December 2013 Facebook Posts

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Chris's new cover photo which was uploaded on 5 December 2013.

The following are Facebook posts Chris posted in December 2013. Chris ended the year by posting that he was having "the worst broken heart ever".


  • 5 December 2013 - Chris uploaded his new cover photo showing his broken heart, an undead Psyduck (from the Pokemon Adventures manga) and a Lego Zombie version of himself. He also complains about how lonely he is again. He tags Sarah Bevel in this post.
  • 19 December 2013 - Chris's former high school crush, Kellie Andes shares the video For J-R's Eyes Only.MOV.
  • 21 December 2013 - Chris posts his Pokemon Safari code.
  • 23 December 2013 - Chris posts about Justine Sacco dreaming of having sex with an autistic person, failing to understand her whole post.
  • 27 December 2013 - Chris's classmate, Sarah Bevel shares a picture of Chris wearing his mum's underwear.
  • 30 December 2013 - Chris complains about his depression, his loneliness and the Internet. For some odd reason, he attaches a heavily cropped screenshot of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link to the post. Considering its subject matter and what is visible in the shot he uploaded, which mentions that "he knows nothing", it can be presumed that he had intended to reference a particular line of dialogue from one of the villagers in the game.

Posts by Chris


After uploading his new cover photo, Chris posted another self-pitying post and tags Sarah Bevel for this post:

5 December 2013

I have NO in-person friends Locally; my old friends don't want to be around me... I may as well as be dead for all they care!

Chris yamask.jpg Chris cubone.jpg

William Elliott Waterman posts a comment, as usual, unrelated to the post but only the pictures Chris posted:

I love cubone and yamask

Pokemon Safari; No Facebook Messages

Chris then solicits offers for friendship for the latest Pokemon game. Code redacted for his identity protection.

21 December 2013

Pok'emon Safari in X/Y; name is Christian; 3DS Friend Code is [REDACTED] If adding me, please message your 3DS Name and Friend Code in the Miiverse to me at SonichuChandler; no Facebook Messages.

Justine Sacco's sex dream

In an attempt to "win" against his former high school gal-pals and his trolls due to his autism, Chris posted this:

23 December 2013

Hey! Justine Sacco Dreams of having Sex with an Autistic person (drunk or not; child or adult, it is all hidden desires for her conscious). So, EAT THAT, you immature brats and Immature Ex-High-School-Girl-Friends! :(P

NOTE: Justine Sacco was a PR executive for InterActive Corp, who made the news for an infamous tweet which read "Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding. I'm white!". CNN's story on Sacco also highlighted choice Tweets by Sacco before she deleted her account, among which was this Tweet, from February 24, 2012:

"I had a sex dream about an autistic kid last night. #fml."

Chris likely read the story, saw the Tweet, and not knowing that FML is an abbrevation for "fuck my life", proceeded to brag about it on Facebook.

Chris is lost

Chris then posted two posts while ushering in the New Year. The first post includes a scene from a game named Zelda II. The reason why he posted the picture is unknown.

A more detailed version of the scene from Zelda II that Chris referenced.
30 December 2013 (scheduled 23 December)

I know nothing. I am lost. My mind is a constant, zombie-like, blank. I am depressed. I am in misery. No one outside my house acknowledges me. There is no true care or love on the internet, or from anyone hiding behind their screens and monitors of any kind.

I know nothing. I am lost.


William replies with compassion:

What's Zelda II have to do with it?

Worst Broken Heart Ever

Chris then posts the second post for having the worst broken heart ever, trying to fish for pity again.

31 December 2013 (scheduled 23 December)

Here's to another year in this dead-end life with the worst broken heart ever.


William posted a reply to this post, (again) unrelated to his heart level:

Hey, after that moment, Fry got sent to the future where he got to work at an express company making deliveries to alien planets! You never know what's right around the corner.

Posts by his friends (or in this case, ex-gal pals)

It Gets WORSE!

On 19 December, Kellie Andes, one of Chris's former crushes in high school has seen the infamous For J-R's Eyes Only.MOV video and shares it:

17 December 2013

OMG guys it gets WORSE! I threw up a little in my mouth after watching this. If you have a weak stomach, turn back now.

Mommy's Undies

On 27 December, Sarah Bevel, another one of Chris's former crushes posted another info about Chris, this time about him wearing his mom's underwear:

27 December 2013

A "friend" sent me this. Not only does Christian like to borrow mommy's undies, but he apparently "spoons" with her as well. Just when you think you've heard it all.
