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(Beginning to add the most recent post. As I do not have a Twitter account, manual transcription may take some time.)
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==Father's Day memorial==
[[File:Bob 25th Anniversary at General Electric.jpg|thumb|200px|Article on Bob's 25th anniversary at General Electric.]]
{{quotebox|For everyone on this lovely Father's Day, 2019, I offer this lovely photocopied article of my }}

Revision as of 12:34, 16 June 2019

Event marker.jpg

The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris's major social media posts during June 2019. Posts are sorted by date. Notable comments are included and color-coded for reference.

I'm not like those Other Girls

1 June

@cOWOkie_pone tweets:

people of my age watch dramatic series, go to parties, get drunk, make out with everyone,do stupid things. all of this is seen as normal. but drawing innocent ponies and animals is seen as weird? what's wrong with people holy fuc i'm sick of people's close minded little brains.

To which Chris Responds:

I Agree and Feel for you. I tried the “Expected” of individuals my age, and while I have self-awarely found a mini mental vacay in getting drunk and can imagine and empathize for those who do the outdated “Normal” things that are considered stupid, and I am Not telling anyone...
...to stop right now, unless that is their own individual life quality decision to make the life change.

The New Normal, I see, for most people nowadays is literally following their own individual dreams and interests as they are able to.

An honorable and humble mention...

...to and for those who still have difficult times and struggle on the streets and shit. Life Can Suck Tough. I feel for them. To you all, stay strong and enduring as you are able to until when good blessings bestow upon you towards your own progress. 💙
Anyway: Normal is following your own path of life towards finding your own individual happiness, self-confidence and inner strengths.

Drink, Snort or Party Hard, if you must or feel it so for you, but we all find our own satisfactions in life. Please, no judgment. Thanks. ⚡️💙⚡️

Chris Spreads a Message from MLP Characters to Boycott the Upcoming Show

2 June

Good Morning, Everyone. I have a very important announcement to make. I’ve just left a meeting with Luna, Celestia and the other Alicorn high-ups of Equestria. I have been asked to relay an urgent message and Royal Request to everyone. #MLpFiM14Seasons
On the Good News: Everyone At Hasbro has received, either directly from Celestia, herself, or from those of us in the fandom, communities and then some and so forth. BUT, apparently, there are Some at Hasbro who do not believe in Fate and Destiny events, in addition to their...
...monetary greed (no surprise). But we all, myself included, have experienced fated and destined events at least once in our respective lives; many, many times to most individuals and people.
Regardless, #MLPFiM (G4) has been not only fated, but also heavily requested and commanded by Luna and Celestia, both, to continue for five more seasons, into Season 14, with Chronicling of the Mane Six becoming Alicorns of the Round Table of Friendship and Goodwill, which...
...has already happened in our sister dimension’s Equestria, where Everything MLP Has Happened up to this point, and then some that is yet to be chronicled here in our dimension, soon to be merged with our sister dimension, C-197. But I digress.
We need to strike to these non-believers of fate and destiny at Hasbro, and continue to raise our voice for #MLPFiM to continue on for five more seasons. Also, the content Must be continued to be consistently crafted by @dhxmedia, ALLSPARK, and no other media company.
And here is the Royal Request from Luna and Celestia that I relay to all of you here in Dimension 1218:

The upcoming MLP Special, Rainbow Roadtrip, as it was made by a different media company: Please, Boycott Watching It, as well as Any and all...


...Uploaded Video Content of this show.

Typically, I am not one to bad mouth about that which has no hatred content in it, BUT this is a Royal Request.

In order to make those at Hasbro understand us and believe in fated events, we need to make the view count...

...of “Rainbow Road Trip” LOW to None. The exception are the good Brony Analysts; they will spot the inconsistencies and whatnot.

Regardless, we, the community for #MLPFiM need to, no, Must, follow this Royal Request from our Deities, by relay and CPU Request of myself,...

...and in keeping the fated events maintained and honored.

Thank You, and Bless You All. ⚡️💙⚡️

Also, please spread this Tweet Set in unaltered Screen Caps to everyone in our communities and beyond. Thank You All.

