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Never take your friends for granted. Video games and the internet are not a substitute for genuine human interaction. Without real friends, you will always be unhappy.}}
Never take your friends for granted. Video games and the internet are not a substitute for genuine human interaction. Without real friends, you will always be unhappy.}}


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The following are a series of posts by Chris on Facebook in December 2014.


Posts by Chris

December 2014 Medallion Update

Chris continued his sale for the Sonichu medallions. Meanwhile, according to him, he's expected to move back to his renovated house within the next few weeks.

3 December 2014

Medallion Update: I have a few orders to create and ship by Friday now.

Now, my mother and I are expecting to be moving back into our renovated house within the next couple of weeks. And the available count on the medals is apparently low, and eBay won't let me up the quantity at this time. And I am unable to relist the B&W Commission and Autographed Photo listings either.

So, now here is the current deal: I will take more orders until Friday the 5th, and have them rushed and shipped by Wednesday

Now, if you still want to buy medals to share as gifts, I will offer Four Medals for the $100 price under the matching prices Coloured Commission.

And if you pay me $120 through the Works Commission, I will do Six medals.

The basic Sonichu medals are the easiest and quickest for me to make, but I will still take requests for the other characters or customs.

Either way: I will also draw the commissions appropriately, but you Have to choose on the multi deal there: Multiple Medallions, Or a Coloured/Framed Coloured drawing. You WILL NEED TO SPECIFY in the message option when checking out, or after in an eBay PM.

Every Purchase at this time is Also Eligible for a Free Autographed Photograph (optional); You MUST SPECIFY if you want the Free Photo.

Again: Any Orders made AFTER the 5th will NOT be able to be made or filled until AFTER December 25th. So you Have to Order Now, Before the 5th, to Guarantee Your Order to be shipped Before next Wednesday.

Thank you for your understanding, patience and understanding.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Sonic's Arms Hatred: The Backstory

Chris continued his rant over Sonic Boom, revealing that his hate for Sonic's blue arms started since February.

He later ended his Facebook post with a YouTube link to the Sonic Boom TV Trailer.

3 December 2014

I have just received a question from one of my girl friends: "So, I'm curious, where did you hear about this blue-armed Sonic Issue? Is it something you discovered on your own, or is it a bigger issue in the Sonic community?"

To best answer this question, and to VERY MUCH my visual dismay and further recollection: I HAVE been feeling this SINCE Last February. I needed to search for the ONE Announcement Trailer Video of the DAMN TV Show. I Remember finding it for myself on either Facebook through SEGA's feed, or on YouTube through the video recommendations, on my laptop, as we were moving into the temporary house. I felt UTTER Shock at the sight of the Blue Arms on Sonic immediately as I watched it for the first time that day in Early February, 2014; This Year.

I was too busy and stressed from collecting as much as possible from the burnt house, and bringing them either to our Storage Unit, and this house's basement

I had not thought about the issue much, UNTIL Last June or July with the E3 Trailers being presented on the SEGA and Sonic Facebook Pages! Since Then, I have continuously protested the Blue Arms by commenting and messaging them that "Sonic's Arms are NOT Blue!!!" And among which, I have Warned Them that this sort of thing would NOT end well for them, and it was, and still is, a Very Bad Idea!!!

So, in short: I watched the damn trailer last February, I felt Pissed Off Then, I relearned about it last June or July: I Still felt Very Pissed Off, and NOW I am continually Growing and GROWING More Angry and PISSED OFF AT SEGA, NINTENDO AND CARTOON NETWORK AND EVERYONE ELSE INVOLVED THERE!!!

I have Contacted SEGA and Commented NUMEROUSLY with MONTHS worth of time. They ignored me, Not Responded or Done Anything about it at all, and therefore the time for Talk IS LONG DONE AND OVERWITH!!! AND WE NEED ACTION UPON SEGA AND SONIC BOOM NOW MORE THAN EVER!!!

Thank you.


The Second Season

After discovering that the Sonic Boom is renewed for a second season, Chris posted on Facebook to complain about it again.

5 December 2014

A Second Season of the ‪#‎SonicBoom‬ show with those, UGH!!!, Blue Arms?!!! Hell No!!!

Boycott ‪#‎CartoonNetwork‬ With Me!!! Refuse to Watch the channel!!! Refuse to go to their Website for Any Reason as well!!! And TELL THEM TO PULL THE DAMN CARTOON FROM THE AIR AND FORCE ‪#‎SEGA‬ TO RECOLOUR SONIC'S ARMS BACK IMMEDIATELY!!!



Spreading the Good Word

5 December 2014

Also, Spreading the good word around; commenting and messaging others as I have? Copy/Paste the following short-but-direct message, with the link below:



Join My Group, FIX SONIC'S ARMS IMMEDIATELY, SEGA!!!, and Sign Our Petition NOW!!!


