User:Old meme/Sandbox
According to CWCipedia, the Samurai Pizza Bots are a cadre of Transformers who protect the city of CWCville from enemy attack. Since they didn't appear until Sonichu #9, one wonders why the hell these giant combat robots haven't been helping Christian and Sonichu not get their heads kicked in by a variety of implausible super-villains in the comic before that.
If you're wondering about the retarded name, there is actually a plausible reason for it, (as opposed to the other strangeness in the comic like wooden badges being delicious for instance.) The name is actually a ripoff of a relatively obscure anime called Samurai Pizza Cats, about a gang of furries who protect Japan while running a pizzeria. Chris liked this concept so much, that he felt the need to steal it and incorporate it into his comics, by making the CWCville Autobots maintain disguises as pizza delivery vehicles, complete with the ability to holographically project drivers who would deliver the pizza personally to customers. Holograms do not work that way, but by this point that little detail is nowhere close to being the stupidest part of this idea.
So who are these guys again?

- Main article: Son-Chu
Son-Chu is Chris's own personal transformer. In typical Chris fashion, since the car is his, that means it is naturally the leader of the CWCville Autobots and has the most prominence in the comics, as well as being the only transformer to be spared the indignity of being reffered to as a Samurai Pizza Bot. No, instead, Chris refers to his transformer as the leader of the "Virginia Autobot Squad".[1]
The reason for this is probably that while Son-Chu still has the same stupid logo as the other Autobots, he doesn't actually have a day job delivering pizzas. Son-Chu is instead Chris's own personal transportation. In vehicle mode, he takes the form of the blue '94 Ford Escort car that Chris drives in real life. Like the other Autobots, he has the ability to project a hologram of a driver into his seat in vehicle mode to maintain disguise, and being Chris's personal car, he creates a hologram of Chris for this purpose.
In fighting mode, he completely changes most of his entire design. While normally a Ford Escort, his body still changes into the front of a Dodge Viper in robot form anyway, and while dark blue before, while transformed he becomes yellow and battery blue. Notably, this is the same color scheme often associated with Sonichu himself, who is mostly yellow and has blue shoes. This may be the reason why the Autobot is named Son-Chu in the first place. As far as weapons go, Chris's description of him on CWCipedia says that his roof can become a shield, while his hood can become either a "Plasma Pistol" or an "Energon Sword". He is described as being "Quick footed, well armored" and with a "Strong personality under his hood".[2] Note that no such personality is shown in the comic.
For some ungodly reason, he can also transform into a concert stage, which he does in Sonichu #10 to help Christian and the Hedgehog Boys play a live performance, with their music being so unbelievebly bad that it actually causes 9/11. At this point, it is debatable whether or not Son-Chu is really a Decepticon agent in disguise.
Notably, Son-Chu appeared before any of the other robots in the comic, though not as a transformer. He made several cameos throughout the series in vehicle mode before he and the Samurai Pizza Bots' first proper appearance, being first seen at the end of Sonichu #0.

The apparant sub-leader of the group, acting in the same way to Son-Chu that Wild does to Magi-Chan, the Armoraxe robot is supposedly named for his tough armor and sharp axe. Unfortunately, Armoraxe does not use an axe, but instead a giant guitar that transforms into a plasma rifle. This motif with the guitar makes him a rather obvious ripoff of Soundwave from Transformers Animated. Chris describes him as a "real Guitar Hero", and claims that "when he Plays that Beat, HE WAILS!!!", whatever that means.[3]
His vehicle form is that of a minivan, perhaps more specifically a Scion xB, (though Chris described it as a "Heavy Beat Van"). In his robot form, he carries a boombox on its shoulders and wields a guitar. Due to Chris's lack of artistic talent, it is difficult to discern if his face is on the boombox itself or if he has a separate head that is in front of it.
In yet another example out of thousands that show how shitty Chris's comic is, when Chris took down the building in Sonichu #10 through the power of rock, Chris showed up in Son-Chu instead of Armoraxe, and Son-Chu turned into a mobile rock stage. He didn't bring along Armoraxe at all. Armoraxe's entire raison d'être is that he's a walking talking robotic sound system with a guitar, and the one fucking time he could have been at all useful, Chris chose to use his shitwagon instead.
The token female transformer and obvious ripoff of the movie version of Arcee. Excelina probably derives her name from either the Excelina of Steel Angel Kurumi or Excel from Excel Saga, which Chris has parodied before. She also hints of certain elements of the Power Rangers Zeo villain Archerina.
Her vehicle mode is that of a motorcycle, (of what make and model Chris never says), and comes with a blatantly obvious female hologram "rider". Men are courteously informed that she is just a hologram, just in case you thought Chris's art had gotten even worse. She is also the hologram mentioned above which somehow manages to carry pizza into a store despite not even having a physical presence. Chris claims on her CWCipedia article that she knows all the shortcuts across CWCville, and that she can reach anywhere in the city in less than ten seconds, a speed that neither Sonic nor Sonichu have matched so far.
She is described in combat as being "Slick, cool and full of style in her attacks" and "Strong-Fisted Up-Close". Her main weapon is said to be "Sniper-Style", but she "needs space" to use it.[4]
All this is irrelevant however, as her lack of personality or any interesting design to distinguish her from the other Autobots means she will forever be remembered by trolls and Sonichu fans as the one Chris decided to draw with a robot vagina.
The most assuredly retarded Bumblebee ripoff.
A Yellow/Green Bug-Car, Bumble-Lumba not only delivers pizzas quick and slick, but when a Decepti-Clone attacks a nearby Couple or two, he does not hesitate to paralyze the bot with his stingers and kick its ass back to PVCCitizens. |