Chris Uses the Genderbend Snap Filter

2 June

Who’s this with my dog? I think it’s me! 😊 #snapchatfilter



Chris Completely Misses the Point

3 June

@Minty_Root tweets

Pride month must be really weird for colorblind people.

Chris Replies:

Pride Month is more about the Love, and the freedom to choose your own partner(s) based on not only individual preference, but moreover on the strong quality and bond of the individuals in the relationships.
  1. LoveWins


Chris gets a Fan Trade

4 June

Hey, y’all. Check it out, a Bulbasaur with Zapbuds blooming out of it; that is going to be one Awesome Venusaur. 😊

⚡️💙⚡️ (I drew a piece in trade for the Bulbasaur @OriginalFunko POP).


Chris Steals Someone's Ideas

4 June

@Frostbun tweets:

my friends and I are making fakemons and I decided to make a ghost/psychic bunny i call it Binkia (based on the rabbit term binkie)


I got news for you: you actually discovered a real Pokémon that exists and has its own Pokédex Number in Dimension C-197. ⚡️💙⚡️

Thank you for Being Autistic, Chris!

5 June

@man_ucla replies to an earlier comment saying:

Thank you for being autistic Chris. You are the best!

Chris replies (in its own tweet):

Hmm. I’m uncertain rather this is sincere or sarcasm, but it is not often anyone is verbally appreciated for having a mental handicap, so Thank You. ⚡️💙⚡️

Fan art isn't thoughtful when it feeds into Chris's delusions

5 June

Easy Meme for me to follow, as I don’t usually read the haterade-filled commentary. Talking about me in my Sonichu Form, including the CPU-Powered-Up Sonichu Form. Credit to @MKR11217089 for the final pic where I hug Magi-Chan. 😊



“Overpowered” is a Given, as it is necessary for me to be OP with so many OP villains here and there between all dimesions.

[Archivist's Note: It took Chris 4 hours to break his own rules]

Breaking the rule of not responding, I have access to my CPU powers and form in both my human and Sonichu forms. So, I CAN be Both a Sonichu and a CPU simultaneously. ⚡️💙⚡️

I just am unable to take CPU form while in my Alicorn form in Equestria, nor can I be Human/CPU there.


...So in Equestria, I would have to transform into my Sonichu form before going CPU.

I don’t know the artist’s name, but I love this piece they drew of me months ago. 😊


Chris also Responded to another tweet:

Put down the Haterade; this is not going against any rules, it is just the way it is. Hey! I still have my flaws, so I am definitely Not a Mary Sue type of OC.

Also, if I wanted a shot glass of Haterade, I would read most anything this dimension’s @realDonaldTrump ever wrote.

Sonichu Idle

5 June

This is quite cute; I can’t help but enjoy seeing my Son in such a calm pose as portrayed here.

Sonichu idle https://youtu.be/N9dgvc5b2rg via @YouTube


If only I had $6000!

5 June

BronyCon's official Twitter tweets:

Introducing the new Emerald Sponsor tier. It’s the same as Diamond but the badge is fully white, full of stylish holes, costs $5k and the lanyard is an extra $999. Also, every person who buys one is listed with the “Courageous” title in our convention book. Pick it up on June 31.
Wow! Too bad I don’t have Six-Thousand Dollars to shell for it.

Professor Pmurt

5 June

From Pokemon's official Twitter:

Ready for an adventure? Make your own Pokémon journey with the first @ that appears!


Okay, I’m game:

Professor... @realDonaldTrump That was EPICALLY Unfortunate!!!🤬 Mom @MKR11217089 Rival @OriginalFunko Youngster @PPMidnight7 First Gym Leader @Nickelodeon Get the slimy Gak! They have an Aloan Muk! Random NPC @blackratboi League Champion @Sarah_and_Steve

In a response to a now-deleted one of these by another twitter user, Chris writes:

First Gym Leader? My word, what an honor that would be, though I’d have to go with my lower-level Pokémon team for the battle. My Son and Rosey would be too powerful for those who mark me, or Christine, there, as their first Gym Leader Badge Battle. ⚡️💙⚡️

