August 2017 Facebook posts

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris' Facebook posts during July 2017. Posts are sorted by date. Notable comments will be archived and color-coded for reference; those who consistently respond to Chris' posts, e.g. William Elliott Waterman and Jessica Quinn, are colored in red and green respectively, while infrequent responders are colored in orange, yellow or purple.

#HarassCWCDirectly and gender pronoun correction

8 August

If you Can Not say it Directly to Me, then Do Not Say It At All! #HarassCWCdirectly

8 August

And I Am Woman! So Use the Correct Pronoun about me: I AM SHE!!!

On the Soul Bargain autograph

Chris commented on a Kiwi Farms post about an autograph he signed for a fan at BronyCon, who, as a joke, wrote on it that Chris was signing over his soul.

Also, I did not have my soul to sell, because God and Jesus already owned it since my Baptism at Church Years ago.

Rowan D.:

I don't think God "owns" souls. He is simply a part of it.


Part-Owner; therefore, I can't sell or give it away to anyone. Point Proven.

More Night Star fanart

24 August, 6:23 am

New Night Star Piece from a friend.

Nightstar 24 august fanart.jpg

MLP theory, based on listening to Night Star

24 August, 6:10 am

I Just had a theory about Lyra Heartstrings, and possibly a meaning behind her Cutie Mark. It dawned on me just now as I was listening in to a conversation between her and Night Star; both of which were standing on their hind legs. Practice Made Perfect for both of them. Anyhow, and this also can explain how she was able to be in Cloudsdale (despite a background pony mistake). I believe when Lyra's horn first went off, it ascended her, literally, into the heavens. Not only to Pegasus heights, but to Heavenly heights and knowledge; saw some angels, maybe saw their God character; played an angel's harp. And then she was gently brought back down to Equestria. She earned her Cutie Mark, And learned of the magic to make herself walk on clouds, And the anthropology. Also, if you want to add chest fluff, that is definitely from spending a lot of time in the skies with all that wind. Awesome job, Lyra.

Lyra heartstrings.jpg

Chris still blames Snyder for everything

Ha! Six years ago, I was still figuring myself out, my father died that September, Snyder snared me into his trap and made my mother and I lose just about All of the remaining money my dad had left us. '11 was not a good year for me. And right now, I'm more dissapointed with all the Internet Trolls and CyberBullies.

SnyderFacebookCap8 28 2017.jpeg