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The CWCProtectSquad is a group of weens role-playing as fans who are starved for attention to the point that they frequently tweet to Chris and his orbiters over Twitter. Chris has added them to his Twitter friend list as they shower him with words of encouragement, fanart and even money.


The floodgates opened during August 2017, seemingly due to Chris using NightStar2891, a sockpuppet account, which encouraged weens to create their own character accounts to troll Chris's followers into thinking they are him.

Desiree Delightful

  • @MissLadyLikely, AKA BarbAChandler and SaraHeartsSonic
  • Account created 26 August 2017

Made 993 tweets to Chris and orbiters as MissLadyLikely (Desiree Delightful) and BarbAChandler.[1] During the Idea Guy saga, in December 2017, Desiree decided to experiment by copying Idea Guy's shtick and role-playing as an alternate dimension Barb. It resulted in Chris angrily reporting the account and unfriending it[2].

The account's tweets were purged and it was later rebooted as SaraHeartsSonic. After a string of messages tagging Chris[3], he decided to re-follow the account, apparently unaware of its history. SaraHeartsSonic would go on to make 862 tweets by 4 May 2018[4]. For the most part she would play along with Chris's delusions and "support" his insane ideas. However, she did eventually get tired of his drama and belief in imaginary characters being real.

4 May, 2018:


Chris, i'm fucking done. If you take make believe that far, then grow the fuck up and devote 100% of your time creating (and improving, your work has charm but for god's sake take a drawing class) and stop wasting money on children's toys and video games. OR ELSE!

Another user, who also has Autism, joined in the thread and showed off his artwork to SaraHeartsSonic.


This single drawing contains a more interesting story and character than the entire Sonichu canon.

This caused Chris to flip his lid:

You Rotton Troll! So, you show your True Colours, @SaraHeartsSonic .

Tings Tingz

  • Account created 15 August 2017[5]
  • 507 tweets, drew fanart for Chris, gave him money.

Spectators suspect this account of pulling the strings behind the unknown 2018 sweethearts troll scheme because of how it claimed to be a sweetheart and had knowledge of Magi-Chan's role before Chris mentioned it publicly. On 4 May, following a commentator on Kiwi Farms mentioning that Tings Tingz should be doxed, the account was swiftly deactivated[6].

