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{{quotebox|Although I feel uncertain of the "self-sufficient" aspect.}}
{{quotebox|Although I feel uncertain of the "self-sufficient" aspect.}}
==[https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1363359020425240&set=a.110060325755122.19471.100002534669114&type=3 New profile photo]==
12 April, 2:59 am
[[Profile photo April 2017.jpg|250px]]


Revision as of 04:09, 12 April 2017

Event marker.jpg

The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris' Facebook posts during April 2017. Posts are sorted by date and linked to the source material from Facebook. Notable comments will be archived and color-coded for reference; those who consistently respond to Chris' posts, e.g. William Elliott Waterman and Jessica Quinn, are colored in red and green respectively, while infrequent responders are colored in orange, yellow or purple.

Hyping up the raffle

1 April at 11:48 pm

Official Video for the new figure created on March 17, 2017 will be on YouTube on my channel, only, at 4:00 PM, EST/GST, Sunday April 2, 2017. Who from Cwcville is this figure of?

Also, reminder and details of the Giveaway in the video and details; Deadline for that is April 30, 2017. And more stamp covers will be added onto my eBay shop as soon as possible. Buy at least one for your entry into the Random Drawing on May 1, 2017.



More Son-Chu photos

2 April at 4:23 pm

And now, more Son-Chu photos for your enjoyment.

Another gimmick for stamp sales

3 April at 6:41 pm


Buy the sentimental and collectible Beginners Stamp Book of mine, with various collectible stamps and 10 random stamp covers from my father's collection to automatically receive one of two limited-made Son-Chu figure with accessories, a Skylanders Imaginators CWC Figure, and a Skylander-functional card.

    • BONUS** If sold Now, I will add five large t-shirts of my self-Skylander character, as seen in the review video, to five of the 15 character card winners, and the one big randomly selected winner.

Chris explains why he won't get a job

Chris then raged in the comments after his IRL friend and Kim Wilson told him to get a job anyway.

4 April, 3:01 am

People online tell me to "Get a job". I Can't get an application-required job, because the bullies and internet trolls have totally ruined my background check YEARS ago. I also Fear being discriminated against because not only of my autism/mental handicap, but now to add that I am a transwoman and a lesbian; I am sick of hate-filled people and the insincere ones too. The top reason why I don't "get a job" is because I already had an Have a full-time job of caretaking my father before he passed on in 2011, AND my mother. AND I have a subtle and lingering shocks that I am still having impressive difficulty shaking off that keep me from feeling like drawing and writing for my books. You Trolls and Bullies do not understand my long-troubled mind.


He then linked to a Huffington Post article about how "landlords keep out transgender renters."


Alexa P.

Christine, my mom works for an organization called DARS, or Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services. They help for those in your exact situation-they help you with finding a job that suits your needs (even with your schedule since you are taking care of your mother, your shocks, etc.) and find an employer that will not discriminate against you for any reason (although any employer should not be doing that.) DARS helped me go to JMU, and best of all it is free, you do not have to pay back for their services. I can PM you my mom's contact information and she can meet with you to discuss job opportunities. Just go to 1 appointment, I really think it can help you. I agree on those that just say "get a job" when there is no support for you, but I really do think DARS can be that support.

Kim Wilson

Christine Weston Chandler Don't you remember? We've talked about this. I pointed out that your criminal background check for most jobs would be clean, so there's nothing keeping you from getting a job.

We talk and then when I explain that to you, you don't have anything else to say. We conclude that you just don't want to get a job because it's too much work.

And that's fine! Keep reminding yourself: you choose not to get a job because it doesn't fit in with your lifestyle. There's nothing forcing you to live such a bohemian lifestyle, it's your choice.

Say it every day: I love being an impoverished artist because I choose my art over financial stability, and that's OK!


Ugh! The point is that I am prone to anxiety and shock. I have a lot of fears, including that which I have stated in this post. The result is my brain becomes mid-difficult paralyzed, or even Numb with greater, consistent amounts of shock moments in my life. What if something gets to me deep while at work, then I am left unable to function for a while, even Hours? Fired! What if the stress is super great that I end up making the whole building floor go silent after an impulsive and Loud shout? Fired! And maybe even Banned for Life. You have not been where and when I was employed, and around people; I was the epicenter. And nobody wants to hire an anxiety-prone lesbian transwoman whose Google Search shows a sex doll-humping gif and my bare behind sitting on an $11 cake, among which, because I was easily duped and blackmailed by a number of Cyberbullies and Internet Trolls pretending to be sincere-and-honest-for-my-heart women on EVERY DATING WEBSITE ON THE FREAKING INTERNET! Oh, My Gosh!!! UGH!!!

Kim Wilson

Christine Weston Chandler No, the types of jobs your resume would qualify you for don't care about your personal life.

