December 2013 Facebook posts

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The following are Facebook posts Chris posted in December 2013.


  • 5 December 2013 - Chris complains about how lonely he is again. He tags Sarah Bevel in this post.
  • 30 December 2013 - Chris complains about his depression, his loneliness and the Internet. For some odd reason, he attaches a heavily cropped screenshot of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to the post.

Posts by Chris


5 December 2013

I have NO in-person friends Locally; my old friends don't want to be around me... I may as well as be dead for all they care!

William Elliott Waterman posts a comment:

I love cubone and yamask

Chris is lost

30 December 2013

I know nothing. I am lost. My mind is a constant, zombie-like, blank. I am depressed. I am in misery. No one outside my house acknowledges me. There is no true care or love on the internet, or from anyone hiding behind their screens and monitors of any kind.

I know nothing. I am lost.