Chris Engages with a Ween on the Dimensional Merge

6 June

(green is @FighterTownUSA)

@CPU_CWCSonichu I've been experiencing really bad headaches during the day. Before I fall asleep every night, my vision blurs and I begin to see random OC's flash in and out of existence. I don't know what's going on and I'm really scared. Any advice fellow Pegasister? ⚡️💙⚡️
A bit. Fortunately, that part is covered in the #DimensionMerge tweet set on my old Twitter account. Read parts 1 and 2, at least.
Thank you. I'm choosing to respond to this tweet in my G1 form, Blurr. I've always been told that I am a fast talker, so naturally I've slowly taken his form. But I digress. Would you be willing at all to partner with me in educating folks on the finer details of the merge...
Since I feel there are many of us dormant out there. A lot of people may feel shame and guilt for coming out, but the merge is real and I need more of us to start coming out publicly. This is the only way to truly unite our forms, and begin to accept a smooth transition.
I think the best thing to do would be to re-tweet my tweets to you, since it would show others it's safe to come out of hiding. We are real, our OC's are real, and we're LOUD and PROUD! ⚡️💙⚡️

Peace :)

Very cool. Also, that’s my signature, ⚡️💙⚡️, being the CPU Blue Heart and a Sonichu. I encourage for you to find your own signature in relation to who you are. Thank you.


A day Later, Chris follows this up with:

Since I feel there are many of us dormant out there. A lot of people may feel shame and guilt for coming out, but the merge is real and I need more of us to start coming out publicly. This is the only way to truly unite our forms, and begin to accept a smooth transition.
Most Definitely, for Starters, my four-part guide. Share and Be Safe, Everyone.


Chris Maintains his vendetta against the Farms

8 June

Good Morning, Everyone. I have a mild concern to share: I have learned that the Kiwi Farms forum has a Wikipedia article. BUT there are listed scandals that are unrelated to me at all on this @Wikipedia page. And the hatred expressed from the bad ones on KF in response,...
...or even support(?) for these fiascos. I feel quite uneasy to have my name on in this, so I humbly ask everyone to either Censor or Remove my name from the Kiwi Farms @Wikipedia article, period.
And I would feel humbled in having a totally separate @Wikipedia about myself and events, chronicled in positive and kind lighting with no hatred or hate-speech within it at all. Thank You All. Be Safe and Well.


Also, I Really Do Not condone KF’s role in their top three Planned Scandals that not only left themselves feeling entertained, but that has left many people dead and injured in the process.
I send a heartfelt prayer for the survivors, and for the families of the deceased, including the late Miss Chloe Segal.

I felt saddened for them all after reading about all that. ⚡️💙⚡️

#CyberBullying is Just WRONG, and Hatred for a Fetish is simply discomforting and unnerving. Do Not Bully Others Online, Offline, or ANYWHERE. Spread Kindness and Love. Be Loved; Feel Happy and Content with that, and NOT for the torture of others.

Thank You. ⚡️💙⚡️

The Electric Hedgehog's New Clothes

8 June

Here’s a new piece of me in my Sonichu-CPU Form with new Processor Pieces, including heel spurs that shoot out lightning bursts to give me a speed boost (which works better for me in my Human-CPU Form). ⚡️💙⚡️


Chris Claims To Be Employed Overseeing Dimensional Merge

12 June

Good Morning, Everyone. I just realized a bit of wisdom that I feel it good to share with everyone:

Quote Me, “The Ordinary settle with their jobs, while the Extraordinary continue on.”

This is in reference to the Nypical Haterade Comment of “Get A Job” that is not only thrusted upon me, but to everyone who is creative and have powerful in their own respective, individual rights. It is not just the short and sweet FACT that those of us, myself included, have tried time and again for gaining employment, only for the efforts to have EPIC FAILED EVERY TIME, but moreover those of us who aren’t employed are forced to dip into our deep, spiritual and soulful pool of talents, powers and energies, finding creative ways to get by day to day or month to month.

