (2) that Barb was "Zombie-like" and in Jail Letter - 29 July 2022 that she had "fridgid mental activity and physical ability like a scared deer in headlights nearly ALL the time"; while damning (if true), it's worth mentioning that Chris during the letter is begging Kenneth for assistance in moving Barb out of the house, arguing that Barb simply cannot take care of herself. Chris, being Chris, could simply not know the implications of what he's actually saying, and it's quite possible that Chris is desperately lying since Kenneth disapproved of the idea unless there was no other option for Barb.

Speculation for the affair being consensual are as follows:

  • Chris and Barbara's relationship is infamously creepy and way too close for comfort; this is the main source of people believing the affair was consensual and for good reason. Barb would often yell at Chris if he didn't share a bed with her, and Chris has admitted numerous times that he spoons with her (after Bob's death). They were also often seen talking to each other and even holding each other as if they were husband and wife for a long time before the affair began. Barb is infamous for being horribly manipulative for her own personal gain, and she does not see any problem with coddling and emotionally blackmailing Chris in order to go along with what she wants to do (usually money or food-related stuff); with this in mind, while their relationship is definitely unhealthy for a mother and son to have, it does not prove that Barb was interested in an incestuous affair with Chris.
  • Chris claimed to Null during his temporary homelessness in a direct message that the affair was definitely consensual; however, even somebody like Chris would probably hesitate to admit raping their own mother, especially to a business manager at the time.
  • Chris boasted during the Incest Call that Barb was "having a good time" and even claimed that he let her make the first move; even if this is true, it does not rule out that Chris hadn't coerced or otherwise manipulated her into having sex with him since he did mention in the same call that she was "partially confused at first." Chris's idea of approaching a love interest with "care and caution" does not translate to consent or even consideration for somebody else's feelings; his idea of nervous behavior around Kacey, for example, included touching her multiple times without her consent and his interactions with Megan which he describes as "friendly" also included a lot of unwanted attempts to hug and kiss her.
  • In Jail Letter - 11 May 2022, Chris claimed that after he lost his virginity to Mia Hamm and told his mom about it, Barb stated that she would have had sex with him herself; while this does sound like Barb offering herself to Chris, there is a massive possibility that Barb was simply saying he could pull women without paying them. Though definitely creepy, it does not mean she actually wanted sex with him and even if she did, the quote came from a decade beforehand so this would not count as consent.

In the end, we will perhaps never honestly know; Barb is apparently not willing to comment or give any further details (and thankfully, nobody has pressed her on such), and Chris is currently shifting the blame on a supposed counterpart from another dimension. If Chris was formally charged and sentenced with felony incest (or perhaps rape), it could've been a case of Chris simply piling on tons of poorly worded evidence against himself (as he's done throughout most of his life); but even since Chris's charge was dismissed, it could be seen as yet another example of the criminal justice system going easy on somebody with special needs.

Ironically, despite this being one of the most critical moments in Chris's life, a life that has been documented extensively down to the finest detail, we continue to and will likely never know the essential details of it. What makes this even more unique is that the truth cannot be obtained from any trolls but from Chris and Barb themselves. Chris, being a notorious liar, will never tell the truth. The only one who can is Barb, assuming she is still lucid. 

Chris's Comments on the Affair post-incarceration

During the incarceration that followed Chris's incest with his mother, he had communicated numerous times with members of the public via letters and telephone calls. Some of those letters (and one recorded phone call which has been publicly shared) contain commentary by Chris regarding the charges for which he was in jail. The first publicly available letter in which Chris touches on the subject of the alleged incest was written on 19 September 2021. In it, Chris appears to strongly imply that he, indeed, had sex with Barbara. Chris's comments on the affair are tied with the elaboration of his previously expressed delusions of Godhood. He reveals having realized himself to be the present-day reincarnation of Jesus Christ. The supreme Goddess Emanuelle had ordered him to purify Barbara of her sins and improve her abilities. In his description of how this was done, Chris writes that he and his mother "mainly Cuddled, Soul-Bonded, and Talked." No explicit details are provided, but the rest of the letter strongly implies that sexual acts were included in Chris's "healing" of Barbara. Chris goes on to write that the healing he performed on his mother was similarly done by him on other individuals during his previous life as Jesus Christ, though the details of said healings were omitted from the Bible. Chris then goes on to inform the letter's recipient that "We Gods had eased up on the views of "Adultry" [sic]; WHY Else do you all have Pro-Gay, and Pro-Lesbian, Pro-Trans, and all Today and the past Decades?" While the word "adultery" is typically used to refer to marital infidelity, it appears that in this letter, it is intended to mean all acts that go against traditional sexual morality (i.e., what Christians have usually called "fornication"). By grouping the "healing" of Barbara in the same category as intimate relations between members of the same sex, Chris strongly implies that the "healing" of Barbara likewise included romantic and sexual acts. Chris's defense of the "healing" on the counts that all those who were involved in it were both willing and above the legal age of consent further enhances the impression that it was at least partially sexual in nature.

