August 2014 Facebook Posts

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The following are a series of posts by Chris on Facebook in August 2014.

Fan items lost in the fire

2 August 2014

I just received a cute little plush Sonichu from a fan. It triggered the memory of the fire (it is not the sender's fault). Why? Because three fan presents were hanging on a wall in the bedroom upstairs.

A bigger plush Sonichu with short arms and legs, big head, average body. A Sonichu face oil painting on fabric. And the Asperchu Medal in its small box.

To the up to three people who made those items, I am terribly sorry, but they were all lost in the fire. And I miss those three items now more than ever. I don't know who y'all are, but y'all know who you are.

Also, please help my family and I get through this month, and hopefully fix my mom's teeth, by buying my time to draw commissions for you, or better, buy my featured framed pieces (three more are going to be added next week).

Need more money

3 August 2014

Please help us here. I am serious about it, plus my mother and I have bills to pay, and we need the money for real. Now, I even do not have money to ship my more recent orders. I did raise over two Gs last month, but that money was spent on bills, the printer ink cartridges, shipping all of the orders from the past month, some Lego, and food for my family. So, don't give me doubt about my honesty.

My mother seriously has captivities in her teeth, and I sincerely want to help pay for her required dental work. And we have bills to pay that the usual income just can not cover.