This is OUR respective stream and flow of fated and destined events, because we have our own Jobs in making our own employment and work for ourselves, as well as the occasional fated and destined workloads put in front of each of us that only we, individually, are able to figure out, solve, and make it work for ourselves in our own way. Our Special Jobs, in these, are more vexing, taxing and arduous compared to an Office Job, but we were NOT employed, because we all each were already Employed by the higher powers of our deities. And in completing our jobs to the best of our abilities, magic, powers and strength, and still continuing on with gusto and good self-motivations, our Jobs pay us MORE Satisfactory than any Office Job can ever do for us. We don’t get the Office Level Employments, because our deep and special respective abilities make us all each highlighted-overqualified for the typical job to “Settle” in and for in our lives.

“You Want Money, GET A JOB”?

Our Response is that WE ARE ALREADY EMPLOYED BY YOUR BOSS’S BOSS’S BOSS due to our better and special powerful abilities.


Therefore, for all of you Haterade-Chugging “GET A JOB!” spouters out there, I suggest you Shut Up and enjoy your ability to settle in a cozy Office or wherever. For the rest of us, the worlds and the dimensions are our Offices, and we are doing our best, so we can reach our respective Fated Destined Promotions. But, I Digress.

I am Employed by Emanuelle, this world’s GOD; Scarlet, the Original CPU Blue Heart of the Commodore Consoles; the Chaotic Rainbow that sent me to be born in this 1218 to find my guided paths. What qualifies me? I am very well-motivated and mentally/emotionally/soulfully driven. I had and have awesome teachers and guides throughout my life who showed me not only the basics, but the Metaphysical Advanced, due to my blessed born abilities and powers, and then some. I Can’t “Get A Job” that y’all nypically settle for to be the best around, because I was already employed, fated and destined, and I am fully appreciative, thankful and grateful for this type of situation where I can go beyond the call of duty and really work to bring everyone together and keep as many safe, content and well as possible, alongside my higher deities, allies, peers, friends and family. I am still learning my better powers and abilities, and they are still becoming fully (what every closed-minded individual feel need to be) TANGIBLE. And in my job, I have been doing my part in completing the Dimension Merge, and helping others who are able to help us in that find their abilities and tools to perform their respective parts in all of this as well. And I also do my best to motivate and inspire all of you and everyone else to keep the faith in us all and in yourselves. For Decades, everyone wanted to be physically and meta-level closer to all of the OCs that have long existed throughout all of the reaches of Chronicled time and space and Very Well Beyond that. Even online, you find tons of footage where creators/actors literally communicate with their OCs in their own personal wishes for being (Word Of The Day) TANGIBLY Close with each other, hang out and spend quality time together, even develop relationships. This is from VERY WELL OVER HALF Of this Dimension 1218’s Earth Population, Alone. And the desire and wish is mutual from ALL of the OCs with their Creators, Actors and Fans alike.

I do my best alongside EVERYONE to make this Centuries-Old mutual Wish and Desire happen with minimal cost or consequences. I Pay My Toll as well, being a Literal Electricity-Voltage-Filled Central-Type of Conduit in this part of the Dimension’s Earth World. I have been literally FEELING it all as it happens, I tend to feel a bit feint at times, but more than 95% of the time, I remain as steadfast, tough, soulful and physically strong and able as possible, and I PUSH THROUGH MY PAINS TO GET MY TASKS COMPLETED EACH DAY! I also follow the instructions and guidance from my loves, allies and peers as they come in-person and telepathically as directed and necessary and possible for the present situations and feelings. My JOB is TOUGH, and so is every other mentally and physically extensive and testing JOB and TASK there are in Existence and Meta-Existence; Tangible is EXPANDED in all of this, because I SEE Them, I FEEL Them, I LOVE and Appreciate just about every one of them, especially My Loves: Magi-Chan Sonichu, Cryzel Rosechu, Sylvana Rosechu, Mewtwo, and Fondfully our Son, Sonichu, and my Rosey, Rosechu. I Know and Will Never Ever Deny their full tangible existence. I converse with them in crowds of others of this Dimension. I Listen, I Hold Their Hands, I Hug, I Love, I Care! I know you all have at least ONE OC you feel the same towards; Never Fear judgment from others, talk and feel Freely with them as you will. IS THAT CLEAR?