The samurai motorcycle thingy owned by Punchy Sonichu and ridden brazenly like a man-pony at an S'n'M club, and in absolutely no way ripping off of Miles Prower aka Tails.
Punchy's Motorbike is also an Autobot. Sidecar to make strong armor for the quick, slick and stealthy Prower. He relies on his Ninjitsu, Razor-Sharp Choppin' Hands, Shuriken Stars and holographic images make him a Sharp close-bot-attacker. |
“ | Punchy's Motorbike is also an Autobot. Sidecar to make strong armor for the quick, slick and stealthy Prower. He relies on his Ninjitsu, Razor-Sharp Choppin' Hands, Shuriken Stars and holographic images make him a Sharp close-bot-attacker. | ” |
CWCipedia |
Prower (sometimes spelled Prowler) is Punchy Sonichu's Autobot motorcycle.
Prower shares many similarities with the Autobot cyber-ninja Prowl from the Transformers animated series, such as their samurai armor (which is a sidecar in vehicle-mode), their name, their vehicle-mode, and the fact that both are ninjas, relying on stealth, holographic images and shurikens to fight. Chris once again proves to be a creative genius who never ripped anything off ever in any way.
In the CWCipedia article for Punchy Sonichu, Chris elaborates on the circumstances under which Punchy and Prower met. It basically amounts to Punchy noticing a motorcycle, talking to it, and it talking back (of note: in the exchange, Prower seems to be far more well-versed in random-access humor than Punchy, despite Chris frequently expounding on the latter's prowess in that area.) The two then nonsensically agree to be partners. Chris also cutely dubs them "Friends of the Fist".[7]
It is also worth noting that Prower is extremely close to how a stereotypical Asian would pronounce "Prowler," perhaps a reference to Punchy's perceived ethnicity. Another coincidence is that our autistic hero has, amongst the ocean of useless junk that lies in his bedroom, a Prowl model, which is briefly shown in Chris' video CWCFlyingElephants.
In a last display of intellectual theft, "Prower" is also the last name of the character Tails in Sonic the Hedgehog.
Let me guess, at this point you're wondering where the hell they've been since the beginning of the comic. That's a damn good question, and given that Chris seems to imply the SPB have been around for some time, it's one that really should be answered. Were the Autobots new in town, perhaps to help hold the line while Mayor Mary Sue was buggering off in the Time Void, that might be reasonable (as reasonable as yet another intellectual property coming to town would be). As-is, it seems that the Samurai Pizza Bots have been too busy doing their cover jobs correctly to indulge the petty desires of an autistic man-child, waiting until the enemies they're supposed to be fighting show up.
Totally original and not at all stolen
Once again, these vehicles—a Ford Escort, two motorcycles of unknown make, a Scion xB, and an '09 Camaro (totally not ripping off Bumblebee in the Transformers movie)—are used to deliver for a local pizzeria, adorned with a logo that integrates the Autobot symbol, and are seen in association with the local team of superpowered whackjobs.
Given that the whole idea behind Transformer altmodes is to be discreet, it might be safe to assume that the Autobots use CWCville as a dumping ground for Autobots too stupid to live.
Given that retarded robot dinosaurs and blatantly offensive racist caricatures are active members, that's saying something.
Gallery of plagiarism
Excelina = Arcee (movie version). Sadly, this can't even be considered a recolor because he didn't change the colors. The name probably makes reference to Excel Saga.
Bumble-Lumba = Animated Bumblebee
Prower = Animated Prowl. Punchy was probably trying to name him "Prowl" but couldn't pronounce the "l" sound because he's Asian.
Armoraxe = Animated Soundwave. Not only did he become stupid looking, but now he's an Autobot! This is an insult!
See also
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