September 2014 Facebook Posts

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  • As usual, many of his posts included links to his eBay page.

Posts by Chris


"Sonichu's Zapping Boom"
"Sweethearts Playing a Round"
"Electric Wedding Bells"
3 September 2014

Ending on Sunday the 7th!


3 September 2014

Ending on Sunday the 7th!


3 September 2014

Ending on Sunday the 7th!


3 September 2014

Ending on Sunday the 7th!


About Four Hours Left before this item gets relisted at a different link, so HURRY UP!!!

Chris finally found a sweetheart?

5 September 2014


I have been derailed and backed up for a while on getting commissions completed, and I most sincerely apologize for that. This was due to me talking and getting to know my Girlfriend as Sweetheart over the past month, who I have finally had the pleasure of getting together with her last Sunday. Rest Assured, I am catching up on the baked-up work, as I Promise to have all of the commission orders ready and sent out on Monday the 8th.

I really appreciate your continued patronage and patience. I thank you all very much. And on that, [REDACTED], your Portfolio Full of both of your pieces and everything I have promised to you, my best customer, is complete and will be sent out on Monday with the others.

You all have a good day and weekend.

5 September 2014

Also, only THREE days left on the $50-Off Specials, see Links Below, or go to my eBay Profile for the updated links to the listings. So, those three framed and ready pieces Are all still available.

Chris sells a police-themed display box

5 September 2014
Facebook 4 Sept.png

Just found this lovely kitschy piece in the garbage; the original owner was throwing it out. He said, "Go ahead and take it". I am serious. And it would make a nice for the ONE Uncorrupted Police Person.

Chris rallies the Human Rights Campaign to his side

5 September 2014

April of 2013, from moments of feeling loneliness and anger of the Trolls and Bullies who have been pestering me since 2007, and THEIR love of the HexBox consoles. Under an hones [sic] impulse, I had defaced an XBoxOne standee display at a WalMart in Ruckersville by adding an "H" next to the logo next to the "XBoxOne" to spell out "HeXBoxOne." Miss "Manager" [omitted] banned me from the WalMarts of Ruckersville and Charlottesville afterwards.

Over a whole year has passed; I understood what I had done wrong, I have matured, and I have my Sweetheart. I Require being Unbanned from there, so our Shopping Outings are not limited by One Important Store.

I hand wrote an apology letter to Miss [omitted]; she had not responded. I finally got through to her, and she finally called me back. She is not lifting the ban against me.

AT THIS POINT, Miss [omitted] is DISCRIMINATING AND HATING against Not only an Autistic Person, but also a Lesbian (trapped in a male body) And a Transgender.

Now I come to the Human Rights Campaign and my fellow members of the LGBT community to help get me Unbanned from the WalMarts for this atrocity of a misdeed!

Who Amongst Here will take a Stand With me in the Name of Autism AND the LGBT?

In lack of an email address of hers, I encourage those who would like to stand with me to go into the WalMart of Ruckersville, VA, and Demand that Christian Weston Chandler be Unbanned from the WalMarts on the grounds of said Discrimination!

Thank You for your time and for your help.

[omitted], Ruckersville, VA 22968


The gun is not a threat

6 September 2014

Firstly, EVERYTHING INSIDE THE DISPLAY BOX IS FAKE!!! Except maybe the display photographs.

As I will attest from the personally taken photographs, this thing comes up to half-way up my leg from my foot! Everything inside is practically DOLL SIZE! The fake gun and walkie-talkie and handcuffs are Molded Plastics with Painted Details! Seriously, look closely at all of the uploaded images on something with High-Definition! Everything is Glued into place, or they would be all over the thing flipped Upside-Down the way I have it in the first photograph!

The Gun is NOT A THREAT to Anyone; it is UNABLE to shoot ANY PROJECTILES.

Do I Make Myself Clearer Than Crystal to EVERYONE, including the eBay Computers and The Staff Behind Them?!!


Anyway, it is a display-only item that can not be opened without a screwdriver to any of the hinges. According to the certificate, it was likely made in 1941. It still makes for a nice kitschy gift for Any Of The Few Remaining Uncorrupted Police Persons.

It is quite heavy; it feels like 50 to 100 pounds. With a ruler, 11 1/8 inches wide; approx. 26 1/4 inches tall; 4 3/8 inches deep in length.

Do Not Report This Listing!!!! Do Not Remove It!!! It does not require any orange markings, Period, and I would not have the knowledge or tools on that, since EVERYTHING INSIDE THE CASE IS SEALED IN TIGHT!!!

[shared] Police-Window Pane Curio Display #18227 **Fake Weapons!!!

The sale is over

8 September 2014

Right! The sale is over. Keep watch for more pieces to be added onto eBay, and more Specials in the future.

Have a good day.

Permanent price drop

9 September 2014

I had a change of mind; the $200 pieces, and the Commissions with the Works (Frame included) are now at a Permanent Price Drop to $150.00.

Unfortunately, at the moment, these two pieces are within 2 hours before their current listing end, and I am unable to change their prices, but if you BUY EITHER OF THEM NOW, I will also do a Colored Commission for you FREE.

So, Please Hurry Up NOW and Take Advantage of this Great Offer!

Chris defends human rights by being a consumer whore

9 September 2014
Facebook 9 Sept. B.png

I bought a few things from the HRC online shop last month. I also for an End Bullying bracelet, but it was on the wrist I was taking the selfie with. Check out the pins on the bag.


My girlfriend is not a hooker

10 September 2014

I want to make something very clear.

