Adam Stackhouse

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Adam Stackhouse

Adam Stackhouse was the eventual winner of the infamous "PaRappa the Rapper PSP Contest." Chris felt he should have won and thus harbored a grudge against Adam.

In order to win, Chris orchestrated a mass spamming of votes via dummy sockpuppet accounts, so that he would not only win a PSP for his then love interest Megan, but also claim the prize of an all-expenses-paid trip for two to the 2007 Penny Arcade Expo, which he had hoped to also bring Megan on so as to eventually make love to her in their shared hotel room and lose his "virgin with rage" moniker once and for all. As a result, Adam had inadvertently cock blocked Chris, by simply being more talented.

In a huge display of hypocrisy, Christian wanted to get back at Adam for cheating, as he used more than one person in his video (in a rather nice display of family, Stackhouse's little sister has a role, which Chris believes is illegal, though the singing is all Adam) and used music in the background (which didn't count as it was beatboxing/acapella he did himself, even though Chris believes it was a boombox). Chris ignores the fact that not only had he himself also cheated by registering some ungodly number of fake accounts to win, but he also blackmailed his brother into voting as well.

*The EX-Winner, Adam Stackhouse, was DISQUALIFIED on the grounds of violating the Official Rules on TWO COUNTS:

-He Had Licensed BeatBox Music playing from a licensed BoomBox.
-He Had his SISTER ILLEGALLY in the video without authorized consent.

Most revealing part of the fake page.

Chris was so angry about the outcome of the contest, he created a fake page proclaiming himself to be the victor.[1] He also created a creepy video in which he repeatedly shot a photo of Adam in silence with a toy gun.

Adam Stackhouse is the complete opposite of Chris. Evidence to prove this is the fact that he graduated as valedictorian of his graduating class in college.[2]

Adam's entry

Adam's entry shows that if he and Chris could put their differences aside, they could become true friends.

Chris's opinion of Adam

My previously submitted PaRapper the Rapper "Master Onion A-La Mode" Video is among the TOP TEN to win the GRAND PRIZE.

AAARRRGGGHHH!!! That stupid, no-good ADAM STACKHOUSE won the trip!!! He had MUSIC and MORE THAN ONE PERSON IN HIS VIDEO, which were in VIOLATION OF THE OFFICIAL RULES!!!!!! Three other videos out of the remaining nine: APRELEWSKY, BRUDELL AND SURYABUCHWALD, ALL VIOLATED THE OFFICIAL RULES AS WELL! THOSE SEVEN PEOPLE OF THOSE FOUR VIDEOS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED, PERIOD!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo ANGRY of the fact that the Playstation company and their Promotional Associates WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TO BRING THOSE VIOLATORS TO JUSTICE!!!! Go to http:/, and register the complaint, in addition to my own, through their "Contact Us" link. So that SWORN ON MY AUTISM, JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED TO THE SEVEN PEOPLE OF THOSE FOUR VIDEOS!!!!

Chris on Adam Stackhouse[3]

He also thought Adam was cheating because he thought Adam's beatboxing counted as background music, even though beatboxing is music made with the voice and therefore counts as a capella. Ironically, ignoring the fact that he also cheated himself by bombarding Sony with fake accounts in order to win (but this is Chris we're talking about!)

In a PlayStation Network post from 04 August 2007, Chris goes into detail about his feelings on Adam Stackhouse:

This is directed mostly to Adam Stackhouse; the S.O.B. who was the Alphabetically First Video in the PaRappa Contest and got WRONGFULLY the big prize. This JERK's Video WAS AGAINST The NO MUSIC RULE!!!! His, Suryabuchwald and Aprelewsky's VIDEO ALL SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED because they ALL HAD MUSIC!!!!

In any case, I LOATHE Adam and his Sister for STEALING my one chance at taking my Sweet Gal-Friend to Seattle; it would have been terriffic. I might have even been able to change her outlook on not planning on having children (she and I are both virgins; although I am a FRUSTRATED, High-Functionally AUTISTIC, 25-YEAR OLD VIRGIN. And I LOATHE Surybuchwald and Aprelewsky as well, because their MUSIC probably landed those JERKS in 2nd and 3rd.

I don't have much going on for me really, because I have been the dog in America's favorite game, "KICK THE AUTISTIC" for my whole life.

I curse those seven people (between the cast of the three illegal videos) to DIE and BURN!

As for Adam, if he is reading this and is asking, "You've got something to say to me?" I do, P.S. F*** You, you Dream Smashing Son of a B****!

Adam's opinion of Chris

No remorse... I mean, I didn't even know the wonders of CWC until a year after the contest... I noticed a string of comments about his entry at that point coming from his ED page (at that time there was a longer passage on the Parappa contest, before he really went off the deep end). That's when I discovered the apology video, where he retracted the threats on my sister and I. I've always wanted to see the lost video where he calls me "no-good" and repeated shoots a picture of me...

I've been following the whole thing since I discovered it about six months ago, thanks to CWC's Sept 24 2008 update video... and yeah, it was pretty shocking and bizarre as I slowly put the pieces together...

Adam Stackhouse, After reading up about Chris[4]

See also

