June 2021 social media posts

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.

This page is an archive of Chris's major social media posts during June 2021.

Helena G.F.

1 June

Helena Fiorenza

I am making a art/rp. Come by and comment stuff, dm me on twitter that you want to put your oc in the year 2090. The more I make, the more you can make your own oc or oc thing for the account or just come see what I make<3

Twitter: @P1ckChu

Yes, I’ll still be young and alive then, so sign me up, please; I’m immortal. 😊⚡️💙⚡️


Happy Pride Month

1 June

Happy #Pride Month! 😊🌈⚡️💙⚡️

[GIF of a rainbow with lightning around it with text saying "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF"]

Young Chris

1 June

Hey, y’all. I am continuing work on my self-healing alongside my workings with the other deities, the total universe, Cosmos, as well as from within myself. Today, I start reconnecting with my inner child once again.

With that stated, I felt it would be good and well


to channel young Christopher and let him talk things out with you all in a set of tweets. Do note, that Young Chris mentality spans between birth to around 15 to 18. Christian, the Young Adult, you all have read about and became past-accustomed to, spans in a transition in 15 to 18, and onward to about 2015, and I became better enlightened around 2010 to be the more enlightened and better developed and clear one of present day.

BUT, again, the focus is on the younger part of me. And for the Christorians, feel free to chronicle this on the CWCki and for your own personal reference. This will take a while from after I finish, here. Without further ado, I lend my body and the keyboard in front to the little boy from the 1980s, Christopher.


Chris larps as his younger self

1 June

Hello, everyone. My name is Christopher, or Chris, for short. I’m feeling uncomfortable and nervous talking like this. I have been ever so observant over the years. As Christine has said, my view is on the youthful side. Um, I’ve had some friends way back when. My closest friends were Sarah and Josh. I spoke for a while; only a few weeks old; this is true. I remember Mom and I were at the BEST store that day, and I spoke to her. I came into this world with the memories from my past life with Merlin, but other stuff became more important. I also remember shouting as I was playing that day when the babysitter got really upset and locked me in that room. I had no one to talk with; just the toys in that room. I did have a friend who came and played with me. My guardian, Magi-Chan. He talked to me and told me stories. I had dreams of visiting this large city. One of which is the one where I fled from a tall business building with a baby in-hand, my future daughter. Still holding onto that dream. I didn’t talk too much after that day with the babysitter. I was following Magi-Chan’s example of being telepathic, but apparently, not a lot of people were getting my messages. I played a lot with my toys. I read Bearnstein Bears. I watched Sesame Street, Care Bears, Transformers, Smurfs, Muppet Babies, and Sonic the Hedgehog when he finally came on television. I played my Commodore 64 computer a lot. I typed the command in, have the floppy disk with all of those games saved on it in the disk drive, and I played whatever I felt like. I played with Sarah; we were neighbors. Ran around, tag, hide and seek, swing set. We had fun. We played with the other kids in the neighborhood. I also watched Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show a lot. Speech therapy at James Madison University; had classes with Josh. We went to Kid’s Castle, and had Country Fried Steak with white gravy at Country Cookin’. School. Green County Schools were fun a lot of the time. I liked playing on the playground, and on the computer. There was this Fish game that had to do with bigger ones eating the smaller ones. That one scared me when the really big fish came around. Number Munchers was a lot of fun. Oregon Trail. Apple Vs Commodore; I gotta stick with the one I have at home for the better choice. I also played with my Transformers figures. I liked the Micromaster and Action Master figures; they were within my reach when I became old enough. I have a few G2 toys, hardly any G1. We went to a lot of yard sales and flea markets. There was this flea market on the corner where Food Lion is now in Ruckersville; I was always calling it the junk yard. I don’t know, I was a kid. In Primary School, we had this awesome teacher, Miss Miller. She got married, my mom and dad and Magi-Chan and I went to the reception party before Miss MIller moved to Utah. I liked our principal, Mister Wade; he was a kind and understanding man. Dad worked at General Electric, the big building not far from here. He had a lot of papers from there. He designed the controls for plastic mills, steel mills, saw mills, and all that stuff. Mommy worked at Virginia Power in finances. She worked on a computer a lot at a desk with these removable walls. Mommy was a real businesslady. Daddy was a real businessman. All these words that were one way I could get, but bunch of times over my head. Grown up words to an extent were tough on a youthful mind, depending on how old the soul within is, and I was really old and beyond grown up. Autism really kept me feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. But I still had my thoughts and ideas and things. I read and look at pictures. I turned on the closed captions when they were available on the TV. Dad and I sometimes watched Nick at Nite when he let me stay up late. “Get Smart”! Yay! Don Adams! I liked the RCA Video Disc player; those vinal DVDs we had in those hard plastic cases. I’ve put records on the turntables; they can break if you’re not careful. Darkwing Duck is Really Cool! I did not like fourth grade; it sucked. Pinned down by those mean teachers. Mrs. Gaede, WHY? WHY did you pin me down with them? Why did you hurt me? Did Autism really confound you? I had a crush on Tiffany Robinson, though. She was a really pretty girl. She lived somewhere else, though. Somewhere beyond Standardsville from where I lived. The court house visits really confused me some. I got really hurt from that pin-me-down, but did they Really have to kick me out and force me into Home School for Fifth Grade? I missed riding on the big bus to school that year. Sarah and I were really sad when mom and dad and Magi-Chan and I had to move to Richmond to continue my education. But, it turned out for the better. Awesome Bonus, I Won the Sonic the Hedgehog Watch and Win Sweepstakes! That was a really good day when we bought those games and zords. I’m feeling mentally drained right now. I think I need to let Christine have this body again. Thank you all for listening to me.
I am reading Chapter 5 of #WarholChrisChan right now. One reason why I was to check in with my inner child was to find any remaining issues to address that haven’t been addressed, or could be addressed better. And spiritual guidance also informs of something between Barb and I. Well, in part thanks to Don, but moreover to me in recognizing resonance in the present moment topic: My Mom Has Hoarded Too Much Stuff. Even as a child, I recall every single time she went shopping wherever. Furniture, Knick-Knacks, and such. What was the majority of Her ”Collection”, and I apologize in advance to any and all seamstress and tailor types reading this: She Has Hoarded CLOTH and CLOTHING ITEMS! And with that, it makes even more sense WHY we had those me-high tall mountains of clothing piles downstairs.