My Girlfriend and Sweetheart is Very Real; she is NOT a Hooker or Prostitute. And I certainly am Not spending money on Hookers or Prostitutes. Although I sincerely do feel sorry for them all and having to do what they do for a living. My Mother and I do have our own expenses, NOT DIGITALLY RELATED, that we are paying off, and the minimums are growing steep. And my mother still needs her dental work, and we do enjoy eating good food like most everyone, including You!

Please Remember and Respect that about us, about most everyone, and about Yourself!

The medallions are now for sale

The image used to announce the sale.
12 September 2014

I am starting on making the medals for sale. I have the materials to make them now.

Also, I am extending the Bonus Offer to September 30th. And with each purchase of any of the framed pieces, or a Commission with The Works (Frame Included [post cut off--incomplete]

Chris goes to a pride festival

13 September 2014
A little girl in a park

I was at the Pride Festival today, and I really felt accepted and liked among the LGBT community; like I do belong there as the Lesbian Transgender that I am, and a lot of real women there showed me kindness and respect. :) I feel better about myself for that. But I was not in the mental state to meet new people yet, but I did make some acquaintances; talked with some of them for a bit. But I do feel that I really want to do more with the community, so I may join up with the C-Ville Pride, or something; I have some pamphlets and details. I will make my own decisions!

#WEAREHRC - At Lee Park.

It's OK to have a merry, lively mood

13 September 2014

I wish to make another detail clear to everyone: I prefer the use of the word "Gay" in its original and more positive definitions, and I quote from

adjective, gayer, gayest


having or showing a merry, lively mood:

gay spirits; gay music.

Synonyms: cheerful, gleeful, happy, glad, cheery, lighthearted, joyous, joyful, jovial; sunny, lively, vivacious, sparkling; chipper, playful, jaunty, sprightly, blithe.

Antonyms: serious, grave, solemn, joyless; staid, sedate; unhappy, morose, grim; sad, depressed, melancholy.


bright or showy:

gay colors; gay ornaments.

Synonyms: colorful, brilliant, vivid, intense, lustrous; glittering, theatrical, flamboyant.

Antonyms: dull, drab, somber, lackluster; conservative.

And when I mean the considerably opposite/negative definitions that later followed to the word, such as "homosexual male" or the slang "stupid", I will refer to those terms appropriately and directly as such. I will never use the word in regards to those definitions.

And upon reading or hearing the word from someone else, regardless, it will not affect me at all, and it will certainly be ignored when used in the derogative sense.

I am more comfortable saying and hearing the word, gay, in its original definitions of happy and colorful.

So, everyone share in the Happy, Gay, Colorful Rainbows and Merriment with me as a Full, Total Lesbian and Transgender member of the Community!

Rainbooms Rock!

13 September 2014

I have something inspirational for the youth, young, teens and adults who get bullied with "Gay" used in "stupid" slang! Shout this in the hallway and raise your voice directly to that bully and say:

"Gay is Colors! Gay is Bold! Gay is Happy! The way you use the word, it makes you Real Crappy! Rainbooms Rock!!!"


Introducing the Un-clit

On 17 September 2014 a report was made on the CWCki Forums that Chris has pierced his perineum.[1] A day afterwords Chris wrote the following Facebook post in response:

18 September 2014

Well. A whole Half a month without a new update on the trolls' website; I was hoping for longer than that. And I WAS going to make a public announcement about it anyway. But the cat is out of the bag now.

Anyway, I had something done to me that is Radical, that I did for my Lesbian Soul! I got a new piercing on my taint on Monday the 15th. About where my clitoris would be if I was a woman! It is a short, steel straight piece with steel spheres, of which I refer to them as my un-clit. I am tending to its cleaning personally in Daily Baths or Showers, as well as cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol twice daily.

I, Christian Weston Chandler, with no other outside opinions from anyone, have long been thinking about getting a piercing on my taint, with a steel sphere where my clitoris would be if I was born female, in my Soul identity as a Female and a Leabian, as a fair substitute for that, and to stimulate the woman's clitoris via scissoring, YEARS ago after watching the Lesbian couple Tribbing each other in the soft core porn movie, "The Key To Sex".

And for those who don't know about Tribbing, it is more commonly known as Scissoring, Tribadism is when one woman rubs her vulva against the other woman's vulva, to stimulate each other's clitoris. In fact, there are clits that actually stick out, penetrating the labia and better stimulating the other clitoris. The female bonobo monkeys have long clits, and they trib other female bonobos a LOT of the time.

And to make sure EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS ONCE AND FOR ALL: I am a FEMALE, LESBIAN SOUL TRAPPED IN A MALE BODY. Or to put it another way, I am a LESBIAN TRANSGENDER! I am Seriously Into Women! Males Offend Me, even my own Penis Totally Grosses Me Out! I am glad that I tuck it underneath my taint, so I do not have to look down at the Ugly Bulge!

I HAVE Come Out as the Lesbian Transgender that I Always Have Been and Ever Will! And for every one of you Sods who continue to mislabel me as a Homosexual Male, or hint towards anything of that even in distasteful jest, you all can kiss My Vagina Of My Soul!!!

Have a good day.

Kim wrote to Chris the following response:

You go girl!




Not sure what that smiley is, but I hope it's in support of my comment!


It Is in support of your comment. It's a smirk.

Comments and Likes by Chris

Are Sonic's arms blue?

Chris left the following comment on a post by "Sonic the Hedgehog" about the game Sonic Boom:

3 September 2014
Sonic Boom logo.jpg

Sonic's Arms are NOT BLUE!!! I am Boycotting this Game until They change his Arm Color Back, NOW!!!

Chris liked this image on 4 September:

Facebook 4 Sept B.png

In response to a notice about a lesbian event posted on an HRC site, Chris commented:

9 September 2014

You Rock, Ladies!!!