January 2017 Facebook Posts

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris' Facebook posts during January 2017. Posts are sorted by date and linked to the source material from Facebook. Notable comments will be archived and color-coded for reference; those who consistently respond to Chris' posts, e.g. Kenneth Englehardt and Jessica Quinn, are colored in red and green respectively, while infrequent responders are colored in orange, yellow or purple.

Happy New Year!

2 January at 3:42 am

Happy New Year! 🎉🎉

Inability to feel like drawing and writing the stories

4 January at 12:04 am

I want to let everyone know that in respect of my fans versus the trolls and bullies, over the Internet, through the phone, or even in hand-written letters and mail, And after all of this time, I am still feeling most unable to differ between the genuine good fans and people from the insincere and sarcastic bullies. While I do appreciate the positive encouragement, I feel unable to feel it inside from the uncertainties and fears. It is not your fault, those who have written actual praises in the past in digital or pencil/ink. And among which, I feel the continuing uncertainties contribute to my inability to feel like drawing and writing the stories. The elephant-in-the-room factor aside from that being, simply, the pester of "legality" questions and disputings in my creations and work. Not to mention the continuing financial problems here and the "head of household" worries that leave me feeling more troubled. Aside from the obvious big money to settle the debts, I feel at a loss of direction or whatever. It all constantly drives me feeling mental, crazy and depressed.

Remember, I have a Patreon now, and the monthly donations and monthly goal of $500 a month (to update the page of that detail soon), to save that per month to accumulate to the big amounts needed here, so please consider making the monthly pledge to help me recover more quick. Thank you.

Chris linked to his Patreon.

Pmurt's face should be banned

4 January at 12:09 am

Chris commented on a LGBTQ Nation post.

I would discourage portraying Trump's mug Anywhere, Period.

Encouraging a friend

4 January at 9:35 am

Chris responded to one of his IRL friends, showing support for her post on hoping to see more media made that features female empowerment from the African-American community (link redacted).

Right on, [REDACTED]!

Shared post on tribute to Pulse victims

4 January at 4:43 pm

Chris shared a post from LGBTQ Nation on a tribute to victims of the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting.

Empathy for gay men

4 January at 11:10 pm

Chris commented on a Lizzy the Lezzy post. It is about gay men, who plan to get married, receiving a piece of hate mail resembling an RSVP. Chris empathized with the gay men, showing the progress he's made since his days of hating gays.

The bastards; how dare they RSVP like that? Damn haters.

Love is Love comic commentary

4 January at 11:47 pm

Chris commented on the "Love is Love" comic, an anthology series dedicated to the victims of the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting. He uploaded photos of 12 pages and included his commentary.

More lessons for trolls

8 January at 12:31 am Chris commented on a Lizzy the Lezzy post.

This is lots of good stuff for the homophobic internet trolls and cyberbullies.

Share this penny to attract money

8 January at 12:32 am