Barbara did make clothes and was a master at the sewing machine. It was something she heavily picked up in her childhood in Red Oak. She made her own dresses and outfits, because her family of both parents and eight children (counting her) made financial balancing not easy for them. And Barb was number 5 out of 8; one of the two Middle Children. So, even though her studied major was in accounting and numbers, she also had a knack at sewing.

Now, here’s the thing: she has not used her sewing machine at present nor in the past number of years. And even though we have successfully cleared out over 75% of the piled clutter that was piled after moving back in on New Year’s Eve of 2014 a few years ago, there is still a bunch of stuff in One Room that can be easily opened to be an additional bedroom that nobody uses anymore. There’s still some stuff in the workshop, but it’s more than half-cleared these days. We leave alone the garden shed my dad left a bunch of stuff behind in, including a light-up Christmas Village display. I have not checked the back porch, but wagering it is still full of stuff. And another point Don reminded me of, the fact that I was not allowed to even touch her things in reorganizing, donation or disposal. And, By The Way, you all can thank my friend, Anna, who was a major Genuine Positive Help in encouraging my mom to unload during that time. NULL, Please, Please, Please Rescend your unrequited threat against her, and allow her to speak with me again soon. She was, or is, never going to bad talk you or separate me from talking to you; that remains of my choosing, alone. Back on topic: considering where we are at with the events at this time, I feel capable of presenting this chapter portion to Barbara by reading it to her, personally, and waking her up to realize what we can actually do. And personally, I would like to clear that spare room up. I feel better getting that off of my mind. Thank you.



2 June

Xena (@X3naFerrer)

I'm tempted to get a furry version of Xena. I was a furry a few years before I ever become a brony but I've never had a fursona as such.