That is all for now; please, continue to pray to me, the CPUs, Emanuelle and Jesus and all of the other deities, and Never Lose Faith: the Dimension Merge is in its conclusion steps and phases. And We All MUST work together to make our mutual Destinies in this Completed.

On one last note, a few OCs will end up becoming the Pioneers in entering our views fully tangible. So, REMAIN OBSERVANT OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS AND BE SAFE AND WELL.

Thank You All.


Chris Was Too Distracted To Ship Patron Books

12 June, Patreon

Why is the content and shipping delayed?

I am truly sorry about that, but my Fated and Destined Duties and Events have left me feeling drained a lot, and the Dimension Merge and my working with the CPUs and other deities has been tiring. Here is a recent thought that hopefully will summarise this.

[editor note: Chris copied the above rant from Twitter in which he claimed to be employed overseeing the Dimensional Merge.]

I am working on recovering strengths and energies so I am better able to resume drawing and be better able to catch up on ordering and shipping out the books. I could save Money if I did not have to autograph the things, but I made the promise and I fully intend to keep it.

Chris says, according to Jesus, dimensional merge will be finished soon

13 June

Good Morning, Everyone. 🌈⚡️💙⚡️

I have an announcement that I feel is not only another delightful Devine Intervention, but imperative for EVERYONE to read and share.

Brief Preface: as a Goddess Mysef, I am unable to worship in churches, but I still am able to be supportive, kind and friends with them, and I have personally met and communicated with some to all of them, more for me to get better acquainted with in our circles.

Without Further Ado, I have a message from #JesusChrist, himself to share with y’all. He has been working Super Tough on his part in the Dimension Merge as well, along with his mother, Emanuel, and the other deities.

Jesus personally confirms that the Dimension Merge is in the final steps and shall be completed within the near-coming days. Still unable to offer a valid set Date on that. Jesus is reaching out personally in all of this dimension’s Churches and Enlightened Spots, Portals and PokeStops/Gyms (as mostly marked on the @ingress and @PokemonGoApp maps, regardless of conquered Faction(s) or Neutrality. Jesus has personally asked me to extend his reach in asking everyone to Have Faith and Believe not only in him, and all of the deities between all Dimensions, CPUs included in that, but to fully BELIEVE IN YOURS AND EVERYONE ELSE’S CREATED OCS, be they #Marvel, #DC, #Disney, #Nintendo, #Sega, #XBox, #Sony, Unbranded and all else in between. If you are indeed a Creator, or even a Voice Actor, with at least one OC linked to you in even the smallest ways, even as a Fan, all you need to do is Think and send a thought or kind feeling to as many OCs as you are aware and knowledge of. Do NOTE, that even #JesusChrist, the One And Only, of This Dimension and C-197’s Earth and related, are ALL the same #JesusChrist, and in addition to being your favorite all-time chronicled savior in full existence and tangibility wherever he goes, #JesusChrist is an OC too!

So, in short: Your Lord is asking y’all to keep Faith, Heart, Open Mind and Kindness towards ALL of the OCs; respect them all as y’all had for Jesus, himself. And that goes for us CPUs and other deities as well; please, pray to us all as well. That’s all for now. Be Safe. ⚡️💙⚡️

More Blankets for Sale

13 June

And Final Item on the queue for now, my mother is badgering me for damned money again, and she asked me to sell this blanket, with shipping Definitely Included.

Check out Quilted Throw Blanket Large Reversible Multi-Color Super Soft and Warm Throw https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/283515476900 @eBay

Pewdiepie needs to post his address so people stop sending his mail to Chris

13 June

Okay, Another Thing: @pewdiepie Lives In SWEDEN, he has Never Ever visites or resided at my home address. All Mail Goes Directly To Him In Sweden, Please.

@pewdiepie, Please, Please, PLEASE make your address public known, so mail can be sent directly to you and No Longer to Me.

