Sonichu 11

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Sonichu #11
Issue 11 Cover.jpg
Cover Date: 13 August 2009
Finished: incomplete
Page Count: 12 (so far)
Sonichu Comics
Sonichu #10
Sonichu #12


Chris has yet to complete this project due to stress.
The reboot will happen in Book 11 with the Clip Show Episode; most questions will be answered and plots revealed.
I have not ended Sonichu; I only lost inspiration to draw, thanks to the people online.

Sonichu #11 is the twelfth comic in the Sonichu comic series, dated 13 August 2009. The cover claims to be the tenth anniversary issue. (Ten years without a "cease and desist" letter from Nintendo or Sega!) However, Chris abandoned the issue in December 2009, months before the tenth anniversary of Sonichu's creation came and went on 17 March 2010. It remains incomplete to this day.

Chris began writing this issue while Sonichu #10 was also in production, apparently to have somewhere to put the comic version of "A Sonichu and Rosechu Christmas Story". Christmas 2009 came and went, and Chris apparently forgot about this unfinished story with eight pages to go. In the meantime, he was still engrossed in tracing shit for his epic battle with Reldnahc and the anti-gay vaccine from the future.

A Sonichu Christmas

A Sonichu Christmas
CWCipedia: Special Episode 1 of Book 11
Audiobooks: A Sonichu Christmas
Take that, separation of church and state! Also: child molestation.
She's addressing Chris.

In December 2009, in response to requests for a Sonichu Christmas special, Chris began to create a comic adaptation of "A Sonichu and Rosechu Christmas Story", at the same time as he was working on the original prose version of the story. This marks the second time that Chris's prose was adapted into comic form - the short story "Sonichu & Rosechu… The Genesis of the Lovehogs" served as the basis for Episodes 1 and 2 in Sonichu #0.

The comic opens to show Sonichu's family in various states of celebration for the Christmas season, with the house decorated for the holiday. For a wintertime scene, the lawn of 14 Brunchland Lane is impossibly green, while a bike is left out along the side of the house awaiting permanent rusting from the events to follow. This is because Chris reused the original 14 Brunchland Lane picture seen in Sonichu #9 with half-assed editing of the clouds and sky to a dark blue color to reflect the nighttime, the removal of Reldnahc running down the road, and the addition of poorly-rendered Christmas lights and a wreath onto the house. Chris believes toddlers can do a lot, as Cerah, Christine and Robbie hang stockings, rehearse for the overtly Christian school play, and help bake cookies. At least one of them appears to be in elementary school, so Chris likely forgot how old they were supposed to be.

While rehearsing for a Christmas pageant at her school, Christine plagiarizes a joke from Family Guy when she ad libs that the Virgin Mary may not really have been a virgin. Sonichu and Robbie hanging stockings, and Robbie butchers a quote from a holiday classic. After a long, boring conversation about what toys Robbie wants, the conversation finally ends with Sonichu giving a diabetes-inducing speech about loving his little angelic kids.

Meanwhile Rosechu and Cerah make cookies. Cerah makes a big deal about making a special cookie for a Jewish kid in an uncomfortably awkward attempt at sensitivity. The cookie, made in the vague shape of a candle, resembles nothing close to any Jewish symbol, making this seemingly benign gesture somewhat self-defeating. The cookie is vanilla-flavored, in case the Jewish kid has some kind of food allergy. Rosechu and Cerah do not consider that anyone other than Jews might have food allergies. Cerah says "I wuv you!" while facing away from her mother and directly at the reader, apparently breaking the fourth wall.

In the living room, Robbie and Cerah notice that it has begun to snow. As they watch, Sonichu and Rosechu discuss the weather forecast and decide to stock up on groceries while the roads are still clear. While Sonichu goes to the supermarket, Christine recites Luke 1:45-55 (which Chris types as Luke 1:46.5 - 55) while Rosechu watches and the children stare on with their soulless green eyes. Incidentally, this Bible verse mentions how GodJesus will reward the humble and punish the proud and the mighty. While this passage is commonly heard in Protestant churches, there's no way that any American public school in the 21st century could get away with anything this overtly religious without fear of legal reprisal.

Later, Sonichu returns home with groceries. His trip to the supermarket was uneventful and uninteresting.

The next morning, Sonichu and Rosechu sit in the kitchen drinking coffee. A KCWC announcer details CWCville school closings, and Sonichu expresses his anticipated enjoyment of a day spent with his family, hot "coca" and a warm shower. Rosechu nags him to clear the snow burying their palatial residence, so Sonichu "bundles up for work." Noticing that all doors and windows are barred by mounds of snow, Sonichu decides to show off in front of his kids by jumping up the chimney like Santa Claus. Outside, uses his super-speed to scatter the snow off of his yard; never mind that the light and fluffy snow he's moving will be blown towards a busy road and possibly cause a tragic accident.

Exhausted, he then heads back into the house for a shower. Waiting patiently by the bathroom, Rosechu holds a hideous novelty Christmas towel and blesses him for doing five minutes' worth of chores.

Controversial conclusion

Alec Benson Leary's rendition.

On 24 April 2010, the Sysop uploaded two new episodes from Sonichu #11 to the CWCipedia. These stories picked up where Sonichu #10 left off with a similar dark and downbeat tone: Bubbles and Angelica were killed in the bombing of the CWCville Mal-Wart; Sandy Rosechu was run over by an inattentive driver; Wild committed suicide in a fit of grief and rage; Christine and Robbie were killed and Cerah badly injured when the three of them drank drain cleaner; Rosechu smothered her permanently crippled daughter with a pillow; Sonichu demanded a divorce; and Reginald Sneasel decided to show the world his "seven-inch lightning rod."

Despite a surprisingly positive fan response to the new pages, Chris overwrote them a short while later, claiming in a rage-filled CWC Blog update that they were the work of another artist.

However, during The Great Rampage 2.0 (where the CWCipedia was hacked for the second and final time), the pages were restored. The CWCipedia died the next day.

Later episodes

The content of subsequent episodes can only be speculated on; doubtless, it will consist of the first thing that comes to Chris's head whenever he can be bothered to scrawl a few pages. Sonic appears prominently on the cover, making it probable that he will make his first appearance since he helped Sonichu rescue Rosechu way back in Sonichu #1.

Chris has said that "The reboot will happen in Book 11 with the Clip Show Episode; most questions will be answered and plots revealed."[3] This is almost entirely incomprehensible, as a reboot is a declaration by a Great Director that previously established canon is null and void, or at least, irrelevant; a clip show is a TV episode composed mainly of excerpts from previous episodes; and neither of these correspond to answered questions or revealed plots. It's possible that by "Clip Show", Chris meant that Sonichu #11 would contain more backstory, while by "reboot", he meant that the existing "plot" would be clumsily resolved in a couple of pages.

Chris has also said, "METAL SONICHU is NOT a secondary character; HE will be making his return as a MAJOR VILLIAN after Book 11 Possessed by the soul of Count Graduon."[4] and "Count Graduon will be the Major Villain beyond [Sonichu #10], possessing the Metal Sonichu that crashed on the moon back in Book 1.[5]


Special Episode - A Sonichu Christmas


External links