While the 19 September letter was just a few baby steps away from being an explicit admission of incest, it did not take long for Chris to become more coy as to whether or not incest between himself and Barb had occurred. In a 1 November 2021 telephone call, Chris fails to either explicitly deny or acknowledge that he and Barb had sex. The same ambiguousness regarding the truthfulness of the charges against him can be seen in a letter written on 16 November 2021.

At some point, Chris changed his side of the story and began to outright deny that there was ever any sexual intimacy between him and his mother. Regarding public evidence, Chris first explicitly denied the charges against him in the 11 May 2022 jail letter. In the same letter, Chris alleges that in May 2012, Barbara made sexual advances towards him after he revealed to her that he had paid a prostitute a month beforehand. He goes on to write that after the death of Bob, Barb came to see Chris as a husband-like figure. Further denials that Chris ever had sexual relations with Barb appear in jail letters written on 1 June and 4 June 2022. Chris does acknowledge that prior to his arrest, he told others that he had sex with Barb, but by now, he claims that those admissions were false. As he wrote in the 4 June 2022 letter: "I have never had sex with Barbara; that was purely Big Talk to Divinely Test everyone." In the letters from 19 September 2021 and 16 November 2021, Chris claimed that his pre-arrest admissions were made to test specific individuals, but (at least as far as public evidence goes) only from May 2022 did Chris begin to claim that these admissions were false.

[Jesus] does love me. I am not a horrible monster. What I did - well, what you're saying I did - never happened in this timeline. It never happened, never happened.
Chris in a December 2023 livestream[36]

Chris's comments on the affair after his return are convoluted and involve memory transfer and alternate dimensions. In Chris's livestreams he claims that he did not have sex with Barb but accessed memories from the Shattered Glass Dimension where his self-counterpart did have sex with Barb, implying he remembers having sex with Barb. He claims that he knew that Bella would betray him, and played along with her so that he could be sent to jail in Virginia rather than Washington and so he could avoid meeting Sockness at Everfree Northwest.[37][38] In prerecorded videos like Setting the Record straight - there never was any sex involving me in 2021 and The Chris Chan Interview he does not mention the Shattered Glass Dimension and mainly talks about Bella and claims that he was proven innocent in a court of law.


Main article: Jail Saga

It is a criminal offense in Virginia to engage in incest – sexual activities between a parent and a child are a class 5 felony, punishable on indictment by up to 10 years incarceration. Chris was swiftly removed from his home by an Emergency Protective Order and then arrested the next day. In the wake of his charges, Chris was banned from Patreon and Tapas. Collaborators who had once worked with him withdrew, such as The Binding of Isaac card game creator canceling a card he had requested Chris contribute, the band who released Love is Love pulling it from sale, and Null offering refunds for silver coins featuring Chris's likeness and stating he would never again sell items with direct reference to Chris.

Since then, he was held without bail in Central Virginia Regional Jail before getting transferred to Western State Hospital, awaiting trial.[39] On 3 May 2022, Chris was transferred back to CVRJ. In March 2023, Chris was released from jail.

Chris and Barbara's relationship

485-CWCsF.JPG Chris's recent failings have helped CWCki gather more information for this article.
Be a winner by adding this information in.

