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{{quotebox|Hey, everyone! On [[HEXBox|#XBoxOne]], download #ForzaHorizon4 on the #GamePass, and download this lovely #FordFocus, complete with #Commodore64 and #CPUBlueHeart logo imagery! ⚡️💙⚡️
{{quotebox|Hey, everyone! On [[HEXBox|#XBoxOne]], download #ForzaHorizon4 on the #GamePass, and download this lovely #FordFocus, complete with #Commodore64 and #CPUBlueHeart logo imagery! ⚡️💙⚡️

==Family Guy has some Competition==
==Family Guy has some Competition==
6 March
6 March

Revision as of 23:16, 23 April 2019

485-CWCsF.JPG Chris's recent failings have helped CWCki gather more information for this article.
Be a winner by adding this information in.

This page is an archive of Chris's major social media posts during March 2019. Posts are sorted by date. Notable comments are included and color-coded for reference.

Muffin Tops

1 March

Happy #DerpyDay, Indeed; I ended up having a blueberry muffin now. And I was thinking, in relation to the #Seinfeld episode with the Muffin Tops that @OfficialJLD went for. In comparison, the Tops are good, but I feel the real goodness is in the Stumps.

Yummy Muffin Fluff! [Archivist's note: Cupcake emoji here, cupcake emoji behaves oddly on PC]💙


Princess Luna Plush

1 March

I finally got a Princess Luna plush! 😊 I have communicated with both Luna and Celestia; I like them both. But, in consideration for her feeling like an outcast and misunderstood, like I did, I feel I gotta give props to Luna. Though, I do have Celestia greeting the day daily.


Also, she Really does help protect our dreams; not just in Equestria. So, if you see her in your dreams, know that is likely to be her for real (and not some “mental copy”, like a certain analyst has proclaimed of me, who shall remain anonymous).

Elon-Chan is Right

2 March

Elon Musk’s Theory is Seriously not far off. I can personally attest to that. Thank you #BigBangTheory for bringing that to my attention. 😊


Chris Shows off the Pimp Wagon

4 March

Hey, everyone! On #XBoxOne, download #ForzaHorizon4 on the #GamePass, and download this lovely #FordFocus, complete with #Commodore64 and #CPUBlueHeart logo imagery! ⚡️💙⚡️


Family Guy has some Competition

6 March

I just heard Maddie’s going to upload a vid comparing “”F” is for Family” and “Family Guy”. I have watched FIFF (on Netflix, and all caught up); I agree that it is better than FG. It is more realistic of a dysfunctional family and all the stress in one household and elsewhere.

Chris Shills for Himself Again

6 March

Just a little reminder, if y’all would please, pen me in for BronyCon Community Guest. Thank You All. 😊


[links to poll]

New Twitter Profile

6 March

Hey, everyone, check out this piece of AWESOME @MKR11217089 drew for me. 😊



Chris then crops the picture down and uses it as his new Twitter profile picture


[Cropped Picture]

Sonichu Headquarters is a Compass

9 March

Hey, Everyone; just Confirmed it through the #PokemonGo app: my house/#SonichuHeadquarters is a compass. The corner that I was literally facing is South. So take the other corner points to be their respective directions. [Archivist's Note: Compass Emoji is also Finicky on PC]⚡️💙⚡️


[Archivist's Note:Interesting to note is that Chris elected to take a screenshot of the Camera app rather than actually taking the picture]

In response to a fan trying to make sense of the last tweet, Chris clarifies:

It matches True North, East, South and West! I Have used an actual regular compass to confirm it before; this time I was able to confirm it with a screen cap. It’s just a Fun Fact for everyone’s reference.

Does Anyone Still Use Fricassee?

11 March

Random thought: Does Anyone still use the term,”Fricassee”? It’s a food term, and it was featured in the Bugs Bunny cartoons, as well as the Scooby-Doo Movies episode with Jonathan Winters.

Is Jonathan Winters still around these days?