To be fair, you really just don't want to apply for jobs. And like I said, that's OK. Not everyone wants to work.

(To clarify, it's OK not to work when you don't need money.)

The things you're describing (stress at work) are actually very normal. You really just don't want to get a job. That's all it is.

Alexa P.

DARS prevents that type of thing happening, they will talk with your employer on your behalf to make sure you are not fired because of your disability or any "issues". But like your friend Kim said, if you don't want to work that's cool, I was under the impression that you did.

Whining about the mortgage

He continued his rant from the previous post in the comments.

4 April, 7:33 pm

I Really Do Not Like Seterus Mortgage. My mother scheduled a payment of the one past due amount, and then they go behind us to get the remainder for one month, Leaving my mother's bank account in the red by more than $800!

F***ing Seterus! I really wish SunTrust had never referred our Mortgage to them. UGH! seterus.com


Kim Wilson

Christine Weston Chandler Oh wow, are you in financial trouble?

You should ignore my last comment then! You should start applying for jobs ASAP!

Interviewing for jobs is hard, but you can do it. For my past few jobs, I applied to between 30 to 40 places before I got an offer. You should start applying now!


Didn't someone pay for new comic pages a while back? Maybe you could get back into that if it's a guaranteed money maker. Just a thought.


Copy-Past the last comment I typed here, and then add:

Do you think it is snap-my-fingers easy to FEEL like drawing my pages? NO. I have been under so much lingering stress in my head, it is no wonder I fall into random mental paralysis that derail any train of thought I would have at that moment. How do y'all think my mother and I are feeling right now?

Someone, PLEASE buy the stamp album already and the high-priced covers on my shop already!

I am stuck as a caretaker of my mother and our pets; even that overwhelms me. I do not feel I would be mentally suited for an application-required, long waits to be contacted or not contacted, "am I hired yet", under "The Man", Freaking job!!! Stop Telling me to "Get a Job". Gawd!!!


Wow, ok. I wasn't expecting this first thing in the morning.

I'm just saying you need to find a stable source of income instead of relying on people buying things for you or asking for donations. I just assumed that doing what you supposedly like to do could be a solid way to help you out. I sort of figured it was a no brainer if you were really that desperate.

In all honesty, I don't know anyone who collects stamps. As such, it's a very limited market and I'm not sure those who are interested would agree with the amount you asked for depending on the actual value of the stamps. But like I said, I don't know much about it.

Kim Wilson

Christine Weston Chandler I'm confused.

To people reading your facebook, it sounds like you really need money sometimes.

But then they see that you're not trying to find a job. That means that you don't actually need money.

Which is it?

If you don't apply for jobs, you really don't need money. People reading your posts think that. They really do. I have friends who have seen you at your pokemon events, and every one of them thinks you're lying about needing money, because you don't have a job and you have lots of toys.

If you want money, you need to apply for jobs. A lot of them, like 30 to 40.


She's right you know. It's best to take a step back and make some priorities in your life.

It's very frustrating to continually hear you bemoan your situation if you, yourself, the only one who can really do anything about it, chooses not to put any effort into anything when it's even slightly inconvenient for you. 🙁

For instance, the "long wait" is a problem? What exactly else do you have going on? You have nothing to lose by throwing out applications.

I really wish you would try to adjust your perspective.


Need Money! Why am I selling my father's stamp collection on eBay? DUH!

Kim Wilson

Christine Weston Chandler Because you merely want money, you don't need it. People who need money get jobs.


You're either not reading our advice or are too stubborn to listen. There are some extremely simple money making options available to you but you're choosing to go the least reliable route.

I wish you'd listen once in a while hon, your life could be so much easier.

Begging for sale of $1,000 album

5 April, 2:55 pm

Chris reposted the stamp album announcement from 3 April, but deleted the part about a chance to win T-shirts and replaced it with begging. He kept the "bonus update" heading, though.


Buy the sentimental and collectible Beginners Stamp Book of mine, with various collectible stamps and 10 random stamp covers from my father's collection to automatically receive one of two limited-made Son-Chu figure with accessories, a Skylanders Imaginators CWC Figure, and a Skylander-functional card.

And it would Really help me and my mother right now, Please!



Hey! Do not Hate on me!

Fb haters.jpeg


* Stress Sigh *

Sonic Totem and More

7 April, 4:14 pm

Chris linked to Sonic Totem and More and the eBay listing for it.

Totem has been sold

7 April, 10:35 pm

The totem has been sold, Thank You! :D Now to sell the Stamp Album, and the UN Stamp Covers. Plenty of chances to Win, so shop now! https://www.ebay.com/itm/282420279160

Mostly like Ellen Page

9 April, 1:03 am

Ellen Page, and her bio does resonate of me.

He then screen-capped the bio, and continued:

Although I feel uncertain of the "self-sufficient" aspect.

New profile photo

12 April, 2:59 am
