May 2018 social media posts

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris's major social media posts during May 2018. Posts are sorted by date. Notable comments will be included and color-coded for reference.

Cryzel Rosechu approves of fanart

1 May

Chris liked two fanart pieces of Cryzel, then commented:

Totes Kawaii! She and I think so ever so much! ❤️💙💜
She and I say it’s Awesome!

Of note is that the tweets are geotagged from Hollymead, Virginia.

Mad at Facebook friends

1 May

Chris shared a memory of a post from 2017 about The Classic shirt and commented:

One year ago, I fixed and patched up the old shirt; the next, it’s holey bad in the armpits again. LOL

Sydnee Wagner joked:

This is like a montage out of nightmare on elm street. Freddy gets his sweater back.

Chris was displeased:

I am Not a Monster.

Sydnee replied:

Are you sure? You ran someone over.

Mellanie Chafe chimed in:

She ran someone over!?

Sydnee Wagner linked to this website's article:

Chris shot back:

You are now Blocked. Before continuing to insult me whenever possible you should consider Going to the Gym Yourself, as I feel YOU could stand to Lose Some Weight!

The drama continued on another Facebook post, where Chris became annoyed at someone for using his pre-transition name:

On Facebook's comment section:

Jackie Mei:

Stay strong Chris!



Jackie Mei:


Mellanie Chafe:

my moms name is Christine. Sometimes people call her Chris.


I'm neutral about people calling me "Chris" or "Christine" but I would like if you Good People would respect my chosen name.

Mellanie Chafe:

I think people respect it.


You should see my inbox. There is Much Hate coming my way from all corners of the internet.

Mellanie Chafe:

well, that sucks, but I guess it comes with being out and about on the internet.


AND you, Ms. Mellanie - I see you laughing at me for Running Somebody Over. That is not what a FRIEND does! BLOCKED! You covertly insult me, but You and Your Husband could use some Gym Time as well!

Whining about Patreon backers reducing pledges

1 May

feeling disappointed.

I'm feeling a mite upset right now. I just checked my Patreon (All Pledges were processed), it WAS at over $900 total about last Sunday, as said on my Patreon Page; but today, I ended up with $450! UGH!!!

Note: At this point, Chris had gone for 95 days without uploading new pages for the Sonichu comic.

Kenneth Englehardt BTFO

2 May

Englehardt returned to Chris's Facebook and commented on three posts, only for Chris to respond rudely, prompting Englehardt to walk away from him there. However, he couldn't resist staying away and quickly ran to Chris on Twitter.

He first commented on the previous post about Patreon:

Did you call customer support to see what was going on?

Chris replied:

I'm getting back into my Creative Mind after several months of being off my feet. More on THAT situation another time!

Englehardt then commented on Chris offering his license plate for sale on eBay:

Hold on a minute, are you sure you have that cleared with the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles?

Chris put Englehardt in his place:

Ken, Please Stop. Or I will unfriend you, Again.

Englehardt grovelled:

My apologies.

Later, on 3 May, Englehardt replied to another commentator on the Patreon update:

Taimur Rahman said:

i think its patreon's new donation system, i believe they take 50% of your income to sustain their site. lets boycott patreon.

Englehardt replied:

50% ? That's outrageous.

Chris shot back:

You're outrageous, Ken. Stop Commenting. This is your Last Warning. You are welcome to pledge to my Patreon, should you choose.

Kengle had enough:

Friendships don't work this way Christine. Goodbye.

Hours later, on 4 May, Englehardt issued a tweet, tagged to no one at all:

I've unfriended you but you are still welcome to follow and comment on my public Facebook page.

He then commented on one of Chris's posts:

That is true. Your fans are hungry. Well-fed fans are generous fans.

...prompting Chris to react with anger:

What is Your Problem?! Even though this is May the 4th - I repeat - YOU ARE NOT MY FATHER!

Although by 5 May, tensions had settled back down:

Have you considered a project manager? They can help with work layout, publicity, the bottom line and so forth.
If I had even remotely Knew of such a Manager YEARS ago, I seriously would have done that sooner. Eeyup.

Begging for sales money to ship books

4 May

I did not mean to show lack of appreciation to those who did give me the money. I was upset, because my plans including catching up (everyone of the past three months gets a copy of @BryanShickley ‘s book as well); all of the books have been ordered, and I could not have done it without the sale of my license plate on eBay. I still need more money for shipping them out in about a week or two, please. So, please buy more from my eBay to help.

Bryan Shickley:

Please don't drag me into this. I've drawn your OCs more than you at this point and I don't make a percent of a percent of what you make for doing nothing.

Last six months, imminent financial ruin

5 May

This was made in a series of four tweets.

1. Yesterday, I noticed y'all giving me a lot of.. hate. I wish that Everyone in this world would see me for the True Hearted and Loving person I am. You need to understand - I am not delusional and cartoony! During the last six months, something Really Bad happened to me and...
2.I can't talk about it on here for Very Specific reasons. As a result of What Happened, our finances are Very Low - the worst is has ever been. I hope that y'all can know what happened in the near future, but for now, I Must Keep Quiet. Please understand that I didn't mean to...
3.Offend anybody or do anything stupid or mean. For those that are Loyal Fans of my Patreon - I have some Great Ideas to make it up to you! It is YOU, my loyal Sonichu and Rosechu fans, that keep me going! Please consider donating to me so that I can fix this Very Bad...
4.Situation that I was forced into. Someone took advantage of me in a Very Serious way. The constant Hate has me feeling lower than dirt and I just want Everybody of the World to know - that I, Christine Weston Chandler, love y'all no matter WHAT!

Turning back on CWCProtectSquad

7 May

to be added -