Chris is a Tetris Goddess

11 March

In Response to @Tetris_Official tweeting:

The Tetris Maximus Cup is LIVE this weekend from March 8 - March 10. The 999 players with the most 1st place wins will win 999 My Nintendo points! 🥇

Chris Tweeted:

I got Five Number Ones in my plays on #Tetris99 this past weekend. Three of them were in a row last Saturday. I was pleased to make such an achievement.

⚡️💙⚡️ I’ve clocked in MANY, MANY hours on Tetris on my old Game Boy; made it beyond the 999 Level Cap.

Mewtwo is Ill #Pray4Mewtwo

11 March

Hey. I’ve just got this news from Magi-Chan: our hubby, Mewtwo, has come down with a really bad head virus. He is resting at the Cwcville Basillicom, and he should only be a few days until recovered.

Prayers would be appreciated very kindly and much, please. Thank you. ⚡️💙⚡️

Chris Gets Some New Stepping-Out Duds

12 March

Hey, Everyone! I had to buy and colour a new pair of kicks, so I’m offering my previous pair to one lucky buyer. Come on down and Buy It Now!

A commenter questions:

200?? for used shoes ummm no thanks
Celebrity Shoes, dude! Hear how much Michael Jordan’s Kicks go for? BAM!
honey your not a celebrity your infamous at best i hate to say

Chris then posts:

🎵New Shoes🎵, 🎶New Shoes🎶


Chris Says Something Rational and Actually Well Thought Out [No really, I'm not kidding]

13 March

Hey, Everyone. I just heard of Zac Keyes/ToonKritikY2K being online once again.

I am well aware of his paedophilic relationship and his judgment over a year ago; I still do not condone such acts. And by no means, whatsoever, am I supporting him in anything.

To offer a thinkpiece, I have gathered a bit of insight of his personality from what he had projected through his original red/black OC. He had portrayed himself as snarky, cocky, he can be deceptive, manipulative, obviously one to bully on others he sees as weaker,...
...possibly allowed himself to join the Dark Side, and has/had his great share of inner demons, even may have a more positive side in himself that remains buried deep in his darkness. Slim chance of bringing that older version of him back out; it would take TONS of effort...
...and help from others to make that happen. And in an empathy moment: he might have had an old childhood friend who he Really Liked (possibly died, or grew up and drastically changed), and in his adult efforts was unable to find someone as youthful, innocent and optimistic...
...as that past friend was. Major One-In-A-Billion Shot finding an adult as close to that as possible.

But I Digress.

He still had no excuse or right for what he did over a year ago. Though over the time, he May have learned from the error of his ways, which would appear...

...unlikely of his personality, but remains possible, nonetheless. I can only state that he had better be proving himself totally turned around in actual positive and kind deeds, also Not being the Snarky, Cocky SOB of typical would be well and good for him.
He may have a fresh batch of offline friends from the past year; it would be advised to talk with them for testimony.

But at the present, I remain most neutral and down-looking of Zac Keyes. I can only pray he is being an opposite of what he was nowadays.

That is all. ⚡️💙⚡️

Feel free to screen cap and share my two cents on Zac Keyes.

Have a good and safe day.

Chris Begs Yet Again for Sonichu Headquarters to be made a Pokestop

14 March

I have a humble and serious request: Please, Nominate my house, Sonichu Headquarters, to be a PokeStop for @PokemonGoApp. And those who drive by can get the perks and bonuses for their apps, as well as a chance to come visit. Everyone wins, so Nominate this location today.


And, Yes, I Did claim the Business part on Google, and the CWCki link is Temporary until when I have a more appropriate website to offer. Thank You.


Mewtwo is Alright!

15 March

Good News: Mewtwo is feeling better and recovering well. He’s still taking it safe and easy at the Basillicom, but he will be back in action in a couple of days. 😊⚡️💙⚡️

Patti's and Zapina's Birthday

17 March

Also, today is Patti’s and Zapina Rosechu’s Birthday. 😊⚡️💙⚡️