November 2013 Facebook Posts
The following covers Chris's Facebook activity in November 2013.
- 4 November - Chris offers further rationalizations and recriminations concerning ShecameforCWC.jpg.
- 4 November - Chris follows up with the latest in a long line of apologies to Megan for his "wishful thinking."
- 5 November - Chris reveals his new LEGO creation and a new video.
- 6 November - Chris posts a link to a LEGO site and says that he wants LEGO's attention.
- 12 November - Chris delivers another blanket apology.
- 19 November - Chris says he is lonely and depressed again, this time with pictures of his "steel-plated" heart and a poem.
- 25 November - Chris posts 3DS friend codes for himself and, apparently, his mother, seeking connections with other Pokemon players.
- 26 November - Chris apologizes to Megan. Again. He also mopes some more about his online reputation.
- 29 November - Chris sees little to be thankful for.
- 30 November - Chris angrily denies that he and his mother had Thanksgiving dinner at a soup hotel.
Posts by Chris
That Dang Drawing
4 November 2013
Listen, EVERYONE, that dang drawing I drew late 2007 that has been going around lately; I HAVE taken responsibility for it. I stated the details in an earlier post on here; I Tore Up the Original Drawing into pieces Years Ago; I do not possess any image files of the thing; I have long regretted having drawn the dang thing. A LOT of people draw/sculpt and have drawn/sculpted naked people and those having sex play. I have not drawn anything of the sort for YEARS, and I do not intend to draw such again. Please stop giving me grief and hatred about it, my old friends let us go back to being friends, and let us all move on with our lives. I fully forgive Megan Schroeder, Michael Snyder and Mary Lee Walsh for all of their misdeeds against me. |
Apologies to Megan
4 November 2013
I sincerely and deeply apologize to Megan Schroeder, and everyone else who saw the drawing, for ever drawing and for ever wishfully thinking that way. And to quote Pat Benatar, I hate myself for (EVER) loving you (Megan). |
Lego Manchester High School
Chris included a link to a YouTube video, the first he had released to the public in over two years.
5 November 2013
On October 18, Long BEFORE the friendly truth had arisen, I spent a whole week; over thirty hours, building this size-scale recreation of the Lego Friends High School; I fully dedicated to Manchester High School in Midlothian, Virginia, USA. |
Fully and more fully
Chris revealed that his new video was part of yet another contest.
6 November 2013 |
I'm interested in getting LEGO's attention as well with the full building; maybe get something for Manchester High, and for myself. Education is great, and it should be encouraged fully and more fully. |
12 November 2013
I am very sorry for EVERYTHING! Please, Either be my Friend FOR REAL In Person, or Please, Please, Please Shut the hell up EVERYWHERE ONLINE and OFFLINE and Leave Me Alone. - feeling sad, distressed and upset. |
One Matt Stufano replied to Chris:
You can only apologies so much, then its time to move on. You have said your peace and that is that. My advice to you is to wipe out your " friends " list of those who don't care or continue to cause you distress. If people take pleasure in your pain then they are not someone you need around. Well all make mistakes and that's what is great about the coming of the next day; we learn from them. Hold your head up, don't feed into others warped sense of fun by acknowledging the taunts and keep moving forward. That MHS dedication is fantastic, and your looking good and things can keep going in that direction. Keep up the positivity. |
Chris replied in turn, once again dismissing a friend's well-meaning advice and instead choosing to wallow in self-pity:
That is easy for you to say; your heart does not feel triple-flattened into a void of deepest sadness after losing the only closest friends you had ever before moving on into a failure of an "adulthood". Seriously, UNLESS, I actually, FINALLY, find IN PERSON and fall in love with a pretty or beautiful, and Truly Compassionate and Caring, woman who will Have To make the first move and everything, because after ALL of the emotional damage I have experienced, it will take a Honest and Truthful LOT to win me over. And I just feel total lack of true positivity, so ONLY in person consoling can help me even a smidge. |
Hurt, Lonely and Depressed For The nth Time
Once again (unsurprisingly), Chris posted on Facebook that he's lonely and depressed. However, he posted some pictures featuring his heart, along with a poem.
19 November 2013
Feeling Constantly Hurt, Lonely and Depressed since October 29. |
The Heart Gallery
Pokemon Safari
25 November 2013
Pok'emon Safari in X/Y; name is Christian; 3DS Friend Code is 2836-0121-9073. If adding me, please leave your 3DS Name and Friend Code in the Comments Under THIS Post; do not message me. |
In a comment, Chris added the following:
Here's another FC from this house: BarbarAnne, 4296-3385-2696. Gets you Gyarados, Octillary and Poliwhirl. |
The definition of insanity
26 November 2013
Listen. I do sincerely Forgive Megan Schroeder for everything she did to me and all. |
The Person I Am
26 November 2013
And Everything online that makes me look bad; none of them define me for the person I am. Do Not Judge Me on anything of that sort, or what any bad person spams or says. — feeling upset. |
Eddie Steel offered Chris the following advice:
27 November 2013
Learn from the past, live for the future! |
Of course, this is merely an exercise in futility, as Chris has had 5 years to learn from his past, yet has failed to learn anything.
Chris's life is a bleak wasteland. Happy Thanksgiving!
29 November 2013
Only things I can feel grateful for is the roof over my head, stuff to distract me, and my mother, dogs and cats to feel some love from. Even though I am unable to reciprocate the love, because my heart continues to ache from my lost High School memories and closest friends from then. Eight Chapters torn right from the middle of the book of my life; now the current/later chapters make little sense at all. One other thing I guess I can feel thanks for, REDACTED has shortened my life span with her heart flattening and steel-plating news. It Really Hurts. I continue to suffer. -:( feeling depressed. |
Kim posted:
Huh. Eight chapters? How do you count chapters of your life? What chapter are you in right now? |
Chris replied:
It's a metaphor for my High School years; originally a random number, you can take it as two chapters per year.
OMG; why must you take an obvious metaphor so literally? *heartache*UUUUUUUUGGGHH!!! |
I am not a mind reader. |
No freaking soup kitchen
30 November 2013
The damn rumor is false. For Christ's sake! My mother and I stayed at home All Day Thanksgiving Thursday; no freaking soup kitchen was involved in our lives at all. I am too damn depressed, so please quit badgering, bullying and harassing the hell out of me. GOD!!! |