October 2016 Facebook posts

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris' Facebook posts during October 2016. Posts are sorted by date and linked to the source material from Facebook. Notable comments will be archived and color-coded for reference; those who consistently respond to Chris' posts, e.g. Kenneth Englehardt and Jessica Quinn, are colored in red and green respectively, while infrequent responders are colored in orange, yellow or purple.

Still banned from Walmart

2 October at 8:33 am

The #Walmart of #Ruckersville, #VA, USA, has pressed a ban against me Five Years Ago for a minor misbehavior that was a result from a single bad day. I have personally tried to resolve the matter with a detailed document, and the management has refused to sign it, accepting that he has received and read it in the very least. This Walmart is hereby #Discriminating against the #LGBTQ, as well as people with #autism, and the employees and persecuting management are lowlife corporate Scum, equal to #DonaldTrump. The #HRC will hear of this posthaste.

Stay Away from this Walmart, and do not buy anything from there, as they are uncompassionate, immoral people.

Thank you.

**Please Viral this message.

**ALL comments and responses to this post, I will not be reading, and will be ignoring.

Still banned from Best Buy

2 October at 11:50 am

The #BestBuy of #Charlottessville, #VA, USA, has pressed a ban against me Two Years Ago for an incident that has never transpired piror to the date when they dispelled me from the store, at said store, whatsoever (prior December 26, 2014. They also refuse to present video/recorded, date-labeled evidence to said event that never happened there. I have personally tried to resolve the matter with a detailed document, and the management has not only refused to read it or sign it, accepting that he has received and read it in the very least. The management was super hard-headed and stubborn, even after a five-minute discussion, including the request of presenting said visual evidence. I have tried very hard to be civil and polite, but these people would not let me get a word in edge-wise. And I did have to eventually counter their verbal abuse with hardest eye contact and louder attack. He, amongst them, has attacked me first, Persecuting unjustly verbally and with physical invasion of my personal space. This Best Buy is hereby #Discriminating against the #LGBTQ, as well as people with #autism, and the employees and persecuting management are lowlife corporate Scum, equal to #DonaldTrump. The #HRC will hear of this posthaste.

Stay Away from this Best Buy, and do not buy anything from there, as they are uncompassionate, immoral people.

Thank you.

**Please Viral this message.

**ALL comments and responses to this post, I will not be reading, and will be ignoring.

Still banned from GameStop

3 October at 4:05 pm

The #GameStop, #129, of #Charlottessville, #VA, USA, has pressed a ban against me Two Years Ago for a minor misbehavior that was a result from a single bad day. I have personally tried to resolve the matter with a detailed document, and the management has not only refused to read it or sign it, accepting that he has received and read it in the very least. The management was super hard-headed and stubborn, they would not let me get a word in, edgewise. Most Uncouth, and their actions of blocking me out, looking to unrequitedly call the police. I have tried very hard to be civil and polite, but these individuals have forced me to make this critical review against their store. And I did have to counter their verbal abuse with hardest eye contact and louder attack. They have made the First offensive verbal Attack against me. This GameStop is hereby #Discriminating against the #LGBTQ, as well as people with #autism, and the employees and persecuting management are lowlife corporate Scum, equal to #DonaldTrump. The #HRC will hear of this posthaste.

Stay Away from this GameStop and do not buy anything from there, as they are uncompassionate, immoral people.

Thank you.

**Please Viral this message.

**ALL comments and responses to this post, I will not be reading, and will be ignoring.

A philosophical question

7 October at 1:22 am

I have a philosophical question to open for all: if you could build one, both of which would lead into the skies towards the heavens; would you build the Stairway or the Ladder to Heaven?

Perhaps one method of climbing is easier than the other? Or perhaps the task of building one with such support would be more difficult than the other?

Perhaps your individual answer may say something about you as a person. A lot to think about.

Fluffle Puff Tales

8 October at 3:46 pm

This is Super Cute and Fun.

He linked to this video.