This new information can be found from the following sources:
• Citations

Chris and Barbara's relationship deteriorated during Chris's stay in jail. In a jail letter, Chris mentioned that Barb had ceased communicating with him. During the summer of 2022, Chris began to speak ill of Barb in his letters, insulting and making spurious claims about her, even blaming her for his situation.[40] While still in jail, Chris began planning for his housing post-release. In light of a restraining order being placed on Chris preventing him from contact with Barb[41], Chris believed he deserved to live in 14 Branchland Court over Barb and requested his enablers assist him with a Kickstarter fundraiser to bribe Barb into moving into senior housing, claiming that Caden was helping with this scheme and that it was his initial idea.[42] Since his release, Chris has become increasingly resentful of Barb, and despite his dependence of her in the past, has dropped her like a hot potato.

With Chris's release from jail and the subsequent dismissal of his case, Chris has returned to see Barb at least twice. While the first one was just Chris reclaiming his stuff, the second time around Chris also claimed to have taken her out shopping, which might imply he does it at least semi-regularly, although he hasn't been sighted there ever since. The most recent visit Chris has made to Barb's place was in April 2024 to collect rocks from the driveway to sell on Etsy.

Fan videos

Sonichu Says NO to Barbussy Mitai [emptyhero]
Direct link Youtube, archive
Stardate 22 Nov 2022
Made By emptyhero
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

Poor Sonichu...
Direct link Youtube, archive
Stardate 13 Feb 2022
Made By Emperor Techno
Other Info Warning: kinda spooky
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

Chris-Chan and his mom every 3rd night since June 27
Direct link Youtube, archive
Stardate 10 Aug 2021
Made By American Goblin
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

Chris Chan be like..
Direct link Youtube, archive
Stardate 2 Aug 2021
Made By Through Time and Space
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

KOMM, SÜßER CHRIS [The End of Sonichu]
Direct link Youtube, archive
Stardate 14 July 2020
Made By DookuVEVO
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos

See also

Tired of "Good Fan Art"? Visit our constantly expanding Gallery of Evil Fan Art! There's even a whole section dedicated to Affair with Mother!



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 August 2016 Facebook posts#Incestuous Thoughts
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Incest call#Transcript
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 WCT DMs#New sweetheart
  4. WCT DMs#Asking about Incest Call leak
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Incest Texts
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisChanSonichu/comments/oudn5m/chris_chan_admits_to_having_sex_with_his_mother/
  7. Date can be seen in File:SuitressTablet.jpg
  8. 26 December 2014#15 October Hearing
  9. Teen Troon Squad chats#Chris beat up, humped body pillow in effigy of Barb after she lost The Classic
  10. https://archive.fo/3OLtp
  11. Misc texts
  12. Chess Club Chats#Suicide Plan Claims
  13. https://twitter.com/MKR11217089/status/1421182090586988549 (archive: https://archive.ph/Scjbk)
  14. Fiona DMs#Top 10 Hottest Anime Moms Ever
  15. WCT DMs#Sex plans
  16. WCT DMs#Every three nights
  17. 17.0 17.1 WCT DMs#Massage oil and dream
  18. WCT DMs#Sexy negligee
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Null DMs#Chris vaguely describes his relationship
  20. User:Anaxis/The Knights of CWC Chats#The "Older Lady Friend" Call
  21. Bella chats#The Selected Few
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Bella chats#Chris Wants to Spill the Beans
  23. Bella chats#Preparing for Video Call
  24. Kiwi Farms posts (Null)#Summing Up Post-Incest Leak
  25. July 2021 social media posts#Signature sex move
  26. 26.0 26.1 Jail Letter - 19 September 2021
  27. Jail_Letter - 16_November_2021
  28. Jail Letter - 4 June 2022
  29. Jail_Letter - 11 January 2022
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Bella chats#Soul Bonding
  31. Setting the Record straight - there never was any sex involving me in 2021
  32. The Chris Chan Interview
  33. WCT DMs#Chris describes his lady friend
  34. Bella and Fiona chats#Bella suspects incest
  35. WCT DMs#Asking about Incest Call leak
  36. Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots Part 2
  37. 10 November livestream
  38. 22 December livestream
  39. Press release
  40. Jail Letter - 11 May 2022
  41. Jail Letter - 4 July 2022
  42. Jail Letter - 29 July 2022
IncestSagaIcon.png Incest Saga IncestSagaIcon.png
The Players

Organizations: The Knights of CWCHalal ServerChess Group 15
People: ChrisBarbara ChandlerIsabella JankeFionaNullThe WCTAnaxisEthan RalphEllDudeRocksDillin Thomas

The Games
Chats: The Affair:
Coinciding Sagas: Watchmen