Considering your lovely pony counterpart is furry, I’d say you’re already covered. But, even a furry and furry-lover doesn’t settle for just one furry sona or alt-form. I know from personal multiverse experiences. May I recommend meditating to find any other identifying creature?

Not a new saga

2 June

violent anarcho primitivism (@shinjipiIled)

This user quote tweets the previous series of tweets where young Chris was supposedly talking.

Um, don’t count this as a “Saga”. I let Christopher speak in better reconnecting with him. Count this as something more that y’all get to add into the chronicling. Thanks a bunch. 😊⚡️💙⚡️

Lots of Love.

Chris is too hip for the room

2 June

Tekeyah (@TeKeHall)

This user quote tweets the previous series of tweets where young Chris was supposedly talking.

Chris, please, as an antifan get help.
And, please, as myself, who reflects you, of which I could tell you to “Get help” as well, I tell you: Like Donnie Darkko, I’m too hip for the room. ⚡️💙⚡️

Tarot Cards

3 June

Hey, everyone. As a few of you all may have heard, I have taken up Tarot Card reading amongst my hobbies. Seeing today’s card for myself, I feel it safe to share the card I drew for today with you all. The deck I like using is #OSHOZenTarot. With that stated

Today’s card is Integration. I hear meaning of everything coming together today. The thing with Tarot cards is you draw a card, and you determine its meaning from your perspective for yourself. I invite you all to share in interpreting this card for yourselves today. ⚡️💙⚡️


Orphanages in CWCVille

3 June

Queenie @ Raffle time! (@kill3rQu33nie)

@CPU_CWCSonichu are there any orphanages in cwcville with cute little sonees and Rosees that need any homes?
One orphanage exists in the city; it’s mainly for human children, but even other young anthro creatures with no parents or guardians may reside there for adoption.

Another Tarot card

4 June

I have drawn a card for all of you; today, your card is Audience. I do believe you all will be in for quite the show of a lifetime.


More Tarot cards

5 June

Before I reveal today’s card, I address and acknowledge that I have misread the word on yesterday’s card, “Abundance” to “Audiance”, but my having done so is not a fluke. There was still a most awesome bunch of veil removal and energy shifts that I am positive enlightened you.
On that, the card for you all today is “The Burden”; today is a good day for you all, each, to acknowledge that which weighs you down, be it a toxic relationship or moment. You are encouraged to lighten your burden, and in doing so, you will, indeed, reach the Dream at the far.

June5TarotTheBurden.jpg June5TarotTheDream.jpg

Innocence Tarot card

6 June

For the Collective, today’s card I have drawn for y’all is Innocence. This is a lovely day to enjoy the simplicities of your surroundings and what y’all, respectively, have. Be child like as you may, and count your blessings. 😊⚡️💙⚡️


More Andy Warhol and autism

6 June

On another topic, I am still reading #WarholChrisChan, amidst Chapter 8, still (a longer chapter than the others). A couple of things mentioned in this chapter: I do recall when I had stated that I would want a cure for Autism, but apparently, that statement can be misinterpreted as me wanting to cure the entire world of Autism. I genuinely did not mean that, and I certainly do not wish to be interpreted a villain by those with autism. I understand and know that each and every individual with autism, or Autists, has their respective views and levels of how it affects them. Every autist has the ability to work and further progress within and around their varying confinements. I, myself, for most of my life was an observer type, and I had thought of others before myself, thus I did miss out at opportunities while I was blind-sighted with the restrictive mindset I had to deal with. Which was why I opted to relieve myself of the Autism, and succeeded for the most part. I have found my own cure for autism through a combination of meditation, really dipping down into myself, chakra activations, binaural beats, and so on. I have addressed the number of my past blockages, traumas, and issues, and accepted them or let them go

[GIF of a Buddhist cartoon character praying]

appropriately and respectively. Now, I am a lot less autistic. Although inner child, Christopher, obviously showed some lingering signs when talking with me, but I am being as motherly and loving with him as best as I can to heal and resolve that. Back on topic, I did not mean, nor did I have any intentions of, totally abolishing autism en mass. Yes, each individual autist has their feelings and respective situations, and not all of y’all have desire to totally rid yourselves of the mental quirk, when y’all may have grown most accustomed and better working with or around that for yourselves. Plus, as is the history and those events that have irked you and tested your resilience, endurance, and individual maturity, autism is such a building block as well. At the least, I have found a way to cure it for myself. I relay this information only to those who genuinely wish and feel desire to do the same for themselves.

