March 2012 Facebook Posts

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Status Updates

Moderate to Positive Attitude

Hey, yall. hie been in moderate to positive attitude, so hie been impulsively adding to the wall less. So Less posts from can be considered moderate to good.

Still Feeling Lonely

Things are considerably unchanged; I still do not care for the Trolls, or Megan Schroeder. I'm still awaiting my next trial from Mr. Snyder's Trap. I am still feeling Lonely.

Would it kill anyone?

SERIOUSLY. would it KILL anyone to talk about me positively around the local groups of women and refer them to my Facebook page at least (My page is set for Friend Requests from "Friends of Friends Only")?

I'm lonely


"I'm Lonely. I'm Lonely. I'm Lonely Now. I'm Lonely, I'm Lonely. I'm Lonely Now. I'm Lonely, I'm Lonely. I'm Lonely Now. I'm Lonely..."

Still Feeling Lonely II


Still feeling lonely: only a sense of satisfaction I get from emotionally helping my mother a lot makes me feel slight better. The downside from that is when I make a mistake: she gets really loud with emotional outbursts. and I feel hurt inside again. But for the while, neither she or I can survive emotionally without the other...

Some people are nice to her: she feels good. Most are mean, or considered mean from a possible misunderstanding: she feels frustrated, angry, sad. I endure her outbursts again.

We both wish Mr. C. (my dad/her husband) was still around. She feels his presence in the house: I see and converse with him in my dreams.

Its lonely. And she and I both cry at times.

She feels like she has few people outside our household who really care about her being. :_(


It is tough.

aw i am sorry christian. that must be really hard for you bath

Benefit show=

Hangin' at Rob & Dana's Benefit Show with mama. Quiet now (not counting the music): mom may force me to leave early; I may make some new women friends. Que cera cera.
thanks for coming christian!it was so goad to see you!!!i cam and we - can hang out soon!!
Thank you for inviting me. :)

Music was good

Ended up leaving early at 8:30: made a few new acquaintances: the music was good.

Quiet today

It's quiet today. which is good. Mom and I just set up a new mailbox with a lock; either vandals. nature or the postal carrier have opened up our previous mailbox, exposing our mail for possible theft.
Good call!I know with older mailboxes they1 lose their tension to keep themselves shut, so it's pretty annoying when they fall open on their own. And especially when it's raining out.

Here's a thought

Here's a thought, open for discussion.

The song with the lyric, "If its true, leave me all alone out here, wondering if you're ever gonna take me there."

I feel a bit baffled by it. because the dude wants to know if it is true or not: I think he would generally NOT want to be left alone wondering. The lyric should read, "If its true. DON'T leave me all alone out here, wondering if you're ever gonna take me there."

Sarcasm may be in play here. but I stand by the literal and such (or something like that).

It does say don't. Hope that clears it up!
I have heard rt over and over; there is no "dont".
Al the lyrics weosnes say there is...
I stand corrected. I've just downloaded the track, there IS a "Don't" there, but the BC singer sings the word. He really sounds faint, so it was hard to hear him when the song was played on the radio. Lite Rock Z-95.1

Rage Comics

I have just Learned of "Rage" comics; first from recognizing the Stupid. Smiling Face. A.K.A. "Rage". among the P53 Themes released onto the PlayStation Store today. 3/13/2012. The face IS a Common Trademark Logo. among other logos. including "Pedobear", 4Chan's clover, that wide-eyed yellow wide-smiling face. etc.

I now aim a portion of my Loathing for the Trolls/Cyber-Bullies towards "Rage" Comics. AND the characters face.

Also, Travis at the Gamestop in Forest Lakes interrupted what would have been a successful sale of my old PS3 (I've transferred all of the data to a newer model the past few days). and he gave me a hard time with a huge dash of Discrimination. Travis should be Fired, and the Bad Karma against him in his act against me now hangs over his head.

Some of the Rage comics are pretty funny once you get past their original meanings, lol.

But oh my God, what did Travis do to you? He's always been pleasant with me!

Nail Hit on the Head

I have finally had the metaphoric nail hit on the head. My mother made an intersting comment: she had worked with my type of lonely people before. So I asked her to describe what sort of lonely person did she think I was. and it makes a Great Deal of Sense to me with good clarity. I am a Misfit. I do not really fit in most anywhere. Most eveyone overlooks the misfit, and therein is why I am Publically Invisible. The topic is open for comments and discussion.

yes, what does your mother suggest? also do you want to change or do you kke who you are now?
Actually, my mother is Also a misfit, and neither of us have any idea for not being a misfit. I do not conform easily.
You don't necessarily have to conform to society, but you must realize that you can not expect others to conform to your views. Just food for thought.

Where are all the single women?

At the dentist with mom: her appointment. I am still feeling clown from lack of girlfriend. I watched the video preview of the PS3 Dynamic Theme. "Forever Lonely' (Rage Comics). Essentially dude waves at a passing woman: she ignores then laughs at him: it made me reflect a bit. Definitely need to speak out more addressing the local women. I still fear the usual: rejection. presence of her boyfriend, read the online shit against me, etc., etc.

Where are all of the socialable single 21 - 30 year old women in C-Ville hanging out? Seriously!!!

Heather was the best...

I've already tried the bars, and the pickings are slim.

Need Some Sex

I need some sex. I am no different from everyone else on that topic. I get horny. I think about it OFTEN. I'm dreaming of inserting my rod 'A into female slot V'; followed by some lost genetics. Being an Adult Virgin SUCKS! Abstinance is a Joke. I am lonely. I am tired of being ignored and overlooked inbpublic by women. I Need Some Sex,

A 30-year dry spa? I would invite you over, but my place, and my life, is still a mess.

Court date

My court date is coming up. and there is a risk of me either having the charges from Snyder dropped. or me landing in Jail, and if my destiny is Jail. I will starve myself.

I do not want to die a virgin either. I need help Immediately: please send her my way in person (time for polite conversation and getting to know optional).

Wel if you go to jai, you probably won't die a virgin.
Why don't you ask
Why don't you ask the fucking trolls on the damn Cwcki? They aE unauthorized documented every fucking detai of the trials and shit. The date is on Thursday April 5, at the Courthouse of Charlottesville, of the Police Station at the Downtown Mal
Huh, rm pretty sure that stuff is like public info or something. But anyway, I hope you are found innocent!
Thank you, Kim.
Court date is April 5; C-Ville Courthouse of the Police Station at the Downtown Mall at 1:00 PM.


Shooting Myself in the Foot

Saturday, March 31, 2012 at 1:34pm

I have often "shot myself in the foot" with great mistakes, including and especially, all of the mistakes I've made from letting myself be Blackmailed, Tricked, Deceived, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, by immature individuals who hide behind the veil of the internet to create hate-filled slanders of my once good name; those people are nothing more than privacy-invading, gum-gabbing, gossip columnists, working for a gravely corrupted, should-be-fired-for-good "editor in chief".