Move Back to 14BLC has officially begun

6 December 2014

**On Move; No New Orders Until 2015** **eBay Listings UPDATE 12/06/2014**

As of this moment, up to January first, 2015, I am on break from making medallions and commissions, aside from all of the remainder that will be completed and shipped by Wednesday the 10th.

My mother and I are going to be in the process of moving back into our renovated house by Christmas.

Any new orders made between now and January 1st will not be able to begin or fill them until close to or after that date. Feel free to place a new order if you wish now, but do not expect it/them until middle of next January.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience, and Appreciate your patronage, patience and understanding. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.

Greatest Mistake Ever

7 December 2014

Follow My Lead to Force SEGA to Wise Up and Fix Their Greatest Mistake Ever!!!

Chris later on posted a link to this post to his Facebook group:

EVERYONE! I am going to hand-write to SEGA about this matter, and I have just called their 1-800 number and left a message last night. I will call again middle of this coming week if they do not call me back.

I am urging everyone in the group to write and/or telephone SEGA as well, and INSIST and DEMAND upon them to Recall Everything Sonic Boom, including the cartoon and video games, and Change Sonic's Arm Colour Back Immediately!!!

Suggest for them to do the following: -Recall ALL remaining stock of the Sonic Boom Games and Merchandise from ALL of the stores carrying them. -On the eSHOPS, IMMEDIATELY change the initial software to reflect Sonic with his original Tan Colour Arms, as well ALL video and imagery therein on there. -Replace ALL of their imagery and videos on their official websites and pages to reflect Sonic with the original tan colour arms as well. -IMMEDIATELY create NEW game Cards, Discs AND Inserts with Sonic's original tan colour arms. And on the software, the arm colour MUST be there INITIALLY; BEFORE any downloaded Software Updates. -INSTILL downloadable Software Updates for all of the already sold games to reflect Sonic Initially with tan colour arms as well. -REMOVE the Sonic Boom Cartoon from the Television and Internet airwaves, and change ALL of the Season One Episodes for Sonic to have his Original Tan Colour Arms, and Initially make that default in ALL following Seasons of episodes, including the Second Season. -AND They Must Announce this Recall and Update, As well as Apologies to Every Individual Person who Has Found Little to GREATEST Offense in the new Arm Colour, IMMEDIATELY, WORLDWIDE BROADCAST AND IN PRINTED MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS EVERYWHERE!!!

Also, copy and paste the following true statement in your letters and telephone conversations:

"The very sight of Sonic's Blue Arms makes our ally, Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA, suffer from consistent Sensory Overloads. Upon seeing them, his brain immediately shuts down into a momentary to lengthy (depending on how long he is forced to displeasingly endure the horrific sight) state of mental paralysis. Combined with his Autism, he only gets more angry as each day passes with this pair of blue arms still remains. Either the Change back to him having tan colored arms happens IMMEDIATELY, or he and our THOUSANDS to MILLIONS of allies in the Sonic the Hedgehog Loyal Fanbase will only get more Angry and Outraged to the point of coming right over there to your office and doing something Very Bad there."

Also, if somehow you have managed to receive a copy of either Sonic Boom game (no questions asked), you should SMASH the Game Disc and or Game Card, and enclose the pieces with your Letter to SEGA of America. To show them that we are Very Serious and Passionate towards Rectifying their mistake in changing Sonic's arm colour.



‪#‎SEGA‬ ‪#‎SonicTheHedgehog‬ ‪#‎SonicBoom‬ ‪#‎Nintendo‬ ‪#‎CartoonNetwork‬ ‪#‎GameStop‬ ‪#‎ToysRUs‬ ‪#‎WalMart‬ ‪#‎Target‬ ‪#‎BestBuy‬ ‪#‎WiiU‬ ‪#‎Wii‬ ‪#‎3DS‬ ‪#‎DS‬ ‪#‎DSi‬ ‪#‎AmyRose‬ ‪#‎Tails‬ ‪#‎Knuckles‬ ‪#‎Robotnik‬ ‪#‎Eggman‬

Pickle Joke

In Chris's new "FIX SONIC'S ARMS BACK" Facebook group, Chris posted about the pickle joke in the show, surprisingly being neutral about it.

10 December 2014

I know well I said not to talk about the show much, or post any spoilers. This time, though, I am willing to make this exception.

I have heard that in the show, Sonic ordered a sandwich with no pickles, but is served the sandwich with extra pickles. I feel neutral/indifferent about the joke. But my friend read a bit into it as a possible reference to myself, as well as a possible middle finger gesture to me from SEGA. Being Serious and Sincere, no sarcasm or jokes: what do y'all think/feel from this lame pickled vegetable joke? Answer in the comments of this post.

For Christ's and God's Sake

Chris shared another of SEGA's Facebook posts, this time about introducing the main character, and Chris as usual complained about his blue arms.