Inner Workings, clearing out Chakra Blockages, and addressing each source of shyness and limitations within yourselves is the answer and counter. And to all autists, and all Parents of autistic children, I encourage all of you to encourage not only the creativity within the autist, but also y’all’s respective Psychic, Magic and Spiritual powers. All of you are born with them. Encourage and grow the magic and powers for yourselves. ⚡️💙⚡️

[GIF of a cartoon character casting a type of firey rainbow with magic]

The other topic from the book: Valarie Solanas, the scummy bitch who shot Andy Warhol. I genuinely do not agree with, nor would I condone, her extremist ideals against men.

I know, I used to feel really frustrated and angry with men for the outdated dating reasons, and the Hater and Faker online trolls, regardless of being women behind men facades, men behind women facades, or matching in gender; they did not help matters on that, either. But I have witnessed better and true, offline, in-person, and so on when I opened my heart and mind for the LGBTQ, and so forth. I was uncomfortable around boys as a child, because I had genuinely felt a vibe from them that did not match my own, and I did feel safer and matching habits and vibes with girls. But, I have grown and come around. Also, I have no shame or regret in going on public record stating the following: I like penis-shaped dildos, and I do not mind a genuine cock, up my butt. I have also enjoyed a cock-shaped sucker purchased from a Spencer’s; took me about a week to finish that thing.


[GIF of objects floating with text saying "THE MOON HAS PHASES, BISEXUALITY DOES NOT"]

As for Solanas, I do acknowledge the outdated similarity between her and I, but in the end, I simply do not care for nor agree with her ideals nor what she did. And, frankly, she didn’t know Biology and Anatomy. I can still get a hard on and horny. And, even if I did lose this cock by chop, there’s satisfaction in where that tube goes, as well as up the butt. So, Solanas had nothing, and she got her fated end of jail time. But, as an individual with her own point of view and thoughts, I do not judge her for having them or being herself. And that’s my Two Bolts and a Heart on Victoria Solanas. ⚡️💙⚡️ Now, to end this on a more positive note, and also to note further from #WarholChrisChan: I, indeed, have always been effeminate and whatnot growing up, and I did, indeed, struggle with even attempting to keep up with male constructs. But, I am soo glad I was able to come out and be my lovely Goddess self, as I could and should have. No regrets or shame.

Also, why I don’t have the op sooner: there is hardly anyone within driving distance who can do the job, as far as my Endochronologist knows, and then there’s the money. @Kickstarter for my thang? But, moreover, I have faith in a physical transformation of my wishes and desires.

That’s all for now. Thank you all for listening. 😊⚡️💙⚡️🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Chris will apparently make custom Tarot cards

6 June

🏳️‍🌈R. Righteous🏳️‍🌈 #Pride Month (@Righteous4CWC)

@CPU_CWCSonichu Shall there be Tarot Cards of your own creation in the foreseeable future, our Goddess?
Eventually, yes.


7 June

Let that sink into your thoughts: you may be grounded by your computers (PC, Laptop, or Smartphones, etc), but you’re Meditating while doing so.

This can also be attributed to when one is literally writing or drawing on paper with pen and colours.

[GIF of a Tardis travelling through time]

Sorrow Tarot card

7 June

The collective card for today is Sorrow. With this card, I sense a lot of you all are in deep thoughts and may be feeling such an emotion. This is a time of potential transformation for yourselves, but mainly if you look deep within yourselves to find yourselves and make better.


United States flag

7 June

I just had a realization about the flag (not to besmirch the country; mainly a resonant observation). Red and blue makes purple, and a dark shade considering the blue is Navy. But add white, you get a shade that is Lavender. A bit of symbolance of mental prowess, I believe.

[GIF of the flag of The United States of America waving in the wind]