November 2016 Facebook posts

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This page is an archive of Chris' Facebook posts during November 2016. Posts are sorted by date and linked to the source material from Facebook. Notable comments will be archived and color-coded for reference; those who consistently respond to Chris' posts, e.g. Kenneth Englehardt and Jessica Quinn, are colored in red and green respectively, while infrequent responders are colored in orange, yellow or purple.

Memory of Halloween

Chris had seen his own post from 2015, due to Facebook's On This Day Memory feature, and shared it.

2 November at 12:06 am

Chris and Barb vote for Hillary

8 November at 12:42 pm

My mom and I just voted for the Smart Person for President. Win, Hillary, Win!

Cwc electionday 2016.jpg

Pissed off at Activision

8 November at 2:48

Chris failed to research compatibility for the $100+ worth of video games he recently bought. It pisses me off that Activision has Still Not patched up Skylandlanders Superchargers on non-Nintendo consoles to allow play with the Bowser, Donkey Kong, Clown Cruiser and Barrel Buster Skylanders Figures. And Skylanders Imaginators, the New Game, on PS4 doesn't support them either. Come On, #Activision and #Nintendo; Let Us Play Bowser and DK, and their vehicles, on ALL of the console games, Please!