November 2024 social media posts

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This page is an archive of Chris's social media posts during November 2024. Unless otherwise indicated, the posts are on Twitter and from the account @CPU_CWCSonichu.

Elon Musk call-out

1 November
2:51 PM

The Rabbit Hole
The more people trust journalism the more pessimistic they are about racism and sexism in the United States.

[Posts image containing two graphs.]

Elon Musk
The legacy media has relentlessly promoted hate and division
You have done the same as well, @elonmusk, so cut you re hatred and bullshit. ⚡️💙⚡️

Still voting for Kamala Harris

2 November
9:00 PM

I'm still voting for @KamalaHarris on Tuesday. ⚡️💙⚡️

Best-selling video game consoles

3 November
9:33 AM

Which part of this surprises you the most?

[Posts chart of "The 20 Best-Selling Video Game Consoles Of All-Time" as of 2024.]

DS and PS2 being tied in numbers.

Crime reminder

4 November
11:39 AM

[Replying to an earlier tweet.]

Need I remind you all that stealing or defacing political campaign signs (official and home-made), as well as trespassing on private property, is a Legal Offense?

Election stream announcement

4 November
11:18 PM

Tomorrow at a bit before 7:00, I'll be live streaming watching and reacting with the Election Results. And if there's time, we'll play a bit of the Switch. ⚡️💙⚡️

[Posts GIF of Kamala Harris with the caption "Your vote is your voice."]

Transformers figure

4 November
11:37 PM

Transformers One…?

[Posts picture of two figures.]

Guardian Road Ranger came back. This alone, I like.

X - Chris's cropped Guardian Road Ranger.jpeg

I voted

5 November
4:30 PM

I voted.
X - I VOTED 2024.jpeg

Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Elections 2024

5 November
7:05 PM

[Posts link to Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Elections 2024 via YouTube.]

Post-stream endorsement

5 November
9:11 PM

Protect Kamala Harris
Drop a 💙 if you’ve voted for Kamala #ElectionDay

[Posts picture of Kamala Harris.]


Making the move to Blue Sky

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account after eight months of no posts.
6 November
1:59 AM

I'm further making the move to Blue Sky. ⚡️💙⚡️

VEERRRY Disappointed

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
6 November
8:53 AM

I feel VEERRRY Disappointed in most of America now, and especially in that number of Men and their self-inflated egos and testosterone.

Sentinel Fucked Up Prime

6 November
10:06 AM

You just elected Sentinel Fucked Up Prime into office after knowing what he did last term. 🤬

[Posts Transformers GIF.]

Kamala engagement bait

6 November
10:06 AM

Scott Dworkin
Let me know if you voted for Kamala! I wanna follow you! #VoteKamala
I did.

Blocking Caitlyn Jenner

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
7 November
10:47 AM

What the hell?! Caitlyn supported Trump?! Well, I am no longer her fan, regardless of her being a fellow transwoman.

7 November 2024 Caitlyn Jenner block.png

Thoughts on Chicken Big Mac

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
7 November
7:10 PM

I just enjoyed a Chicken Big Mac for the first time at #McDonalds; I like this even better than the original Big Mac; they should keep both burgers/sandwiches. ⚡️💙⚡️

First insightful post on Blue sky

Posted to Chris's Bluesky account.
9 November

12:59 PM
For my first insightful post on Blue sky, I'd like to offer my two bolts and a heart on character and personality content.

Regardless of gender or identity, the good part is, indeed, their soul deep intentions and what makes them them.

1:01 PM
It is evident on the individual inner strength and will what makes their desire and intentions clear amidst their respective emotions and grounded, sound conscious thoughts and choices.

Most women and some men are more in tune with their emotions and express that very clearly and authentically.

1:04 PM
Most men, and some women, however, were taught to Be emotionally-repressed and not used to expressing them to the point of feeling emotionally numb and essentially passive and prone to demonic and doubt influences.

Such was made evident and clear amongst the recent Presidential Election,...

1:06 PM
...and, thus, made evident of such a division between the authentically woke and the respressed "woke" individuals. Even I was prone to this and feel want to block and keep out those that have voted for or supported Trump. Then, I also find those who are emotionally and...
1:08 PM
...consciously/unconsciously strong with greater inner strength and will. Even #SethMacFarlane please rly surprised me with his support for #KamalaHarris. It's not going to make me want to resume binging #FamilyGuy or even #AmericanDad, but I appreciate him being that level of #AuthenticallyWoke.
1:10 PM
But not to digress or divert from the initial topic, I, among the other authentically woke, spiritual, psychic and metaphysical individuals who also still feel and express their emotions, still have faith in the more positive outcomes that we desire for ourselves, respectively, and others in...
1:13 PM
...manifestations and future.

And, yeah, a lot of times, such peace and friendships are not free or easy, but it still does remain worth fighting for. I am as active as possible, metaphysically definitely, and in my past it was not clear to me, but in recent years and now, it is and becomes...

1:16 PM
...more and more clear to me, and my intentions are better set for the better outcomes for everyone and myself. And I want a future where everyone worldwide can feel free to be expressive while also being consciously refrained from going overboard. Thinking similar to those, like myself,...
1:20 PM
...who are more self-reserved (introverted) and want our own time to think, yet still at least mildly outgoing and want to enjoy life and enjoying the company of others who have similar views and being closest with our respective soulmate(s). There is such thing as being too extroverted as well.
1:22 PM
It is a lot to meditate over, even with the multitude of topics on one central topic to find and understand the point that is trying to be expressed.

I am aware that I do not have the best word choices sometimes, but not everyone has that ability to state the best word choices all the time.

1:25 PM
That is such a limitation that everyone has to work around for themselves, regardless of language and the infinite number of words and characters. But what remains important is the Intention behind what is stated. Kamala showed that very strongly and well, among others.
1:27 PM
It's not perfect, but who or what is really Flawless? Even a Mary Sue, Gary Stu or even a God or Goddess has their one respective flaw.

It's a balance between being emotionally expressive and feeling and being emotionally grounded with blessing count and deeper intentions and wishes.

1:28 PM
But I digress.

Thank you all for listening and reading. This may be a TLDR, but I pray you did read at least enough to appreciate the point and intention I am trying to convey.



9 November
1:31 PM

First insightful thought on #BlueSky. I will be making my tweets and posts on there from now on. #Twitter will remain as a platform where I'll find images and content that I like. But, yeah, I blocked @elonmusk. Take from that what you may. ⚡️💙⚡️

[links to his Bluesky profile]