Jessica Quinn

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Revision as of 16:52, 8 September 2017 by Hurtful Truth Level (talk | contribs) (I think Quinn got on his FB list a year after UnClit 1.0)
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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.
Jessica Quinn
Name Jessica Quinn
Gender Female
Nationality American
Race White

Jessica Quinn is a white knight who often comments on Chris's Facebook updates, attempting to offer him life advice which he rarely, if ever, follows. She became Facebook friends with him on 2 July 2015[1].

On 7 September 2017, a few hours after Chris had complained about being depressed over still being single[2], Quinn commented, "We need to talk." Later that day, she posted on her Facebook, "Things change," "Jessica Quinn is with Christine Weston Chandler"[3] and updated her relationship status to "It's been complicated with Christine Weston Chandler." Chris also updated his status to "It's been complicated with Jessica Quinn." A commentator asked Quinn if she and Chris were a couple, to which she answered, "We're testing the waters."

It should be noted that Quinn was friends with Chris on Facebook during the Un-clit 2.0 episode. She expressed her discomfort during Un-clit 2.0. If Chris is legitimately getting a TRUE and HONEST sweetheart, it's unlikely it would be someone who witnessed possibly the most disgusting and psychotic episodes Chris has had to date.