12 December 2014



BMW is still for sale

Chris once again placed his mom's BMW on sale.

13 December 2014

1996 BMW Z3 1.9


The key was misplaced, but we Have Found It. Call Barbara Anne at [REDACTED]; SERIOUS INQUIRIES AND CASH ON HAND PEOPLE ONLY!!!


Don't Ask, Don't Tell

15 December 2014

Do Not Ask; Do Not Comment; No Comment from me either. — feeling crappy.

Protesting Sonic Boom on Miiverse

Chris continued his protest for Sonic's blue arms.... this time on Miiverse.

16 December 2014

Why did I NOT think of reaching out to the MiiVerse before? I did not think of it until today.

MiiverseProtest1.jpg MiiverseProtest2.jpg

Meme Run

After playing "Meme Run" on the Wii U, Chris posted this on Facebook:

18 December 2014

**The following is an open opinion**

I Hate the Internet Trolls, and I know very well to just ignore them and continue living my life, while they hack into whatever to get whatever emails, text and crap they want, purely for content.

I also am aware of some of the number of their related, typical icons and whatnot, including "Awesome Smile", "4Chan" Clover, "ANON" green head with question mark, "PedoBear", Anything from within the Rage Comics, Internet Memes (whatever the hell those are), and whatnot.

I have just downloaded "Meme Run" from the eShop on the Wii U. The details from its listing intrigued me a couple of weeks ago. I figured I might learn more of what the trolls think about all of the time from it, more or less. All "Meme Run" is, essentially, is a LOT of their popular and favorited icons(?) and sounds popping up all over the place, while the Rage Face on a stick body runs, jumps and "slides". It is Chaotic, Sensory Overloading, Loud and Annoying.

I can seriously say that IF this is what the Damn Internet Trolls and Cyber Bullies think of, at random, ALL of the time, for the most screwed up humor of theirs: they all are Seriously Stressed, Weird, Offensive and Mentally Demented and Screwed Up. They must LIVE with Sensory Overloading crap to the point of blending in and being used to it. I would certainly NOT want to go to someone's house with that Loudest Amount of Visual Noise and Distortion. Headaches and Eye Pain! Stress!!!

To be frank and short, about Internet Trolls, CyberBullies, and "Meme Run": Holy F***ing S***!!! You Lot already have your damn HeXBox; stay the Hell Away from SEGA, Nintendo and Sony!!!

Have a good day.

More protests

20 December 2014

I have just taken nearly every last Blue-Arm-Bandit image on the Sonic the Hedgehog Page, and Fixed Sonic's Arm Colour Back in each of them; Let's Spam These Images To the STH Page, Cartoon Network, SEGA, and MAKE THEM SEE THAT THE ORIGINAL ARM COLOUR IS MORE ACCEPTABLE AND BEAUTIFUL THAN THE UGLY, HORRIFIC BLUE ARMS!!!


New Facebook 20 Dec. 2.jpg

Cautious optimism

20 December 2014

This is News to me, after Just Googling "SEGA Recall Sonic Boom", I get the following article. I've read it; bugs or NOT, the Blue Arms remain the main concern. And in response to the article, I still remain unsure if this is a win on our side, considering we are looking for IMMEDIATE ARM COLOUR FIXES to the CURRENT SONIC BOOM GAME, regardless of bug patches that may have been distributed.

What I feel this tells me is that SEGA's people and crew are Cowering Behind Their Own Mothers' Dresses and Skirts in their own estrangements from reality. What a bunch of Cowards!

Let's Call Them Out on THIS in our Efforts to FORCE THEM to RECALL EVERYTHING SONIC BOOM AND CHANGE SONIC'S ARM COLOUR BACK IMMEDIATELY!!! This may be a break in our turn we've been looking for.

Whatever you do, don't send me a copy of Sonic Boom

21 December 2014

Christmas is going to end up being neutral here this year. The house will not be ready for moving back in before the holiday. So, it'll be just a day at home with the family.

If anyone wishes to send a present or gift card, please consult my Wish List and Gift Card photo albums here. I Really still Require the big Grand Emporium Lego Set.

And, if you're going to be sending a joke gift: a lump of coal, or a copy of the blue arm bandit Sonic Boom games would be the most offensive to me.

Merry Christmas, Happy Haunakah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Other Holidays too. And have a good and safe day.

Comments by Chris


On 6 December, Chris continued his protest against Sonic Boom after discovering that the show was renewed for the second season. He later on posted a link again to the Gamnesia article.

And furthermore, this notion and News is most Utterly Repulsive and Inexcusible!!!

Chris needs friends to be happy

On 21 December 2014, Chris shared the following post by "Hotdiggedydemon":

Never take your friends for granted. Video games and the internet are not a substitute for genuine human interaction. Without real friends, you will always be unhappy.