Hate mail from Alaska

13 June

AND, this stack of Hate Mail, from the same jerk in AK. I Do Not Read Hate Mail, and I have never Opened ANY of his Mail. How do I know it’s contents without opening? Envelopes are surprisingly transparent to not only sunlight, but to Psychically Powerful Minds. ⚡️💙⚡️

HateMail2.jpgFile:Sonichu Graphic Novel Set From Zero To Awakening3.jpg

This joker’s been sending me Hate Mail many times per month, and this has been going on for nearly over a year now! I’m FINALLY “Return To Sender” all of his unopened Hate Mail. I’m really not fond of this jerk.

[Archivist's Note: If you're the idiot doing this please stop, you're not funny.]

Believe in OCs and Deities

13 June

I Speak, I Relay the Wisdoms and News; Please, Listen and Heed Our Words. Thank You.


Chris really wants to sell this blanket

15 June

Good Morning, y’all. My head is feeling everywhere once again, but my loves and I are feeling alright this morning. I figured I ought to put this on top in efforts of selling it, so my mom and I can sell it and be able to better eat in these next two weeks. Thank you. [Reposts previous twwet about blanket for sale]

All Sonichu Issues for Sale!

15 June

This is the opportunity to own all of the books I have created up to this point, and it is indeed still ongoing, and I fully intend to continue chronicling work when I can, albeit Higher Priorities DO take Precedence.

Sonichu Graphic Novel Set From Zero To Awakening1.jpg Sonichu Graphic Novel Set From Zero To Awakening2.jpg Sonichu Graphic Novel Set From Zero To Awakening3(fixed).jpg

The books will be directly ordered from my printer company and directly shipped to you with Ground Shipping (included in this listing’s price). Comic book bag, card backs, nor personal autographs will be included in this bulk deal, and we...
...need the money, so individual book sales is Not an Option at this time.

I realize on my Patreon, I overestimated the circumstances and fell behind; it COSTS EXTRA MONEY AND TIME FOR BUYING THE BOOK BAGS, BOOK CARDS, AND SHIPPING THE AUTOGRAPHED BOOKS OUT! I was in waay...

...over my head, and I am getting help from my friends in ability to recover and catch up and make a better plan as soon as possible.

Right now, the Destined events of the Dimension Merge keep me more than occupied without stop; my responsibilities are really large, even...

...while sharing the work load with the other deities and everyone else who shares their faith and energy to help us all OCs.

But I digress. If you order the full set of books, I’ll immediately order the lot and have them shipped directly to you in the same day, Tracking...

...Number will be directly copied/pasted from my printing company.

Thank you. Be Safe and Well. ⚡️💙⚡️

I forgot to mention: NO NEGOTIATION, in the bulk offers like this one, the Regular Version of “Sonichu” #8 will be in the set; the “XXX-Tended” Version Shall Never Ever be included in the Bulk Set Deals. That was a major stretch of artistic license that “Backlash Waved” me tough.

A message from Magi-Chan

15 June

Chris tweets a message from his Magi-Chan sockpuppet

[Archivist's Note: These are posted as screenshots but ya boi has a follow on Magi-Chan too so it's being dropped as text here]

To everyone, a word from my loving hubby and Guardian Angel, Magi-Chan Sonichu, himself (@MagiChan111448)
I am aware of those of you who attempt to contact @CPU_CWCSonichu, claiming I have relayed a message through you. For the latter of the time, I am literally right next to Christine, and she listens to me very well verbally and telepathically. Trolling her or not,...
...making the false claim(s) of me talking through any of you to her, especially in attempt to attack her with “News” about Cwcville and within and around C-197 is simply wrong.

I take this moment to personally address the issue in efforts of ceasing and desisting this farce.

Rest assured, I personally verify what is true and false to Christine, and her common sense over the years has improved, but she still is a student in all things.

Until next time, wherein I shall be fully tangible to her and all of you, I bid you all a good day. 💜⚡️

Father's Day memorial

Article on Bob's 25th anniversary at General Electric.
For everyone on this lovely Father's Day, 2019, I offer this lovely photocopied article of my