Chandler Cats

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Trolls and dudes of all teenages love Desi Chandler.

Chris and his family have several cats. Chris regularly slips in their shit. It is not known whether the Chandlers own the cats, or whether the cats just got lost amid the piles of junk and were unable to find their way to the outside world.

Desi Chandler

Desi Chandler

The first of Chris's cat pentalogy, named after Desi Arnaz (one of two cats named after the stars of I Love Lucy, one of the Chandler family's favorite TV shows).

Not much is known about Desi other than he's fucking huge, like the rest of Chris's family, and has only ever appeared in photographs or in the background of videos. Among CWCki editors and trolls, Desi was at first often mixed up with Scampers.

Desi is not house trained and the Chandlers freely let their cat shit all over the kitchen, which Chris on several occasions has slipped on, notably during his AIM chat with Vivian Gee. This lends further credence to the belief (along with Bob's refusal to wash himself and the stench of Chris's Dirty Crapped Briefs) that their family is incredibly unhygienic.

Suffice to say, Chris vastly preferred his dog as a pet.

Desi also makes an appearance in Chris's future message.

Based on an e-mail with Jackie, Desi is presumed dead or missing in action. [1]

Scamper Chandler

Scamper Chandler

Scamper, also referred to as Scampers, is the second of Chris's cat pentalogy.

Originally confused with Desi, Scamper is a black and white coated cat.

Very little info about her exists, except that, like Desi, she's not house-trained and shits everywhere.

Lucy Chandler

Lucy Chandler

Lucy is the third cat of the Chandlers. (Note: Barbara is one of those crazy old women types that keeps lots of cats. On some level she probably sees Chris as an especially large and untidy cat.)

Lucy is named after Lucille Ball (the other star of I Love Lucy).

Chris once greeted Lucy during a voice chat with Sarah May, before Barbara told him to get off (before she goes off).

Skittles Chandler

Skittles Chandler

Skittles is the fourth known cat of the Chandlers, approximately 21 years old based on accounts from troll field agents. Skittles looks like a half-dead lynx on crack.

Nothing is known of Skittles, but given the name it has it can be assumed that it belongs to the Chandlers as only someone batshit crazy or over the age of 50 would name a cat Skittles. Chris, being the fat cunt that he is, probably named it after his favorite candy (at least "Skittles" is more dignifying for the cat than to be named after a Sonichu character).

According to field agents, he (she?) is either dead or missing in action.

Kitty Chandler

Kitty the demon-possessed cat

Cat number 5, the final cat (or at least the last cat that there are photos of) of the CWC feline pentalogy.

Kitty Chandler seems to be the cat no one really gives a shit about, evidenced by the fact that it is simply named "Kitty".

Kitty made an appearance in Chris's tour of his house. Kitty also showed in the Captain's Log video of 20 December 2009, where it was revealed that this cat can be added to the long list of things that hate Chris.



See also
